Pay the Piper

Israel has been going after Hamas hammer and tong for the better part of a month now, and they don't seem to be any closer to their objective of wiping Hamas off the face of the planet than they were when they started. Israel clearly doesn't have a clue where the hostages are being held, or they would have been freed long ago. That, to me, means that Israel clearly doesn't have the upper hand when it comes to figuring out which tunnels go where beneath the surface in Gaza. The fact that Hamas is still in a position to negotiate anything after a month-long bombing campaign by Israel also tells me that Hamas is still standing and maybe stronger than ever. The end game when it comes to this hostage release stuff is also a little fuzzy in my mind. Why would Hamas release every last hostage when doing so would signal a commencement of the war? Were I Hamas, I'd be televising a hostage beheading every night until Israel completely cleared out of Gaza. It's a little late for that now, so where this all goes and how it ends is anybody's guess.


Call it collateral damage or whatever you like, but the shooting of three Palestinian students in Vermont the other day did not happen in a vacuum. Who on earth would do such a thing? Apparently, one or more of these victims were wearing a scarf which identified them as Palestinians. What is that called again? I'm professing my ignorance here. No, really. What would drive someone to do what this shooter did? Was he locked and loaded and looking for people wearing scarves of the Palestinian variety? They have a person of interest in custody, so that's good. People who want to wear these kinds of scarves, much like Jewish people who are thinking twice these days about wearing yamulkas with everything we're hearing about antisemitism, might be well advised to hold off on sporting such attire until we're out of the proverbial woods. It also struck me as odd in the article that I read that these fellas were going to a Thanksgiving celebration. Since when is Thanksgiving a Palestinian holiday? That's probably nothing.

The hijacking of these Israel-linked tankers in the Gulf of Oman or wherever it is they are being hijacked is interesting. Even more interesting is the fact that the United States has been involved in liberating one or more of these hijacked tankers. What the hell is going on here? Since when are our soldiers responsible for risking their lives to liberate some hunk of junk, transporting whatever, and flying foreign flags off their stern? We are not the world's policeman. We need to mind our own fucking business and let the chips fall where they may when these things happen. I'm quite sure that the article I read said something about our working with Japan or some other country to secure the ship. I'm guessing Japan had no hand in the retaking of the ship, and the only reason Japan was mentioned is that someone didn't want anyone to know that the United States was acting unilaterally to do what they were doing. Unless and until our national interests are at stake, we need to mind our own fucking business when and where our troops are concerned. Is that too much to ask?

We've never bought our Christmas tree in November, but we may just do that in the next couple of days (Update: We bought the tree on Dec 1st). The missus is always reminding me that the trees we see on the lots hereabouts at this time of the year are not going to get any fresher between now and Christmas Day. I suppose we might get a fresher tree, if that's the right word, by cutting our own, but that's too much work, in my humble opinion. The selections are robust at this very moment in time and will only get less robust with the passing of time. I'm not seeing any signs offering discounts or any signs telling us what we might have to pay once we enter their lots. It's probably a little early for that. It should say, "Enter at your own risk." The risk is that you'll pay through the nose if dare buy your tree too early. The greater the selection, the lower the price. Isn't that economics 101? I still remember the one Christmas when we got a tree from Walmart at the last minute for five bucks or so. Those days are gone. The days are also gone when we'll be last in line to get whatever remains on the lot. That's some hooey from a guy who has no tree at the moment. We'll see if I'm talking the talk or walking the walk by the end of this week. Here's my advice for what it's worth: Don't hold your breath.

Taking a trip to upstate New York this time of year is always a catch-as-catch-can deal. The missus dreads driving into bad weather and will do everything she can to avoid it. By bad weather, I'm talking about snow, sleet, or, God forbid, ice. Don't get me wrong. The hills in Vermont are not for the faint of heart when things turn snowy or icy. The local constabulary likely does its best to keep driving deaths out of the media so as not to alarm the hordes of skiers and snowboarders from coming to hole up in their chalets, restaurants, and resorts. That's conjecture on my part, but probably not far from the truth. The missus and I have our go-to weather forecasts in the days and weeks leading up to our departure, and, you guessed it, they do not always agree. For me, it's all about windows of opportunity. If my forecast calls for snow in the evening, I'll push to get on the road early and ahead of any snowfall. If there is a hint of snow in the forecast, the missus gets anxious just thinking about it. We still have time to cancel our hotel reservations, so let's hope that we see a change in the forecast for the better in the coming days. As always, I'll give the missus the final word.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an alert of sorts about some sort of respiratory something in China. Is this, perchance, a precursor to what we experienced in 2020 with the global scourge of Covid-19? I'm also reading something this morning about the first human case of swine flu strain H1N2 in the UK. What are we talking about here? Has another pathogen or two made its way out of the lab in Wuhan? Is there anything connecting the release of these pathogens with the recent visit of Xi Jinping to the United States where he met with Joe Biden? Is it any coincidence that the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, which also allegedly came out of the labs in Wuhan, prompted the call for increased use of absentee ballots, and now we may be looking at the same thing all over again? Let me just come out and say it. Is China helping Joe Biden steal another election? I suspect that the last thing China wants is to see Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office. My guess is that China has far too much money and time invested in grooming their boy, Biden, to see it all go up in smoke on a rainy night in November, the year of the Lord, 2024. Need I remind you that Biden has never, even once, brought up the issue of the Wuhan labs and COVID-19 with Xi? The proof is in the pudding, boys and girls.

It's also pretty clear to anyone paying attention that Joe Biden has been sharing our country's secrets with China dating back to his days as a Senator. He's paid no price for having classified government documents in various and sundry places despite the fact that his having those documents was an explicitly criminal act. How exactly did he secret these documents from the various institutions over his time in the Senate, his time as Vice President, and now as President? It's quite obvious that he stole the documents. Was he and his family profiting from the sale of these documents to various bad actors across the globe? Since when are these alleged transgressions not treasonous? Why has the FBI determined that no crime has been committed? Are they complicit in his crimes? Does Joe Biden have the goods on the very same people who would pass judgment on him in the halls of Justice in our country? Something is very rotten in Denmark, and the American people are on to the grift that we know collectively as, The Biden Crime Family. It's high time, God willing, that they pay the piper.

Ron DeSantis is really taking it on the chin these days. His poll numbers continue to plummet, and his donors are all but threatening to jump ship if his numbers don't improve. Did I mention that Nikki Haley just got the endorsement of the Koch Brothers organization? All right, so what if there is only one Koch brother left? You get my point. DeSantis could have gone places had he not jumped into the 2024 race thinking that he could take down The Donald. He wanted to play the game. He wanted to be the big shot. He was going to be the Trump killer, and his donors were buying his jive hook, line, and sinker. The cabal of never-Trumpers had their collective heads up their asses, as usual, and they couldn't see that the train coming down the track was the one, the only, the inimitable, Donald J. Trump. Now, where does little Ronny go? I think this Koch thing may be the end of Ron and his Oval Office wet dreams. He's pretty much toast for the 2028 elections as well. Haley is about to find out that she's going nowhere, either. That bitch is like fingernails on the chalkboard. All of this portends good things for Trump. That has the Dems in a panic. Good.

I'm a little surprised that the price of heating oil hasn't dropped more. Gas at the pump, if you're filling up your car, is almost below $2 a gallon here in the Northeast. It was almost $4 a gallon a month or two ago. That has to be good for consumers. Right? If you're traveling for the holidays, you'll definitely have a couple of pesos left in your wallet after all is said and done. So, prices at the pump have fallen precipitously, but, prices for heating oil, not so much. I don't understand it. Are we talking about price gouging here? I just don't know. Thankfully, we have a bit of a credit left over from last year, so we're in pretty good shape as things go. Other families must be struggling. I hear a lot about the issue of affordability these days and how folks can't make ends meet. You need oodles of money and two incomes to survive. That's what they say, anyway. It's so bad that Biden and his minions are rueing the day when they decided to refer to what Biden was doing for the economy as "Bidenomics." I don't know who's benefitting from all of those bills that he signed off on, but it isn't the American people. If you're scraping by without two nickels to rub together, much less without a bank account to fall back on, you know what I'm talking about.


It's so bad that I read somewhere this morning that the Black Lives Matter organization is endorsing Donald J. Trump for president. Can that be true? It's also true that blacks were better off when Trump was president. I'm talking economics here. Inner-city blacks, especially in blue states, have the illegal immigrant thing to deal with now. Hell, the less fortunate among them had to stand in line at Thanksgiving to have a decent turkey dinner only to find that there was nothing left for them after they fed the hordes of illegal aliens being shipped into their cities by the plane load. Trump has promised to deport every last one of the illegal aliens, so that alone is a good reason to vote for Trump. They can get their lives back and they can have a chance at the American dream once again. They'll never get to stay in five-star hotels like the illegal aliens, and they won't get free sneakers, cell phones, and a stipend of $2,200 a month, but they will see the return of normalcy that all but disappeared when the illegals arrived on the scene. Hopefully, they've learned their lesson about voting for a demented old fuck like Joe Biden just because their ward boss told them that if they didn't vote for Biden that they weren't black.

There's a lot of buzz about UFOs in the ether these days and what our government is and is not telling us about them. You really just don't know who to believe about any of it. One story the other day talked about our government having a special unit dedicated to working UFO crash sites. Is the government worried about how the American public might respond to news that we're not alone in the universe? Is that why they're not spilling the beans? We've had a public congressional hearing here and there where people in the know spoke openly and candidly about what they've seen and experienced as it relates to UFOs. They can show videos and snapshots of what they think are UFOs until the cows come home, but without the proper context, they don't mean squat. Do you know how easy it is to doctor a photo or a 60-second video these days? I'm not saying it all just a bunch of hooey, and I'll likely not find it any more credible coming out of the mouths of government officials, but I need to reserve judgment until such a time someone can make a better case than what I've heard and seen to date. If it really is a thing, why do we not see more of them? Why are they so elusive? What do we think they want? I have questions.

It would be a big story were it true. It would effectively upend everything we've come to know about organized religion and every other thing under the sun that they've been selling us since time immemorial. It might well expose our governments for the frauds that they are, and it would all crumble before our very eyes. We'd likely see a collective realignment of priorities, both personal and professional, that would make your head spin. Would we turn to technology as the new religion? Will the promise of AI help bring any of this to the fore? What nation or nations on the face of our planet stand to benefit most from what these extraterrestrials have to offer? Will one or more nations use what they discover to lay waste to their long-time adversaries? Are there currently extraterrestrials walking among us? So much of this stuff is fantastical but is any of it real? And you have to admit, it's fun to think about. Think about the promise of curing diseases that have plagued our populations since the beginning of time. What about time travel? Never mind who wants to be a millionaire. Who wants to live forever? Would you do anything differently if you knew you were going to live forever? You just might.

Bumbles Biden was at it again yesterday. He referred to "Congressman" Trump at one point in a speech he was giving in Colorado. What the hell? At another point during his visit, he was walking around in some manufacturing plant or something when he turned to a guy and said, "My marine has the code to blow up the world." Please, Jesus, get this demented old fuck out of the Oval Office before he kills all of us. This is a disgrace. The article I read said something about Biden's comments raising eyebrows. Are you fucking kidding me? He is so far out there on the demented continuum that one never quite knows what he's going to say anymore. Our adversaries are probably assuming that someone or some other is keeping close tabs on him and not letting him anywhere near the nuclear codes. Nobody takes him at his word anymore, not that they ever did anyway, mind you. It will be a suitable defense when he is brought up on charges on everything from treason to bribery. More worrisome in these types of situations is, who the hell is making all the decisions knowing what we know about the extent of his senility? Who is in charge behind the scenes? Is it Dr. Jill? Is it Susan Rice? Is it Barry Obama? Is it Michael Obama? Is it Hunter Biden? Do we not have the right to know the answers to these types of questions? Where is President Harris for chrissakes?

I ended up watching the debate between DeSantis and Gavin Newsom on FOX last night as much as I didn't want to. I figured Newsom had agreed to the debate so he could act as a proxy for the Biden Administration. He said as much in the debate last night. He went so far as to say that he agreed 100% with everything the Biden Administration had done, and he supported Biden and Harris in the upcoming 2024 election. Can you imagine? Even the most hardcore supporter of Biden has to admit that his presidency has been a disaster for our country. The good news for every American watching that debate last night is that DeSantis exposed Newsom for the far-left fraud that he is. DeSantis pointed out time and time again that the Democrats intended to use California as a model for the country. If you love a one-party state, politically speaking, you're going to love a one-party nation. DeSantis is completely right, of course. I loved it when DeSantis pulled a picture out of his jacket pocket to show the audience the kinds of books that Newsom was allowing in California schools. He even read the labels out loud. It was some sick shit. Newsom had no defense and tried, unsuccessfully I might add, to pivot to one lie or another about DeSantis. The bad news for Newsom is that charts (statistics) don't lie. California under Newsom is a sewer both culturally and every other way. He knows it, and now we all know it. Advantage DeSantis.

I'm waking up this morning to the news that Israel is back to bombing the living Jesus out of Hamas. Not sure if Hamas has run out of hostages to hand over, or maybe it has something to do with Hamas killing three or four Israelis at a bus stop yesterday somewhere in Israel. Speaking of hostages, we've seen Hamas turn over mainly women and children. Where are all the men? Where are all the Americans? Never mind that Biden and his minions have decided that we Americans here in the States don't need to know how many Americans are being held by Hamas. That's not the real news, though. The real news is that Anthony Blinken, our childlike Secretary of State, told the Israelis in no uncertain terms in the last twenty-four hours that Joe Biden was not going to allow Israel to wage an all-out war against what remains of Hamas. Who the fuck does Blinken think he is? Who the hell does Biden think he is to tell the Israelis how to conduct war when it comes to the safety and security of their nation? This is all about politics and the 2024 election for Biden. As for the Israelis, it's about the very existence of their country. Based on what we're hearing this morning about Israeli's re-engagement in the war, it tells us a lot about how Israel responded to the ridiculous threats from Blinken. Good for Israel. Don't stop until the job is done.

I'm reading a back story about the debate that had Newsom's wife storming into the control room at FOX and shouting, "We're done here!" She's another one of these entitled bitches who probably saw her chances of being our country's First Lady going up in smoke with every passing exchange between her husband and Governor DeSantis. What is it with these women? Do you get the impression that the wives of these candidates want the power and prestige that goes along with living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue more than their husbands? What is it about living at that address that has them willing to slit the throats of their husband's opponents just to get through the front doors? If anyone is to blame for sinking her fortunes as it relates to a change of address, it's her husband. The same guy, I might add, who is solely responsible for everything that has gone to hell in a handbasket in California under his "leadership" as Governor of that once-great state. To think that the great Ronald Reagan once sat in the corner office in California. Now that I think of it, maybe we're assigning blame for the ruination of California to the wrong Newsom. He just does what he's told. That's another good reason not to vote for that pathetic fuck.

It's not even eight o'clock here in the morning, and our neighbor has two men running leaf blowers. It was so loud that I actually had to stick my head out the door to convince myself that I wasn't hearing a jet going overhead instead. I've never met these particular neighbors, but it doesn't surprise me that they could give a flying fuck about what their neighbors think because I've seen plenty of other examples suggesting as much. It has me wondering if we don't have ordinances in this town of ours that ban this sort of thing before and after certain hours of the day. I'm convinced that our neighbors are vindictive enough that should we complain, they would find a way to retaliate. Hell, they put in an in-ground pool on the other side of the hedges that separated our properties shortly after they moved in without so much as a word to us. In fact, I think it was their way of marking their property much in the way a dog will spray their urine on bushes to keep other dogs in the hood from violating their personal space or domain. Or, maybe they just did it because they wanted to let us know that this was their property and they could do whatever the hell they wanted to do with their property in spite of what their neighbors did or did not want. I don't like to use the word "cunts", but these people qualify so I'm going to make an exception in their case.

I'm ready for a Santa Claus rally in the stock market if it wants to show up here in the final month of the year. Let's rock and roll, babycakes! I'm of the opinion that the Biden Administration will shuffle and reshuffle the deck of financial cards between now and Election Day 2024 until everything comes up smelling like roses. You might say that they have everything to lose if they don't. The Fed would be hard-pressed to do anything too dramatic in the months leading up to the election. That would not bode well for the Fed head getting another term, whatever that looks like. We're more likely than not to hear a lot about soft landings and interest rate cuts to compensate for a slowing economy. Rate cuts, at least in the short term, are probably good for the stock market. If you have a peso or two in the Market, you're likely to feel a little more upbeat about having a little more discretionary income at your disposal. If you're feeling good about things, you're likely to spend more money, and that's good for the economy. We're currently about four percent off the all-time highs in the stock market going back to 2020 (or is it 2021?) so there's room to grow here going into 2024. Nothing goes straight up or down so factor pullbacks into the equation. Let's get this party started!