Soap Boxes and Street Corners

I'm happy to have a new keyboard but it's a bit clickety-clackety if you know what I mean. It's not an Apple keyboard but it's not exactly a cheap knockoff. It just doesn't pay to go with anything that isn't Apple when everything else you have is Apple. Maybe it's the difference between driving a Kia and driving a Mercedes. Will I get used to it? I don't know. I don't want to have to get used to it truth be told. I need to be less impulsive when it comes to this sort of stuff. Just bite the damn bullet and get what I want. Do it right the first time, every time.


So Biden's CDC person comes on the telly yesterday and tells us all about how scared she is. She made some veiled reference about "impending doom" or some such nonsense. Here we go again with the panic porn. Maybe she's talking about the variants that are sweeping across Europe. Maybe she's referring to the hordes of illegal aliens coming across our southern border infecting everybody and everything in sight. If her words weren't scary
enough, maybe the tears that she was choking back did the trick for you. And since when do CDC Directors go "off script"? Her words, not mine.

I've been saying right along that these reports about variants from across the pond are worrisome. The fact that we weren't seeing or hearing anything about them here was maybe a little odd knowing what we know about the track of the viral storm that swept across Europe last year and ended up on our shores after a week or two infecting and killing thousands upon thousands of people. I figured Biden and his minions were just trying to keep it all under wraps while taking a victory lap for something put in place by Trump.

Biden then steps up to the podium and pleads with Americans to wear their masks. He pleads with those governors who have done away with mask mandates to reimpose them without delay. Is there a doubt in anyone's mind that he intends to impose some kind of a national lockdown? They want to keep it all locked down so they can put their vote-by-mail scheme in place just in time to steal the 2022 elections to make sure that Republicans don't take back the House. What was it that he said in his pathetic news conference just a week ago? He didn't know if there was even going to be a Republican Party in 2024. What the fuck is he talking about?

The missus and I are fully vaccinated now so we're good to go. Well, almost. I think we're considered fully vaccinated some 9 days after our second shot and we're not quite there
yet. And now I read this morning about this whole vaccination thing being a massive depopulation scheme. You can't make this stuff up. They're also trying to start some kind of vaccination passport thing where you have certain rights and privileges if you've been vaccinated and, if you haven't, not so much. It's all very big brother-ish if you ask me. I don't want to be in any damn database and I don't want to be asked for my vaccine passport every time I turn around to do something.

I have no ill will against those people who haven't been vaccinated. That's their business. I don't need to avoid them in my travels because I follow the science and the science says that I don't need to concern myself about such things if I've been vaccinated. You and I know that science is nothing more than what a bunch of people getting together in a room says it is. It's all about consensus. Even when there is consensus, you know the lot of them can still be wrong. Consider the flat-earthers back in the day. Consensus at the time said that if you went far enough out to sea that you'd fall off a cliff. We all know how that turned out.

Were it not for Nancy sticking her head in like a frightened turtle during this pandemic, I might well have opted not to get the vaccine. I was never worried about getting the virus and, if I were to get the virus, then I would simply tough it out like anyone else who contracted the damn thing. My chances of survival are pretty good given my age and the stats of my overall health, so why not take a chance? All that went out the window the minute the vaccine because available. Nancy never hesitated and I figured that I would do everything I could to encourage her to get vaccinated if it meant returning to what we affectionately, but reservedly, refer to these days as "normal."

Variants aside, I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym and maybe going out to restaurants again now that we've gotten the jab. I'm not sure what Nancy has in mind. Maybe going into L.L. Bean again? I get the feeling that I'm going to have to cajole her here and there to do things that she used to do before the pandemic came along. When I told her last night that I would now be entertaining the thought of going out to dinner, she sounded surprised. Why not, little darlings? We're immune, are we not? Why would we not go back to the things that we gave enjoyed before the pandemic came down the pike? Like I said, baby steps.

Debbie Rah-Rah is coming to visit this weekend. She hasn't laid eyes on her mom (Mrs G) in more than a year. She'll be coming along with Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The Missus and I will plan to join them somewhere along the line and the lot of us will enjoy our time together as best we can. In days of old, we might have gone out to dinner as a group. Speaking of groups, I'm not sure what the rules at Mrs G's place say about crowd size. Five people may be two or three too many. You know how this virus just loves crowds. The missus and I may have to go in the side door and out of the sight of prying eyes.

I thought I could
live with a cracked screen on my iPad but I'm thinking maybe I'll get it repaired instead. It's a circa 2019 Gen 3 iPad so maybe I should think about replacing it instead. If a new device costs $600 and it costs me $300 to replace the screen on my device, what makes more sense? Who knows, right? Maybe I should look at a refurbished Gen 4 device to see if I can get a little closer to the $300 price point. I sent off an e-mail this morning to a local place to get an estimate. If they can come in a little less than $300 then that might help get me closer to fixing my device rather than replacing it. Baby Jesus, if you're listening.

I set up an account for the Ev man last week and it's supposed to take 3-5 days before he can use it. Well, today is day 5 and I just checked. It's not ready yet but it's early so maybe I'll check back later in the day. I had the guy on the phone and I was trying to feel him out on the likelihood of it being ready on day three versus day five, etc. It's not a big deal one way or another but you like to know what to expect when it comes to these sorts of things. He wasn't much help so I guess I'll have to wait and see for myself. If I'm sitting here tomorrow morning at the same time and it still isn't ready, I am not going to be a happy camper.

It also tells me that maybe I need to rein in my expectations going forward. I need to plan better so that the account is funded if and when the Ev man needs it to be funded. The good news is that he can go check it himself and he can adjust his plans accordingly. There is a little more information available to him on the site than I thought there would be so we had some discussion about what decisions I made and didn't make when I set it up. I had no ulterior motives so didn't set up filters to prevent this or that purchase. It's all on the up and up and that's great. I'll feel better about things when I see it all working like it should.

My new keyboard can't come soon enough. This damn one I'm using is hard
on my fingers. I decided against getting the latest Apple keyboard and opted to buy a knock-off instead. Didn't I just say that it doesn't always pay to go cheap when making these types of purchases? Am I just exchanging one knock-off for another? If the one that I ordered to replace this one I'm using is as bad or worse I'll be sending it back el-pronto. It's a little more expensive than this piece of shit that I'm using so I'm a little more hopeful truth be told. Really, can it be any worse? I'm thinking the answer is "no."

I'm a bit at loose ends this morning. It's rainy outside so I won't be taking my usual bike ride today unless it clears up. We have a couple of errands to run which will take us into town but there's really no rush to do that either. We thought we might like to buy some chocolates to take over to Mrs G's this weekend when Debbie Rah-Rah and Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory come up to visit.

We have a good mind to buy some raspberry flavored malted milk balls which we love and we think they'll find them to their liking as well. We're not sure about the nonpareils. I think there was a time when Mrs G preferred them but I'm thinking maybe not so much any more. If we ask, that might ruin the surprise. We need a plan B here, folks.

some weird shit going on here and there which might bear closer watching. What's with the fleet of Chinese fishing boats off the coast of the Philippines and why is the Russian army amassing troops on the border with Ukraine? Is it because these countries know that we have a demented old fuck in the White House who can't tell you what he had for breakfast much less rise to the occasion when global matters demand it?

Sadly, the answers to that question is "yes." Bumbling Biden is too distracted by cultural and societal issues to step up to the plate as a Commander-in-Chief. He's just too busy threatening states like Georgia for passing what appear to be common sense laws to ensure the voting rights of every god fearing Georgian. He's actually on the telly telling lies about what this new law in Georgia actually means. I don't know what else to call it besides lying.

When he says that people waiting in line to vote can't accept so much as a drink of water from someone not waiting in line, it's just not true. That wording in the new law is specific to political partisans who might otherwise offer incentives or threats to those waiting in line. Biden fucking knows it's not true yet he's on national television lying through his fucking teeth.


Now, I might cut him a little slack here since all Biden knows is what his leftist handlers tell him and that's never a good thing. The bad news is that he's too stupid and too demented to be able to tease out the facts before he takes to the podium to parrot the bullshit from his handlers. If you think for a moment that Sleepy and Demented Joe is running our country, think again. And yes, the Chinese and the Ruskies know this as well. Hell, they might have even had a hand in printing up the fake ballots that gave Sleepy Joe his 80
some odd million votes in 2020.

No sooner had Biden completed his comments than the wake corporations on the left like Coca Cola and Delta Airlines, both based in Georgia and both major employers in and around Atlanta, took to the airwaves and the printed page to denounce the new laws as racist. Hollywood and the Atlanta Braves weren't far behind with their own threats to boycott the state. How does that work with the Braves exactly? Well, that cuts both ways, doesn't it. I say, fuck Delta Airlines and Fuck the Atlanta Braves. Oh, and fuck the asshats in Hollywood. Try making a film like "Deliverance" in Iowa. See how that works out for you.

The missus sure has taken a shine to asparagus as of late. I picked up a canister of olive oil that emits a fine spray of oil rather than the usual bottle of this or that which is what I usually use when roasting vegetables. It's such a fine spray that it gets into every conceivable nook and cranny without having to toss the little buggers to and fro just to make sure that everything gets a good and thorough coating before putting it in the oven. There is little to no waste which is not the case when I have to throw the asparagus into a mixing bowl and then pour a tablespoon or more of oil on the asparagus before tossing it. It really is the bees knees.

I don't know that asparagus goes all that well with whole wheat pasta and a rustic tomato basil sauce but that is what I threw together last night for dinner. I debated throwing the asparagus on top of the pasta or laying the asparagus beside the pasta on the plate when serving it. The dish has to be as pleasing to the eye as it does to the palate. No? I worried, perhaps needlessly, that tomato sauce on top of the asparagus would somehow make the asparagus less appealing. No amount of parmesan cheese can bring a dish like this back from the brink if one decides that the tomato sauce thing is a non-starter.

You'll never hear anyone say, "May I have more tomato sauce on my asparagus, por favor?" The asparagus came out of the 400 degree oven glistening green and sweaty but not limp and soggy. I may have used a little too much of an everyday seasoning because the missus said something about the asparagus have a bit of a bite to it. I noticed her looking over her shoulder at one point to see if there was any more asparagus before
she had barely touched her pasta so that was a good sign. And yes, my little darlings, we do love the seasonality of the asparagus and we shall look to buy some more when we go to the market this weekend.

Attention to detail is key when putting on a nice meal. I'm just as keen on satisfying the eye of my
dining companion as I am her palate. If you're going to serve a dish like asparagus, which is typically a bright green if you've cooked it properly, you don't want to be serving it on a plate whose color doesn't somehow offer a proper and eye-pleasing contrast. Suffice it to say that some colors work better than others. In a pinch, you can never go wrong with white. Other considerations aside, it never hurts to heat up the plates you plan to use so that a meal meant to be served warm stays that way to the last bite. If you must, use the microwave.

Am I wrong to not want anyone in the kitchen while I'm preparing a meal? How peculiar is that? I don't even want anyone passing through the kitchen. You want a glass of something, ask me and I'll get it for you. From the moment I start to cook to the moment I put the dish on the table and call your name, I prefer not to be distracted. I need every possible sense working overtime to know when this, that, or the other thing is where I need it to be. There are no hour glasses, no buzzers or timers, just the usual sensory processing that comes into play including visuals, olfactory, tactile, auditory, and maybe a little sixth sense here and there.

There is something to be said for the so-called element of surprise. It's the feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when you know your darlings are going to be imminently pleased as punch over one or more of your culinary creations. If you can spring it on them, all the better. That's not always easy to do when you're taking the better part of an hour or two in the kitchen to prepare a meal. There is sizzling that can't be squelched, aroma's that can't be contained, slicing and dicing that can't be quieted, microwaves that can't be muted, and the constant and unmistakable clinking and clanking of utensils and glassware.

What is this hooey I'm hearing now about the Pfizer vaccinations only lasting 6 months? If I had known this BEFORE I got my shots I would have not gone for the shots at all. I'm not putting that bullshit in my body every six months. Not on your fucking life! You need to keep in mind that these drugs they're asking us to put in our bodies have not yet been approved by the FDA. They are, for all intents and purposes, experimental.

No one knows what the long term effects of these drugs look like. At worse, it's a massive depopulation scheme. At best, it will serve to keep the virus at bay whatever that means. As for every six months, it's just not happening. I don't care how many establishments deny me entrance. Fauci and his buddies can kiss my ass.

Who else is happy to hear that Trump is calling for a boycott of Coca Cola and the MLB? He's fighting back against these woke mobs and he's asking us to join him in battle. You had me at "boycott", Mr President! I'm in with both feet for this fight. If
you think that it is only the left who can engage in this so-called cancel culture, think again. We'll give you bastards a taste of your own medicine and then some. Picture if you can, Batman and Robin fighting bad guys in the back alleys of Gotham in the darkness of night. Wham! Bam! Pow! Kaboom! We've got this, Mr President!

I'm looking forward to Trump's social media site which, if we're to believe everything we hear, is on track to launch sometime in the next six months. I'll happily abandon my news feeds on Twitter to go to a place where I can hobnob with like minded patriots. I've had enough of Twitter's shadow banning ways to last me a lifetime.

I still post comments on Twitter even though I know no one will see them. There is something to be said for getting things off your chest. It's howling at the moon and it's fucking guttural and it feels good even if nobody sees it. I don't know what I did before Twitter came along. Not wanting to don the dunce cap of the village idiot, soapboxes and street corners
worked for some but not for me. That all changed when the internet came along. It's a place where you can be who and what you want to be with or without the dunce cap. For better or worse, I might add.