Enough Already

The perfect time for writing. It is just a little after 7 in the morning and the family is fast asleep. The back door is open and the birds are chirping up a storm. I think they just like to hear themselves chirp sometimes. I don't blame them. Sometimes I just like to hear myself make noise just to remind myself that I'm not a potted plant. Sentient beings should assert themselves and it is against their nature not to so I'm up with the birds doing what sentient beings do. It's cool too this morning and I'm all for cool given all the heat we've had this summer. Enough already. This upcoming week is supposed to be hot too. All week long, they say. In the 90's. I'll try to get my yard work out of the way early on so I'm not doing it in the middle of the day. Before I do anything, I'll have to run over to the store to get a little milk for the darlings since I used it all for my coffee this morning. Can't drink that shit black. Not that I can't but I don't prefer it that way. Life is too short not to have your coffee the way you like it. It may be one of the few things in life that you have any real control over. And then there is Ev's college orientation.


Before I get to that, I want to say a couple of things about that boy's work ethic. To say I'm concerned is an understatement. And what the hell happened to that Water Country schtick? I think they let him go after realizing that he was unreliable. Not sure what he was thinking. Not sure why the job wasn't working out for him. It's only his second or third job he's ever had for god's sake. And he really only worked a handful of days. I think his mom didn't really want him working in the sun all day and she communicated that to him in a variety of ways some subtle and some not so subtle. He asked if she would allow him to take the summer off like his friend Noah. You know, do stuff around the house and get paid for it and all the rest. Not sure how she answered that question but I told him in no uncertain terms that if his mom and I were going to work every day so he could go to college then he should find himself a job and make a contribution. In other words, he should have some skin in the game. But, noooooooooo. Not so much. Those conversations invariably do not go well.

So there you have it. I was asked by someone what I might be doing on my vacation and I responded by saying that I was probably just hanging around and doing stuff like yard work. Another half truth for sure. What I really want to do is to get a good book and sit down and read the damn thing. I'm trying to think of a subject matter that might help me focus and one that will keep my mind occupied while I wade though the pages towards the end of the book. If I'm feeling too scattered, I can look at any number of magazines that I've downloaded and they should help to take me where I need to go. Another thing I'd like to do, and I took care of this today, is to prepare a nice eggplant dish. It was really an eggplant/vegetable lasagna kind of dish that we had for dinner and one that Nancy thoroughly enjoyed. I put a little more than I thought she might eat in a dish and apologized for giving her perhaps too much. Well, to my delight, she ate every last bite. That-a-girl! There is no question I will make every effort to get a bike ride in every day but you have to remember that we have a planned jaunt to his orientation so we'll do out best to squeeze these things in. Wish us luck!