Dragon Energy

Nothing ever happens to these bastards in government who commit crimes and just fucking walk away. Case in point: The Clintons. And now we have the Biden Family Crime Syndicate. You know, the "big guy" who is currently running for president. I put that in quotes because that is how Joe Biden is referred to in texts and e-mails on his son's laptop.


The laptop which, just incidentally, has been in the hands of the FBI for nearly a year now. You know, the laptop containing child porn, evidence of money laundering, and more than ample evidence of pay-to-play on the part of one Joe Biden.

The Durham Report is another example of where the FBI and DOJ have been conducting an investigation about an attempted coup of a president (Trump) for years now with no end game in sight. The agencies are hoping against hope that Biden will win the election and they can sweep this mother fucking investigation right down the drain. This is a travesty! Just when we thought that Bill Barr, Trump's AG was going to get it done, he is nowhere to be found. Where is he, by the way, on this Hunter Biden laptop issue? He's missing in action. That's where he is.

What do we have if we don't have a government that can police its own members? We have a bureaucracy that is out of control, that is what we have. We have a bureaucracy that we can no longer believe or have any faith and confidence in. It sends an altogether wrong message to the populace that we are sending representatives to Washington to do as they please, to do the bidding of their corrupt masters, and to give we their constituencies the collective middle finger if and when they damn well please. We might as well live in Venezuala.

Every time we start to feel good about the people that Trump has put in key positions in the government, we find ourselves looking here, there, and everywhere for them when corruption is alleged and they are, of course, nowhere to be found. Maybe the rumors of the dreaded Deep State are real. It was President Eisenhower back in the fifties who warned us about the "Military Industrial Complex", wasn't it? This is the cabal that operates behind the scenes and calls all the shots. I don't think you'll find them in the Constitution anywhere so don't bother looking.

Then again, the topsy turvy nature of our government ever since Trump became president might well be the end result of his exposing them all for the corrupt bastards that they are. Maybe his daughter, Ivanka, was correct when she said in a speech she months ago, "Washington hasn't changed Donald Trump, Donald Trump changed Washington." But there is still work to do so we cannot let down our guard. We have to get Trump re-elected and that responsibility rests with every god fearing American coast to coast.

What no one seems to have any sense of is that of all the votes cast to date, and there have been some 50 million through today just two weeks out from election day, in whose direction is all of this early energy directed? Polling is all over the place with mainstream polls indicating a Biden win by a margin perhaps better than that enjoyed by Hillary Clinton back in 2016. Then there are other indicators and other polls, which show a much tighter race.

Trump has a 52% approval rating according to Rasmussen and 53% of Americans say they are better off than they were four years ago. Forty six percent of blacks view Trump favorably and estimates have Trump winning somewhere between 15 and 20% of the black vote. Hispanics will vote for Trump by even wider margins maybe approaching 40% or so. With just these two or three stats as a backdrop, it's hard to believe that Trump isn't competitive if it's true what history tells us about the power of an incumbent president.

The dems continue to hang their hat on Trump's handling of the Covid crisis to deliver what they hope will be a Biden victory and, while Biden tells us that we have a dark winter ahead with even more deaths to come down the pike, Trump wants nothing more than to have get on with our lives knowing full well that vaccines and better therapies are just around the corner.

It's not scientific but I sometimes look at how the media responds to events held by Trump as an indicator of how he is or is not doing. In other words, if Jake Tapper on CNN is unhappy and snapping at the other talking heads on his CNN panels, then I know Trump has done something to lessen Biden's chances of winning this race. If his entire panel is all of a sudden looking downtrodden and despondent and maybe even getting a little misty eyed, then Trump has probably had a good night or day depending on the situation.

The second and last debate between Trump and Biden was a good example. The Biden-loving media moguls were crushed when at the end of the debate Trump got Biden to admit that he wanted to transition away from fossil fuels. Trump, smiling like the cat that swallowed the canary, said, "Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, I hope you're listening."

It was maybe the pivotal moment of the campaign where Biden, in the space of 10 seconds, showed his cards and in doing so effectively alienated states and voters whose livelihoods depend on fracking, etc., in order to support their families and a supply chain that ripples through the greater American economy.

It was a triumphant return to the debate stage for Donald J. Trump who, by all accounts, had not done well in the first debate. The second time around, he gave Biden time to answer questions from the moderator without interrupting him. Biden did reasonably well but started to fade maybe an hour into the debate and Trump was, by comparison, getting stronger and more deliberate in his attacks against the feeble minded and overly rehearsed Biden. Another incredulous moment in the debate came when Biden made the asinine comment that "nobody lost their doctor or their coverage when Obamacare was implemented." You can't make this stuff up.

I'm waking up this morning to see another video posted online of Biden where he was quoted yesterday while campaigning in Pennsylvania as follows: "We have put together the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics." It's just astounding. Trump has been warning about the cheating and rigging of the 2020 election for months. He's been very clear. There is nothing that the democrats won't do to steal this election just together back into power. And now we have this quote from Biden.

Trump has been showing clips from and about Biden on a large screen monitor at his rallies as of late and I think it's very effective. When he shows film of Biden flip flopping on issues like fracking in Pennsylvania, people sit up and pay attention. To the extent the videos are repeatedly shown time and time again in clips on the internet, it reinforces his messaging and may make a difference on the margins come election day. If Trump's win is big enough, it will make it that much harder for the State that tallies the votes to steal the election.

I think we'll see a few things this coming week which will help keep the momentum going and will keep the news cycle focused squarely on Trump. Then, a week from this coming Tuesday, we have Election Day. Amy Cony Barrett will be sworn in by President Trump sometime this week after confirmation by the Senate tomorrow night; Third quarter results will be on the economy and they should reveal an economy decidedly on the comeback trail;
We should also have more information from Hunter's laptop that is even more damning than what we've seen to date about the Biden family crime syndicate; and, god willing, we'll hear more nonsense from Sleepy Joe that only confirms what we already know. He's bat shit crazy and has no business running for the highest office in the land.

Did I mention that there are some alleged diary excerpts from Joe Biden's daughter speaking to the fact that she would take showers with him as a child? This is not good. Not good by any measure. It's probably good that we're finding out all this stuff before rather than after the election. If Biden wins he would surely be ousted from the presidency in a New York minute and then we'd have that uber-liberal, Kamala Harris, sitting in the Oval Office for the duration of Biden's term. I guess that's been the plan all along. Fuck them and the trojan horse they came in on. Honestly.