Season For Chilling

This bloody computer monitor is staring to bother me. I think I need a new video card so hope to order that soon. I keep expecting the noise to disappear or even get worse and it does occasionally go away but it always pops back up. There are these weird horizontal lines reminiscent of the early days in television where you fell asleep on the couch watching a late night show only to awaken to a screen filled with funky colors and static straight out of mushroom induced dreamscape. I guess I can see well enough to do what I need to do here today so I'll get on with it. Nancy has gone off to drop off payment to the contractor for some invoices recently billed so it will be good to have that squared away. It doesn't look like any of the workers were here today and I'm thinking that once we told the contractor that we would be out of the house another week he decided that there was no rush and no imminent need to make an appearance. Considering all the things that had to be returned and or fixed it seems as though that was the right call. The good news is that everything will be either fixed and or replaced so we can't complain.

File Sep 29, 5 07 15 PM

We will return to the Music Hall in Portsmouth tomorrow night to catch Graham Nash of the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young group. Not sure what to expect but might enjoy hearing some of the classic CSNY tunes from yesteryear. I'm sure it will be a very different show than the Chris Issak performance we took in a couple of months back. Since we had a pretty good time the last time we took in a show Nancy asked if I might like to look at the schedule to see if there wasn't another opportunity this year to see another performance by someone else. The Graham Nash appearance was really the only one that caught my eye. It wouldn't be the end of the world if it was a coffeehouse type of performance because the theater surely lends itself to that kind of performance. These are seasoned performers with a strong track record of pleasing audiences for the last several decades although I might be well advised to read a review or two of a recent performance elsewhere if in fact I can put my hands on one. Not that a bad review would deter me from going but it might help frame my expectations just a bit. Youtube might be a good source for his performances as well so I can look at that when I have a free moment.

It's getting more and more difficult to get over to see Nancy's mother these days so if we slip to an every other week visitation then so be it. We said something to Evan the other day about going over to visit "nana" and he said something about not having gone over of quite some time because he didn't fancy going out to eat in a restaurant with us. We told him that more often than not we usually just pay her a visit and that's that. Our taking Mrs G (nana) and Debbie out to dinner at one of the local burger joints in Exeter when we last visited was unusual to say the least. Fun, but unusual. I can't say for sure that our reassuring Evan of that fact means that he will be popping over any time soon but certainly hope springs eternal. For now, he can turn his attention to putting together Thank You cards to those good folks who were kind enough to send him a card, a few dollars, or even just best wishes for his 23rd birthday. I noticed that he addressed the card to Mrs G as "Bernice Gardella" which struck me as odd. Then again, when you're sending something through the mail the Postal Service requires a certain level of formality just to get your item from point A to point B. I didn't look at the card that his aunt Debbie sent him but I'm hopeful that he'll send a similar thank you card to her. At his convenience, of course.

File Sep 29, 5 09 23 PM

The weather here along the coast has given way to more seasonal temperatures after a few days of temperatures the eighties. Nancy and I had a nice bike ride this morning even though the temperature were barely out of the fifties. Our strategy in taking a ride from our Airbnb involves riding a half hour in one direction only to turn around at that point for the return ride. I think today we didn't realize how windy the return trip was going to be and it was certainly a slog getting back to the house. I was half tempted a couple of times along the way to get off the coastal route and take the back roads where it might be less windy. The air was incredibly cool, crisp, and clear so I was hard pressed to take something other than the scenic route which afforded me terrific ocean views so I pressed on. At times, I lost sight of Nancy on the curves and finally convinced myself that she would come along in time and that she did. I usually stop short of my final destination so I can walk off the ride as it were just a bit before I get home only to sit down again. Before I reached the house on foot I could hear the spokes on Nancy's bike clacking up a storm and coming up behind me. It was a good ride and one that took us a good hour. Not a bad way to start the day I'd say. Not a bad way at all.