Father's Day 2014

With the world going to hell in a hand basket I feel slightly self indulgent talking about something as insignificant as Father's day. But it is worthwhile to stop and think about such things on occasion and this day is no different. Not sure what I'm supposed to be reflecting on or even if the day is deserving of any reflection at all. You might even consider the angle that I was nothing more than a sperm donor although my responsibilities after the fact were greater than those otherwise expected of a donor anonymous or otherwise. I certainly, even to this day, deserve no medals or applause for fulfilling my responsibilities as a father so take a dim view of these manufactured holidays to celebrate same. That is a good thing because Evan will, no doubt, not consider the day one way or another and I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, I told Nancy not to say anything to him because I do not want nor do I expect a pavlovian response. Maybe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree all things considered. Holidays come and go and I too take little notice and feel little residual guilt when confronted by my loved ones. Were my father alive I would undoubtedly dismiss the day and not give it more than a second's thought before moving on. I think that is what he would want for and from me. Not sure how you teach detachment but it seems that the lesson however imparted was not lost on me. Funny how that works.


But the day is a beauty here on the coast. Temperatures are moderate; humidity is low; the sun is shining brightly; and there is a wonderful breeze that promises to offer relief as we head out for our bike ride. I think we'll go 15 miles or more today traffic permitting. I like to get on the road early but was a wee bit distracted by news out of the middle east so wanted to catch a couple of the talking head shows just to get up to speed. There was a lot of talk about boots on the ground, drones, aircraft carriers, and our fearless leader's indecision and actions from the past that brought us to this moment in history. But fear not, citizens. Your fearless leader is on the links in Southern California thinking about what he might like to do in response to jihad taking place in Iraq. He has effectively distanced himself considerably from the VA hospital issue and countless other missteps either calculated or otherwise and all designed to weaken our presence on the world stage. There isn't anyone who doesn't believe that the influx of thousands of children on our southern border coming in from Southern and Central America wasn't orchestrated as part and parcel of the democrats overall strategy to force the passage of some form of amnesty. Create a humanitarian issue with children front and center and it will surely prompt the opposition to cross the aisle to get in line with the democrats. If the votes are not there at the end of the day, Obama has a pen and a phone and will act without congress if necessary. They can't impeach this bastard soon enough.

But I digress. We'll be having cold salmon and black bean salad for dinner and that will be a nice way to end the day. I have a good mind to make some iced coffee with my new Cuisinart machine and I may well use a hazelnut brew. I do not typically use flavored coffees but got a sampler pack with the machine so may well give it a try. The machine has an iced beverage setting and I am most curious as to how that is going to work. Strawberries are just now coming into season hereabouts so we'll see if we can't round some of those up in our travels today as well. Blueberries can't be far behind. Speaking of distractions, Casey Kasem died today. I know, I know. Casey who? You know, that top 40 guy. You may be more familiar with Casey Kasem in his role as the voiceover artist "Shaggy" in the Scooby Doo series. The distractions just never end.