Spanish Fannish

Nan and I discussed speaking Spanish around our house and nothing but Spanish each and every Saturday. It doesn't matter that we don't know a lick of Spanish. All that matters is that we do it when Evan is around because it is, after all, for his benefit. He is the STA boy taking Spanish in his first year at that locally renowned school. He is the boy who was chosen to join the ranks of the JV soccer team along with a handful of his classmates. He is the boy who used to wear shorts but is now wearing chinos and polo shirts day in and day out. He remarked to me the other day that when the school had their dress down day recently you got a good glimpse of people's real personalities. And so you do.

And yes, folks, I am giddy with ideas about how to spend three whole days out of the office. never thought the day would arrive quite frankly. Work has been difficult and taxing to say the least. It takes every ounce of imagination and energy that I can muster just to fuel myself through the day. I love the work but the pace is daunting. It didn't help this past week that my co-worker was on vacation. I'll have some explaining to do when she asks what happened while she was away. I'm just not a good note taker. Perhaps she'll settle for a grimace and a grunt. Those she can have in spades if only I can find the time.

The Ev man is off to the lake house and Nan and I are on our own. there is just so much to do. I installed Snow Leopard yesterday so I'm still working out the kinks. It was a terrific day for a bike ride and that was thoroughly enjoyable. Now, I get to cut the lawn and throw together a batch of chili. Join me, won't you.