False Flags

I don't know who this Dr. Oz guy is but Trump just endorsed him last night so that should be good enough for me. Right? I'm not so sure that's right. What I worry about is these squishy fucks who tell you what you want to hear and then they vote with the democrats every chance they get. I hear Ozzie even did a show recently about trannies and whatever. No self respecting republican would give that subject an airing much less have it as a featured topic. Get some damn counseling is what I say. Get your head out of your ass and start acting like the man or woman God intended you to be.


Calls like this have Trump supporters scratching their heads. What the hell was he thinking? I know the dufus, Sean Hannity, on FOX has been singing Oz’s praises for a while now. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that Trump was taking Hannity’s advice on this guy. I wish Trump would start paying attention to his gut and stop listening to these people like Hannity who have an entirely different agenda in mind. Maybe Hannity is calling in favors that he thinks Trump owes him for his support back in 2016. The last thing we need in the Senate when we take it back this fall is another Romney. I think Oz is another Romney. There, I said it.

Trump had yet another rally in North Carolina last night. He played to a sell-out crowd as is usually the case these days. He looks good, he looks strong, and his messaging is spot on. Americans need to hear other voices calling out the travesty that is the Biden Administration. I don’t know where the republicans are overall, but it’s fucking crickets if we’re talking about republicans in Washington, DC. Why they’re not singing from the rooftops about the goings-on in the Biden era, I’ll never know. This is when you do it, folks. If you want to represent us, then God damn it, represent us.

We had dinner out last night at a place in Exeter New Hampshire called the Sawbelly Brewery. It was the second time since March 2020 and the beginning of the Covid bullshit that we've been out to dinner. If the missus isn't ready, she isn't ready. Well, she was ready last night. Her sister was in town and that gave us the perfect opportunity to go out for a nice meal before her sister left town. The food was good, the drink was too strong, and the music was a little too loud here and there. Oh, and the salad that the missus ordered was not as good as the one that I ordered. Guess which one she ate?

It wasn't at all busy and that suited the missus just fine. Fewer people meant fewer opportunities to get exposure of any kind to the dreaded Covid. Covid has been on the wane as of late although Im hearing stories of it emerging in certain spots throughout the country. Emerging, my ass. They bring it out when they want to use it to achieve their political ends and not a moment sooner. There was an entire contingent of politicians in our nations's capitol last week that came down with Covid. How the hell does that work? It just so happens that the lot of them were slated to go on vacation so, voila, everyone comes down with Covid and everyone heads out of town a week or two early. Bastards.

Who the fuck do they think they're fooling? I do keep an eye out as to how many cases we have here in town and we've gone from zero cases two weeks ago to nine cases today. Maybe the politicians are just taking advantage of the rumor that the virus is starting to surge once again to do their dirty work. Never let a crisis go to waste, as the inimitable what's his name once said. You know where we're going with a of this. Right? The democrats are going to use it to suppress votes and resurrect absentee voting for the upcoming midterms in November. They are facing a tsunami of ungodly proportions and they have to do something. Maybe they can salvage the Senate if nothing else.

The missus's sister and I ordered burgers from the menu while the missus ordered a beet salad. Our burgers were quite nice while the beet salad was not up to snuff. The beets looked a little too blanched and the missus hardly touched her salad. She sure seemed to enjoy the chopped salad that I ordered though I'm certain she would have wished that they had put a little less bacon in the salad. The fries that came with the burgers were to die for. They were thick and quartered just so which left them looking more like wedges than what you might get at McDonalds with your Happy Meal. They were also a bit on the crispy side which gave them a bit of crunch and that was nice.

Nobody asks the question anymore about how you want things cooked. I might have preferred my burger medium rare but nobody asked. Maybe the default is medium and that takes the chef off the hook if the customer complains about how well or not so well the burger was cooked. Well, jackass, you should have voiced your preference if you had one. That's the waitress talking. Now that I think of it, the missus's sister was telling us about how she ordered a filet mignon the previous night when dining in Portsmouth with friends and it was served up medium rare. Let me get this straight. She ordered her filet well done but says nothing about how she might like her burger cooked? Interesting.

The lot of us were in town to visit with Mrs G who is still in rehab. Well, I think it's called the skilled nursing section if you want to get precise about it. Mrs G warned us earlier in the day that there was a single case of Covid in the building but on the second floor above her. I'm not sure if she was warning us to not come or not but I stopped in briefly just as we were heading out to the restaurant to bring her a couple of items she had requested. The missus and her sister stayed outside in the car and waited for me to return. If I had contracted Covid while in the building then the ladies waiting in the car were the unintended and unfortunate beneficiaries of said virus once I was back in the car. See how that works?

Mrs G didn't seem too concerned that neither of her daughters were coming into the building to pay a visit. She had other things on her mind and I didn't stay but a minute or two that it took to drop her things off. Mrs G knows all too well that some people are quite fearful of contracting the virus while others slough it off as an afterthought. The prevailing thought is that if you've had your shots, you'll probably not suffer much more than a runny nose or something equally as minor. The actual science behind it all suggests a causal connection between the number of shots one gets and their likelihood of contracting the virus. You'll not hear much about this theory in the Main Street Media.

Cases are nonetheless on the uptick at Mrs G's place. She shared a letter put out by management at her facility citing specific cases and where they were on the campus. Missing from the communication were any further restrictions or lockdowns the likes of which were commonplace just a year ago. Most of their residents have their shots so it's unlikely that things are going to go to hell in a hand basket if one or more residents come down with the virus. Fact of the matter is, nobody is dying of this virus anymore. In fact, this latest variant is even less deadly that its predecessor thus far.

I don't even get the sense that Mrs G is all that concerned when it comes to getting the virus. She's certainly never said as much. She seems more concerned for her children who seem more concerned than she is on any given day. She knows that my missus hasn't been out to eat in a restaurant in two to three years because of her fears unfounded or not that the virus will get to her and she knows that ain't healthy. Her days of pushing her children to live their lives one way or another are pretty much done. The translation back in the hood would be, they goin' to do what they goin' to do. Ain't no amount of cajoling on Mrs G's part that is going to change any of it. Those days are over.

We'll see what we get for the latest CPI number this morning at 8:30 Eastern Standard Time. Biden's people were out on the stump yesterday warning of an "elevated" number to come in when it gets released. It's hard to say what kind of game they're playing here. The consensus is somewhere in the 8 percent plus range so I suppose if it comes in with a 7 instead of an eight they can take a victory lap and the stock market will be off and running when it opens at 9:30. That's how you do it. Right? Maybe people will feel good about the fact that the number isn't starting off with a nine. If there's a golidlocks number out there, I'm not sure what it is. You know, not too hot and not too cold.

I''m seeing and hearing a lot about what teachers are exposing our children to these days in school and it's disturbing. If the subject is age appropriate then that's fine. When it's not age appropriate, then that's not fine. I hear the term "grooming" being kicked around quite a bit and that has some nasty fucking connotations to it truth be told. Much of what I'm referring to here has to do with gender and sexual matters so that's dicey no matter how you slice it. The last thing you want your kindergartner exposed to is a man who thinks he's a woman, or vice versa, telling your children that this sort of thing is mainstream or normal. It just isn't. And don't be giving my children hugs. I don't have any school-aged children but that's beside the point.

Is it too conspiracy minded to think that this is part of some larger programing effort on the past of the leftists in our country to attack our family structure? I can't for the life of me see the bigger picture but here but I suspect that it's part and parcel of some twisted version of what Hillary Clinton had in mind when she said, "it takes a village." You know, diversity, equality and all that bullshit. Parents can no longer be trusted to raise their children to be the kind of caring and compassionate individuals who will be strong and resilient enough to embrace the village that the leftists have constructed on their behalf.

This Elon Musk thing is getting interesting. He's not going to take the seat on the board of Twitter and will instead be pursuing a hostile takeover of Twitter? Holy cow-ski! This has to have the employees of Twitter in something of a meltdown is what I'm guessing. Tucker Carlson referred to Twitter as the town square and said something on his show last night about whomever controls town square controls everything. I think he's right about that. His comments opened my eyes a bit as to the power of Twitter and what it means when Twitter shuts down voices and controls narratives of their choosing.

Make no mistake about it. Twitter is king of social media platforms. It is truly a town square. Unfortunately, it has been taken over by the woke fucking mob that looks to take over everything else in the alternative media space. Tucker also said something about it (Twitter) being the only army on the field where, in a healthy competition, you have two competing armies on the field with competing interests. If Elon can take hold of this behemoth and rid the joint of its employees who control the algorithms I think we have a chance to restore free speech and a level playing field for all players.

Parties opposed to his hostile takeover have already filed lawsuits contesting the manner in which he purchased his shares in an effort to thwart his overall efforts to take over the company. I'm not sure that this is a David and Goliath story as much as it is a Goliath and Goliath story. Elon has the means and probably has the tenacity to go the distance if that is what he intends to do. You have to wonder how much of what he's doing is designed drive up the price of his shares but that's a conversation for another day. Near term, if Elon can pull this off, I look forward to having access to a platform where all voices are welcome and even encouraged. The impact on the mid term elections would be significant.


What the heck was that hellacious event that went down on the subway in NYC yesterday? You know, the guy who shot a bunch of people at rush hour and then just disappeared into the fucking ether. Does it strike anyone as weird that there were no cameras catching this guy either going or out of the area where all of this happened? The shooter apparently had a Glock which he left behind at the scene along with a number of other personal effects. Who does that? And, how do you shoot a lot of people but nobody gets killed? I said to the missus that I thought he must have had a small caliber pistol. So, you can imagine my surprise when I learned that he was using a Glock. What the fuck?

The NYPD was very quick to put out the word that this was not a terrorist shooting. They were also exceedingly careful not to refer to the person as a "suspect." He is simply a person of interest at this point, they maintained. We now know his name and I'm certain that they know everything there is to know about him but he is nowhere to be found. What are the chances that he turns up dead? What are the chances that there are a lot of things about this individual that the officials don't want the general public to know about? Is this just one more FBI operation that went terribly wrong? Or, maybe an FBI operation that went terribly right? Is there anything that the democrats won't do to take away our citizen's rights to keep and bear arms? Just thinking out loud here.

I've never much liked the idea of using power tools that can inflict bodily harm if not used properly. I've been especially leery of using power tools that have a mind of their own when things go awry. I'm referring to things like chain saws that can sever jugglers or femoral arteries in the blink of an eye. I just don't trust myself when it comes to using them. I don't know that I've shared these concerns of mine with the missus. There is no need to fill her head with concerns about something that may never come to pass. Well, I threw caution to the wind yesterday when I went to our local Home Depot to rent a chain saw. I finally had reason to use one for better or worse.

There were things to cut down around the house that required more than a handsaw. I actually started out using a hand saw and realized very quickly that it was just not going to cut the mustard. It would require far more effort on my part than I was willing to give and it would likely take longer than I was willing to spend on said tasks. I could have hired someone to do the job but why pay someone a king's ransom to do something that I could do myself. It meant using a tool that I had never used and one that I was rightly concerned about using. The missus tried to talk me out of it not because she was aware of my misgivings but rather because she too has heard stories over time of things getting out of hand when people using power tools like chainsaws.

I rented one of those chainsaws with an ion battery that seemed somehow less scary than a gas powered model. There was no training manual and the fella at the rental center offered no hints or clues on how I might get off on the right foot. I had all the pieces of the puzzle and it was up to me to put them together. I like puzzles so it seemed that I was going to get up close and personal with this nemesis of mine. It only had a sixteen inch blade. How much harm could it do? The missus had work to do in the house so couldn't otherwise oversee my progress or lack thereof once I was out and about with the chainsaw. She knew that there was nothing that she could say or do that would change the trajectory of the plan that I had laid out. I was on my own.

I learned a lot about chainsaws in the four hours that I spent using the tool yesterday. I learned that they are not as scary to use as one might suspect. I learned that they can be very effective if used properly. I learned that they can make a hard job seem easy. I was making so much progress around the yard in the first 45 minutes of using the chainsaw that I entertained the thought of asking my neighbor if she might have a limb or two that she needed trimming. That all came to a screeching halt when the chain on the saw came off while I was whacking away at an overgrown Forsythia bush on our property.

Thankfully, that came late in the game and well after I had used the chainsaw for the things that wanted to use the chainsaw for. That was fine. I had time to sort out the problem and still offer my services but the window of opportunity was closing quickly. I'd seen enough Alaskan reality shows on television where they too had chains come off mid-use and it was never a showstopper. I like taking things apart and putting them back together again so I was feeling very much up to the task. My efforts went unrewarded, unfortunately, although I felt somewhat vindicated when I returned the chainsaw and was told that the chain needed to be replaced. All in all, it was a good day.

Leesy-Weesy back in the Falls got a new car! It's her first new car and I couldn't be happier for her. Uncle Wally sent me a picture of her standing aside her car when she went to pick it up at the dealership. I suspect that Uncle Wally is not being particularly forthcoming when he says that he had nothing to do with putting Leesy behind the wheel of this car so there's that. He said something about talking to the owner of the dealership who lives in his neighborhood but I suspect there's more to the story that he's not telling me. Maybe he's not telling me because he wants this story to be all about Leesy-Weesy? Maybe he's not wanting me to feel like less of a player because they chose not to involve me?

That's fine. She has her new car and she's off to the races. I ordered her a set of floor mats from WeatherTech and she sent me a note yesterday telling me that she received them. She had mentioned earlier that she might like to have grey mats rather than black mats so that's what I ordered. Uncle Wally thought that the interior color of the car might make black mats a better match but this is what Lessy wanted so this is what I had delivered. The missus and I were unanimous in our thinking that the mats were just the right gift for a girl getting her first new car. This little puppy looks like it has all the newest bells and whistles and maybe a few whistles that Leesy might not much care about. It's just really good stuff.

Fast forward 24 hours and Elon Musk has tendered his offer for something like $54 a share to purchase Twitter. The leftists are going crazy. They're at their happiest when they have the platform to themselves when and where they can spew their narratives, shadow ban alternative voices, ban other voices all together, moderate content to their liking, and more generally speaking, use the platform to help them achieve their political and financial goals. The moment it looks like the platform might be used as a platform for all voices, the leftists all of a sudden detest the platform and wants to regulate and even shut it down. The sooner, the better. The even better news is that if Musk can pull this off, it could mean the end for other leftist platforms like FaceBook, etc. Who knew free speech could be so threatening?

Knowing what the leftists could do to your company were they to have the power to do it would be something of a disincentive for Musk if you think about it. Neither political party has had the muscle or maybe the will to take on any of the Tech Giants and that has only further empowered the social media companies to serve their political and governmental masters without fear of retribution from either political party. If Musk were to restore Twitter to a more open forum, that could be the death knell for the radical leftists whose voices have gone unopposed for these past many years. There's nothing to say that once the leftists return to power in Congress that they won't make Musk's dream of a more open town square became something of a dystopian nightmare. There are countless arrows in the quivers of radicals who want nothing to do with the First Amendment to our Constitution. This is your democrat party in the year of our Lord, 2022.

Trump also endorsed JD Vance for the Senate race in Ohio. You know, the guy who wrote the book, "Hillbilly Elegy." I've not been particularly inclined to like Vance because he seems to be something of a smug fuck but the more I listen to him the more I think Trump's endorsement makes sense. He's as smart as they come and he will give as good as he gets and then some once the debates get underway. I have to be very careful in not giving too much stock to what I'm reading in this or that newspaper about the prospects for other Trump-endorsed candidates like Herschel Walker in Georgia and Sarah Palin in Alaska. These democrat run rags will tell you whatever it takes to suppress voter participation. The lies they're telling about Herschel are just disgusting.

It's about time to wrap up this week's journal. Tomorrow's Easter and we'll be doing a little something although I'm not sure what. Maybe we'll have the Ev man over for a decent meal. If the weather cooperates, I'll get in a bike ride. I'd hoped to get the missus some of her favorite jelly beans today but the local store had run out of them so that's that. The store was so busy that I thought it was probably just as busy elsewhere and decided to just go home. I'm not in the mood to stand in lines today. A good friend told me long ago that you should never stand in line to spend your money. I've never forgotten that. Did I get some flowers for the missus? I did not. I did sleep in a Best Western last night though. No, really.