Last Fucking Straw

Let's do this, Donald! His bond monies are due today. Yesterday, he won a golf event, so I gather he's not spending a lot of time worrying needlessly about what's going to happen today. Does he have this puppy in the bag? Will the Attorney General of New York get the last laugh? This could be the mother of all public relations wins for The Donald if he plays his cards right. Is there anything that would incense his followers more than to see that rabid District Attorney laying down a yellow crime scene tape across his properties? How about throwing a chain on the entrance to his golf course in Bedminster? Frank Luntz, the long-time pollster with the bad hairpiece, told America just last week that were Latesha James to move ahead with her plans to shutter Trump properties, she might as well just put him in the White House because that's where he'll end up. Let's get this party started, Donald!


If I'm not mistaken, Truth Social will go public today under the stock symbol DJT. This has been in the works for a while, so the fact that it is going public on the day Trump has to pony up half a billion for the bond is nothing if not divine intervention. If I understand it correctly, he will have to wait six months before he can redeem any of his shares, so it's not going to help him get out of his current jam. What it does do, however, is to piss off the ne'er do wells in the media who want to see his wealth diminished to the point where he has barely a nickel to his name and no pot to piss in when it comes to funding his own presidential campaign. What the value of the stock looks like six months from now is also a big question mark. If Trump can clear a billion, then I think he'll feel pretty good about things. Well, let's say that I'd feel pretty good were I in his position. If this becomes a meme stock, all bets are off. To the moon, Alice!

The missus and I were watching a news report last night about a couple of squatters who killed a homeowner, stuffed her in a duffel bag, and then hit the highway with her credit cards and her Lexus. They finally caught up with the two teenagers after tracking activity on her credit cards. These squatter stories are getting worse by the day. Anyway, what we didn't see on the report was a photo of either one of the alleged criminals. Were they members of a marginalized community? Were they illegal aliens? Has our government told the media not to reveal photos of illegals when their crimes come to the fore? Would we have seen their photos if they were white? What would the media be showing were Trump sitting in the White House instead of dementia Joe? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. This is all about controlling the "illegal alien" narrative so as not to inflame the public by hyping up negative stereotypes ahead of the elections in November.

It's one thing to see videos of caravans of illegal aliens as they make their way up north to our country. It's another thing to see them climbing the walls Trump built or cutting through razor wire on the fencing put up by Texas to keep the illegals out of our country. Unless you see them congregating in places in and around your neighborhood, the stories are just stories. You and your family are safe for now. You know that the stories you're hearing about various diseases making a comeback in cities where illegal aliens have been welcomed have everything to do with the invasion at our southern border. Still, you and your family are safe knowing that you don't live in close proximity to one or more of these sanctuary cities. This squatter thing is different. Thank the baby Jesus that I don't have a rental house sitting empty that some Venezuelan might want to squat in. That doesn't mean I'm not sleeping with one eye open when I lay down to sleep every night. Today, empty rentals and neglected homes are an invitation to illegals. Tomorrow, maybe they could care less who is in the house. You know who else could care less? Joe Biden's Democrat Party.

The Appeals Court in New York reduced Trump's bond to $175 million from $350 to $400 million. They came through at the last minute, thankfully. You know that the number is obscene and was going to get reduced anyway. It was just a matter of time. The Appeals Court gave the big middle finger to Latisha James and the crooked cab driver turned judge, Judge Engoron. Trump stood outside the courtroom and laid out the Stormy Daniel case and how Biden's DOJ had people running the case out of the Southern District of New York against Trump. Don't tell me that Biden has nothing to do with these lawfare cases. His fucking fingerprints are all over them. You should have seen the hysterical left-wing media when Trump's bond was reduced. They were inconsolable. They were so looking forward to seeing James seize Trump's properties. They had likely sent reporters to each of Trump's properties, not knowing which property would be seized first. It was a complete clown show.

What the hell happened earlier this morning in Baltimore? I saw video of this huge tanker running into one of three or four bridge abutments, and the entire bridge collapsed. It reminded me of those buildings during 9/11 that collapsed for no apparent reason other than that they were in close proximity to the two main towers. Some people think that the fact that the two towers collapsed so symmetrically must have meant that someone planted explosives strategically throughout the building. Anyway, this bridge in Baltimore is now toast. I think there were a half-dozen cars and a tractor-trailer on the bridge when it collapsed. God help the lot of them, whoever and wherever they are. It's pretty clear from watching the video that the tanker never made any effort to change course as it approached the bridge. The lights on the tanker flashed on and off three times before coming in contact with the abutment. Was that an SOS of sorts? Was this tanker hijacked by one or more of Biden's border jumpers with the intent of creating some sort of mass hysteria event? Mark my word: This event is going to get memory-holed before conspiracy theories get out of hand and bring down Biden's chances at reelection in one fell swoop. Not that he hasn't already lost the election on paper, mind you.

This DJT stock thing is weird. What's to stop some sultan or other sort out of the Middle East or elsewhere from stepping in and buying a shitload of stock at regular or irregular intervals just to keep the stock elevated enough such that Trump's windfall would be well north of its current value of three billion once sold in the open market? Would that not effectively circumvent existing laws regarding the financing of campaigns by foreign entities? Trump could liquidate his tens of thousands of shares just ahead of the election, reap the incredible rewards, and simply say that continuing to hold stock during his presidency would be, well, unethical. Cashing out and seeing the value of the stock plummet may not be ideal, but then again, anyone investing in the stock knew all along that their investment was more of a contribution than an investment. If the majority of his "investors" are people who would otherwise donate $50 to $100 dollars to his campaign, and multiply that by millions of investors, then who's going to raise a fuss or file a lawsuit when the value of Trump's stock goes to zero when he sells his shares? Just thinking out loud here.

I need to bring my bike in for service today. Since we're expecting rain for the next two days, the timing is perfect. My back tire wobbles a bit when I ride, and not in a good way. The same thing happened with my last bike, which wobbled so badly that it rubbed against the frame and was barely rideable. I think I ended up buying a new bike or wishing that I had, considering how much it cost to repair the bike. I hate it when that happens. The winds are pretty nasty here along the coast this time of the year, so I don't need to contend with anything more when I'm out riding. That's just a fact. It's the old "in like a lion, out like a lamb" bullshit. I can never figure out which is which. Does that mean it's windy now but only gets better from here on in? Or is it the other way around? Some days, the winds are so fierce that I go half my usual route but work just as hard, if not harder, to complete my ride. I can tell right away when going one way or the other that my ride one way is going to be a breeze, but I'll end up paying the piper on the return trip. I don't have to guess what the return trip is going to look like. Been there, done that.

I don't know if I buy the argument that Biden and his cronies were involved in the planning that led to yesterday's "accident" in Baltimore when the cargo ship struck the bridge. I only put the word accident in quotes because I don't think they know how it happened yet. That didn't stop them from calling it an accident in the minutes after it happened in the early hours of yesterday morning. No investigation had taken place, and I don't think they had even interviewed the crew on the ship yet. Besides, the reconstruction of the bridge is going to be a long-term project, and, at least in the short term, it is going to create serious ripples in our supply chains. That sort of thing drives prices up for the consumer, not down. Higher prices in an environment that is already difficult because of higher-than-usual inflation rates do not help an incumbent president. It's a minus, not a plus. It also doesn't help when the demented fool of a sitting president lies through his teeth when he finally gets around to making a statement about the accident and who will pay for it. Even if it were a terrorist act, the question remains: Who benefits? Biden didn't invite these illegal aliens into our country to pull off terrorist acts that would put his political opponent (Trump) in office. Not to worry, though. Pete Butt-Edge-Edge is on the job.


Kennedy finally named his Vice Presidential running mate yesterday. She is a far-left loon from the bowels of San Francisco and about as progressive a running mate as one could imagine. I thought Aaron Rodgers, the football guy, might have been a better choice had Kennedy been looking to draft off Trump supporters. Kennedy's going further to the left may well hurt Biden, and that's good news for Trump. I guess we'll see which camp has more dedicated followers when we get to Election Day. There are a lot of older people out there who still have fond memories of the days of Camelot, summers in Hyannis, Jackie-O, and Little John Boy and would blindly vote for the Kennedy-Loon ticket, given the choice between Biden and Trump. There is an outstanding question about how many state ballots Kennedy can get on between now and Election Day. Maybe he just needs to be on a handful of states that are still in play this late in the game. As for polls, I'm starting to see articles and polls that show Biden neck-in-neck with Trump. Other reports show Trump getting enormous support from the black and Hispanic communities, so I'm taking those neck-in-neck polls with a grain of salt.

Speaking of polls, I saw a Harris-something poll that asked respondents who they would vote for if Trump was convicted of one or more of the crimes he's been indicted for. The assumption all along has been that Trump would give up a lot of support if convicted. The Harris poll shows very different results. It has Trump beating Biden by a sizeable margin, even with a conviction. The left-wing shills in the mainstream media have been, and continue to be, relentless in attacking Trump as twice-impeached, the first president in American history to be charged with a felony and a flim-flam man of questionable morals and ethics. We all know the game they're playing and whose side they're on in this thing. They want four more years for Biden so he can "finish the job." The American people, or at least most of them, would like to see Biden physically dragged out of the White House as soon as possible were it not for the fact that Kamala Harris is waiting in the wings to be the first black woman president in the history of our country. I suppose they could drag her out, too, but that would be extra-constitutional and probably not a good look on the world stage.

I was reading about a political race in Chicago in the last week or two in which the Republican candidate had a pretty good lead going into the final stretch. She was running on a platform of protecting the neighborhoods with an increased police presence. Did I mention that she is a white Anglo-Saxon female? Her opponent is a black fella from the hood, as far as I know. He is black, but I'm less clear on the "hood" part. Anyway, the tallying of the final results kind of slowed things down a bit, thanks to a newly discovered tranche of mail-in ballots that appear to favor the losing candidate. Tell me if you think this story sounds familiar. I'm wondering if this story caught Elon Musk's attention because he posted a tweet with a listing of countries that have banned mail-in votes due to the fraudulent use of same in elections across the globe. In the State of Pennsylvania, Republicans won a recent case in the Appeals court to ensure that signature verification is required when counting mail-in ballots. The Democrats are appealing. We're just getting started, folks. Like I've always said, if the Democrats can't steal an election, they can't win.

If I'm not mistaken, Joyce Craig, the former mayor of Manchester, is running for Governor here in New Hampshire. She seems to be all in on the abortion issue, thinking perhaps that the abortion issue will be the key to her success in the Fall. It worked so well in the midterms in 2022, so why not see if she can ride it all the way to the corner office in New Hampshire? Right? I don't know much about this woman but I do know she lost her race for reelection for Mayor to a Republican. I'm guessing the people of Manchester, a blue-collar community for all intents and purposes, had had just about enough of her bullshit and decided that she wasn't deserving of a second term. Maybe it was a third term. Blue-collar communities don't typically elect Republicans, so that should tell you all you need to know about Joyce Craig. Maybe Ms. Craig hasn't noticed, but our country and our state are being overrun with illegal aliens. Inflation is at an all-time high thanks to her Democrat party, and owning a home is completely out of reach for young people thanks to the policies of the Democrat party. Abortion and women's reproductive rights will be the rallying cry of all Democrats from coast to coast between now and Election Day. That's all they have.

What is this I'm hearing about a few blue states in our country that have set dates certain for outlawing carbon-based fuels. I'm talking about states that won't even allow the sale of gasoline-powered cars after 2030 or earlier. How the fuck is that going to work? These are the radical left climate change cultists who have every intention of driving our country into a ditch by forcing everyone to buy something they have no interest in owning or driving. If a Democrat governor runs your state, you can be sure that he or she is going to do everything they can to put you behind the wheel of an electric vehicle. Do you need another reason not to vote for a Democrat as your governor? New Hampshire, are you listening? This really has nothing to do with climate change. These Koolaid drinkers are putting our country at risk, intentionally or otherwise, of a takeover either militarily or by other means when they weaken our ability to wage war or resist external foes with nothing but the power provided by windmills and solar panels. Trump needs to fix this bullshit on day one when he's inaugurated. Just undo every last one of Biden's Executive Actions, and we should be good to go.

My bike is in the shop until next Tuesday, which really messes with my bike-riding schedule. I'm an every-other-day guy these days, so I suppose it's not the biggest deal. In other words, I'll survive. I brought it in for a wobbly back wheel. I was a bit fearful that I'd be going along at a pretty good clip, and my tire would come in contact with the frame, bringing everything to an abrupt halt. I don't always ride with both hands on the handle grips, so that could be a problem. I don't need to be tossed over the handlebars, aka ass over tea kettle. The bike shop quoted me numbers for a few different repairs that I didn't even know I needed, and I decided that replacing the tire was good enough for now. That repair alone cost $110. The other repairs pushed the total closer to $300. It's a $600 bike, so I might as well buy another bike if I'm going to pay $300 for repairs. God only knows if I can find another bike for $600 these days, inflation being what it is. I might have to go with a used bike. It has nothing to do with affordability. It has everything to do with how much I'm willing and wanting to pay for a bicycle. That's just how I roll.

I hear people say that the more Trump calls our elections "rigged," the more likely it is that his supporters won't go out to vote this Fall. Do you suppose the same is true every time he calls the 2020 election "stolen?" Are those just vicious lies put out there by the mainstream media to discourage Trump from making so-called spurious and spiteful references? I'm in the camp that says that we as a country cannot move on until we sort out what really happened in 2020. I believe more than fifty percent of Republicans believe as I do, and the polling on same bears that out. How we do that exactly is above my pay grade. We certainly can't rely on the Republicans in Congress to put this puzzle together. Half of them won't even agree to impeach Biden despite the avalanche of evidence that Comer and his people have accumulated over the past year and a half. Hell, the January 6th thing was a hoax, but that didn't stop the Democrats from putting together a kangaroo court of a committee to "convict" Trump of insurrection. I'd be satisfied at this point if they got Liz Cheney before Congress to testify under oath about her role in suppressing exculpatory evidence given by various and sundry witnesses back in the day. I'm not holding my breath.

It was quite a contrast. Trump attended the funeral of an NYC cop killed in duty yesterday while Biden, the goat herder from Kenya, Obama, and the frequent flyer to Epstein island, Bill Clinton, all gathered at the Radio City Music Hall for a $500k per-ticket fundraiser for Biden. None of what we saw Trump doing was out of character for him. The same can be said for the criminals and child molesters who gathered together to raise money for Biden. Now you have to ask yourself, if you had to put one or the other in our beloved White House for the next four years, who would you choose? Which guy would do more for the American people? Which guy would get us into or out of wars across the globe? Which guy would work harder to remove illegal aliens from our neighborhoods and Venezuelan squatters from our once-idle vacation or rental homes? Which guy would stop issuing Executive Actions that are slowly but surely killing our auto industry? Which guy would stop doing the bidding of the progressive and Marxist Left and lay ruination upon ruination on our culture and our youth? Is it too much to ask that we return to the days of inflation under 2% and gas at the pump at $1.73 a gallon? And yes, that would give us four more years of mean tweets. God, I miss those mean tweets.

The stock market has been on a tear since the end of October 2023. That's good for the one-percenters and those of you who have some semblance of something in your 401k. Some analysts think we're in a bullish cycle that will last for a decade or more. Inflation seems to be coming down a bit, or at least the rate of inflation is coming down, and the Fed seems to have some appetite for rate cuts in the June-July timeframe. That could provide rocket fuel for stocks. Market breadth has been improving, and rumors on the street seem to suggest that small caps might well join large caps after a long period of consolidation. If this has anything to do with the Fed, Powell, tipping the scales for Biden in the months leading up to the election, I don't hear anyone complaining about it. So what if we see month after month of upward revisions in the prior month's inflation and unemployment numbers? It's all about the here and now. The altruist in me worries that folks at the lower end of the income scale have little to no chance of participating in this market, and that's not a good thing. The market is probably overdue for a correction of some kind, but pullbacks should be brief and tolerable for those not wanting to see their gains evaporate in the space of two or three trading sessions. Remember, the trend is your friend.

What are you doing for Easter? Do you have a nice ham in the refrigerator that you can cook for family and friends on Sunday? Do you even give a flying fuck about Easter? Like every other holiday these days, it's just another excuse to celebrate. I'm not a big believer in organized religion, but I'm a sucker for a good tear-jerker of a movie when these religious holidays roll around. I think I'll watch "The Passion of the Christ" just to get in the mood. I will not be attending any church services, so get that out of your head. I sat in on some Unitarian service a few years back and found that they were even more shameless when it came to shaking down their parishioners during the service for monies to fund their operation. I get the part about needing money to keep the lights on and all that bullshit, but it's just so in-your-face. I'm also not sure that they've rid their ranks of the fiddlers and diddlers, so I certainly do not want to support that in any way, shape, or form. The fact that we hear so little about the perverts in their midst tells me that they've simply found a better way to keep their names out of the headlines. If these places, and I'm talking about the lot of them, go away tomorrow, I'm not so sure we wouldn't be better off. That's just me.

Biden has proclaimed today, Easter Sunday, as "Transgender Day of Visibility." Wut? If you're a Christian looking to celebrate this holiest of holy days, fiddlers and diddlers aside, you've got to be thinking that this guy has lost his mind. He's completely lost his fucking marbles. I'm surprised he and his people didn't post a video of Dylan Mulvaney wearing a crucifix of thorns while toting a basket of rainbow-colored Easter Eggs while prancing daintily across the lawn outside the West Wing of the White House. To add injury to insult, Governor Hochul of New York declared that New York State landmarks in New York would be "lit light pink, white and light blue" in celebration of Biden's "Transgender Day of Visibility." Just when you thought that Biden's FBI spying on Christian churchgoers was the last fucking straw, we have this travesty of a declaration. Did Biden do this to get on the good side of his Palestinian supporters in places like Dearborn, Michigan? He has supplied Israel with enough bombs to incinerate the entirety of Gaza and every one of its millions of Palestinian citizens, so he had to do something to get back in their good graces before the November Election. Will this be enough? Color me skeptical.