Closet Dems

It occurred to me this morning that I don't have a clue as to how or whether or not my brothers and sisters vote. For all I know, they may have no interest in politics and may even not vote at all. I suppose it's possible not to have an interest in politics and still vote but that would not typically describe your normal primary voter. It may well describe a general election voter and even then it may be less an ideological vote than someone voting their pocketbook. When the primary for NY rolled around this year with Donald J. Trump at the top of the ticket I decided that I would broach the subject of voting with a sister and brother and was pleasantly surprised to hear that not only were they planning to vote but they were quite excited with the prospects of a Trump win. Not sure if all the excitement was due to the candidate in the race, hatred for his or her opposition, or a combination of both. I know that at least in one case it was a desire to see Mr. Trump win. Not sure where the others come down on the matter of voting but good to know some are plugged in when and where they should be. Trump won NY in a landslide so their participation was not needed but nonetheless it was a good subject to discuss when and where the opportunity arose. Good to know as well that the brothers and sisters have their civic responsibilities squared away and queued up for the upcoming election in November. Every vote counts!

File May 22, 8 42 27 AM

I can''t seem to get enough of articles and things like that speak to the Clinton's and how corrupt and greedy they are. Can you be corrupt and not greedy? Not sure. One online headline catching my attention this morning is, "It's the Bataan Death March." It's an article by Maureen Dowd describing the current Hillary Clinton campaign for the presidency. I'm sitting here salivating just waiting to read it. Just wanting to hear how desperate and down both the candidate and the campaign are as they face increasingly long odds of winning not only the primary but the general election against Trump. The bitch lost eight years ago to a black community organizer from the east side of Chicago and Barack Hussein Obama went on to win both his first and second terms in the White House. I don't think the Clintons quite ever got over that. The Clinton's are of the comeback variety and this has propelled them to other positions of power in the past after being soundly beaten and set back back on their collective heels. How someone so widely despised and hated ever got this close to the White House I'm not sure but there is a natural firewall this time around. He goes by the name of TRUMP. One quite vitriolic but apt expression of Hillary Clinton and what I hope will come to pass was perfectly encapsulated in the statement I read somewhere recently which stated, "Trump will beat her like a rented mule." One can only hope.

What about King Barry's latest edict:
Obama administration’s directive on bathroom access for transgender students? Is he out of his fucking mind? Who the bejesus does he think he is? One can't help but wonder if there isn't a more devious motivation behind this bit of stupidity. One that tears down the established norms of our culture and puts the health safety and welfare of the few ahead of the many at the expense of the many. It is part and parcel of the transformation of America that this tyrant promised when elected in 2008. One national chain store, Target, has adopted and embraced this policy and you can go into whichever rest room suits you and the gender with which you identify. They forget that no self respecting adult or parent would allow their child or themselves to share a bathroom with someone of the opposite sex regardless of which identity they choose to assume. It gets better. The customers are voting with their feet and have chosen to boycott the chain to express their disbelief and opposition to this piece of perversion. The company stock has fallen precipitously and in my humble opinion that is a good thing. I'm not a Target shopper but have elected to keep my distance and to simultaneously express my personal opposition to this monstrous policy. This is social engineering at it's worst and one of many such transgressions forced on the American people under the Obama administration. We can't get rid of this asshole fast enough. In fact, I think the Oklahoman legislature is voting as we speak on the articles of impeachment which they hope to bring against this renegade imposter residing in the White House. Good riddens is what I say.