Snowflakes and Truncheons

It's just sad. President Trump made a good faith effort to explain what he knew about the incident in Charlottesville, VA, and the media still couldn't get it right. Not only could they not get it right but they twisted and contorted his words until the words no longer resembled anything that he actually said. They are so intent on hanging the "racist" label around his neck that they will do anything to push the narrative with the hopes of alienating the very people who voted for him and who still support him even in the face of blatant lies and fabrications pushed by the media. What the press doesn't get is that we Trump supporters actually follow the news and are generally more than capable of parsing reality from the bullshit that the media is serving up. We see, know, and understand the leftist ANTIFA group showing up at the rally in Virginia with their balloons filled with feces and urine and with baseball bats and brass knuckles ready to go at the slightest provocation. There was no shortage of provocation on that deadly day in Charlottesville.

File Aug 17, 7 48 27 AM

Trump was right to point out that there were both white supremacist (Neo-Nazi) groups as well as ANTIFA groups but there were also god fearing Americans on hand protesting the planned destruction by the left of statutes and other cultural artifacts which members of ANTIFA and their ilk find offensive and intolerable. Trump asked precisely the right question for which the media had no answer: Where does all of this end? Who's next? Statutes of George Washington? Thomas Jefferson? All slave owners and all American icons in our cultural past? If Trump does one thing and one thing right he exposes the left for the frauds that they are. "You can only defeat your enemy when you call them by name." Donald Trump - November 2016. His reference at the time was to radical Islamic terrorism but the goals of ISIS and the goals of ATIFA seem indistinguishable when and where the destruction of cultural icons are concerned.

Every year Nancy plants a number of Morning Glorys in and around our yard and they generally do pretty well. She has less success with Sunflowers and they end up either not growing at all or end up as stunted plants never realizing their full potential. We seem to be coming up short in one or more areas including sun exposure, soil acidity, plant placement, or something as ill defined as bad genes. When the Morning Glory plants climb as high as they can on the trestle Nancy has constructed it is my job to jury rig something so that the plants can continue to climb until it is finished climbing typically by late August or early September.

Year in and year out for too many years to count I come up with an extender of sorts that works and this year is no different. Why I don't add this in the beginning is probably worthy of discussion but it is what it is so that's that. I had a couple stretches of nylon rope lying around that seemed to be the perfect length for the extension I had in mind. One rope was bright yellow and the other a popsicle blue. Both attach to tree limbs some five feet or more from the top of each of the two plants. It helps to get them started on their way up the new trellis when I twirl them in what appears to be a natural corkscrew direction and attached here and there to the rope with flexible ties that come in every family pack of 25 or more garage bags. I'm doing all of this at the top of a six foot ladder and with the sun shining in my eyes so if the baby Jesus sees this as my time to go then I'm there for the taking. Easy pickings as they say. As for the plants, so far, so good.

But none of this matters if I don't get the eggs cooked just right for the Ev man. He likes them slightly runny and, as of late, he's voiced a preference for real bacon instead of the turkey bacon that we tend to buy more often than not. It's only when you have real bacon after eating turkey bacon for a spell that you appreciate the real thing. Getting Ev to voice a preference can be difficult and sometimes it's a shot in the dark as to what he wants and what he doesn't want. You would think that a fella with the kinds of food issues that he has had all his life might have perfected a vocabulary around his preferences be they healthy or not by now. He is quite good about staying away from sugary foods but less discerning when it comes to choosing meals that make good sense from a nutritional standpoint. In other words, he is a typical 20-something when it comes to eating and is more inclined to eat fast food than sit down to a homemade meal consisting of 3 or 4 of the food groups recommended by the American Medical Association. All I can say is that we continue to work on it with him. More accurately stated, we work on it and he ignores us.