A GOP Tsunami, God Willing

I'm trying out this new space heater that we bought at Walmart yesterday. She's a Honeywell 360 model, and, thus far, I guess I can see that it works pretty well, but it's a bit too noisy for my tastes. The good news is that I can return this little baby and try out another one, and I can keep doing that until I find the one that works best. Isn't living in America great? I've got my eye on a Vornado AH10 now, so I'll have to see if Walmart carries this particular model. I could order it from Amazon but returning things to Amazon is a bit more complicated. The bigger story here is that I'm now resorting to using a space heater. It's a first for me. I'm always up at least three hours before the missus, and I've always felt a little selfish turning the heat on in the house just to keep myself warm. Now that the cost of energy is surging, this space heater is just what the doctor ordered.


Temperatures should be in the sixties this week, so it should be a good week to get some work done around the house. The missus said something about hiring someone to take up the leaves on our property, but I told her that wasn't necessary. I'll get around to it if she can just be a little more patient. I'm still a little sore from taking a spill on my bike last week, but I'm on the mend, as they say in the movies. It's not a big job, so that's not the issue. And, I don't have far to go with the leaves. I think this is one of those "how do you eat an elephant" types of jobs. I'll be raking up smaller sections at a time, and it will take longer, but it should require less effort at the end of the day. That's how you do it.

I'm sorry to see that the great country of Brazil elected the leftist, Lula, as president over the weekend. Brazil was the one democracy left in that section of the Americas that hadn't turned into a socialist shit hole along with Venezuala and others like it. To think that this guy, Lula, was in prison for looting and pillaging his own country after a stint as president of Brazil before his prison term was terminated thanks to a left-wing Supreme Court, makes his return to the presidency even more bizarre. It was a pretty close race, so at least half of the country has no use for socialism or the rogues who are selling it to the masses. I'm not sure there isn't a lesson in there somewhere for we Americans. God knows we have socialists waiting in the wings, like Bernie Sanders and others of his ilk, who would like nothing better than to go full Venezuela here in the states. Here's what I say to that: Not on my fucking watch.

The other thing we looked at while in Walmart was bird food. The bird food I've been buying for the last few years has gone up in price like everything else these days. Add to that the fact that the birds hereabouts empty my feeder on average every five days, and it starts to get expensive. The fourteen-pound bag that I paid $17 for just a year ago now costs $24, and that's no word of a lie. I didn't even think about spending $17 for a bag of bird food back in the day. I would have put that down as a miscellaneous expenditure in the books. So, not only has the price gone up, but now, the birds are emptying the feeder faster than ever before. I don't know if that's because there are more birds or the birds that we do have are just hungrier. Maybe it says something about the upcoming winter. We compared prices while at Walmart with other comparable brands but decided to leave well enough alone. We'll stay with the brand that our birds seem to like. They deserve to be happy too. Right? It's not all about us.

This little space heater seems to be getting the job done. The temperature in this room has gone from 51 to 57 over the course of two hours. That's not bad. 51 degrees has me wanting to put on a pair of gloves. 57 degrees has me thinking that this whole space heater idea is a good one. The missus stuck her head in the room a minute or two ago and said something about the fact that she doesn't smell that new hair dryer smell anymore. We both agreed that it makes a bit too much noise, and she said something about returning the unit sooner rather than later. I'll plan to do that today. We weren't the only ones looking at space heaters while in Walmart yesterday, so it wouldn't surprise me to see their stocks somewhat depleted by the time I get to the store later today. I guess I could go to Home Depot or Lowes to see what they have in stock if Walmart doesn't have much in stock. My Monday seems to be shaping up to be a busy day.

I was happy to see General Bolduc on the telly yesterday. The General is running for the Senate here in New Hampshire to replace that no-good piece of shite, Maggie Hassan. She's voted with Bumbles Biden every step of the way, so that disqualifies her, in my humble opinion, from representing the good people of New Hampshire in Washington. The General seems to be getting the right kind of exposure, so that can't hurt his chances of beating this loser, Hassan, at the polls next week. We just need to turn out like never before. I've answered no pollsters, so I'll be one of the millions of silent voters who plan to turn up unannounced at the polls to oust these leftist bastards who have turned our great country into something barely recognizable just two years into the Biden presidency. I heard one talking head suggest that the Senate race here in New Hamshire will be one of maybe several bellwether contests, which, ultimately, should tell us everything we need to know about how the overall election is going to turn out. I would add Karoline Leavitt to that list.

What is this I'm hearing about where we have big tech firms like Twitter conspiring with the government to stifle free speech? No one doubts for a minute that the likes of Google and Twitter are on board when it comes to rearranging algorithms to make sure that people either see things that they want them to see or, conversely, to make sure that they don't see things that they don't want them to see. I'm not sure if this is related to Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter or not, but they've discovered a trove of documents that detail the relationships between government officials and Twitter management. Can you think of anything more nefarious? It's one thing to hear rumors of this sort of thing happening, and it's quite another to have the receipts of said meetings. Where do we go from here, folks? I'm glad the information is out in the open, and I'm glad Elon fired the bitch at Twitter who was at the heart of it all. Anything else we need to know before we go to the polls in 7 days to vote in the mid-term elections?

Speaking of Elon Musk, I noticed that Twitter took a candidate by the name of Mark Finchem off Twitter yesterday. Finchem is running for Secretary of State in Arizona, and, by most accounts, he's up by 5 points or so over his Democratic opponent. How do you take a candidate down off of a platform five days out from a general election? What possible rule or rules did he break that would prompt somebody at Twitter to pull the rug out from beneath his campaign? What rogue employee in the bowels of Twitter thought that he could take it upon himself or herself to do such a thing? Did they not think Elon would find out? Maybe they thought that it would take at least a week or so for to sort out, and in the meantime, Finchem's opponent would have free reign on the platform without the usual give and take we normally see between the candidates this close to an election. I think they call that an in-kind contribution.

Finchem, of course, was outraged, and rightly so. He reached out to his peeps on alternate platforms asking that someone, anyone, reach out to Elon Musk to have his account reinstated. It wasn't long before Elon weighed in with a simple, "I'll look into it." Within an hour or so, Finchem's account was reinstated, and it was game-on once again. That would have never happened in the Twitter we all knew before Elon Musk bought the joint. Finchem would have been off the platform for God only knows how long, and he probably would have lost his election. That just tells me that Musk hasn't fired nearly enough employees. He needs to get rid of the rot in the organization, even if that means firing every last fucking one of them. I was happy to see the executives get perp-walked out of the building the day Elon walked in the front door, and now the real work begins. I think Elon is the real deal. Now, he just needs to prove it. Reinstating Finchem is a good start.

There was an article in the Atlantic magazine the other day talking about how we as a society now need to take a critical look at what happened during the Covid era and, where appropriate, we need to "forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about Covid." Just so you know, this is the liberal establishment's way of admitting that they fucked things up royally back in the day, and now they're looking for some kind of amnesty ahead of the Republicans taking back the House and investigating every last fucking one of them for what they did to our country. Putting masks on our children for the better part of two years and keeping them out of school and away from their peer groups was but one of many cruelties inflicted on our society by the democrats. It was all about power, and it had nothing to do with healthcare. We are going to bring every last one of them to justice if that is what it takes. It all starts in eight days. Spoiler alert: There will be no amnesty.

I saw a couple of tweets the other day about American boots on the ground in Ukraine. The funny thing is, I haven't seen or heard about this anywhere else. Is it true or not? It seems to me that this would be a pretty big story, if true, and one that would be hard to keep under wraps for very long. Our Congress has not authorized or approved going to war with Russia, so there's that. Would that stop Bumbles Biden from sending American troops to the front lines of the war in Ukraine? I think not. Leave it to this clown show of an administration to get American boys and girls killed in a conflict in a shit hole of a country where we have no vital or strategic American interest. We've sent northwards of $75 billion to Zelensky and his corrupt buddies in Ukraine to date, and that alone should be reason to impeach this fool we have in the White House. Let's hope these tweets I'm seeing are just that and nothing more.

Speaking of Bumbles Biden, did you see this idiot stumping in Florida yesterday for democrats running for office? What the hell is he doing in Florida, anyway? That state is beet-red, politically speaking, thanks to Governor DeSantis, and no amount of stumping by democrats coming in from Washington is going to change that. Maybe Biden's handlers want to see him out on the road ahead of the midterms just so they can say that he wasn't sitting on his thumbs back in Rehobeth, Deleware, while his party went down in flames in the midterms. Anyway, while addressing an audience somewhere in south Florida, Bumbles said something about talking to the man who invented insulin. Just so you know, that guy died before Joey Bumbles Biden was born. Bumbles also said something about his son dying in the war in Iraq. Nothing could be further from the truth. His son died of cancer while in a hospital in Deleware. I swear to God, the clip I saw reminded me of a demented old fool doing stand-up at his retirement home. And since when is Debbie Wasserman Schultz a Senator? She's not.

What the hell is going on in Korea? North Korea has fired a dozen or so missiles across South Korea and into the sea in the last twenty-four hours. South Korea has retaliated by firing a few of their own into the demilitarized zone. Japan has called the situation "intolerable." Bumbles Biden and his cast of fools have threatened some sort of something if North Korea proceeds with detonating a test-nuclear device. When is someone going to get on the phone with Trump to ask for his help in de-escalating the situation? Who the hell is in charge of international diplomacy in the White House anyway? Please don't tell me that Butt-Edge-Edge is in charge. That would explain everything. Maybe the North Koreans saw what we Americans all saw on the telly when Biden was wiping the spittle from his chin while spewing utter nonsense in front of a captive audience in South Florida. It is not a good look under any circumstances. It certainly does little to project the kind of strength required of a nation like ours at a moment like this. It's damn near an invitation, truth be told.

I think this Pelosi thing is not going away as much as they would like it to go away. This is one of those, where there's smoke, there's fire, type deals. I'm just not buying any of their bullshit. They want us to believe that none of what we heard in those early reports is accurate. They want us to believe that old man Pelosi wasn't having a sexual affair with a male prostitute in the early morning hours on that fateful day in San Fransisco. They want us to believe that both men were not wearing underwear when the police arrived at the Pelosi residence at 2 in the morning. They want us to think that Pelosi's paid paramour broke into the house, yet we've all seen the glass on the terrace suggesting that the window was broken from inside the house. And now, they're telling us that no one was watching the live feed at the Pelosi house when the "break-in" happened. The media can't seem to make up its mind about the intruder's political leanings and whose conspiracies he was more inclined to believe. But the FBI has all the facts now, and everything you've heard is wrong. Right.


The Supreme Court has stepped in and put the kibosh on sending Trump's tax records to Congress. Thank you! It's about time you lent a helping hand to one of the greatest presidents of our time. It's high time, too, that you're bitch-slapping those retards in the democrat party who think they can run roughshod over the rights of whoever they want. The democrats would likely use Trump's records to launch yet another one of their committees to investigate Trump and, if possible, drag him through the court system until he promises he'll not run for president again. The good news is that by the time the Supreme Court judges Trump's taxes, the republicans will be in complete control of congress, which will be the end of this nonsense. But we need to savor these little wins as much as possible since they are seemingly few and far between these days. They're not done trying to run Trump out of town on a rail, so stay tuned. Repeat after me: Trump 2024!

I couldn't bring myself to watch Bumbles Biden on the telly last night, giving his closing argument for why the American people should not vote for Republicans, and, more specifically, MAGA republicans, in next Tuesday's mid-term elections. I caught snippets here and there, which validated my thoughts about what Biden might say and how he might say it. I understand that he said nothing about the problems he and his administration have caused, such as inflation, the invasion at our southern border, and so forth. I read somewhere that Biden mentioned the word "democracy" more than twenty times and said that we were about to lose our democracy if Republicans win their races as expected. Who is this ass clown? Who the hell is he to suggest that we Americans, casting our votes as is our prerogative in this Republic of ours, are somehow not democratic if we're not voting for him and his fellow democrats instead of republicans?

The fact of the matter is, Bumbles, we're going to go out and vote to oust every last democrat running for office or re-election precisely because we want to save our democracy. Stick that in your fucking pipe and smoke it, Joey. Is it possible that the 72 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2020 will go out en-masse and vote on Election day after having their Trump victory denied thanks to the rampant and illegal skullduggery by the democrat party? You bet your ass they are. The Democrat party is still at it, don't you know. They have their Bill Clinton's and Barry Obama's out on the stump in several states, telling lies about how the republicans are planning to take away their Medicare and Social Security. It gets worse. This morning, the Grey lady (NYT) has a headline above the fold repeating the same lies about Medicare and Social Security. It just smacks of desperation and tells you that they know all too well what lies in store for them post-election.

(Heater update) I bought a little heater for the room I work in every morning. When the weather out of doors turned colder in past years, I cranked up the furnace just long enough to take off the chill. I might have had the furnace on for three hours before the missus got out of bed. I've always felt selfish for wasting money to make my life more comfortable, but heating oil was cheaper back in the day, so I never spent much time thinking about it. We usually turn our heat off overnight in the winter since we prefer sleeping in a cool room. As you can well imagine, the temperature in the house would easily get into the lower 50s by the time I got out of bed. Sitting down to work without heat of some kind was unthinkable. Now that the price of heating oil is getting crazy expensive, I've found a new fix. I bought a little Vornado space heater. I no longer have to heat the entire house just to get comfortable in my little space every morning. My momma didn't raise no damn fool!

By my calculations, at three hours a day for 30 days a month, that's the equivalent of leaving our furnace off for 80-90 hours a month, give or take. I don't know what that translates to in real savings since I don't know how many hours we run the furnace every month, but I suspect it will save us a few sheckles over the course of the winter. The first little heater I purchased, a Honewell 360, was too loud and took too long to heat up the space I work in. I promptly returned that puppy and ordered a Vornado heater from Amazon. It was a lot quieter, and it heated up my space fairly quickly. The missus was so impressed that she suggested getting another model, maybe one a little larger, to use in other rooms in the house. There is a smell of a new heater, which she just hates, so it's just a matter of time before that becomes less of an issue. It's probably the coating they put on the heater that has to burn off a bit before it no longer smells. I think we're good to go now. Oh, and there's the impact on the electric bill. Fingers crossed.

I think today is the day Elon lowers the boom for approximately half of the employees at Twitter. They are getting their walking papers, for better or worse. Some are probably happy to be leaving, seeing as Elon is not their cup of tea politically. His politics seem to be middle-of-the-road to me, but that is likely a bridge too far for many of the leftists currently employed by Twitter. Politics aside, I'm not a fan of people getting laid off. Jobs are getting scarcer and scarcer, especially in the tech sector, so that isn't going to make life any easier for the people being laid off. Does Twitter actually have that much excess in its ranks that it can afford to lose 50% of its staff? I guess we'll find out. I'm sure that Elon knows what he's doing. If it's algorithms that keep the place going, Elon has the smarts and the know-how when it comes to figuring all of that out. Doing more with less is the new mantra. Failure is not an option.

One thing I'll be looking for in the new Congress, assuming that the Republicans take back the majority in the House of Representatives, is that I'd like to see them defund the pot of money that Congress set aside in their 2021 legislation to hire and deploy 87,000 new IRS agents. You can't run around campaigning on this shit and then not do it when you get into office. That's not the way it works. I also want articles of impeachment drawn up for Bumbles and that twat who oversees our immigration laws. We now have five million illegal immigrants running around in our country doing God only knows what thanks to these two assholes. Is it me, or does the current Minority Leader of the house, McCarthy, not have what it takes to get the job done when he becomes Majority Leader? He just seems so, well, milqtoast. I want somebody in that chair who doesn't need to grow a pair to do what it takes day in and day out. I want someone with an iron fist. Anything less will just not do.

Oh, and not another fucking dime for that shithole, Ukraine. Just say "no." Let them run a few garage sales or raffles and see where that takes them. We're tired of giving money hand over fist to the criminals running Ukraine. Did I mention that there's a story out this morning in the Daily Mail that contradicts what the FBI would have us believe about what happened at the Pelosi's the night Paul Pelosi was allegedly assaulted by a Trump supporter? As you might imagine, the main street media was having none of the bullshit about Paul Pelosi and his lover having a couple of cocktails and a lover's spat in the early morning hours in San Fransico. The story was just too salacious, and, with his wife being the Speaker of the House and third in line to the presidency, it went without saying that the real story would be suppressed, downplayed, and taken off the front pages of every newspaper coast to coast by the time the morning papers rolled off the press.

So, the FBI published a press release that whitewashed the entire event. Now we're learning from the Daily Mail that Paul Pelosi answered the door himself that morning, and he gave not a hint that anything was amiss, much less letting on that he was being held captive by an alleged Trump supporter wielding a hammer. He then proceeded to walk back into the residence with the policemen walking behind him when he was ultimately struck in the head with a hammer by the "assailant". Oh, and when the police asked him if everything was okay when he first answered the door, he responded with, "It's all good" or something to that effect. Does that sound like a break-in gone bad to you? Where are all these fools on the radio shows now? They defended the Pelosi's and criticized the right-wing media for fabricating sheer nonsense for ratings when stories about men in underwear and lover's spats gone bad emerged. And now, it's crickets. I'm talking about you, Michael Smerconish. I'm talking about you, Dan Abrams.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting nervous. Election Day is just three days away now. What if the Republicans don't win both houses of Congress? What if these gubernatorial races don't pan out, and they all stay in Democratic control? We're all hearing about races in areas that Biden won by some 20 points where the republican is now favored to win. That only happens when we have a wave election. What if that wave never materializes? That's what I'm worried about. Biden is on video in just the last twenty-four hours saying that he is going to shut down every coal plant coast to coast. Pennsylvania, are you listening? Pennsylvania has the most coal plants of any state, so I hope to hell they are listening when they go to the polls to vote this coming Tuesday. I'm counting on the good people of Pennsylvania to say no mas to nutjobs like Fetterman and Shapiro, who are running for the Senate and the Governor's position, respectively.

Taking back both houses of Congress next Tuesday could go a long way toward juicing the financial markets going into year-end. The markets love gridlock. That is precisely what you get when you have one political party in the White House and a completely different party in Congress. We could see something of a rally. Really. Call it a Santa rally if you must. The bulls could take charge for the remaining sixty days of the year, and the bears would likely come out of hibernation in early 2023 before crushing the markets mid-year as part of a larger global crisis brought about by endless years of zero and even negative interest rates. Is this a good time to stick your toes in the water for those who have been sitting on the sidelines since this downturn began some eleven months ago? Do you have the stomach for it? Will you be a hero or a zero by year-end? What if the republicans don't take both houses? What then?

I noticed that MSNBC fired a talking head by the name of Tiffany Cross yesterday. I don't know Tiffany Cross from the Man in the Moon, so I can't say that it caught my attention one way or another. You never hear about these networks firing people, so I assumed that whatever she did was probably pretty darn egregious. When I finally caught up to a clip or two of the video that resulted in her release from the network, I was surprised at how foul-mouthed and despicable she came across. It made me wonder why 1) they ever hired her, and 2) why she wasn't fired sooner. She had a real hair across her ass when it came to white people. Just a real cunt. I saw and heard everything that I needed to see and hear in that short clip of one of her more tasteless rants and raves. No wonder they cut her loose. Maybe this is just the beginning of a bigger reckoning to come once the results of the red wave roll in on Tuesday. Maybe this is one of those pendulum deals where human and political sentiment, for better or worse, swings back and forth with the times.

How about this tweet from Joey Bumbles Biden: "The social media platform, Twitter, purchased by Elon Musk, spews lies across the world." Why you useless piece of shit. Twitter was your platform of choice when it came to putting out disinformation and gaslighting for consumption by American people. Now that Twitter is adding context to your tweets to prove just how much of a lying sack of shit that you are, you lash out in a predictably childish way every chance you get. I have a good mind to block your ass on Twitter but then I'd not have the chance to delight at Twitter exposing your lies everytime you open your damn mouth. I know that none of these tweets are your own since you're still looking for the men's room in the Oval office but, ecverything else being equal, the buck stops at your front door when all is said and done. I just have two words for you: Thank you, Elon Musk!

Maybe the only question I have left as I sit here just three days out from the mid-term elections is, how many and which elections are the democrats planning to steal? They can't possibly allow a republican to run the great state of New York which has become a deep blue state. That means they are likey to steal the election from Lee Zeldin. The same may be true of the gubernatorial election is Michigan, but stealing two gubernatorial elections might raise the risk of getting their hands caught in the cookie jar. They got away with stealing everything they could get their hands on in 2020, so, why push their luck here in 2022. Well, our democracy is at risk if we're to believe the words coming out of Biden's mouth. That means they're going all in with whatever it takes to make sure that they don't lose, of all things, the senate. The senate is the key that unlocks the treasury of spoils to include padding the Supreme Court, changing voting laws, adding states to the Union, and, truth be told, the sky is the limit. Only a red wave can stop the chicanery they have planned. A tsunami, God willing.