Times are a Changing

It's good see Evan eating his mom's black bean salad. That boy can always use the extra protein. Stay away from the carbs, dude. They spike your simple sugars and are simply not good for you. I would do well to heed my own advice. But that bean salad is exceptional. It's even better with a little avocado added to the mix. Not the mashed variety, mind you, but sliced and diced just the way your mamma makes it for you. Don't forget to add a hint of lime and a dash of pepper and you are ready to rock and roll. As Ev's summer gets under way I have concerns that I don't see evidence of meal preparation one way or the other when I get home from work. I would expect to see diminished stocks of edibles in the fridge but that is not the case. The telltale bowl of cereal sitting near the sink holds most of the milk but none of the Cheerios he had for breakfast and that is about it. "He is eating too much fast food", his mamma tells me. Subs from the Hungry for lunch, Taco Bell for supper, and McDonald's for a late evening snack.


When we keep oven-roasted turkey on hand, delicious bread from the local bakery sitting in the refrigerator, and low-sodium Lacey swiss cheese for his sandwich making pleasure, I just don't know why he doesn't eat at home. Maybe the boy doesn't like to eat alone. Maybe he is just not all that fond of turkey. It's hard to tell sometimes. Were he to articulate his desires we might be able to accommodate him. TELL US WHAT YOU WANT. Until that day arrives, all we can do is make sure that we have a package of crackers handy for those times when he too can't decide but should darn well be putting something in his stomach. Best to do that before you get behind the wheel or so his doctor tells him. Food is your lifeline, laddie. Make good choices and you will live a long productive life. Make bad choices and you will rot in hormonal hell until the day you die.

It's funny how things change over time. There was a time when I could care less about baseball and there was a time when I cared a lot about seeing it. I had my favorite pitchers, I had players I could care less about, I had players I wanted to see get hurt being the despicable bastard I am sometimes. I think I'm over all that now. I've turned my attention to other things. Reading, mainly. Reading and doing other things on my iPad that occupy my mind and take me away from the ordinary and mundane. Baseball was never a real love of mine but I did watch it. Not sure what is going to happen when football season rolls around since I love to hate the patriots and would watch them just to see them lose. Not a laudable way to go for any sports fan I suppose. And I took great pleasure this past week suspending my DirecTV services. Why pay for all the stuff I never watch? We get a few basic channels on Comcast which we never disconnected and I download all of my other content for $9 a month. I watch what I want to watch when I want to watch it. Oh yes, and then there is Netflix. We do pay for that service. At $8 a month, not a bad deal. I'm putting the final touches on my WiFi coverage in the house and will soon be streaming my content from one end of the house to the other. How does the rest of the family feel about all these changes? Ev never watches TV but appreciates a good movie and maybe a good jail break type series from time to time so he is good to go. Nan is a Housewives follower and enjoys a good series like Nurse Jackie or True Blood from time to time so she is good to go. Popcorn, anyone?