Full Stop

Coming back from vacation takes some adjusting. There, I said it. Everything looks and feels a little different now that we're back home. That's the way it's supposed to be. Right? We also seem to be in a rainy rut, if you will. That's fine. I wasn't wanting to jump back on my bike right away anyway. I've got some muscle memory in the biking realm, so let's hope things clear up sometime soon so I can get back on the road. I wouldn't want to lose all of that muscle memory I've worked so hard to store up. It's two steps forward and one step back. Wash, rinse, repeat. Did I mention that I just ordered a water cooler from Amazon? I think it's time to stop lugging jugs back and forth from the store. Having spent a week at a camp that had a cooler, I'm now more convinced than ever that having one of our own is the way to go.


I'll take the Ev man's car to get it inspected tomorrow. I'm considering returning it to the same place that inspected it last year. That should work. Right? They'll recognize that they inspected it last year and, voila, they'll slap a sticker on the car faster than you can say lickety-split. Ev will be good for another year. We'll need to get it registered as well, so I'll need to discuss the logistics around that with Ev. It's a little late to do it by mail, so we have to schedule a time to go to the town hall in his town. All I need to know from the clerk at the town hall is how much to write the check out for. Ev's car has been sitting in our garage since we all left for vacation a week ago, so the sooner we get some of these things done, the better. I don't know how much food he has in his refrigerator, and I'm not sure he'll let me know one way or another when his food stocks get low to non-existent.

The good news is that I mowed our lawn before the rain system moved into our area. That's always a good feeling. Thanks to all the rain we've had over the summer, our lawn looks as good as it did in early June. I think that's a first. Usually, our lawn has stopped growing by now, and we're starting to think a little about how we will get rid of the leaves once they start falling. I almost forgot to mention that we're having the shingles on our roof replaced. If they can get that done before the leaves start falling, we can be sure that every last nail or whatever's come off our roof during the re-shingling process will be summarily cleaned up and carted away by the roofing company. They even warned us that we might want to take pictures off our walls lest they come crashing down due to the constant hammering and whatever is on the roof. I'm guessing these words of wisdom come from experience, so we'll heed their advice.

Did y'all see demented Joe on the telly during his G-20 trip and his trip to Vietnam after that? I can't begin to tell you how humiliated I was as an American to see that senile old stooge looking and sounding every bit his age when he took to the podium to open his mouth. Whoever is pulling the strings behind the scenes has his, or her, hands full trying to make old Scranton Joe sound cogent and succinct. Maybe you'd prefer "lunchbucket" Joe. I thought the idea of sending our American president to foreign shores was to project American strength and American leadership. When you send one of the most corrupt and clearly one of the most cognitively challenged presidents of our lifetime to foreign shores, you're signaling to the despots of the globe that they can have at it should they desire to rape and pillage or, God forbid, plunder their neighbor's territories. I thought for sure Xi would have taken Taiwan by now. What the hell is he waiting for? And Kim from North Korea is on his way to Russia to meet with Putin. Who saw that coming?

Once again, and I think this was in Vietnam, Biden stood at the podium and said something about his staff giving him five names to call on when the time came to take questions. You fucking know that Bumbles had both the questions and the answers written out before him so he could just regurgitate whatever he had on his cue cards. Now you know why he hasn't held a news conference with the media in more than a year. He couldn't hold a contemporaneous presser if his life depended on it. It would just reveal him for the fraud that he is. He was one of the dumbest senators in our country for decades, and he's now brought that same level of idiocy to our country's beloved White House as president. Superimpose a level-four of five stage of advanced dementia to the equation, and you get a really dumbed-down duck of a president. Bumbles also commented on going to sleep or whatever while doing his overseas presser, and his staff pulled the plug before he went completely off the grid with his nutty comments. You're telling me that people are going to go to the polls in 2024 to vote to put this demented dick back in the White House for a second term?

I want to thank my brother from another mother for giving me a nice mesh router while I was up in his neck of the woods last week. The set-up was fairly straightforward, and everything, well, almost everything, now works better than before. Better, as in faster is probably a better way to put it. If I'm honest, I have a DLNA problem that I'm struggling with. That's the stuff that allows you to play shows that you have on your computer on your television. I need to understand why changing my router upset the proverbial apple cart. Another oddity is that I can pull up the menus and I can see the shows on my television screen, but when I try to play the video, I get the equivalent of the bouncing ball. As I'm sitting here, it just dawned on me that this may be a job for ChatGBT. ChatGBT will probably tell me to restart my computer or something stupid like that that I've not considered. I need to figure this out. It's the one last thing I need to "fix" before I can take any satisfaction from what appears to be a nice upgrade to my router set-up. Wish me luck.

This Bumbles Biden bullshit needs to stop. The fool who thinks he's president of the United States was up in Alaska yesterday when he should have been giving comments at ground zero in New York City on the anniversary of 9/11. Every president since 2001 has done that religiously. But, no, not the damn fool Joe Biden. And then he has the audacity to step up to the podium and talk about how he was in New York City the day following 9/11, and it was like looking into the gates of hell or something like that. There's only one problem. He wasn't in New York City the day after 9/11 in 2001. Who the duck does he think he's kidding? Of course, the mainstream media says nothing about it.

His ever-faithful praetorian guard does what they do best. They have Bumble's back, come hell or high water. Nobody should be surprised about anything the media does or doesn't do when it comes to Bumbles Biden. Maybe his comments were meant to distract from the fact that on 9/11, his people announced that they were unfreezing $6 billion of Iranian funds and releasing five Iranian prisoners BEFORE one American prisoner was released. While people are talking about his idiotic comments, Biden is essentially funding the most militant, terroristic, and anti-American country in the Middle East so they can continue doing what they do. You can't make this shit up.

I saw some headlines yesterday that the number of homeless in New York City is now approaching levels not seen since the great depression. I didn't dig any deeper into the details, but I'm guessing that the tens of thousands of illegal aliens shipped up from our southern border and now filling every shelter and available hotel in the city are probably contributing to the problem. There is simply no more capacity once the shelters and hotels are full, so they do what homeless people do, whatever that looks like. My guess is that NYC is going to look like a hellscape akin to the worst slums in Bhopal, India, before this is all over.

This is on Joe Biden and his Democrats, who will destroy our country if that is what it takes to stay in power. Massachusetts has a shelter law of sorts that says that the state is required to provide housing, etc., for homeless people. One official, who shall go nameless, pushed back yesterday and said that their town has reached its capacity to do any more than they are already doing. Their schools and their shelters are ill-equipped to accommodate even one more illegal alien. This is likely the story of every small town everywhere in America where illegal aliens are literally on every doorstep demanding that the largesses promised by Joe Biden be delivered and be delivered without further delay.

I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but you have to admit that some of the videos of buildings coming down in and around ground zero in NYC looked mighty suspicious. Even Trump, who was at the Twin Towers site on 9/11, commented that he thought explosives were used to bring the towers down. There was no way, he said, that any 747 would be able to penetrate the towers the way these planes did. The steel used to build these towers was too strong and would never give in the way it did on one or both towers that day. Trump should know. Right? I saw a few videos of explosions at the Pentagon that day where you saw the explosion, but there was no plane involved. Yet, that was the story in the media. Our homeland was under attack. In retrospect, what better predicate was there than an attack on our country in order to wage war against a foreign adversary, rally Americans to the fight, and maybe create enemies, real or imagined, where we could once again rely on our Military Industrial Complex to do what they do best: Wage war. Is this too far-fetched?

I took the Ev man's car to be inspected yesterday. I always have a bit of dread in the back of my head when it comes time to get my cars inspected. I'm always thinking the worst, of course. I wouldn't put it past some of these places to break something just so they can charge you to fix it. Yes, I'm that cynical when it comes to auto repair places. I think next year I'm going to have Ev take the car to be inspected himself. I need to stop with the enabling thing. Anyway, I pulled into the dealership just behind another vehicle that, as it turned out, was also there to be inspected.

The driver, a young woman in her thirties, seemed to make a break for the entrance, perhaps thinking that I might get the jump on her and get my car inspected first despite her arriving ahead of me, and that was fine. I did not intend to get ahead of her since she was clearly there first, but she didn't know that. These inspections are usually quick, so I felt zero pressure to gain an advantage. Maybe this is one of those "be careful what you ask for" kinds of stories. Her car failed inspection, and mine passed with flying colors. I didn't feel any sort of vindication, per se, but I might have had a momentary snicker under my breath. It was someone else's turn to experience what I often dread when I go to have my car inspected. Not that I would wish that on anyone, mind you.

Speaker McCarthy finally pulled the trigger. He unilaterally declared the opening of an impeachment inquiry against Bumbles Biden yesterday. Apparently, no House vote was needed. I'm not entirely sure that he had the votes, even if the full House did vote. I think this has something to do with the fact that Pelosi did the same thing when she announced an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump during Trump's first term. Is that to say that he couldn't have done it without a full House vote had Pelosi not done it first? I don't know the answer to that question. As to McCarthy's three-minute speech, give or take, it was probably the weakest speech I've seen him give. It was almost as though his speakership depended on him giving a speech that he didn't want to give. No one said that he had to give his speech with conviction. After all, he is a uni-party rat, and I think if he had his druthers, he wouldn't have lifted a finger to bring the Biden Crime Family to account. McCarthy likely benefits from some of the same deep-pocket donors as Biden, so there's that. I'm guessing both are taking and have taken money from the Chinese Communist Party.

Some say that the Republicans will let this thing play out until January of 2024, and then they will throw in the towel while announcing that they want to let the American people decide in the election coming later in the year. Anything that keeps the details of the Biden Crime Family's exploits, which I expect to be extensive and historical when it comes to the corruption of American presidents in our Republic's history, hidden from the American public will be a non-starter in my humble opinion. If we're to make a judgment one way or another come Election Day in November 2024, we need to know everything there is to know about both candidates in the race. If McCarthy sweeps it all under the rug, that would be a serious disservice to the American public. Maybe even criminal in its intent, truth be told. McCarthy also said something about holding those in government who have been enabling Biden, to account. I'm guessing that was a reference to Biden's agencies far and wide, but perhaps more specifically, the FBI and Biden's Attorney General, Merrit Garland.


If I don't start to see subpoenas flying out of Congress like we saw in the days and weeks after Pelosi announced the inquiry against Trump, I'll be crying foul. Pelosi had Don Jr. and others in for questioning and threatened jail time for anyone who resisted. McCarthy and his clowns haven't subpoenaed a soul, much less scumbags like Hunter Biden or the Big Guy himself. I want the Big Guy on video, and I want him pressed hard until he cracks. If he soils his diaper or falls asleep during the proceedings, I want him awakened with a cattle prod if they have one handy. I want an interrogation, not one of these weak-kneed questioning sessions that the FBI gave to Hillary Clinton back in the day. Oh, Hillary. Can I get you a drink before your attorney arrives? Are you comfortable? Let us know if the questioning is too harsh. We know you didn't mean to destroy those 30,000 e-mails after you received a subpoena from Congress. You say that you and your folks used hammers to destroy the evidence? Can I refresh your drink? Get the damn Kleeg lights out if you have to. And we're not falling for any of Biden's dementia-related excuses. Oh, you can't remember, you say? WHACK! Wash, rinse, repeat.

Did you see Senator John Fetterman on video yesterday responding to the launching of an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden? You tell me with a straight face that that's the same John Fetterman who was elected to the Senate in 2020. He's a damn doppelganger for Fetterman and a lousy one at that. I don't know where they're keeping the original John Fetterman, but the guy I saw on television yesterday was not John Fetterman. Am I the only one thinking this way? How the hell does the Democrat party get away with this sort of skullduggery? Are you telling me that his fellow senators can't see that they have a John Fetterman body double in their midst? Maybe the guy never shows up at any meetings, so the charade continues. Where are the Republican senators? Stand the fuck up and call this out for what it is. This bozo I saw yesterday had on the requisite hoody and gym shorts which are Fetterman's fallback fashions when he's too depressed to wear a suit and tie in the hallowed halls of Congress, but this clown had more control over both his speech and his body than we've come to expect of the real Fetterman and knowing what we know about his past strokes and ongoing bouts of depression. C'mon, man.

Speaking of Hillary Clinton, I thought I saw a headline in the news yesterday about her taking a position in the White House. Who would let that conniving and unscrupulous old bag come up the driveway to the White House, much less work there? Maybe I'm wrong about her working in the White House. I hope I'm wrong. If I were Kamala Harris, I would hope I'm wrong about Hillary going to work in the White House, too. Too many people in Hillary Clinton's orbit have died over the years, most of which have gone unexplained. Put more simply, the deaths have been suspicious in nature. Would I put it above Hillary Clinton to deep-six Kamala Harris in order to get into the Oval Office? I would not. Kamala Harris should want Hillary about as far from the White House as she can get. Hillary knows all too well that Kamala Harris is both toxic and, let's call a spade a spade here, unelectable. That said, she is in line to succeed Biden should he step down, or, worse yet, be unable to continue as President for health reasons. With Kamala out of the mix, should Hillary get her way, Hillary could fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming our country's first female president. Pick your poison.

I don't know how these stories get out, but they do. Word has it that the White House issued orders to their state media yesterday to proclaim and to speak with one voice that there is no evidence of Joe Biden's corruption when it comes to the impeachment inquiry kicked off by Speaker McCarthy a day or two ago. Like the puppets that they are, they all chimed in on their newscasts and repeated the denials heretofore mentioned. I think the letter was actually issued by the White House Counsel's office. Is that not illegal? Are they not essentially obstructing a congressional investigation? The sad part is that the people listening to these newscasts believe everything they see and hear when they watch and listen to these shows. I would admit that there has been a lot more smoke than fire coming out of the investigations thus far when it comes to Joe Biden's direct involvement, but I'm also guessing that we've not seen everything there is to see. Word also has it that they are getting closer to finding the overseas accounts set up by the Bidens to hide the funds they've obtained through various and sundry illicit means, including bribery, money laundering, etc. Long story short, the walls are closing in on the Biden Crime Family. You'd never know that if you listened to or watched the mainstream nightly newscasts.

The missus and I went to see Robert F. Kennedy Jr. last evening. We have a venue in town where a certain family hosts presidential candidates from time to time. They have never hosted a Democrat, so this was an unusual event, to say the least. Then again, RJK Jr. is hardly your garden-variety Democratic candidate. He is also not your typical Marxist, which we see today in the Democrat Party. Like so many other died-in-the-wool democrats, the party left him, not the other way around. I suspect there were a lot of people at last night's event, and the place was jammed with cars up and down the road on both sides of the road for seemingly miles on end, who would vote for Kennedy in a heartbeat were he to become the candidate. I can even see Republicans voting for him under certain circumstances. The local constabulary had several police personnel on-site directing traffic in and around the venue. The missus and I never got close enough to see him, but we stood on the outskirts and listened to his comments, which played on loudspeakers. I even applauded his comments at one point when he said something about our country's senseless involvement in the Ukraine war. I wasn't the only one clapping.

I saw some footage yesterday where Biden was in a conference room in the White House, sitting at a table surrounded by the usual complement of whoever he surrounds himself with every day while pretending to be the president of the United States. Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but what the hell is Jill Biden doing sitting in on these meetings? She was sitting right next to him like she was his consigliere or something. Take your damn fucking fishnet stockings and get the hell out of the people's office. Do whatever it is that First Ladies do in the White House, but you can be damn sure that your place is not at the table where our nation's interests are being discussed. There is not a lot we can do about pillow talk since what you do behind closed doors is your business, but this is different. Nobody cast a single vote to put your sorry ass in a place where people meet to do the people's business. Maybe she's there to wipe the drool from her beleaguered husband's chin or the sweat from his brow brought about by the massive amount of dementia drugs running through his veins. Maybe she's there to suggest a diaper change or to pick up mid-sentence where her husband leaves off, no longer realizing where he is or what he's doing, much less what he was talking about.

I finally got the DLNA problem fixed with my new mesh router. Once again, a serious hat-tip to my brother from another mother for sending me home with this mesh router thing. It wasn't really a DLNA thing, if I'm honest. It was an SMB thing. Please don't ask me to explain the difference. I have an application called Infuse that somehow lost its connection when I replaced my old router with the new mesh router. I couldn't get it to work to save my life. I love that application, so I was determined to get it working again. ChatGBT was helpful, but I finally decided to add my old router to the new mesh router, which I think is what did the trick. The missus asked me how I got it to work, and I told her that I wasn't exactly sure. You get to the point where you try a lot of things, and then, sometimes, all of a sudden, it just works. If I had to do it all over again, I'm not sure I wouldn't struggle just as mightily as I did, and as I have, from the moment this all started. She's humming now, so that's all that matters. Oh, and the endless frustration that I've had with my favorite computer mouse acting erratically? I think the mesh router thing fixed that good. So it was electrical interference. I fucking knew it.

It's just Biden being Biden again. He was on the stump yesterday talking about how he had taught classes at the University of Pennsylvania. Where are the fucking fact checkers? He's never taught classes at the University of Pennsylvania. That's the Biden bullshit again. If I'm not mistaken, he was also making some comments about drug plans while addressing the same group, and a flash of anger crossed his face, followed by a nasty-sounding outburst, both of which came out of nowhere and completely caught the audience by surprise. We've seen these demented rants before from this cognitively diminished fool, and they always conjure up memories of elderly relatives we've all known whose descent into senility or dementia have all been preceded by the same kind of nut-fuckery we now see coming out of Biden's mouth. I need to remind you that we're talking about the sitting President of the United States. And, I think I'm going to lose my mind if I hear one more talking head refer to Biden's age as though his age has anything to do with anything. You can be 90 years old and be sharp as a tack. You can also be fifty-something and be cognitively challenged due to dementia. It doesn't help if you're a dumb fuck from the jump.

I'm beginning to wonder if this whole illegal immigration thing that has happened to our country thanks to Biden's open-border policies isn't going to turn a blue state or two red just in time for the 2024 presidential elections. Not a day passes when I see this or that group of citizens in states like New York and Illinois taking to the streets and pushing back against their local government officials and their plans to create tent cities or other forms of accommodation for the masses of illegal aliens ferried into town by Biden's people. The people who live in these communities know enough about their communities to know that introducing hundreds or thousands of feral dogs from shitholes around the world is not going to do a damn thing to improve one damn thing in their community. There aren't enough moonbat do-gooders in these places to make any of it right. The only way you fix it is to either keep them out of your communities from the start or kick them out of your community once they arrive in the middle of the night on the tarmac of your local airports. I still can't get over the picture I saw the other day of that small island off the coast of Italy with a population of six thousand people that was on the receiving end of some seven thousand African immigrants arriving by boat. Something is going to break and break hard.

Poor little Fanny Willis, the beleaguered district attorney in Atlanta, Georgia, who is doing her best to have 19 defendants, including President Trump and Rudy Guliani, tried on RICO charges. She wanted this all to go down in October of this year. The judge overseeing the case was having none of it. Forget for a moment that typical defendants in a RICO case are defendants being tried for terrorism or worse. Rudy knows this routine all too well. He brought down the five mafia families in New York City on RICO charges. Anyway, Fanny was bitch-slapped by the judge and told in no uncertain terms that her plans for a speedy takedown and jailing of some of our nation's greatest heroes were not going to happen on her timetable. It takes considerable chutzpah to take on an establishment that is hellbent on stealing an election, especially when the crime in question is in the rearview mirror. Their only "crime" was questioning the outcome of an election that was seemingly rife with errors, miscues, and maybe a handful or more questionable ballots. Questioning election outcomes is actually a time-honored tradition in our system. How many examples do you need?

I caught the tail-end of a conversation on television the other night between Chris Cuomo and Chris Christie. Cuomo is a died-in-the-wool Democrat who shills for leftist causes from his nightly perch on NewsNation. His dad is Mario Cuomo, the beloved and long-deceased governor of the state of New York back in the day, so Chris's political bona fides shouldn't surprise anyone. It also shouldn't surprise anyone that he interviewed Chris Christie, since Christie spends more time with leftist journalists than he does with journalists on the conservative side of the aisle like Mark Levin. They weren't two minutes into the conversation when Christie mentioned the word "Climate." What a fucking dufus.

Did he use that word because he thought it would go over well with Cuomo's independent viewers, some of whom might vote for him should he prevail against the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room in his fight for the nomination of his party? No self-respecting Republican candidate would admit to buying into the cult that is the Climate Change cabal. But Christie's only charge, seemingly, is to take down Trump. It has nothing to do with winning his party's nomination. So, Fatso, what up? Where are you and your advisors really going with this Climate Change bullshit? Inquiring minds want to know.

I used to like Marjorie Taylor Greene. She was an obnoxious gasbag, but I liked her politics, so that was fine. She was also a huge supporter of President Trump, so that was another check in the plus column for me. I also like my women a little feisty, and MTG was the queen of feisty in the world of politics. She ran a construction company before being elected to Congress, so you know that she's showing up in Washington with a little grease under her fingernails and probably distrustful of the political elites already burrowed into the establishment in Washington D.C. like ticks on the backside of a hound. She also had a mind of her own back in the day. That was then, and this is now.

After witnessing firsthand her sycophantic sucking up to Speaker McCarthy during those tumultuous days leading up to his being elected Speaker of the House, she seems to have sold her soul to the devil. I don't know what he's promised her or what she's assumed to be true of their relationship, but there doesn't seem to be anything that she won't say or do to protect McCarthy's flank. It's just not a good look. I'm guessing that there's no coming back from this if this is what she chooses to do. We'll have to wait and see if her constituents see what I see and whether or not they come, or have come, to the same conclusions as I have. Who is she really working for?