A Breather

We're finally getting a break from the heat. My car air conditioner stopped working the other day just about the time things started getting steamy and it couldn't have come at a worse time. I figure these things happen and jumping up and down is not time well spent. It helped that I didn't have a carload of malcontents or illegal aliens although the latter might have been easier to deal with given that they come from faraway lands where heat and high humidity is a constant. Nonetheless, I was counting my blessings that it wasn't hotter than it was and by the time I reached the shore I was rolling down the window and breathing easy. Well, easier anyway.


And another week goes by the boards. Not sure what I have to show for it other than a paycheck and a planted garden but I'm glad it's over. I finally saw Evan for the first time in a week since he is fast asleep when I leave in the morning and gone when I get home. Such is a working man's existence I suppose. It may even help that he is less than honest when questioned about his whereabouts. He tells us that he is out with some girls and the Mrs. is good with the world. He tells us that he is smoking crack with his buds and we laugh at his sick sense of humor. The Mrs. even stayed up one night and trailed him by a stride or two as he made his way to his bedroom hoping to catch a telltale whiff of god only knows what. A mother's nose never lies.

I really should get over to visit Mrs G at the rehab joint. Not sure what she thinks about the fact that I haven't paid a visit but she is a reasonable woman and I trust her not to be too critical or too offended. I'm told that it is a depressing place but I'm guessing that those are just first impressions by someone unfamiliar with the landscape. You probably need to check or suspend one thing or another at the door when you arrive so that is what I'll do. Maybe it's a guy thing but I'm put off by funky scents. I want my word smelling rosy and sweet and nothing short of that will do. I worry a little bit about what I might be walking in to. And sometimes, the stuff they spray to hide the smell is worse than the smell itself. I still remember the time as a 4th or 5th grader when we went on a field trip to a local vets and I damn near fainted when I walked through the doors. That smell, medicinal as it was, was overpowering and I had a considerably difficult time processing it. It just wasn't happening. To this day, I remember that scent and can recall it at will.