Can't Make The Rally

I'm intrigued by Kanye West's announcement that he is running for president in 2020. I don't know what that means but I'm intrigued nonetheless. He's a known bud of Trump's and there are plenty of photos of the two of them in the Oval Office that attest to that very fact. I know Trump did Kanye West's wife a solid here and there when it comes to prison reform so Kanye may have something up his sleeve to return the favor.


What would he run as? Would he run as a democrat, a republican, or maybe even an independent? Is he trying to be the Ross Perot of the 2020 election season? In case you've forgotten, Perot's involvement got Bill Clinton elected. You know, the president who got impeached over various and sundry things including his involvement with one Monica Lewinsky.

Oh, if she had only gotten that damn blue dress dry cleaned. Can Kanye even get on the state's ballots this late in the game? Man, he would seriously siphon off the black vote from Biden if he did run. Biden's campaign would collapse. A delicious prospect for sure.

We were talking yesterday as a family how this summer thus far has been something of a train wreck in the neighborhood when it comes to neighbors who for some reason or other have felt the need to have nightly or maybe less frequent bonfires. You wait all winter for the opportunity to open your windows throughout the house to get some fresh air for a change and when you do the air turns noxious. It isn't every day or every night and we're not always either upwind or downwind from the fires but when they do come around they are unpleasant to say the least.

We're down the street or across the fields as it were depending on which fire you're talking about. We can probably see which one is which if we were to stick our heads out of the window but does it really matter? Their more immediate neighbors are probably in the thick of things when it really gets going and it makes you wonder if that isn't what they were trying to accomplish all along.

One family, I know for a fact, are renters and have lived in the house for some three years or more. They have a constant array one or more teenagers and some five to six vehicles that they park helter skelter around the house. They may have a hair across their arse for comments made or actions taken by homeowners adjacent to their property who have maybe complained about this or that? Let's just start a fire and smoke those mothers out is what I'm thinking they're thinking. But, that's just me.

The morning after has to be the worst of it. By the time the morning rolls around the once roaring fire or fires have been reduced to a smoldering heap and that produces not just an occasional whiff of smoke but a pervasive dank and dusky odor that is uniquely unpleasant. I've not felt the need to get on my high horse about all of this but I have to wonder if there isn't a solution one way or another. We'd hoped that the lack of rain hereabouts would have the town nixing fires of any kind but it's been kind of rainy so there's that. Maybe they'll run out of brush to burn. One can only hope.

And I'm learning a lot about hardwired fire alarms this summer. No, I don't think it has anything to do with the bonfires in the hood. The darn things go off at the most inopportune times and more often than not there doesn't seem to be any reason for it. What is it that I don't understand about hardwired fire alarms that if I knew I wouldn't be having this issue?

The wailing of the siren once it starts has me putting on my ear protectors so I can think straight while I try to find out which detector is causing all the fuss. Is a flashing red light a good sign or not? Is a solid red light a good sign or not? Why do certain detectors require a 9 volt battery while others require two AA's? I'm good with the chirps since I know what that means. That's an easy fix assuming I have the right batteries. Nancy seems to think we need to call the installers who put the alarm system in. I'm not so sure.

I'm thinking that if I can get my hands on a manual that might be the bees knees. The funny thing is that it happens so infrequently that I am not hard pressed to get to the bottom of it one way or another. Until that changes, I'm likely to pick up just enough in places like YouTube to make the alarms less frequent and less long in duration once they start.

In the meantime, I've ordered an extra set of ear protectors for Nancy. You would think she might teach me a thing or two since her grandfather was a fireman or so I'm told. That's probably a bit of a reach even for me since he's been gone for ages. Well, at least somebody is resting in peace.

Speaking of things that you can't unsee, did you see the video of the two protestors getting hit by a car in Seattle? The protesters were in the middle of the road doing what protestors do and this car comes driving down the highway doing what cars do and you can see the moment of impact when the protestors get thrown up in the air and then come tumbling down onto the pavement after the fact. One of the two women has died and the other is in the ICU and will more than likely succumb to her injuries.

Call me callous but I don't have a lot of sympathy for protestors who put themselves in harms way. I just don't. Do I feel bad that one has died and the other will probably die? You know, not so much. We're in war of attrition with these anarchists and there is no such thing as a war without casualties. Maybe our side is starting to fight back and that is a good thing.

It's hard to say whether or not the driver of the vehicle, a black man, even saw the two women in the middle of the road since he never slowed his vehicle as he neared the two women. Maybe he did see them and fearing for his own safety accelerated into their path. As a black man, he was more likely a kindred spirit given the whole BLM thing and one who they would have let pass without incident. Had the driver been a white man? Katy, bar the fucking door! It would have been George Floyd all over again. Or, was it Floyd George?

My new iPad Air (3rd generation) arrives today. I'll need to go pick up a case for it. I have a good mind to put a date on it as well. I'm not so sure that the last iPad I bought lasted as long as it should have. It probably outlasted any warranty it might have had so there isn't much chance in trying to go down that path.


I guess I would have expected more from an iPad Pro than having the damn thing just go south on me when I was least expecting it. I'll be running off to do a few errands today while Nancy works from home so that will work out. I don't think I much enjoy being home when she is on the phone working. It's the whole walking on eggshells thing.

I never did get back to the person who cuts my hair. She offered to have me come over to her studio for a trim now that were on the other side of this here pandemic thing. I think I'm just a little bit uncomfortable doing that so I'll be happy to wait until she's back in the saddle at her usual location in downtown Portsmouth.

I do want to give her a call to say just that, not the uncomfortable part for sure, but simply to say that I'll be there with bells on once she is back at work. I won't be using that particular phrase since I'm not really buddy buddy with her and it's not a rubicon that I'm interested in crossing any time soon. I'll keep it on the up and up. Nothing more, nothing less.

It was good firing up the grill here at home last night. It's the second or maybe third time this year we've used it so it was time. We had some marinated chicken and I cut up some mushrooms, zucchini's, red onions, and red peppers and threw them on the barbie as they say. Oh yes, can't forget the skewers.

I think I had six in total and there were just enough room on one side of the grill without having to use both burners. Once done, the chicken turned out to be just perfect. It was a bit crispy on the outside and perfectly tender and moist on the inside. Tender is the night as we like to say round these parts. It felt good to eat something other than restaurant take-out.

I have to give my brother from another mother a call sometime soon to offer my condolences on the passing of their long time pet dog, Prince. Given their druthers, I have to believe that they might have opted for giving him the needle sooner than they did but hindsight is always 20-20. Make no mistake about it. They loved that dog and that dog loved them.

Prince never failed to give us the gruff of his voice when we visited once or twice a year being the good guard dog that he was and he ruled the roost like nobody's business. He was a faithful to the family with whom he lived and they were equally faithful to him.

He had this particular habit during the Christmas holidays of tearing up the wrapping that folks left on the floor after opening up their presents. That's probably how I'll remember him. He was a good dog as dogs go. He will be sorely missed. I think if I had it to do all over again I would have brought him more treats.

I'm not even sure what that would be but I don't think dogs are overly particular when it comes to accepting food from family friends and relatives. It's not like dogs treats are hard to find if you're looking for that sort of thing. You can carry around in your pocket for chrissakes so it's probably inexcusable that I wasn't more generous back in the day. You live and you learn.

Evan stayed the night last night here at home. His car was in need of a little brake work so I dropped it off at the local shop where I'm hoping he can get the work done today. I thought it was just a little dirt that got in between the brake pad and the rotor and that it might work itself out but that was not the case.

The metal on metal sounds got worse with time and I was hoping that he wouldn't brake too hard thinking that would just make matters worse. I never told him that since I wasn't wanting him do anything that didn't otherwise come naturally while behind the wheel. Maybe he goes through a light that he wouldn't otherwise go through. You see where I'm going with this.

President Trump is coming to Portsmouth this weekend and I will not be in attendance. He's holding a rally in a hangar at the local airport as he did on many occasions in 2016. It's essentially a drive-by where he lands Air Force One, spends time giving a bit of stump speech, and climbs back aboard for his trip back to Washington, D.C.. Let me be clear. Were it not for Covid-19, I would be going.

The virus is still out there so I owe it to myself and Nancy and others in our circle of friends and acquaintances to exercise due diligence when considering such things. I just think that things will be far too tight for my tastes. Not that I'm worried about such things but things can go south in a hurry as we've all learned with this virus.

Nancy still isn't going out to this place or that place like she did before the virus came to town. It seems reflexive more than anything else now that things are opening up again. She's just not comfortable going out and I don't know when that is going to change. Well, going out isn't the problem quite frankly. It's more of a "going in" problem.

Maybe if she were less prickly about such matters I might have more of a comfort level in attending Trump's rally. I'm not laying my not going at her doorstep but her physical and emotional well being is at the center of my wheelhouse and that is as it should be I might add. If she has any qualms about my attending a rally where I might contract Covid then that is the end of any such conversation.