Mr. Clean

Not sure where my inspiration is coming from this morning but if it's out there I'll find it. I'm kind of excited about having a few days off around the holidays and that I can't deny. Nor, would I. Who wouldn't be excited about a 2-day work week. Funny thing is, I take advantage of days like these to give my aching brain a rest. I make every attempt to turn my attention to things requiring little or no thought but requiring my attention nonetheless. If exercise is involved, all the better. Then, when I finally do go back to work I'm not suffering from mental exhaustion or lack of inspiration. So far, so good. As for the 2-day work week, what could possibly pop up that would ruin the rest of the week. I had a dream about being laid off last night and that might get my attention. The good news is, it wasn't from my present job so I'll not fret. Then again, dreams don't always make sense. I'd better stash a little more coin beneath the mattress just in case.

How cold does your house get at night? How cold will it get before you allow yourself the luxury of turning on the heat? I find that wearing a few more layers in the morning makes it that much more tolerable. When you know the temperatures are going to hit the lower 50's you can sit tight and just wait for it to warm up. I swear there are days when it's warmer outside then it is inside. This is a strategy that works well in the fall months but falls short during the winter months since the temperatures sometimes never get out of the teens. I would hasten to add that as much as I like the wood stove, using it every day makes it seem far less novel and even less enjoyable. So, until I have to use it every day I simply won't. I will resist the temptation to fire it up and will turn a deaf ear to my shivering offspring and darling wife.

For today, anyway, I have bigger fish to fry. Ev and I are doing a solo today and I will see if I can get him to spend a few minutes in his room tidying up. That is something he and I have never done and I'm not sure he'll be able to keep up with me once I get going. Just call me Johnny Whirlwind. That's my name, organizing the world is my game. I know, I know. I can't even keep my sock drawer in order. You know, socks to the left with darks in the rear, under-johnnies in the middle, and t-shirts on the right. Funny thing is, I have a very good sense of organization but, in practice, I am an abject failure. You can see my brilliance when I turn my attention to it, but it is usually reactionary rather than the other way around. I'm the guy you want to call in when things have gone to hell in hand basket. I am not your guy if you're looking for someone to make the trains run on time. That is just a fact. Maybe that should tell you something about Evan's room.