Grabbing some Pussy

Millions of women across the nation marched in the streets of America yesterday giving voice to their concerns about life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness under the new administration of President Donald J. Trump. They fear losing LGBT rights amongst others that were highlighted and thrust upon the public during the administration of Trump's predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama. They are clearly victims of the left wing dogma perpetuated by the leftists in our great country, including the whores in the media, but they have the right to march and they have the right to voice their opinions as Americans. One might question the authenticity and agendas of some given their antics, including Madonna who stood on a stage and proudly professed that she "has given thought to blowing up the White House" but all in all they did their thing and that was that. Those women deciding that violence was the best way to express themselves sit in jail cells today facing 10 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines. And I'm still a little unclear as to exactly what rights they think they are going to lose under Trump. It is true that one of Trump's first official acts was to remove any and all references to LGBT rights and climate change on the White House web site. That doesn't mean he doesn't want them to have rights or that he is not willing to protect their rights. Fact of the matter is that they have the same rights as all Americans under the constitution. They are not and should not be a protected class.

File Jan 23, 6 28 15 AM

CNN had their knickers in a bunch yesterday in a big way. Trump was giving a speech at the CIA and he was being himself, doing what a CEO does best in managing and setting expectations for his people. He received several standing ovations from the elite crowd attended the gathering and as a casual onlooker you might well think that his speech was well received. No sooner had he finished his speech than the previous head of the CIA was all over the media expressing his outrage over Trump's behavior. Apparently, his speech was not dignified enough for this asshole. Trump's words, according to Brennan, did not pay sufficient respect to those who died in their service to our great nation and whose names were etched in stone in the monument that stood solemnly behind Trump as he spoke. CNN jumped on the outrage bandwagon and breathlessly vilified Trump as only they could.

Since they failed so miserably in stopping him from getting elected they now do their level best to take every occasion to tear him down, prove him wrong, and to show the nation that we erred in electing him to the highest office in the land. Truth of the matter is, we Americans who voted for him did so not in spite of the press but because of the press and their predilection for distorting the truth in favor of the agendas espoused by the liberal establishment. It was one of many reasons we voted for Trump. And CNN's distortion of the news about crowd size at the inauguration and the pictures depicting same were also egregious. It was critical to them that any and all pictures splashed across the television sets of America of Trump's crowds not eclipse that of their hero, Barack Hussein Obama, some four years prior. They are entirely full throated in their disdain for Donald Trump and everything he represents. Put another way, they are now in full campaign mode for the upcoming presidential election in 2020. All they need now is a candidate.

File Jan 23, 6 28 44 AM

President Donald J Trump tweeted this morning, "Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than the very good ratings from 4 years ago." I'm a little curious in reading this tweet as to how many of the 11 million viewers were Americans. Not that it matters but this phenom known as the Brexit effect is a planet-wide rejection of globalism and liberalism so the rump swabs on the left better get on board or they will quickly and themselves adrift in the dark seas of politics and power. Not that Trump hasn't already thrust this reality upon them with his electoral college win but that is not the way the opposition views it. Where were these media whores when their leftist hero, Barrack Hussein Obama, was wreaking havoc with his socialist policies warmly embracing the mullahs in Iran and the communist leaders of the Cuban nation while tying the hands of our military around the world so that not one ounce of jihadist blood be spilled unnecessarily. Dare I say that Donald J. Trump was within his rights as a red blooded american to question the authenticity of this mans heritage. His actions in office over the course of eight years brought our nation to the brink of disaster, closer than ever to losing any vestiges of morale authority we as a nation have established over the last 200 years, and we dipped our collective toes into the waters of the socialism thanks to the leftist and strident views of one Kenyan born dictator wannabe.

Good riddens.