Winners and Losers

Here we go, boys and girls! We got us another week on our hands. The only question I have this morning is whether or not the Chi-coms are going to blow Speaker Pelosi's plane out of the air when her plane approaches Taiwan. You don't know what to believe when you hear these stories. Would they be this bellicose were Trump sitting in the Oval Office instead of feckless Joe Biden? I highly doubt it. The Chi-coms own Joey and the Biden Crime Family, so why would they be pulling this stunt unless they're simply doing it because they want to show the world just how weak-kneed and feckless Joey is in the face of a challenge from an ascendant world power like China?
The Chinese should be calling in their chits after countless years of investing in the Biden family. Anyone who has been paying half a mind to all of the stories over the years about the many trips that Joey and his son, Hunter, have made to China can't be surprised that now that Joey is the President of the United States that they are, as they say in the business, exercising their options. Blowing Pelosi's plane out of the sky seems counter-intuitive when you consider the benefits they've accrued due to their relationship with the Bidens and the risks they now face should they get into a hot war with one of the world's greatest superpowers. Perhaps everything is not as it seems.

Then, you have all of this nonsensical back and forth business between Pelosi and Biden where she allegedly never told the White House that she was planning this trip. Biden is on the record as suggesting that this is not the best time for the Speaker of the House to be traveling to the country of Taiwan, considering China's objections to her visitation. All I can say is, color me skeptical. Someone is lying through their teeth. Someone is angling to gain favor one way or another here. It sure smells like a wag-the-dog situation to me. Is this a ploy engineered by the White House in conjunction with the Chinese to buoy Joey's ratings ahead of the Mid Term elections? Will Pelosi gain favor by her come-hell-or-high-water courageousness and, in turn, raise the prospects of her political party ahead of the very same Mid Terms? Who will get the last laugh?

Did anyone else notice that Tucker Carlson of FOX was in attendance with Trump at Trump's golf event this past weekend in Bedminster, New Jersey? What was that all about? It's difficult for Tucker to be a neutral arbiter of events on his nightly news show if he's publicly associating with political giants like Trump. I'm guessing that none of this was a coincidence. Tucker holds a particular sway inside the republican party, so who he hangs with in public is designed entirely for public consumption. He's done several interviews with some of the world's more conservative leaders somewhat recently, so maybe none of what we saw with he and Trump should surprise anyone. I can assure you of one thing. His spending time with Trump was not lost on the news media.

They will likely speculate on this or that, and someone will eventually get it right. How about a Trump-Carlson ticket in 2024? Interesting, right? I can see Carlson jumping on that bandwagon for the same reasons that Trump has given us over time as a reason for his involvement in running for the presidency; Someone has to save our damn country from these damn liberals. He's probably wealthy enough that he doesn't have to worry about giving up his gig on FOX should he run with Trump. FOX has become so anti-Trump that Carlon's ticket is likely to be punched sooner rather than later, given his preference for strong leaders like Trump. Maybe this is Trump's way of signaling to DeSantis that his bench of potential vice presidential candidates isn't as flimsy as previously reported.

The Ev man was over for dinner last night. He and I sat down to a game of chess after dinner. It was our first game ever. I've only started to play, but I think my game is improving with every game I play. I might be learning more from the games I lose than the games I win. The Ev man, on the other hand, is an old hand at playing chess. We used to take him for lessons as a child, and he did just fine. To quote one of his instructors back in the day, "I don't think Evan knows how good he is." He's been to more tournaments than we can count, and he was always a good sport regardless of whether he was winning or losing. I think he's not played in many years, and it showed in the first game he and I played. He won both games, but he won the second game more decisively. I suggested that he and I keep track of our wins and losses, and he agreed to do that once I win a game. Smaht.

I'm really kicking myself. I finally got one of my Apple TVs to start working again after it seemingly got fried in a recent storm. I don't know how I did it, and the fact that it started working again may have had nothing to do with what I did or did not do. If you've seen the blinking lights that never go solid on the lower right-hand side of your Apple TV, then you know what I'm talking about. I wasn't expecting the TV to start working again, so you can imagine my surprise when the light went solid. "We're in business again," I hollered to the missus. Instead of taking a victory lap, I should have done a couple of refreshes and maybe a new software installation. I did none of it, and within 24 hours, it was back in the blinking mode, which is where it is today. I can be such a damn fool sometimes. Just when I thought there was a God, there wasn't.

I don't understand Apple putting out a product like the Apple TV that is unfixable once it "breaks." Before the 4k models came out, you could do a little something with the USB plugs to get them going again. There is no way to update anything, much less fix anything, since it has no USB port. I mean, who manufactures a unit that sells for somewhere in the $150 range that is more or less disposable once it "breaks." That, my friends, is how you define an expensive doorstop. That is not the Apple I've come to know and love going back to the early days when Steve Jobs was wowing the world with his genius. I think he would not have approved the product I'm referring to here. He was passionate about design and function, and every product that went out the door at Apple carried his signature promise of reliability. I'm guessing that they are more interested in perpetuating the wokeness of their corporate culture these days than they are in seeing to the sustainability of their product line. That does not portend good things for their future (or mine). Sad.

Today's the day Pelosi arrives in Taiwan. I still think it's a ruse of sorts, although where it ends up is anyone's guess. I'm seeing a tweet this morning from Germany where they've promised to support Taiwan in the event of an invasion by the Chinese. This is new. What other countries will be weighing in? Are they aware that John Kirby stood at the podium at the White House yesterday and stated unequivocally that the United States does not support Taiwan's independence? This after Biden told the press recently that we would defend Taiwan against an attack by China. Of course, Bidden is a hot mess these days, cognitively speaking, so be careful when you hear him saying, "read my lips." That's me channeling George Bush, so there's that. Maybe the game being played by the White House is Trumpian in that the Chinese can't believe a word they hear coming from Biden, so that makes matters less predictable and not more predictable. They do not now, nor have they ever feared Joey "feckless" Biden, and that may be the card they play at the end of the day.

Today is Primary Day in a few states in the Mid West like Kansas, Arizona, and Michigan. I'm sitting here tonight in the Eastern Time Zone waiting and wondering how things will turn out for MAGA candidates like Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and that woman named Tudor who is running to replace the current governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer. These states are once or twice removed from my time zone, so it looks like it will be a late night. It's MAGA vs. The Establishment in every one of these races. The prevailing thought for the state of Arizona is that as Arizona goes, so goes the nation. If MAGA wins, it means good things for the country going forward. Every republican candidate is concerned, and rightly so, about shenanigans at the polling place. More to the point, will the democrats steal another election or two tonight as they did in Arizona in 2020? We're already hearing something about felt pens bleeding through the ballots, and, as if that's not enough, the same tabulation machines in place in the 2020 election are still in place for this Primary election. This can't be good.

Fast forward 12 hours, and although we're still waiting for a few races to be called, it seems that MAGA candidates had a good night. Two of the three republican candidates who voted to impeach Trump have now lost their races to MAGA candidates. Both impeachments of Trump were a sham, so good riddance is what I say to these bastards who threw their support behind the Democrats in their effort to thwart the presidency of one Donald J Trump. I think ten republicans voted to impeach. Nine of the bastards have lost their primaries thus far in 2022. There are stories around this morning about certain irregularities in the voting in Arizona last night, which need to be investigated, and people need to go to jail if they are found guilty of tampering with election results. I am surprised that the Kari Lake race to be the republican gubernatorial candidate has yet to be called. I thought she had a lock on the Primary win based on polling seen over the last few days. Tell me something doesn't smell fishy.

I haven't followed the January 6th Committee's televised hearings too closely because I think it's a kangaroo court. That said, this business about missing and deleted texts from any number of people and governmental agencies in and around the January 6th timeframe is interesting. I wonder what difference it makes to the overall investigation and how it may or may not factor into what the Department of Justice does when it comes to indicting or not indicting Trump. There is enough of a hue and cry from the democrats on the Committee such that it makes me think that the missing texts could make or break their case. How do texts even go missing in this day and age when everything you do on your phone ends up on a cloud somewhere? It's all backed up until it isn't, I suppose. Anyway, whoever is responsible for "losing" the texts, you done good. You may have saved the Committee from its failings.

It's hard to remember from one year to the next just how hot it gets during the summer months and precisely how long the heat waves last. We're looking down the barrel of another week here in the Northeast, with temperatures in the upper eighties and occasionally intolerable humidity. I would say that this is unprecedented, but, as I said, I can't remember what last summer or past summers were like. If someone were to tell me today that we're all going to die in twelve years if we don't do something today about global warming, I might well come around to their point of view. There are only so many places to hide once temperatures climb above one hundred plus degrees. You can't run to the local cinema on those sweltering days anymore because they've all gone out of business thanks to the seemingly endless Covid pandemic. You can't crank up the air conditioner anymore because electricity rates have doubled thanks to the energy policies of the Biden Administration. My advice would be to do whatever you're going to do early before things start to heat up.

We're two days removed from the republican gubernatorial primary in Arizona, and we still have no winner. It sure looks like the administrative state in Arizona is slow-walking the count to give themselves the time they need to manufacture votes so that Kari Lake, the overwhelming favorite and the candidate endorsed by Trump, doesn't have enough votes to get over the finish line. Meanwhile, the person responsible for overseeing the vote count in Arizona is on MSNBC mucking it up with her leftist brothers and sisters instead of doing her fucking job back in her state. Is this how they plan to steal the Mid Term election in November? Who doesn't think that this isn't reminiscent of what happened to Trump in 2020? It's deja vu all over again. If I'm not mistaken, Arizona is still working through fraud issues left over from the 2020 election. If you get away with something the first time, why not just get out the same playbook the next time? These leftist bastards have no shame.


I finally got around to making the ratatouille dish I wanted to make. We've got homegrown zucchini coming out of our ears, so why not make one of the dishes we enjoy? The missus said something about freezing some of the ratatouille, but I'm not a fan of throwing things in the freezer where they disappear for months and sometimes years on end before they get thrown away. Even frozen food has a shelf life. Right? Ratatouille is one of those recipes where, in my experience, it doesn't require much precision when working from a recipe. I mean, what do "two medium" zucchinis even look like? Sometimes, the recipe will further define these things by specifying the number of cups that are, at least in theory, equal to two medium zucchinis. I find it easier to eyeball things and hope for the best. If you end up with a little more eggplant than zucchini in your ratatouille, not a big deal. Oh, and by the way, it's a great dish served hot or cold.

I'm thinking of making some zucchini bread, but I don't need to have something that tempting sitting around the house. It's too good, but it's also very carby, and I need fewer carbs in my diet, not more. Sometimes, what you put on it makes it taste good, like butter, but it also adds to your waistline. If I don't make it, I can't eat it. It's that simple. I feel the same way about cookies and potato chips. I never buy them because they're too easy to eat, and not having them around the house calling my name every minute of the day nips that problem in the bud. It's too bad because I have more zucchini than I'll ever use. I should be looking for recipes that will help me use them up. For future reference, the answer to my problem is to plant fewer zucchini plants. As an aside, I can't believe how fast these things grow or how big they get. There's a lesson in there somewhere for my tomato plants. Tomato plants, if you're listening.

I'm not an Alex Jones guy any way you slice it. I've seen snippets here and there of him ranting about this or that outrage, but that's the extent of my knowledge about the guy. I saw some footage on television the other day of Mr. Jones being questioned in a courtroom setting. As I understand it, he's being sued by a group associated with the Sandy Hook massacre, which occurred some ten years ago. I'm guessing it's something he said or maybe something he spouted off about on his InfoWars show, which has the victims' families in a snit. I think he thinks that Sandy Hook was a psyops thing-a-ma-jig orchestrated by the gun grabbers in or out of government. Why does anyone care what he thinks or says, knowing what they know about what he does for a living? I suppose if he's exploiting the event or maybe denigrating the memories of the people whose children were killed in cold blood on that fateful day, then they might have grounds for; I don't know, a slander or libel suit? Or, maybe this is really about the left trying, once again, to silence voices that they don't like or that they don't agree with. Maybe both.

The Ruskies wrapped up the Griner (WNBA player) trial, and Ms. Griner has been sentenced to 9 years in prison. Bumbles Biden released a statement that the trial was a sham, the sentence a miscarriage of justice and that she should be released to her loved ones back in the United States immediately. Biden's message was slightly less effusive than I've portrayed here, but you get the idea. I'm guessing that Vlad will probably have her breaking rocks in a Gulag somewhere until he thinks she can be useful as a pawn for trading purposes. Biden has offered to trade some arms dealer we have sitting in prison for her, but Vlad isn't biting. Vlad knows that the closer we get to the mid-term elections here in the United States, the higher the premium he can extract from the fool sitting in the White House. The Griner constituency, which is to say that she is a proud LGBTQ American-hating member of the marginalized community here in the States, is more likely to go out and vote for democrats in the midterms if Biden can secure her release ahead of Election Day. Timing is everything.

If there is a more despicable piece of shit than Liz Chaney, I'd like to know who that is. If you know more than one Liz Chaney, I'm referring to the congresswoman from Wyoming here. Her vitriol for Donald J Trump and everything he stands for is over-the-top outrageous. She sits on the January 6th Committee as one of two "republicans" and gladly does the bidding of the democrats on the Committee in trying to provide the Justice Department with enough evidence to bring charges against Trump and, if that doesn't work, to sully Trump in the eyes of his supporters such that he will never again have the support he needs to win the presidency for another term. If the latest round of primaries in various states is any indication, and every last one of Trump's endorsed candidates won their respective primaries, it tells you all you need to know about how well the Committee's hearings are going and how much of a joke they've become in the eyes of the public. The MAGA movement is alive and well.

Chaney's primary is coming up in a couple of weeks, and polls show her trailing her Republican opponent, Harriet Hagerman, by some thirty points. Wyoming is Trump country, and turning on Trump as Chaney has is a good way to deep-six your political career. She has made stopping Trump from ever returning to the presidency a personal vendetta, and it's simply not a good look. To make matters worse, she had her father, Dick Chaney, put up a video ad supporting his daughter in her upcoming primary and repeating her talking points about the dangers of Donald Trump should he once again run for president. Yes, this is the same Dick Chaney who, along with George Bush, got our country into a war in Iraq on false pretenses to further his financial and political interests. Bush's and Chaney's republican party has left the barn, and Trump's republican party is now ascendant in the year of the Lord, 2022. Do the right thing, Wyoming. Send this bitch packing.

Governor DeSantis of Florida announced yesterday that he is suspending a specific Florida state prosecutor for failing to enforce the state's laws in cases of abortion and gender therapy. The bigger story here is that DeSantis is thwarting the efforts of George Soros, whose funding put this particular attorney in the office to do his bidding. Soros's goal is now and has always been to do what he can to curtail American sovereignty and make America subservient to the liberal global world order. He has supported uber-liberal district attorneys in major cities across our nation with the express intent of increasing crime and undermining law enforcement in an attempt to create societal discord and chaos. This is what leftists do. DeSantis is the only governor in our country bold enough to stand up for his constituents and do what is necessary to rid his state of these Soros-funded "criminals." Keep doing what you're doing, Governor! We need more leaders like you!

Arizona finally announced that Kari Lake won the republican primary for governor. Better late than never is what I say. Ms. Lake won every county in the state, in case you're wondering about the width and breadth of her win. As resounding as her win was, it still took the state two days to tally up the votes. I think they wanted to deprive the republicans of a headline the morning after that would have likely read, "Trump endorsed candidates sweep the state of Arizona in last night's primary." Most of the republican candidates who won in the state of Arizona this past Tuesday are on record as believing that the election was stolen in 2020 and that Biden is an illegitimate President. The liberal media has asked candidates directly about their belief in the "big lie" that the 2020 election was stolen, thinking that admitting to it would hurt their chances at the polls. As it turns out, it seems that most Americans believe that the election was stolen from Trump. Or, maybe more to the point, no one believes that Biden got eighty-one million votes. I think we'll be hearing less and less about the "big lie" as we approach the mid-term elections. That's a good thing.

What's going on with this Monkeypox thing? We have some 6,000 cases here in the United States and they've declared some kind of health emergency. It's very confusing. They know how it's spread but they've not issued any guidelines to the people most at risk. At a minimum, you might think that telling the men in the gay community to refrain from having multiple sex partners would be good advice. But, no, not a word. They also say that it's not a sexually transmitred disease while knowing full well that it's spread by gay men having intimate contact with infected partners. Who are they afraid of offending this time? The LGBTQ community? Does the government have to wait until the disease is running rampant in the general population before issuing guidelines on how to avoid the disease? Where is Fauci? You couldn't get him off of television during the heyday of Covid. And now, it's fucking crickets. Wasn't Fauci front and center during the AIDS crisis way back when? What the hell is going on here?

The Jobs report came out yesterday for the month of July here in the United States and it reported a net increase in jobs of some 500k new jobs. The number beat expectations by around 200k which seemed pretty good by most accounts. The unemployment rate remained steady at 3.6%. Is it me or do these numbers seem a little fishy to you? We've had two months of back to back negative GDP numbers, back to back increases in interest rates, accelerating layoffs in the private sector, and a softening of the real estate market which comes as no surprise with mortgage rates on the rise. Is it possible that jobs allegedly added in July are a result of people having to work two and three jobs to offset the impact of a near-ten percent inflation rate? Meanwhile, Bumbles Biden takes to the podium at the White House wearing his stupid aviator sunglasses while taking credit for the "amazing" jobs numbers. I think that we all need to take any numbers coming out of the White House between now and Election Day in November with a grain of salt. The ends always justify the means.

Bumbling Joey Biden has had a couple of back-to-back bouts of Covid and he's reportedly been keeping a low profile for the most part. I think the consensus is that he is getting more done while out of the day-to-day spotlight. Any American with half a brain knows that he probably spends his days sitting in a back room somewhere in the bowels of the West Wing slurping down his oatmeal while watching reruns of "The Price is Right" or some such nonsense. Do you really think that the Chinese and the Russians would be running amok as they have been on the world stage if America had a real leader? As I sit here today, the Chinese have the island of Taiwan surrounded and they are fully engaged in live war games. Bumbles, are you listening? It reminds me of the way that the Russians amassed troops and weaponry along the border of Ukraine for months while the rest of the world sat around wondering aloud whether what they were seeing represented a real threat or not. We all know how that turned out.

Trump continues to draw record crowds at his rallies. He was in Wisconsin last night and he was sporting what I thought looked like a new haircut. It made him look a whole ten years younger if not more. It's yet one more indication that the man is running in 2024. I read somewhere where one fella commented to the effect that Trump would begin his term as a lame duck were he to be elected. I think that was Bill Barr, Trump's Attorney General, making that comment. Was the comment intended to give the impression that there wasn't much to worry about with a lame duck president? Or, was he suggesting that Trump had little to nothing to lose by going after the establishment full bore and ripping out the heart of the Deep State root and branch? Put differently, the likihood of Trump finishing the job he started in 2016 is a very real possibility. With DeSantis as Trump's VP and wingman, I can easily envision a good twelve years of Republican (MAGA) leadership in Washington starting with Trump's electoral landslide in 2024. We just need DeSamtis to get on board if he isn't already. Did I mention that Trump won the straw poll at CPAC 69% to DeSantis's 20 something percent? You heard that right. Let's do this!