Quack Quack

There were gangs of anti-Israel protestors protesting outside a Jewish deli in Philadelphia last night. They were harping on some anti-semitic trope or other in a threatening fashion as they surrounded the deli in the street outside the deli. I have to believe that these are organized protests instead of just another group of ne'er-do-well miscreants who have nothing better to do on a Sunday night. Who would be trying to whip up hatred against a religious minority in our country if not someone or some group who has an agenda to fulfill? There is the obvious backdrop of the Israeli bombing of Gaza and the killing of thousands of innocent Palestinians if one is looking to make any sense of it, but I'm not sure that's all there is to it. Let's just say that collateral damage is a necessary evil when going to war against your enemy. What I worry about is the people and the organizations who, as the Democrats love to say, "never let a good crisis go to waste." Is this what we're seeing, or is there something more sinister going on? Will Joe Biden's Justice Department hold one or more of these people to account for their actions, or will they look the other way to achieve their political ends?


The New England Patriots are now 2-10 after losing to the Chargers this weekend. I'm delighted, of course, since I would like nothing more than to see them take it up the ass every weekend. We need to expose the ridiculously weak-kneed Bill Belichick for the lousy couch that he is. That was never going to happen with Tom Brady on the roster, and now that Tom is gone, we're seeing what a barebones Bill Belichick looks like, and it ain't pretty. Either the buck stops here, or it doesn't. Either he takes responsibility for the poor performance of the team he coaches, or he doesn't. Spoiler alert: He doesn't. I have to be careful here. If too many of my dreams come true, my football watching, which I've enjoyed this year more than most because of just how much the Patriots suck, will end when the regular season ends. It's the only reason I watch football. What will I do when I don't have a team to hate? You should hear me (screaming at the top of my lungs). "What's the matter, Billy Boy"? "Take him down!" I don't know what the missus is thinking, and I don't.

I'm watching this Maine marijuana story with great interest. Reports out of the State of Maine say that the Chinese have any number of marijuana-growing facilities across the State. What the hell is that all about? Is this just another example of the Chinese doing what they do to addle the minds of our citizens? If they can't kill our young people with Fentanyl, are they going to take another stab at it by using marijuana as a weapon? Or, is this just another way to buy property inside our country for nefarious reasons? Do you suppose that Americans have the same types of facilities in China? That's a rhetorical question. It's also possible that the Chinese are paying off Mainers and their politicians as they have in other countries across the globe in order to establish a base of operation from which to operate God only knows what. You know there is a problem when the cops shut down one or more million-dollar weed-growing operations in Maine and nobody gets arrested. Let's get one thing straight: China is not our friend. Maybe they figure that if they can buy off the president of the United States, which they have, there is no limit to what they can do and who they can buy off with the money they have to spend.

If the only benefit we derive from putting Trump in office in 2024 is that we get rid of the likes of John Kerry, I'd say it's well worth it. Did you hear that fool the other day talking about shutting down every last coal mine across the planet, including mines here in the United States? Who the fuck does he think he is? Who elected him to be king? And, my God, did you hear the applause from the clapping seals in the audience? The hysteria around this climate nonsense is cray-cray, as any toddler will tell you. Someone posted a picture the other day of a tarmac in some location where jets had been stranded by a raging snowstorm whose owners were on their way to a climate change conference. The symbolism was perfect. But this Kerry nutter has to go. He's the same ass clown who, back in the sixties, stood with Jane Fonda and the North Vietnamese communists against America and everything she was trying to accomplish in the Vietnam War. It's one thing to be against your country in a war that you think is unjust. It's quite another to sing the praises of a foreign government that is engaged in killing your fellow Americans. By endorsing this climate nonsense, Kerry is once again doing the work of our enemies and at the expense of our fellow Americans.

There seems to be a lot of hysteria in the media these days about Trump and what he plans to do when he beats Joe Biden in November 2024. Most of what they're warning about is extra-constitutional, so none of it will likely ever come to pass, but that hasn't stopped them from spouting their nonsense. It reminds me a little bit of the Russia Russia Russia nonsense that the CNNs of the world spun for years during Trump's first term and which turned out to be sheer nonsense. They (CNN) and their compatriots in the left-wing media indulged in what can only be described as Goebbels-level propaganda day in and day out for no other reason than to paint Trump as a traitor, a despot, and unworthy of holding the office of the Presidency. They were, of course, doing the bidding of Hillary Clinton when it came to the Russia thing. Hillary Clinton had the drapes in the Oval Office measured and the monogrammed silverware ordered only to see it all go up in flames on Election Day. Trump had to be spanked and spanked hard even if it meant fabricating stories about Trump and hookers in a hotel in Moscow. Hillary was going to get her pound of flesh one way or another, and the compliant left-wing media was more than happy to get on that bandwagon. So, I guess what I would say is, here we go again.

We're down to four candidates in tomorrow's Republican primary debate. Well, four Keebler Eleves anyway. From everything I'm reading, it seems like they (The Establishment) are trying desperately to get Nikki Haley to the finish line where Trump won't have much choice but to put her on the ticket as Vice President. If that doesn't work, they want her at the top of the ticket on the No Labels ticket where she will effectively run as a third party. If she can't win, she wants to be a spoiler, and that effectively means that she and her fellow neocons would rather put a senile Joe Biden back in office rather than Trump. We're in wars around the world under Joe Biden's "leadership" so why not? Right? If you want to know who the real Nikki Haley is, that is who she is. If I hear her running her mouth one more time about her chances of winning because she's never lost a race, I think I'm going to vomit. I've got a bad feeling about this bitch. Did you hear her in the last debate when she admonished Vivek Ramaswamy by uttering the following, "Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth"? How about when she called Vivek, "scum"? One or more of her fellow elves need to expose her for what she is in this debate. And, goddammit, do it with extreme prejudice. Git er done!

I'm behind the eight ball a little bit after being out of town for a couple of days with the missus. We had a pleasant trip to upstate New York where we spent a bit of time with the fam. We stayed at a different hotel so that was nice. The room was small but manageable. Having a microwave might have been nice. We brought our own little refrigerator so no worries there. Well, a cooler that doubles as a refrigerator in a pinch anyway. We ran into scattered snow showers here and there but mostly after we had arrived at our destination. The ride home was wonderfully sunny and refreshingly cold. Did I mention that the missus and I had some discombobulation after having omelets in the hotel's dining room? I don't know if it was the hash browns, the omelets themselves, or maybe the condiments we used. Maybe it was the damn jam that we put on our toast. Whatever it was, we seemed to get over it rather quickly with some lingering something but not enough to be a problem. We saw the people we needed to see, delivered the presents we needed to present, and got in and out in a couple of days. We both regret not getting up to the village, but there will be plenty of time to do that on future trips. And, no, the Ev man did not join us on this trip.

My prayers are with my seester this morning as she goes in for her procedure. She's in for an uphill battle that I can't go into here for obvious reasons. Needless to say, I'm calling in all my outstanding chips with the big guy for any and all favors he can muster. She's going to need them in spades. This is just the beginning of a longer road that my seester will have to travel down before all is said and done. The good news is that the fam is there for her in spades. The bad news is that she's in for the fight of her life. She's got just enough piss and vinegar to make it through so that's what we're all counting on. It's one day at a time, and she knows it. Nobody is offering her any false hope, and I think that's the right approach. That's what my seester would want. Give it to me in black and white you sons of bitches. I can hear her now. You can listen to the health professionals until the cows come home, but until you're doing what needs to be done, it's just words. All of that starts this morning at 7 am. We already have one update, and there's a reference to "nerves." Ya think? You know what I think? I think I know what I want for Christmas.


Can you imagine? The Republican congress is denying Biden any aid for Ukraine until Biden agrees to protect our borders. Now that it looks unlikely that the aid will be given because Biden refuses to protect our borders, Biden is threatening to send our sons and daughters to fight the Russians in Ukraine. Are you fucking kidding me? That damn war was lost a long time ago by Ukraine, and Ukraine hasn't bothered to look for a negotiated settlement for the simple fact that our country has been sending tens of billions of dollars to that hack Zelensy and his oligarchs not to negotiate a settlement. I suspect Zelensky is threatening to spill the beans on the corruption of the Biden Crime Family now if they don't receive yet another tranche of money with a lot of trailing zeroes. I think I saw a response from Russia just this morning with comments about Ukraine becoming another Vietnam if we send our sons and daughters to fight in Ukraine. For those of you confused about Russia's response, the United States lost some 55,000 lives in Vietnam during the years-long conflict. Considering the fact that we have a seriously demented "president" sitting in the Oval Office, don't be surprised if we see the return of the draft and God only knows what else until we can throw his senile ass out of office in November 2024. Tic Toc Tic Toc

Speaking of Vietnam, what the hell is Biden and his military complex trying to get us involved in now down in Central America? Yes, I'm talking about another war as if involving us in multiple wars around the world from Israel to Ukraine isn't enough. Venezuela has taken certain sections of Guyana by hook or crook, and they are now looking to exploit the various and sundry natural resources that they have allegedly co-opted. I don't know the extent of the militarization used in the operations by Venezuela, but I'm guessing one just doesn't waltz into an adjoining territory and start taking what you damn well please without some pretense of force real or imagined. And who the hell does this Venezuelan thug, Maduro, think he is? Do you think for a minute that he would be doing any of this without the imprimatur of Biden's White House? Would it surprise anyone to find that Biden was in bed with yet another dictator? How much are we talking about his time, Mr. President? The usual ten percent? I'm reading that Venezuela has given the EXXONs of the world 30 or 60 days or something to vacate their offshore platforms. This is real, folks. If you're not reading about it in the headlines, it's because Biden's praetorian guard, the media, has decided that it isn't in Biden's political interests to inform Americans about it. How do you like them apples?

Can I go back to the Republican debate referenced above? I thought Vivek brought the goods in the debate yet he is readily dismissed as a fringe candidate by the media across the board. Who the hell decides who is and who isn't a candidate when it comes to our presidential elections? The media? Did you see the look on Nikki Haley's face when Vivek challenged her to name three provinces in Ukraine that she thought Americans should be fighting in? Hell, I don't think she could have named one of the three provinces. Neither can I for that matter but I'm not running for president. She looked absolutely gobsmacked by the question. She had to be rescued by the fat fuck, Christie, who Vivek told in no uncertain terms to "get the hell out of the race." He said something else to Christie about going out for a meal, but that was pure unadulterated fat shaming, so Vivek didn't shouldn't have gone there. Honestly, Vivek. It just told me that Haley isn't ready for prime time. I've thought that all along so this is nothing new. Vivek brought the heat by bringing up the January 6th so-called insurrection and every other Democrat fabricated oppo play going back to God only knows when. Good for him. He's right about every last one of them. Is there anyone who speaks more clearly and truthfully about what the hell is going on in our country than Vivek Ramaswamy?

I guess I'm glad that the Feds are finally bringing charges against Hunter Biden. It doesn't mean shit, though. You know Scranton Joe, or is it lunchbucket Joe, is going to pardon him when all is said and done. He'll no sooner spend a day in jail than the man on the moon. I hadn't considered the possibility that Joe Biden would die before he could pardon his son, but I heard someone raise that possibility yesterday. You just have to take one look at the guy, and you know he's on his last leg. There is also the issue of what Hunter hasn't been charged with, and that would be FARA charges. You know, the Foreign Agent Registration Act where you need to register with the government before you do business with foreign governments. You know, the one charge that put Paul Mannafort in solitary confinement during Biden's first year in office. You know, the law that was never used on anyone until Trump was elected president. And then, they dusted that thing off and threw the book at several of Trump's people to put them behind bars. Of course, charging Hunter with the law would ensnare his father, Scranton Joe, and it's Scranton Joe's Justice Department making up the rules so you know how this movie ends.

Is anyone surprised that CNN is sponsoring two debates for the Republican candidates for president just days ahead of the New Hampshire primary? I'm quite sure they're doing it to influence the outcome of the primary. It's probably also no surprise that the candidates are pleased as punch to be involved. They know full well that the intent of the debate is not to highlight their candidacies but rather to take their (CNN's) one last chance to excoriate Trump in the hopes that they can bring him down just enough to call whomever it is that comes in a close second as the real winner. In any other world, the other Republican candidates would have either gotten out of the race altogether given Trump's lead or the Party would have forced them to get out so they could devote their time, energy, and money to the one candidate with the best chance to win. I'll be watching if only to watch Vivek go off on a tear or two against his insipid competitors on stage. It's also interesting to see just how rabid the CNN moderators are in their posturing and questioning, not that I don't already know what that looks like.

I've had our Christmas tree sitting in a bucket of water in the garage for the last week. Today seems like a good day as any to bring it into the house and dude it up. We also have this electronic tree kinda thing that we're planning to set up outside. With a storm of sorts coming on Sunday, I'm thinking waiting a day or two might not be the end of the world. The missus will drag out her boxes of ornaments, and she'll be off and running until that sucker is standing tall and looking good in our front room. I'm old enough to remember when tinsel was a thing, but I don't think they even sell tinsel anymore. I don't have a preference for lights or bulbs so whatever the missus decides on is fine with me. What I'd rather not do is to go searching in local stores this close to Christmas for lights to replace lights that no longer work. Of course, you don't know what works and what doesn't until you start unboxing everything. We're putting the tree in a different corner of our living room this year so we'll have to see how that works out. It's a corner of our living room that doesn't get a lot of attention, so maybe the fit is just right. You know what they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men. Right?

I heard someone say the other day that the only reason Taylor Swift was selected as Person of the Year by Time magazine was so they could use her as a tool to get the young vote out for Biden in 2024. I'm not just talking about her persona, or whatever it is that has every twaddle under the age of twenty going absolutely ga-ga for her. It's her pro-choice position on abortion that they think she can use to rally young women en masse to her cause. Time magazine, being the rabidly leftist magazine that it is, was willing to jeopardize its very reputation (lost that a long time ago) in order to help Bumbles Biden get back into office for another four years. It's obvious if you think about it. Can anyone with a straight face say that Talyor Swift has anything to offer the American public other than what she brings in her performances on stage? If she's living the American dream, I'm happy for her. That's what America is all about. Once she stoops to be a stooge for the Democrat Party and all of their Marxist wet dreams, count me out. There have been half a dozen people who have died this year, Henry Kissinger being one of them, who would have been a better candidate than Talyor Swift. I'm guessing Henry was pro-life and that's a non-starter. It's all about getting out the youth vote so let's call a spade a spade. Let's call it what it is.

That was something. It went viral. Surely, you've seen Elise Stefanik, the congresswoman from New York, questioning the three or four college presidents about their policies on genocide as it relates to their university's code of ethics regarding Jews. Every last one of them stepped in it. If it sounded like their answers to Setfanik's question were rehearsed, it's because they were. The problem was, it was the wrong answer. Each of the three college presidents included the word "context" in their answers. Of course, there is no such thing as "context" when it comes to genocide of any kind much less the genocide of Jews. You either condemn it out of hand, or you don't. When you don't, you effectively promote the genocide of Jews, and that is never a good thing for the Jews on your campus or campuses across our fruited plains. Maybe that was the point of the hearings, and maybe it wasn't. If the point of the hearings was to expose these nutjobs for the nutjobs they are, and one of them has stepped down since last week's hearing, then it's a step in the right direction. Oh, and these aren't just any colleges. These are the iviest of Ivy League colleges. If we can take out a DEI hire in the process like that dumb duck of a Harvard hire who spouted nonsense at the hearing along with her fellow presidents, all the better. Quack Quack

It looks like Alex Jones is coming back to Twitter (X.) I'm not sure why he ever got kicked off Twitter, but people like Alex Jones got kicked off all the time back in the day (before Musk purchased the company.) Alex may have gotten the boot over his posts having to do with the Sandy Hook school shootings. Sandy Hook aside, I never thought being a conspiracy theorist was grounds for having your voice silenced on social media. A lot of that changed during the Covid-19 craze when social media sites were getting called on a regular basis from Biden's White House demanding that certain posts get taken down. They had little to no tolerance for anyone who disagreed with Fauci's official position, and they were willing to do whatever it took to shut them down even at the expense of our God-given rights of free speech under the Constitution. Hats off to Musk for righting that ship as he has over time. And honestly, can the rantings of Alex Jones be any crazier than what is really going on behind the scenes. Every day it's something new in Biden's America. Put it all out there and let me decide what I want to believe or not believe. Twitter does its part in keeping everyone honest by posting Community Notes when Tweeters get off track so there's that. If that doesn't work, they can always shadowban your posts.