And All Through The House

I'm waking up to stories about the Houtis attacking a chemical tanker off the coast of Yemen and a story about the Israelis hacking and shutting down most of the gas stations in Iran. What's next? Car washes? Is this the Israelis' idea of striking back at their arch-nemesis in the Middle East for training and funding terrorists and terrorist nations that have been attacking them relentlessly since that fateful day in Israel, October 7th, 2023? I know, I know. They've been bombing the bejeesus out of Gaza, so that's not nothing. If Iran is behind all of this, which we all know to be true, going after Iran's gas stations this late in the game seems, well, a little ridiculous. Maybe they are trying to see how far they can go before Biden gets a diaper rash over it all and tells them in no uncertain terms that he won't tolerate their going after his dear friends, the Mullahs.


BP, which I think is British Petroleum, has ceased sending oil tankers through the Red Sea due to threats and recent attacks on vessels transiting the area. Oil futures are up 7% on the news. Oil prices have been dropping lately, and that has been good for the financial markets. Let's hope this doesn't screw the pooch when it comes to the Santa rally in the stock market that we've all been hoping would come along just in time to pay all the bills that filter in after Santa has come and gone. The United States and our allies could step in tomorrow to offer protection to those vessels and all of this hyperventilating over the price of oil could go away. The last thing Bumbles Biden wants to see now that prices have come down is to have prices revert to their previous nosebleed levels just in time for Americans to go to the polls to elect their next president. His approval ratings, now at an all-time low of 33%, can't get much lower so he'll have to do something. Put down your mashed peas and apple sauce, Mr. President, and get back to work.

Unless you've been spending any time on social media, you probably didn't know that a staffer on Senator Cardin's staff in Washington filmed himself having anal sex in one of the Senate hearing rooms over the weekend. You can't make this stuff up. Right? It was probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen coming out of our nation's capitol. His private parts were blurred out so we were all spared that end of the business. We also didn't catch sight of the other guy involved. I think both the staffer and the filmer have since been fired. This, to me, encapsulates the very essence of what we have today in the Democrat Party. There is no moral level of decorum that they are willing not to denigrate in the name of the Party. They cannot conceivably rebuild their Marxist wet dream without tearing down everything that is normal, good, and Godly. Whether we're talking about their endorsement of the heinous murders every year of tens of millions of the unborn or the radicalization and sexualization of our children, this is who they are, and this is what they do. Make no mistake about it. If they hadn't been outed by the film, no one would have lost their jobs.

There is also a story out there this morning about Biden's being involved in a car accident. I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that this is just their way of staying the hell out of Washington earlier than planned before the Christmas holiday. I can hear their praetorian guard, the mainstream media, now. The Biden family will be taking leave earlier than usual in order to go back to their home in Rehobeth to fully recover before heading back to the Capitol after the holidays to do the work of the American people. I know it's hard to believe, but millions of Americans will fall for their bullshit, and even more unbelievable is that the Bidens will be the beneficiaries of get-well cards from across our fruited plains before all is said and done. Maybe there's more than meets the eye here. Is this the mother of all opportunities that they now have to have Bumbles step down and bring in Kamala as our new Commander-in-Chief? Something needs to change if you're a president with an approval rating of thirty-three percent twelve months out from a presidential election.

Those pictures of illegal aliens surging northward to the United States and through Eagle Pass down in Texas are unbelievable. There are literally hordes of them. I'm talking thousands upon thousands of God only knows who coming into our country. The optics are particularly disturbing. It's one thing to hear the stories secondhand or to see these migrants in your own communities looking gobsmacked and in need of a good home-cooked meal. What most Americans don't realize is that the President of the United States, the very clown that they may have voted for in 2020, Joe Biden, has opened up the floodgates of our country for every Jose, Maria, and Vlad to come into our country. I'm guessing the numbers are ten million or more in just the first two years of Biden's first, and hopefully last, four years in office. The nastiness of this invasion is incalculable. The societal impact is beyond anyone's comprehension. All Biden and the Obama wing of the progressive party know and understand is that these illegal aliens will move them and their movement closer to the nirvana of their desire for a one-party state. If they can erase the imprint of whiteness in our culture in the process, all the better. A fundamental transformation, if you will.

The polls seem to suggest that most Americans want these illegal aliens deported. That would be a massive task to be sure. How exactly do you go into communities to extricate these illegals? Can we track them by using the iPhones that they've been given? Can we rely on them to self-report? We will probably know precisely which countries they've come from by using Artificial Intelligence to query their contacts using phone data. By rerouting jumbo 747s from wars around the world, which Trump will mandate on day one in office in 2025, we should have enough capacity to move a million or more back to their homelands in the first six months. A coast-to-coast sweep of inner cities for migrants lining up in food lines or waiting at bus stops in an effort to get out of town before they get rounded up will send just the right message to these feral interlopers. If going into schools nationwide to pluck out ne'er-dwells, then that's what we'll do. No stone will go unturned. The word will go out worldwide that there is a new sheriff in town, and the United States is no longer open to the world's criminals, perverts, social outcasts, and itinerants. Did I miss a class or two? The bottom line is that we don't have to stand idly by and suffer the consequences imposed on us by these politicians in Washington who do not have our country's best interests in mind. Oh, and let's not forget the terrorists.

Poor Rudy. He was once the talk of the town as the much-loved mayor of New York City. He brought down the mafia in the five boroughs, and he stood tall in the breach on 9/11 when terrorists took down the Twin Towers. He ably assisted Trump as his personal attorney during Trump's first term, and he fought the good fight to clear Trump's name and reputation in the wake of the stolen 2020 election. Getting the courts to listen to any of the arguments or to review any of the evidence that Rudy collected on Trump's behalf was a non-starter. Rudy no doubt had the goods on everything from Biden's alleged corruption in Ukraine and everything else under the sun as revealed on Hunter's laptop. Rudy's recent travails deal with his losing a defamation suit against women that Rudy believed, and he had the evidence to prove his case as he is wont to remind us, that there were shenanigans behind the scenes when they stopped counting votes in Georgia on Election Night 2020. Now that the courts have awarded damages to the two individuals defamed by Rudy, he has to cough up some $140 million or so to satisfy the judgment. If Rudy is right that the judge never allowed him to show his evidence, and we've all seen the videos, then there has clearly been a miscarriage of justice, the outrageous judgment aside. It pains me to see Rudy on bended knee across various and sundry media platforms asking for donations to help him with his legal expenses. A literal fall from grace, such as it is.

You knew this was coming. One or more moonbat courts were going to find that Trump is unqualified to hold public office because of his involvement in the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, 2020. First of fucking all, there was no insurrection. Now that we have ALL the video, we can see this fiasco for what it is: A Hoax perpetrated by the Democrats to hang around the neck of Trump designed to keep him off the ballot in 2024. I think the Democrats probably thought that the hearings by their kangaroo court of a Committee would be enough to sully Trump to the point that nobody would vote for him ever again. When that proved to be unlikely given the shitcan ratings of their hearings that were held in prime time and choreographed by a television producer straight out of Hollywood, they found a new narrative that said that according to some law going back to the days of the Civil War, Trump could be kept off the ballot and therefore denied a second term as president. It was a Hail Mary to be sure, but they were desperate. They had a clown car of a candidate named Joe Biden with approval ratings in the low thirties and time was of the essence. The moonbat Supreme Court of Colorado heard their clarion call and has now beclowned themselves by issuing their edict. Prepare to be spanked by the real Supreme Court. Let's make this unanimous, folks.

Who are these people calling themselves the Houthis and who the hell do they think they are threatening ship traffic in the Red Sea? From what I've seen, they're nothing more than a bunch of ragtag hooligans running around in rags and driving 25-year-old Toyota pickups. Where the hell did they get the weapons that they've been using to attack ships in the Red Sea and who taught them how to use the damn things? We know the answer to this question. It's Iran. One thing is clear. Either Iran or the Houthis need to be taught a lesson. Let's call it Project: Scorched Earth. If we take out their Toyotas, that has them traveling to their weapons stashes using camels or bicycles. It would be akin to shooting fish in a barrel, euphemistically speaking. Most of the ship traffic being targeted at the moment is heading to Israel so maybe Israel needs to be a little more proactive in protecting their own shipments. Maybe we can supply the napalm or whatever they choose to unleash on these terrorists. I have to believe if either the U.S. or Israel bombs them back to the Stone Age that they might reconsider their positions. A good punch in the nose is typically all it takes to deter a bully as we all know from our days in the schoolyard. I don't think it's our fight, so I'd prefer to see Israel take the lead, but if we had to pitch in here and there until the job is finished, so be it. As usual, Bumbles Biden is behind the eight ball in getting this party started. Maybe, more appropriately, it's fumbling, bumbling, bumbles Biden.

Kudos to Vivek Ramaswamy for coming out of the gate the minute the Colorado Supreme Court decision came down and declaring that he would remove his name from the ballot in Colorado until Trump's name was put back on the ballot. You gotta love this guy. He gets trumpier and trumpier every day. Vivek also urged Haley and DeSantis to do the same. Those two twats have said nothing (Update-Chimed in late) about the Colorado decision despite the fact that it's got to be one of the most ridiculous decisions coming out of any court in recent years. They are all in when it comes to Biden's Department of Justice using lawfare to take out the guy currently in the lead in every poll across our fruited plains. Trump's defeat by Biden's Justice Department is what they're counting on to pave the way for their ascension to the Republican nomination. As far as Haley and DeSantis are concerned, they are competing against each other and not Trump. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they've received assurances from Biden's Justice Department that they (Justice Department) will take out Trump one way or another and that they should run their races with that in mind. How else do you explain the fact that they are still in the race despite being some 40 points or more behind Trump depending on the poll you look at?


I saw a poll yesterday that has Haley at 30% here in New Hampshire. We're talking about the primary. We're talking about where she might come in in the primary in New Hampshire, which holds its primary some 30 days from today, give or take. I think the very same poll had Trump at 41%. That, to me, seems low for Trump. The difference may be the independents who favor Haley for some unknown reason. Maybe they favor her because she's not Trump. Primaries are supposed to be where the Party die-hards, or the most conservative of their lot, go to cast their votes. Right? Anyway, this latest debacle with the Colorado Supreme Court is likely to give Trump another bump in the polls, so what that means for Haley, I'm not sure. At this stage of the race, it's all about expectations. If she comes in in the low twenties after polling at 30%, that probably isn't going to help her prospects rolling into South Carolina. And, if Haley comes in second behind Trump, after coming in second in Iowa behind Trump, that has to mean the end of the DeSantis campaign. No? Like I said, they're waiting for Trump to be convicted and jailed so we probably won't see either Haley or DeSantis dropping out anytime soon.

I was listening to an hour-long radio talk show on Sirius yesterday, and the host was going over all of the cases currently underway against Trump. What he didn't say, but what I took away from the hour-long discussion, is that the sheer multitude of cases that the Democrats and their institutions have brought against Trump to do one thing and one thing only, which is to put him in jail before Election Day 2024, is all the evidence you need to call these cases what they are, which is lawfare. Or, as some folks say, it's election interference. It's plain as the nose on your face although you never hear anyone calling it out for what it is. The thinly veneered cases are an insult to American jurisprudence, yet no one has stood up to defend Trump against this assault on our election system and the rule of law. If they can do it to Trump, they can do it to anyone. If you find it indefensible when it comes to Trump, you should find it indefensible as a foundational principle of our justice system here in America. As such, it cannot stand. This is where our Supreme Court either allows the rogue lower courts to continue their plundering by the Left of our election, or they step in and restore what little semblance of law still exists to ensure that every man, including one Donald J. Trump, is innocent until proven guilty and has the right to appear on ballots across our fruited plains. Deciding the Colorado case with a 9-0 outcome would be a good start. The sooner, the better.

What is this bullshit about Xi Jinping telling Bumbles Biden back in November that China will reunify Taiwan, and it's only a matter of time before that takes place? The media reported none of this in the wake of their meeting in San Fransisco last November. Why are we hearing this now? What else don't we know because Bumbles and his sycophantic stooges have decided that we either don't need to know or they think it's none of our fucking business? Does this have anything to do with the fact that Biden can't remember what he had for breakfast on any given day of the week? Everything coming out of Biden's White House these days is a distraction play to keep one or more stories out of the headlines. When they start distracting us with stories this serious, it really has to make us wonder what the fuck they're trying to distract us from now. It's no surprise, quite honestly, that China has designs on Taiwan, and it's just a matter of time before they go into Taiwan guns-a-blazing. Is this like economic reports coming out of this Administration, where it looks all rosy at first blush, only to see downside corrections in subsequent reports? As for context, keep in mind that Biden is a wholly owned asset of the Communist Chinese Party. What we hear depends on what both Xi and Biden want us to hear. Does anyone think this is a problem?

I really do love my new birdbath. It was half the cost of my old one, and it's easily twice as nice. The material of the bath itself is easier to clean and manage overall. It's easier on the eyes with a Robin egg blue hue compared to my old black one which could pass for a wash tub on any given day. I have a small issue with just how shallow this new one is compared to my old one, but I think it's a blessing in disguise. It forces me to pay closer attention to water levels so that it doesn't go dry. Did I mention that it's a heated birdbath? I think you're not supposed to let them go dry. Nonetheless, I don't want to find out what happens when it does go dry. I'd have birds large and small coming to bathe in summers past. I took personal pleasure in giving them a place of respite during the hot summer months where they could drink and bathe at their leisure. I know that sounds goofy, but it is what it is. I think this shallower birdbath is just fine for the winter months, but I'm going to hold on to my older birdbath and bring it out next summer. That's the plan anyway.

The missus and I are watching this new show entitled "Archie." It's a four-episode show about the life and times of Carey Grant. I know who he is, but he was born in 1911, so he rose to fame in Hollywood well before I came of age. He had very humble beginnings but who didn't in those days? It's funny how you think differently about these people when you learn more about their lives, how they became who they became, and how they ended up when all was said and done. To some extent, I suppose it depends on who's writing the biography at the end of the day. What does it mean, if anything, that he had four wives or so and had only one child by his last wife, Dyan Cannon? The show tells me more about Dyan Cannon than I heretofore wanted to know so there's that. The scenes with Carey Grant in his seventies while courting Ms. Cannon some 30-plus years his junior were somewhat sad to watch. There are four actors playing the parts of Carey Grant at certain stages of his life so that took some getting used to. I took from the show that he and Alfred Hitchcock had a close personal and professional relationship so I'm planning to revisit a couple of Hitchcock movies like "North by Northwest" and "Suspicion" to get more of an up close and personal look at his body of work as an actor in Hollywood. You can only pack so much information into a four-episode series, but the producers of this show did well to portray Carey Grant in a not-surprisingly glowing puff piece with the occasional wart here and there. Who is it that said, "Life is like a box of chocolates?" "You never know what you're going to get."

Here we are, the Friday before Christmas, and we still have no snow on the ground. I need to get the chairs on my back deck sorted and ready for when the snow does arrive. I never did get around to clipping the tall grass plants on our property that I typically cut down just before Winter arrives. I may yet do that, but I haven't yet. I was out on my bicycle ride yesterday in 34-degree weather with 10-mile-an-hour winds blowing from west to east. I had on enough layers such that I never felt a moment of cold. At one point, I removed one of the two pairs of gloves that I was wearing before starting my return trip. Needless to say, I was not the only bicyclist out on the roadways. My ride takes me down a stretch of Ocean Boulevard along the Atlantic so it's a popular destination for bicyclists even during the colder months of the year. The missus has started wrapping presents, and that's likely to continue over the course of the weekend. I'll be making a spinach and mushroom lasagna for our Christmas dinner so everyone is looking forward to that. Some nice French garlic bread and a salad of sorts would be a nice addition to the lasagna if we can swing it. I'm not sure the Ev man has done anything when it comes to presents, so I'll throw his name on the presents I purchased and plan to wrap for the missus. The best news of all is that all the shopping is done, and we have no need to be out amongst the maddening crowds of the Christmas shopping season. That said, I do have a couple of things I need at the market, but that should be quick and, God willing, relatively painless.

The Supreme Court rendered a decision yesterday regarding Jack Smith's request to expedite a decision regarding Trump's having or not having immunity while performing his duties in the twilight of his presidency back in 2020. Let's get one thing straight. Smith is nothing but a two-bit hack, a hitman hired by Biden to put Trump in jail before Election Day 2024. Smith went straight to the Supreme Court requesting an expedited hearing on the matter in order to short-circuit Trump's attempts to prolong the case and tie things up in various and sundry appeals just long enough to get to Election Day when he, as our 47th president, would be able to pardon himself. The Supremes were having none of Smith's bullshit. They denied his request to expedite the matter. How do you like them apples, Jack-O? It doesn't hurt, and this is my opinion, that three of the conservative members of the Supremes were put on the Court by Trump in his first term. The Dems were so utterly convinced that the Supremes would give Jack-O his expedited hearing that they were completely caught off guard by the decision. Thank you, Santa! Fuck those fuckety-fucks! Most of the leftists in the moonbat media have taken the rest of the year off so I may have to wait for them to return to get a real sense of their collective angst. I've waited this long. I think I can wait a little longer.

Maybe these mothers should have thought twice before indicting Trump on 91 counts of bullshit charges. They took a victory lap with the announcement of each new indictment. Surely, the American people would never vote for a twice-impeached insurrectionist. We've gone from that silliness to what we have now which is the American people would never vote for a convicted twice-impeached president and insurrectionist. The Dems may never get the conviction that they need in order to give Bumbles Biden his second term. They crow endlessly about putting Trump behind bars, but you'll never hear them admit that without Trump behind bars, Biden or whoever replaces him on the ballot will never win the 2024 election. It's all about keeping our democracy they tell us. I do hope that the Supremes weigh in and weigh in soon on the Colorado case. The consensus there is that the Supremes will overturn that as well and that should put an end to the ridiculous issue of States across our fruited plains kicking people off the ballot based on some amendment that was added to the Constitution in the wake of the Civil War. What I like about a lot of these cases getting on up to the Supreme Court is that the Court, in its infinite wisdom, will remind these left-wingers that we live and die in our country, not by the words of some Marxist who's been dead for some 130 years, but by the words left to us by our Founding Fathers.

I'm reading this morning that Jack-O Smith got Judge Canon in the documents case in Florida to start the process of jury selection. Smith no doubt had this in his back pocket as a counter to a snub by the Supremes in the event that the Supremes denied his request for the expedited appeal. The leftist mob in the media can now admit to losing one in the Supreme Court while winning one in a related case. See how they did that? That's called a pivot, for lack of a better word. Trump's team is still holding out hope that they can push the May trial date in the documents case by filing motion after motion. Having a Trump-appointed judge on the case can't hurt. The Dems like their chances for a conviction on the Documents case, but I think that's nothing more than wishful thinking. You know how popular Trump is in Florida. Right? I'm assuming that this is going to be a jury trial, so all you need is one holdout to muck things up, even with the strongest case. You are going to have one or more jurists who have watched while they took box after box of stolen classified documents out of Joe Biden's various homes with some stolen documents going back to his days in the Senate without so much as a misdemeanor charge. You are also not going to convince one or more of the jurists that Biden hasn't used those stolen documents to enrich his family at the expense of our country's safety and security. You also can't deny that Trump had the legal authority to have those documents as an ex-president. If anything, Biden's Justice Department was too heavy and ham-handed in raiding Trump's Mar-a-Lago home while Trump was in the middle of negotiating the return of certain documents.

Here we are, the day before Christmas in the year of the Lord, 2024. Christmas Eve, if you will. We have a lot of things to do today. Thankfully, going shopping is not one of them. We have everything we need so that's a good thing. I'll have to think about what things are going to slip off the table since I'm not going to have time to do everything I have on my list. I've gone biking the last three days in a row so maybe that comes off the table today. Both the missus and I have a bit of cooking to do. I have a lasagna to make, and the missus will be making her Christmas cookies. Snickerdoodles, I think. She was not happy when we dropped by a store the other day to buy some Crisco, and they had been sold out. Well, wonders never cease, sweetness. What were you expecting? Do you think you're the only one with cookies to bake for the holidays? We also gave plans to pay Mrs. G a visit. We've not visited sooner because she had a particularly nasty cold that is just now, thankfully, going by the wayside. We would otherwise never be visiting this close to Christmas day. I have presents to wrap as well so I'll need to squeeze that in at some point. I'll catch my usual political shows this morning, and I'll catch the New England Patriots at 8 tonight to top it all off. I'm well aware of people around the world in war zones who are suffering unspeakable horrors during this holiday so my prayers go out to them. May God grant them a cease-fire wherever they may be. Wishes for a holiday chicken in every pot may be a bridge too far. Merry Christmas all, whoever and wherever you are!