Shit Show

After listening to a days worth of coverage on this Afghanistan thing, I have to cut the leftist media in our country a little slack. They've been asking the right questions and they've rightly taken Biden to task for his piss-poor planning that resulted in this debacle we see playing out on the tarmac in Kabul, Afghanistan and across every television screen across the globe.


Everyone was incensed that the proper precautions were not taken in advance of the pullout. The dreaded Taliban now has the upper hand with thousands of people left behind and whose fate may now be sealed by the all-too-hasty departure of American troops.

I was, quite frankly, surprised by the angry reaction in the leftist media at the kerfuffle unfolding by the minute in the dusty outback of Afghanistan. They were rightly angry with the president whose advisers and yes-men bungled what might have otherwise been a better organized effort under any other circumstances. It didn't have to end this way and that was an unescapable truth. Biden happened to be on vacation at Camp David at the time and only returned after there was a hue and cry across the globe for someone, anyone, from the Biden Administration to come to the podium to say something, anything.

Not that anyone expected that his words would make any sense, much less give comfort and aid to those in need of same, but it didn't help when he finally returned to the White House and gave the much awaited teleprompter speech that he gave. I think the worse part was when he failed to take even one question after the speech. He turned tail and got out of town and back to his vacation spot while thousands of Americans anxiously awaited their turn for an opportunity to take the next flight out of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the Taliban were going door to door looking for people who had supported the Americans.

Demented Joe usually has a contingent of faithful followers in the media who work for networks that are favorable to his political party. I expected that Joe would have a few cue cards in his jacket pocket with the names of people he could call on. They would ask their pre-planned questions and he would read his responses off his cue cards and that would be that. As sad as that sounds, that's the state of affairs we find ourselves in here in our great country. The minute Joey headed for the exits after the speech, it was clear to anyone paying attention that the media too had turned on him in his hour of need (and rightly so.)

Presidents are entitled to make some mistakes and then we just move on as a country for better or worse. The problem with the Biden Administration is that we move from one crisis to another without resolution one way or another. Maybe, just maybe, that's all by design. How else do you explain the travesty of his open borders policy that looks more and more each day like an invasion. Opening borders to allow in day migrant workers is one thing. Opening your borders to let in migrants from across the globe without concern for their welfare or the welfare of those Americans who might be infected by the diseases they carry or the crimes they commit is quite another.

I'm not wanting to beat this Biden thing to death but you have to admit, he and his minions are putting our country in greater and greater jeopardy with every passing day. The message that this Afghanistan thing sent to leaders around the world is not a good one. China now has the rationale that they need to take Taiwan. Russia too can now think about annexing other countries without interference from the hapless Americans.

Even your allies are in disbelief at what they are witnessing now as a result of Biden's incompetence. Consider this if you will: Biden has not called one ally of ours since this happened. Not fucking one. They are all talking to each other ,but not a one is even discussing getting bumbling Biden on the horn. This is what compromised leadership looks like.

What are we to think of the fact that we are hearing nothing from Biden's Vice President, Kamala Harris? I'm thinking that is by design. Not that Harris has the wherewithal or the gravitas to upstage Biden, but Biden's people are taking no chances. She could actually make matters worse by opening her mouth. If anyone in the Biden Administration has less credibility than hapless Joe, it's one-percent Harris. The one-percent reference, of course, refers to the votes she got when she ran in the 2020 democratic presidential primary.

Looming on the horizon is the twentieth anniversary of 9/11. If they are unable to extricate all of the Americans from Afghanistan by 9/11, it could become another defining moment for the Biden Administration. We could see beheadings, imprisonments, the routing out and rounding up of foreign nationals, and god only knows what else. American troops have control of one of the airports in Kabul, but the Taliban control all routes in and out of the city. Expanding our footprint on the ground is probably not feasible nor would it be tolerated by the Taliban. They have America by the balls and they know it.

It was good to see Trump on Hannity last night. We needed to hear a rational voice at this moment in history when teleprompters and demented old fools like Joe Biden just can't and won't cut the mustard. Trump was in his element talking about his negotiations with the Taliban. He exuded strength and courage in his exchange with Hannity the likes of which Biden has never experienced even on his best day. Polls out today tell us that were Biden and Trump to run against each other today that Trump would now win handily. Maybe those suburban moms are having buyers remorse after seeing their children masked up and held down for the jab by the government forces.

What's this I'm hearing about leaders from foreign countries reaching out to Hillary Clinton because neither Biden or Harris will return their phone calls? She has no authority to speak for the government so she needs to shut the fuck up. Clinton aside, what the hell is going on? And yesterday, Biden gave another teleprompter speech about Covid and said not a word about Afghanistan. Like his previous speech, he turned and walked off the stage after delivering his speech. He took no questions and, in all likelihood, was instructed by his handlers to not take questions. This is sheer insanity.

I have to wonder if this whole thing with Afghanistan wasn't something of a ruse. What if the Taliban was actually stronger and more in control of the country than our government was willing to admit? What if the Taliban actually gave us an ultimatum to leave the country or face a crushing defeat? Is it possible that our country, with the alleged greatest military in the world, could be beaten at their own game by a bunch of rag-tag sandal-wearing militants in a dusty outback the likes of Afghanistan?

To admit that kind of defeat in the tug of war that is currently in play on the world stage would be to admit to a vulnerability that would not ultimately serve us or our allies well. It would, no doubt, please the Hollywood elites to no end to see us taken down a notch or two or more. Maybe getting out while we still could was the only game in town. Now, all they needed was a distraction to take everyone down a rabbit hole or two while we exited the country with our proverbial tails between our legs. We got that in spades with the "hastily" planned pullout fiasco. Mission accomplished.

I know it doesn't help to explain how it came to pass that we left thousands of Americans in the country to fend for themselves. Maybe that should tell you something about just how badly we were losing the ground war in that country. What did we tell the tens of thousands of Americans who are now trapped behind enemy lines? Were they under the false impression that the country was stabilized and that no harm would come to them in their role as ambassadors and contractors?


Knowing what we know about the instability in the country, why would we intentionally put people in harm's way? Were these so-called selfless humanitarians part and parcel of the narrative built up for the sole purpose of deceiving an otherwise gullible public? Maybe this is where Biden and his hapless Vice President come riding in on a white horse to save the fucking day. Maybe this kabuki dance isn't over. What failing Administration in the history of our country hasn't pulled a rabbit out of the hat at the last minute in order to save their collective arses? Wait for it.

The final pieces are falling into place. All we need now are videos of Americans being beheaded and their corpses being dragged through the streets of major cities in Afghanistan. Biden would awaken from his dirt nap, disconnect his feeding tubes, call the generals to order, rally our allies, and he would proceed to bomb the Taliban-held backwater back to the Stone Age. Americans would die in the thousands but the Biden Administration would be hailed as heroes in the global media for having the testicular fortitude to defend life and liberty in the face of a humanitarian disaster. This is what real leaders do.

All kidding aside, I think Biden's time may be winding down. We can't have a president who can't take questions when our country is in a crisis. He knows it and we know it. When is Jill Biden and the rest of the Biden Crime Family going to figure that out? Maybe they're seeing if Hunter can nail down one or two more portraits before they call it quits. At $500k a pop, that should do the trick.

Speaking of pops, a portrait of Corn Pop (Biden) stroking the long hairs on his legs while straddling a diving board and surrounded by pre-adolescent children at the local pool should fetch a good price. If I had to guess, I would say that the history books are not going be kind to Joey and his clown car of a family. Then again, liberals write the history books so something more flattering than not might emerge. He did get eighty-million votes, after all.

Then again, if not taking questions is the litmus test we hold dear as a country for making it as a leader or not, Wheels-Up Harris will also not survive the cut since she's nowhere to be found. Like I said before, just a complete zero. It all leaves us in a very sad place. I'm just a one-man circular firing squad today. I can't get out of my own way. It's all negativity all the time.

I'm not usually this upbeat. Maybe the thought of having Corn Pop removed from the Oval Office while sedated for his own good is putting me in a better mood. On the other hand, we had better be careful what we wish for. I heard someone suggest today that Harris might name Hillary as her Vice President. I wonder if Harris has ever heard of Vince Foster.

It was just one red flag moment after another yesterday. One guy was sitting in a pick-up truck in Washington D.C. talking nonsense and threatening to blow up an entire city block. There was an inferno of a car or truck fire on the bridge in San Fran-Sicko. There were countless other stories of seemingly less importance but all, and make no mistake about it, were designed to take the focus in the media off Biden's boondoggle in Afghanistan. Things were going from bad to worse. We have the media to thank for not allowing the Afghanistan story to slip to the back pages where stories go to die. This story is not going away.

It's the kind of story that we'll likely never fully understand. One curious angle coming out yesterday was that Biden had sent massive shipments of military equipment to Afghanistan in the weeks leading up to the pullout. None of that equipment was withdrawn before the pullout. It's almost as though the equipment was intended to end up in the hands of the Taliban. It was a deliberate shipment meant to arm the Taliban for reasons, at least as of today, that are unknown.

Others have postulated that the media is going after Biden because they do the bidding of the CIA and other intelligence agencies. The CIA loves wars and does not want our country pulling troops out of Afghanistan. There is just too much money to be made for the contractors and the military industrial complex. Remember when Trump wanted to pull our troops out of Afghanistan and, voila, the CIA leaked a story to the media about Russians paying bounties for American scalps in Afghanistan? The media, of course, is not a news organization in the truest sense of the word. They serve masters whose names you will never see in the corporate charter.

I'll end this with what turned out to be a pathetic presser yesterday by Biden. He was reading prepared comments off a teleprompter and made comments that were just patently untrue. For example, Al-Qaeda is no longer in Afghanistan. He also said that no allies of ours had any concerns (I'm paraphrasing) about what we were doing in Afghanistan. Unbelievably, he said something about Americans having safe passage through Taliban checkpoints on their way to the airport.

All of these abject falsehoods infuriated the media who knew better and things only got worse when spokespersons from the State Department gave their own pressers and were forced to admit that their boss was just wrong about so many things he had to say.

It went from bad to worse when he took questions after completing his speech. He kept looking down at his notes. He was looking to see which media friendly audience member he was supposed to call on. It was all very premeditated. The people selected asked the questions while reading the texts from their phones that Biden's people had given them to ask. Let's make sure that Sleepy Joe doesn't get a question that he's not prepared for. That would be a disaster.

We can't have the Commander-in-Chief looking like a fucking dope. The world was watching and, yet, they couldn't make it work. In fact, as it always does with Biden, it made matters worse. This is what happens when you steal elections and when you prop up bad people. They do bad things and that puts each and every American both at home and on foreign lands at risk. It's not complicated.