
What the hell is going on with this Ukraine thing? I thought the threat of sanctions was going to be the straw that broke the back of Putin and his soldiers that are sitting 100k strong on the borders of Ukraine just waiting for the word before going in. I'm waking up this morning to newspaper headlines that are more reminiscent of headlines you might have seen during the Battle of the Bulge or Normandy than the present day. NATO countries far and wide, including the United States, are now sending troops, fighter jets, aircraft carriers, and god only knows what else to the area.


Did I miss a fucking memo somewhere? It's not enough to pull our people out of the embassies and call it a day? Don't these damn democrats have enough blood on their hands after the fiascos in Afghanistan and Iraq? I mean, are we looking at World War III here? Then again, the democrat party under bumbling and demented Joe Biden is seriously under water, politically speaking. With a mid term election just around the corner, their prospects for keeping the House and the Senate are getting worse by the day. A little distraction in a faraway place might be just what the doctor ordered.

I suppose Vlad has some say in how this all plays out. How much of an appetite do the Russian people have for a protracted war on their border? With NATO forces entering the fray, will China and Iran stand idly by while their ally, Russia, fends for itself in the escalating conflict? Will China take advantage of the conflict to go into Taiwan while NATO is otherwise occupied in another part of the world? Can the US sustain battles on multiple fronts and for how long before something gives? Is conventional war even a thing anymore, here as we are, in the year of the Lord, 2022?

The democrats are so proud of their boy, Joey Biden, for having what it takes to stand up to the Russkies. They couldn't care less how many of our boys and girls come home in body bags. They know that bumbling Joey and his wife with the fishnet stockings will stand side by side with his generals as the coffins are unloaded on the tarmac at the military base in his home state of Delaware. It will be a defining moment for our Commander-in-Chief the likes of which have heretofore escaped him during his first year in office. The media coverage will be unlike anything you've ever seen. Bumbling Joey wouldn't have it any other way.

One thing you never hear the media talking about when they are singing Joey's praises is just how much his dementia plays into everything he is doing and everything he is planning to do. It's the veritable eight hundred pound gorilla in the room. His declining cognitive state is a liability and its likely one of the reasons that the likes of Putin and Xi are moving aggressively to do what they never would have done while Donald J Trump was in office. How can you have a Commander-in-Chief waging a war if he spends 75% of his time at his home in Delaware and calls a lid every day at 1PM?

I can't let the republicans completely off the hook here. They are attached at the hip with the Military Industrial Complex and have been for decades. They've also been taking money from the defense contractors since time immemorial so there's that. If that means supporting a beleaguered and demented old fool like Joey "bumbles" Biden, then that's a small price to pay. You get behind your Commander-in-Chief when the chips are down and our national interests are in play. With everyone on the same page, and like a freight train barreling down the tracks, we're now likely to go down a perilous path the likes of which can only lead to a very bad place for our country.

I do find it a little bit odd that this buildup of Russian troops and equipment has been going on for a while now. Who telegraphs that they are going to wage war? Is the element of surprise no longer an important part of waging war? Maybe they are looking to win the war without firing a shot. You know, intimidate the country into turning over the keys to the capitol in order to avoid bloodshed. I can't even imagine what war would look like if it were it to happen here on US soil. Would I still be able to go to my favorite Starbucks if and when I'm in the mood? Would I have to fear for my life and the lives of my family members?

I don't know. Maybe this is just more of the same for the citizenry of Ukraine. I think I've heard that a third of the population speaks Russian so having a language in common with your conquerors probably helps. They are a sovereign nation but they were once part of the Soviet empire so coming back under the Soviet umbrella as it were may not be as traumatic as one might think. Nonetheless, they are ill equipped to fight off Vlad and all the military might at his disposal. It would be a futile and costly war were they to make a stand but bending over has its costs too. What to do, what to do.

How much, if anything, does the fact that the Biden Crime Family has deep and allegedly criminal ties to government officials in Ukraine matter? Remember the "10% for the big guy" expression? That's demented Joe's cut of Hunter Biden's allegedly criminal exploits in the cauldrons of corruption in places like Ukraine, China, etc. Who doesn't believe for even a minute that exposing or threatening to expose the Biden's criminal enterprises is worth something when push comes to shove? Is it enough to get the most powerful nation on the face of the planet to come to your defense if and when your sovereignty is threatened? It can't hurt.

We got us a good old fashioned nor'easter coming in this weekend. That should be fun. It's hard to say what we'll see in terms of snowfall accumulations. We only have patches of snow here and there and, overall, it's been a fairly benign winter weather-wise thus far in 2022. That means less work all around so I'm okay with it. This storm is a few days off but I'll need to start prepping for it if only to make sure that we have enough things to eat on hand when the shit hits the fan. The Ev man will be joining us and I think he's happy about hunkering down even if that means being under the same roof as his parents.

I think we take his having enough food on hand more seriously than he does. Left to his own devices, I'm not so sure he'd do the appropriate prep work and that could come back to bite him. I'm not looking to sell him short in any way, shape, or form but we do know him well enough to know what he will and won't do in a pinch. Finding food that we think he'll eat is a bigger challenge. That's not to say that he's a fussy eater because that wouldn't be true. We don't want him eating just to eat as funny as that might sound. We want him to enjoy the food that he eats and that means that we get to make choices for him that he may or may not make for himself. Where am I going with this?

I've been thinking lately about these bills that the democrats are wanting to pass in Congress. More specifically, I'm thinking about the bill that will put checks into the pockets of millions of Americans to allegedly "lift families out of poverty." How is that not a standard basic income? This particular bill expired in December after being in effect for some 6 months. It died a slow and natural death when they failed to pass Biden's Build Back Better bill.

These social welfare bills are like heroin for the masses. You can't stop them without incurring the wrath of the citizenry. It is precisely what the democrats had in mind when they first proposed the legislation. More free things means more votes for their party. This is who they are. They couldn't care less about the moral and economic decay that sets in when you give people free things. And now, they want to put through a bill that provides money or credits of some kind that will pay for childcare for the citizenry. Whaaaat? Pay for your own mother fucking childcare for chrissakes. It's a pitch to get back the suburban moms who have been leaving the democrat party in droves. It's shameless.

We tried to ring up Mrs G last night but no one answered the phone. We called both numbers that we have for her and both offered opportunities to leave a message but not much else. We called back a couple of times and stopped trying some time after 8PM. It seemed a little odd to me that she wasn't answering her phone and she wasn't returning any calls. That is not the Mrs G that we know. Not even close. Fast forward some 8 hours and I'm sitting here checking my e-mail just to see if Mrs G might have sent us a note. It's more of the same. Crickets.

The missus didn't think much of it so I guess that was that. It's her mum for chrissakes. If she isn't concerned, why should I be? I can only do so much if she isn't inclined to be concerned enough to rattle a couple of cages to get to the bottom of things. Maybe Mrs G has a new boyfriend and she's off tripping the light fantastic somewhere. Good for her. Was she off in her car somewhere and she never returned? I think it's unlikely that she would have gone off without her cell phone. I'm assuming that she didn't have her phone because she wasn't answered our calls when we dialed up that number.

I suppose we'll sort it all out today one way or another. Her facility has safeguards in place for non-responsive residents so I'm thinking they would be all over any issues related to Mrs G if any issues were to come to the fore. You know, she doesn't come down for breakfast or whatever. Maybe they give her a call and then follow up with a knock on her door? I do think Mrs G is more likely than not to return our phone calls regardless of the hour so as to allay any concerns real or imagined. But, as of this morning she has not. I'm just putting it out there because someone needs to be thinking about it.


I have a good mind to send Debbie Ra-Ra a note to thank her for the gift that she gave me for Christmas. She gave me a pair of gloves that I use for winter bike riding. I'm always happy to have biking gear that I can use when the seasons change so a nice pair of heavy biking gloves were, in a word, the bees knees as gifts go. I will admit to wearing a pair of cotton gloves inside the gifted gloves yesterday since biking in 20-degree weather with wind chills in the single digits called for taking extra precautions. It's not every day that I go riding when it's that cold outside but the sun was shining and I was on a roll after riding for each of the past 2 or 3 days.

I always wonder what passing motorists think when they see me tooling down the highway on my bicycle in sub-freezing temperatures. They probably think I've lost my mind. I'm always dressed for the occasion so it's not like they need to feel sorry for me or be concerned for my welfare one way or another. I seldom see other cyclists while out on my winter rides although there are some but none that I would recognize as regulars like myself. Most days, I have all I can do to focus on my own riding and unless someone passes me by and says something in passing I might not pay them any mind.

There are riders out there who feel the need to acknowledge every other bicyclist that passes them by either across the road or coming up on them from behind. It reminds me of motorcyclists who do this thing with their hands when they pass by another motorcyclist to acknowledge, and I'm guessing here, their membership in a brotherhood of sorts. It's a secret club doncha you know. Maybe it's just a thing with Harley riders. Anyway, I couldn't care less about other cyclists. I keep my head down and keep to myself. If I wanted company on my ride I'd join a riding club. Maybe if I don't look at them they won't feel obligated to wave to me. Whatever floats your boat, Johnny Boy.

I have to laugh. This Supreme Court guy Breyer (liberal) retires and instead of allowing him to announce his own retirement the White House and their minions leak the news to the media. Apparently, the leftist activists couldn't contain their collective glee when their efforts to run the poor guy off the court came to fruition. No one on the left is waiting for the republicans to take back the Senate in November 2022 when, god forbid, Mitch McConnell and his fellow republicans might have an opportunity to nix yet another opportunity for the democrats to put one of their own on the court. They want to get this seat assigned to one of their own while Biden and his slim majority in the Senate still have a say in the process.

The conservatives have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court so the democrats can put Mickey Mouse on the court and it wouldn't matter. They can even put up a loser like Kamala Harris although I suspect there are plenty of democrats who don't think she has the chops for the position and probably wouldn't vote for her. You can't nominate someone who can't even pass muster within your own party. Right? Joey Biden promised to put a black woman on the court when he was running for the presidency so I suspect they will hold him to that promise.

A promise like that smacks of party politics. For those of us who just want someone competent, that horse has left the barn. It's all about affirmative action and satisfying your progressive and nutty base. If you dare oppose any nominee, well, you're just racist. You should hear some of these progressive talk show hosts these days talking about this nomination process as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get the base riled up and out in massive numbers for the midterm elections in November. Absent that, it's going to be a disaster for the democrats and they know it. It just all seems so desperate.

Update: Mrs G is just fine. The missus said something about a number of her mum's peers who have passed recently and that wasn't sitting well with Mrs G. We're planning to bring her over some greek salad dressing when we visit this afternoon as she requested. Knowing what we now know about these latest developments, perhaps throwing in a cookie or two wouldn't hurt. You know, something to cheer her up. Something to take her mind off the glumness of the bad news about her buds. It's nothing more than a distraction but it may be just what she needs to help get her over the proverbial hump.

The storm heading our way is now just 24 hours away and it promises to bring us a good foot or more of snow. I don't have a strategy as yet when it comes to pacing myself to deal with the storm and the snow accumulations but I'll know one way or another by the end of the day. How much help, if any, will I be able to offer to my neighbors when all is said and done? Will I have the stamina and wherewithal to get out and about during the storm to make a pass or two so as to keep the drifts from getting too high over the course of the day? I want to be careful about making promises that I can't keep.

What help will the Ev man be when the going gets tough? He's generally not much help and I don't spend a lot of time trying to goad him into getting over whatever it is that keeps him from jumping in with both feet. Under the circumstances, I'd settle for him sticking his toes in the water. A little bit of help is better than no help at all. Maybe I'll assign him the task of shoveling off our back deck. I do have a lot of machinery available to help with the snow removal so it's not like that's a two man job. He'll be coming over to the house around noon today so we'll discuss further.

There's a bandwagon going around that is calling for the White House to release the transcript of the call between Bumbles Joey Biden and the president of Ukraine. Apparently, Bumbling Joey and the president of Ukraine are offering differing accounts of what transpired during the call. The White House released a version of the call that did not contain some of the more disturbing aspects of the call as described by the president of Ukraine.

Is this not what the democrats impeached Trump over? You know, according to Trump it was the perfect call when he spoke to the president of Ukraine. According to the democrats, it was far from a perfect call. They alleged all kinds of things including some nonsense about a quid pro quo. Did Biden really say that Ukraine should prepare for a "sacking" of Kiev? Did the president of Ukraine actually ask Biden to "calm down"? Is an invasion imminent or not? Let's see that transcript, Joey. What's good for the fucking goose is good for the fucking gander. We should settle for nothing less.

What else is going on in the world? The Pennsylvania high court threw out the vote-by-mail nonsense that allowed the bad people in Pennsylvania to steal the 2020 election. That's a good thing by any measure. It's all about what their state constitution says about voting. I know a lot of good people like the ease of voting by mail but it is a system fraught with vulnerabilities. You simply can't leave that door open too long without one or more corrupt mother fuckers taking advantage of the opening. We've all heard the stories about the trucks backing up to the voting locations in the middle of the night and unloading box after box of ballots cast by dead people and non-residents.

The storm has finally arrived. It's snowing lightly hereabouts at the hour of 7am. The winds seem to be picking up out of the north. We'll likely see the snow start to come down with greater intensity as the morning picks up. My plan is to get outside with the snowblower when I start to see accumulations of 3-4 inches on the ground. We're expecting 12-18 inches of snow in total. If we start to see blizzard-like conditions it might be more difficult to assess but I can always step outside to better gauge conditions on the ground. My machines are gassed up and ready to go so no worries there. I told my neighbor that I'd be by to help her with her driveway if for no other reason that to keep the accumulations down and maybe make things more manageable when she has a chance to get out of doors. She's no spring chicken so it's the least I can do.

I've sprinkled a generous handful or two of thistle seed on our back deck and a bunch of Junco's are taking full advantage. Good for them is what I say. I was a little worried that the minute I put it down that the snow would cover it up and it would all be for naught. The snow has indeed covered it up but the Junco's aren't about to let a little snow wreak havoc with what has to be a godsend of thistle in the middle of a snow storm. Well, its not a snow "storm" just yet. Besides, birds need to eat regardless of what the weather is doing. They don't have the luxury of doing otherwise.