Picking up the Pace

I'm not sure that this version of Rapidweaver is worth the price of the upgrade. I guess we'll see. Will it make me a better journaler? Probably not. Will the glimmer of all of the bells and whistles provide the necessary catnip to keep me coming back? That's a resounding maybe. There was something about it being faster and easier to use. Don't know about that either. Not yet anyway. Surely there are bigger fish to fry. I'm talking about here and now. I'm talking about here and now at 5 in the morning when I'm up and starry eyed on a day off and out of the office. Elongated weekends are good. I seem to have a little more oomph on Sunday's when I have Mondays off and that was clearly the case yesterday. I even got around to changing the tire on my bike. It was a cinch with that new tool I picked up at the local bike store in Portsmouth. I really struggled with the change the last time around when I didn't know such a tool existed but not so yesterday. Who knew a $2.99 tool could turn a beast of a job into something much much easier. I took care of the garden as well and I usually just ignore the garden and let mother nature do what she will with the remnants once summer turns to fall. I was surprised to see that my rosemary was looking more robust that it had a right to at this time of the year and even more surprised when I found several jalapeno' peppers just ready for the picking. They will be perfect for my first chili of the season. That said, I may not get around to making chili for a couple of weeks now so I hope they hold up ok. Something to look forward to.

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There is a lot going on. Not sure where to start. If I had to guess I would say that Pace is game, set and match. Just like that. We need to get over it. Evan needs to get over it and move on. We'll see how that works out. There are financial markets to watch with the end of quantitaive easing coming to an end so that should be interesting. There is an election coming up in a week or so and that too should provide endless hours of distraction and either euphoria or something less depending on how that turns out. There is the ebola business which has the media working over time tracking patients and testing the patience of the ACLU. Even those patients who have tested negative for the disease are being quarantined by govermental fiat in the states of NY and NJ as they return from ebola ravaged countries in Western Africa. Doctors without borders indeed. Just don't breathe on me. Please. And then there is Obama. He is already telegraphing his intentions to move forward on immigration reform by giving some 11 million illegal immigrants amnesty. These are the poorest of the poor from countries south of our own borders or what might otherwise pass for borders; the least educated of what loosely passes for welfare recipients in their own countries; many with criminal backgrounds or trying to simply escape the horrors of poverty and all that entails; and most of whom would never qualify for meaningful work given their lack of education and capacity for learning. Do not confuse these heathens with those immigrants who came to our shores decades ago by way of Ellis Island. There is simply no comparison.

We're down to the home stretch now and the mid term elections are next Tuesday. Should be interesting. If it ends up being about Obama's policies, which he has stated openly that they "are on the ballot" then we should see a decisive victory by the republicans. That would translate to majorities in both houses of Congress and an already lame duck president even more lame if that is at all imaginable. The Dems have played just about every card conceivable in trying to prevent the takeover by the Republicans but seemingly to no avail. From their efforts to whip up the minority sentiment in hell holes like Ferguson Missouri to beating the drums on the war on women it has simply fallen on deaf ears from coast to coast. Blacks and other minorities are no longer wholesale consitituencies for the Democrats and the promise of food stamps, EBT cards, and other handouts are no longer sufficient as payment for their promises at the ballot box. Women are less concerned when it comes to issues surrounding reproductive rights and are infintiely more focused on keeping their families safe from the ravages of everything from Ebola to the illegal aliens crossing our borders in record numbers to the pervasive spying and lying by their own government. Dare I mention ISIS? Maybe the bottom line is that more than 60% of the population think that our country is heading in the wrong direction; they do not feel safe in their homes; and they can not trust their government to tell them the truth. "If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Sound familiar? The Republicans are merely beneficiaries of this momentum that has been simmering over the last 6 years of the Obama administaration and now threatens to boil over at the ballot box next Tuesday. It is an opportunity that the republicans should not take lightly. We'll see.