Ruling Junta

I'm thinking I'll probably tune into the debate on Wednesday night of this week. I'm not crazy about the thought of giving FOX, or the two twats they call moderators, any oxygen whatsoever, but what are you going to do? The alternative, as I understand it, is that Trump will not be attending the debate and will sit down with Tucker Carlson instead. The problem with that is that Trump is fairly predictable in terms of what he's going to say, the positions he holds on things, and the endless times he's going to repeat the stories that he repeats every time he sits down for an interview, ad nauseam. Besides, who doesn't like the idea of someone like Ramaswamy eviscerating DeSantis on the debate stage? Maybe he'll take out the clown, Chris Christie, while he's at it. Everyone else on the stage is a backbencher.

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I watched a video yesterday on Twitter (X) that seemed to expose this guy Ramaswamy as a huckster. Who knew? You know this is what happens to Republicans who start to show a little leg in the national polling. Is huckster the right word? Is that what you call someone who makes his money in an allegedly illegal or unethical way? Anyway, that's the charge. So what if he started a company selling products that he knew would never reach the markets? This has to do with a certain Alzheimer's drug his company was researching. It's probably too complicated of a schtick to raise in a debate, but we may know who's trying to cash in on this opposition research by who asks the question. For all I know, it could be the Democrats coming up with this stuff. My guess is that Vivek will be ready for this question. When have you ever seen this guy unprepared for any question asked of him? He's pretty darn good on his feet.

For some reason, I thought this BRICS meeting coming up here in a couple of days was the launching of a new coalition of countries. I thought I heard yesterday that the BRICS nations have met previously. Is it now just a thing because they are allegedly planning to discuss an alternative to the US dollar as a prime currency? If any of that comes to fruition, I think that wouldn't be a good thing for our economy. I also don't think it's something that happens overnight, so maybe we have time to prepare. I also understand that this involves the development of a digital currency to be used by the BRICS nations. We've all heard the horror stories of people whose governments have cut off access to their funds held in banks when they disagree with their politics. Worse than that is the absolute loss of privacy that comes with having to use digital currencies to conduct your day-to-day business. It's none of their goddamn business how I spend my money or what I spend my money on. There, I said it. It's no surprise that the countries contemplating the use of these currencies are not democracies as we understand the word democracy. In US parlance, it's Big Brother on steroids.

I don't know what's going on with Twitter (X.) Elon tweeted something the other day about doing away with a user's ability to block other tweeters. There's more. Then he, or one or more of his people, said something about everyone using the platform will now be required to submit a picture ID in order to remain on the platform. The blocking thing will be an annoyance, for sure. I block plenty of people whose views are predictably left of Karl Marx. I'm just not interested in seeing their tweets. I'm sure they probably block me as well. Maybe the idea is that outrage is a good thing, and if you can amp it up, then all the better. What good is social media if it isn't pissing you off about something? Right? The whole ID thing is more of a concern. I value my online anonymity, and I could care less about blue checks and other niceties offered by Twitter for a price. I might have to take my business elsewhere if I have to submit my ID to anyone in order to keep my account. I can't say that I didn't see this coming.

What is this nonsense about taking Trump's name off the ballot in various and sundry states across our fruited plains? I suppose they can try. They'll point to the 14th Amendment as the vehicle they intend to use to accomplish their task. Who doesn't think that they can get their left-leaning judicial systems to find Trump guilty of something or other and then use the 14th Amendment to keep his name off the ballot? All you need is to have a couple of Marxists out on the hustings floating this craziness, and the next thing you know, various District Attornies across the country will running roughshod over Trump's rights. Never mind that the Supreme Court will likely overturn them. The damage will be done, and they will be running around beating their chests at having taken Trump out of a race that was Trump's to lose were it not for shenanigans of the left. Whatever it takes to keep bumbling and demented Joey Biden and his sleazy wife, Dr. Jill, in the White House and the Democrats in power in one or more houses of Congress for the foreseeable future.

Who is this arsehole Hugh Hewitt and who is paying him to say nasty things about my man, Vivek Ramaswamy? Hewitt has this radio show on the Salem network, and he seems to be railing against Vivek for Vivek's comments about our government not giving us the truth about what went down on 9/11. Hewitt seems to have a problem with "truthers." That should tell you everything you need to know about Hewitt. He seems to think that we ought to take what our government tells us at face value and accept it as unvarnished truth. In a conversation with a talking head on CNN, Vivek referred to an unclassified document released in the dark of night by our government claiming that intelligence agencies within Saudi Arabia played a role in the 9/11 attacks. What do you say about that, Huey? I'm guessing Hewitt is probably a shill for DeSantis. Worse yet, maybe Chris Christie. And the nasty things that Hewitt says about Trump for not attending the debate like he's the fucking political sage with the only crystal ball in the room. Spoiler alert: He is not.

If it's a new day on the calendar, it's another day where our bumbling and illegitimate president, Bumbles Biden, is making a fool of himself. Did I mention that he is cognitively impaired? He and his fishnet-wearing wife finally made it out to Maui after the hellish firestorms on the island destroyed countless lives and property. How long did it take him to make it out to Maui after the firestorms began, and how many vacations did he have to put on hold in order to make the trip? I think it was a good three weeks. When he finally took to the podium to read his queue cards, he went on and on talking about the fire he and his wife, Jill, endured back in the day. You know, the little kitchen fire in his home in Delaware that the local fire department extinguished in twenty minutes. There are still some eight hundred people missing and probably dead, and this fool is drawing ridiculous comparisons to an incident in his kitchen decades ago. He saw dogs running around with booties on to protect their feet from the ground, which is still hot, and he made yet another inane comment that I'll not bother to repeat here. How much more must we as a people endure of this fool?

Trump says he'll be turning himself into Georgia officials the day after the debate, which Trump will not be attending, on Wednesday night of this week in response to the outstanding indictment against him. Hewitt was not happy with that announcement. It didn't occur to me until I heard Hewitt complaining about it that the timing of Trump's turning himself had more to do with sucking the oxygen out of the news cycle on a day when most analysts would be providing analysis of the debate the previous night. I'm quite certain Hewitt already has his notes drafted in order to jump into the fray with his fellow "journalists" pulling for his or her horse or horses in the race and, alternatively, punishing those candidates they see as threats to the candidates they are quietly supporting. Trump is still the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room. How much more proof do you need? Trump is well aware of the hard-on the media establishment gets every time he walks into a courtroom, and he's playing them like a fiddle once again. If any one or more of the candidates on the stage on Wednesday night are hoping to leave the stage at the end of the debate with the wind at their backs, Trump will be standing there with a bucket of cold water, figuratively speaking, of course.

I can appreciate Zelensky's desire to have the coveted F16s added to his arsenal, but, for the life of me, I don't see it making much of a difference. Like the tanks that have already been delivered to the killing fields of Ukraine, and which have been summarily targeted and destroyed by Russian ordinances, the F16s would no doubt face a similar fate. And the nonsensical promises to the donor countries that they only be used for defensive purposes on Ukrainian soil are farcical at best. So, what's the deal? Does it bring us one step closer to putting American boots on Ukrainian soil? Is that what this is all about? Is Biden going to send American boys to die in the fields of Ukraine? Nobody thinks that Russia will lose this war, and, with China and North Korea aiding and abetting Russia in the conflict, you see how upside down things could get in a hurry. The problem is that we have a cognitively impaired stooge in the White House with his fingers on the nuclear codes. The naked truth of our involvement in Ukraine, if we're to believe what Congressman Comer has to say about Biden and his bribery exploits in Ukraine, also seems to have more to do with Biden's being compromised by the Ukrainians than it has to do with any national interest we might have in protecting Ukraine from Russia. Keep digging, sir.

I was up way too early this morning. And, for no particular reason, really. When I lay in bed with my eyes wide open at four in the morning, it's too late to go back to sleep. What, so I can wake up an hour later feeling all groggy and whatever? You get up, and you go about your business. That's what you do. I half expected to climb back into bed after being up a couple of hours, but I'm sitting here instead, trying to get a couple of thoughts down on paper. The missus is off to an early morning appointment in downtown Portsmouth, so I have no distractions to speak of. I'm still not sure how I'm going to start my next paragraph, so there's that. Tonight is the first Republican debate of the 2024 presidential election cycle, so I think I'm probably going to catch that tomorrow sometime on YouTube. I'll not want to contribute in any way, shape, or form, to the number of suckers who tune into the FOX production with their two toady moderators, Brett Baier and Martha numbnuts MacCallum. Maybe I can pick up a couple of clips, if there are any worth watching, on Twitter just before bedtime.

It's rather insidious, don't you think? I'm hearing here and there about cases of Covid coming back around. It's so funny. The reports I'm seeing actually reference certain variants, some new and some old, which were once only seen in certain countries, and are now showing up in our country for the first time. It's almost like the freaks looking to profit from a new outbreak, be they politicians with their lockdowns, or Big Pharma with the big bucks they have to spread around to politicians who will mandate their vaccines for the right price, seem to think that we're overdue for another round of fearmongering to see just how much they can get away with this time around. Colleges are back to requiring masks and jabs of all incoming students, and I'm seeing more and more losers wearing their masks in stores and in public places. It won't be long before we see people driving here and there all by their lonesome while donning their masks. And don't think for a moment that the Democrats don't have their hands in this pie somewhere. They would like nothing better than to lock us all down and get their fake absentee ballot scam back up and running so they can install feckless and demented Joe Biden in our beloved White House for another four years.


I think their calculus is that Trump, assuming he wins the nomination, will never win while sitting in a jail cell, so they can put up just about anyone they choose, and it will be a slam dunk. Maybe it's time to put the first black woman in as president. No, I'm not talking about Kamala Harris. I'm talking about "Big Mike." That's right, Michelle Obama. That would put that Kenyan-born goatherder of a husband of hers right back in the Oval Office, which would be a non-starter since most Americans believe that it is Obama pulling the strings in the Biden Administration these days. You know, our first black president who had barely been sworn into office before telling the world that he wanted to "fundamentally transform America as we know it." Little did any of us realize what he had in store for us. Who else do we have for prospects? Gavin Newsome, maybe? He'll do what he's done for California for the entire country. That is to say, he'll transform the United States into a one-party country. You'll not hear those words pass his lips, but most Americans have a dim view of California as a result of his stewardship and want no part of it. Just ask the people who fled California during the 2020 COVID crisis and who couldn't find a U-Haul to rent. They were all on the road to states like Tennessee, Florida, and similar environs.

Maybe RFK Jr. upends it all and takes out Biden in the early primary states. Wouldn't that be something? He's getting very little air time, so it's just more of the same from the establishment media, which is in the fucking tank for Biden. All the mainstream media would have you believe is that RFK Jr. is a conspiracy theorist and that he is not a suitable candidate for president, given his views on any number of conspiracy theories ranging from the moon landing to the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy back in 1960 or thereabouts. Oh, and we can't forget his outlandish comments about COVID-19 and the crimes he alleges were committed by Fauci and his labcoat-wearing stooges in the UNH. Do I have that acronym right? I've always wanted to read Kennedy's book entitled "The Real Anthony Fauci," but it was far too wonky for my tastes. My eyes glaze over when it comes to reading materials, generally speaking, so you can imagine the trouble I had getting into that book. I don't know who he wrote that book for, but it was not for guys like me.

I watched the debate of the Republican candidates for president on FOX last night, so you wouldn't have to. I agree with the missus; it was a complete cluster-you-know-what. Brett Baier and Martha MacCallum were horrible as the two moderators for FOX. They lost complete control of the debate and the candidates on the stage. It took them a good hour to ask serious questions about our border, Ukraine policy, etc. They put some questions to some candidates but failed to get responses from other candidates on the same question. I remember thinking to myself, wait a minute, I want to hear what Vivek has to say on that topic. It was crickets. If I apply the "Who would I want to sit down and have a beer with" test, that would be Vivek. All I heard from DeSantis all night long was, "Get off my damn lawn." It was all about tone. And, speaking of Nikki Haley, who the hell wears their bathrobe to a nationally televised debate?

It was funny listening to Chris Christie (Krispy Kreme) refer to Vivek as Mr. ChatGBT. I'm not so sure that's a bad thing. You put your shitty speech into ChatGBT, and ChatGBT can clean it up for you. Like I've said before, Vivek is smart as a whip, and it's refreshing to hear someone speak in complete sentences after three years of a president with stage 5 dementia in the White House. Some of the one-percenters on the stage had no business being there. At the end of the debate, I'd probably add Pence to that group along with Asa Hutchinson and the governor of North Dakota, whose name I can't remember. I don't know that Tim Scott did anything to help himself last night, either. God, was Pence insufferable or what? I wish someone on that debate stage last night had had the presence of mind to say that what Pence did on January 6th was NOT the right thing to do. The 2020 election was stolen, and that's a damn fact. Democratic District Attorneys across our fruited plains are now arresting everyone in sight who ever tried to make the case that it was stolen. I'm surprised that the FOX moderators didn't ask each and every candidate whether they thought the 2020 election was stolen.

It was interesting to see Vivek put Krispy Kreme in his place when he said something about Krispy Kreme hugging Obama. The reference to hugging Obama dates back to the hurricane that ravaged the New Jersey coastline when Krispy was governor of New Jersey, and there are photos circulating, even now, of Krispy rubbing up on Obama when Obama visited the state of New Jersey as President. When everyone was expecting Krispy to show up with guns-a-blazing against Trump, and he surely took a few shots at Trump, much to the dismay and boos of the 6,000-plus audience for his comments, it was Vivek who brought Krispy to his knees. Vivek, by his own admission, said that Trump was the best president in the 21st century, and he wasn't wrong. Kudos to Vivek for making the case in Trump's absence. As I sit here this morning, Trump's interview with Tucker, which took place during the debate last night, has some 140 million views. The number of viewers on FOX watching the bickering Keebler Elves are not in yet, but I suspect they will fall far short of the 140 million who watched Trump on Social Media. Stick that in your fucking pipe and smoke it, Rupert Murdoch.

That little bitch of a District Attorney in Georgia finally got the mug shot that she wanted. Trump was arrested and fingerprinted in Georgia yesterday, and his mug shot is now out in the ether forever more. The Democrat party has crossed the fucking rubicon. Since this is Trump's fourth indictment since the Democrats decided to criminalize free speech and jail their political opposition, I suppose you could say that this is the fourth Rubicon that they've crossed. There is a move afoot to move the trial out of State Court and into Federal court where Trump and his 18 other co-defendants can hopefully get a more fair trial. I don't understand why there isn't someone in the Judiciary somewhere, the Supreme Court perhaps, that, upon seeing this travesty of justice, isn't stepping up to the plate and shutting it all down. It is a clear case of election interference, and to sit back and watch this criminalization of the judicial process is to be complicit in it. This case in Georgia is being brought against people who disagreed with the outcome of an election and, now, simply questioning the outcome of an election seems to be a crime according to the cretins in the state of Georgia.

I just don't know what to say as an American citizen. I feel like I'm living in Venezuela. Maybe this is what they mean when they say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Democrats probably figure if they can keep the White House for one more term, or four more years, they can turn the red states blue that they need never to lose a presidential election again. I'm talking about the fact that the Democrats have now ushered in some 7 million illegal aliens, and they are paying each and every last one of them $2,200 per month of our hard-earned tax dollars. The Democrats can probably get another 7-10 million across our southern border by the end of Biden's first term. They have little to no incentive to work, but you can bet your sweet arse that the Democrats will find a way to get them registered to vote and out to the polls by the time the next presidential election rolls around. Our only hope, at this point, is to elect Trump and have him deport every last one of these illegals that the Democrats have ushered into our country. They should call it, "Operation get your ass out of our country." We'll put our military to good use for a change and bring the lot of them home from these ridiculous overseas assignments to protect our own borders.

Speaking of illegal aliens, did I hear that right about Biden's Justice Department suing SpaceX (Musk's company) for not hiring illegal aliens? This is a joke. Right? Does anyone think that this isn't just Biden's Justice Department going after Musk because of his politics? They're actually suing SpaceX on behalf of every illegal alien who ever applied for a job at SpaceX going back several years. They are asking that the courts find for the illegal aliens and award them back pay. Are you fucking kidding me? If I were Musk, I'd tell the Government that two can play this game. Musk should threaten to shut down every last satellite operating in lower orbit over Ukraine until the Bidenistas withdraw their lawsuit on behalf of the illegal aliens. You know that this is just the first volley of shots across the bows of companies that don't comply with Biden and his criminal Justice Department to do Bumble's bidding. What illegal alien wouldn't want to come to our country if they catch wind of these stories? You've got the president of the United States suing companies on your behalf and offering to feather your nest and the nests of your family with million-dollar judgments from liberal courts and liberal juries. That's a lifetime of enchiladas and more.

I'm going to have to give up trying to learn the James Taylor song, "You've Got a Friend." I simply cannot get that damn bar chord down. I don't know if it's because of the crook that I have in my finger or maybe it's the neck of my guitar that, if I'm not mistaken, is a little warped. Maybe it's a combination of the two. That will give me a little more time to work on my Travis fingerpicking techniques every time I pick up my guitar. It's going to be a while before I can have my thumbs and my other fingers playing independently of each other, but you've got to start somewhere. Right? I may get back to strumming a song now and then, but I'm a little less interested in the strumming thing for whatever reason. That isn't to say that strumming is just for idiots. There's a damn art to it. If you don't think so, try playing a few Neil Young tunes on the guitar and get back to me. It might be more complicated than fingerpicking or maybe more subtle if that's the right word. I'll know I'm serious about all this stuff when I get around to using a metronome. For now, it's just one day at a time. It's all about trying to learn something new every day. Some days, it's about trying to play something better than I did the day before.

I was reading a story about Russians using lasers to target Ukrainian drones this morning. That's odd. Why haven't there been more stories about the use of lasers since this war began? The article talked about the fact that the lasers are capable of bringing forces to bear on the exterior of the incoming drones and, perhaps more importantly, they are capable of interrupting the electronics of the drones. The electronics have everything to do with getting the drones from point A to point B. This is pretty cool stuff. It seems that drones are all the rage on both sides of the conflict if we're to believe everything we read. How might World War II have gone had drones, or lasers for that matter, joined the battle on one or both sides? Probably not as decisive nor as deadly as using a thermonuclear device, but, incrementally speaking, it could have made a difference. This is unknowable stuff, to be sure. Drones have probably been fairly effective in evading the usual radar detection systems, given their ability to fly below the radar in many cases. If Russia can take Ukraine's drones, or more to the point, NATO's drones, off the battlefield with the use of lasers, it could be a game changer. Just what the doctor ordered, as they say in the movies.

Then there is the story of the Gerald R. Ford, the largest aircraft carrier we have in our fleet, making its way to the Middle East in a show of force. Don't quote me on the destination. Is it me, or are these ships a vestige of a long-gone era? In other words, they are sitting ducks and an easy target for any of the more modern weapons in the arsenals of our enemies these days. I think these hypersonic missiles that countries like China claim to possess are practically on top of their targets before their detection systems engage. That could send a lot of our fellow Americans to the bottom of the Pacific, or maybe it's the Black Sea in this case, without a whole lot of warning. Maybe it's the Straits of Hormuz. Where is my damn map when I need it. Remember when Japanese pilots committed suicide missions in WWII by flying their planes onto the decks of our ships? Man, how things have changed. I don't know a lot about submarines, but I suspect they could pose a problem for floating cities like the Gerald R. Ford as well. I guess all I'm saying is that size isn't everything. If anything, it makes for a bigger target. When the world is a tinderbox as it is these days, bigger is not necessarily better.

If it's Sunday, which it is, I'll need to check the listings and see who is on the talking head shows today. I'm guessing we'll have folks here and there talking about the recent debate and who is where in the recent polls. I'd like to hear more from the prosecutor in Ukraine who was fired after Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid. Quite frankly, I don't know why we need this guy's testimony. We already have Bumbles on video threatening to do what he ultimately ended up doing. I'm starting to hear stories here and there about Speaker McCarthy being a card-carrying member of the swamp in Washington. That suggests to me that we'll not be seeing an impeachment anything coming down the pike. That would be a disgrace and a stain on our Republic. It's possible that we'll see and hear a lot from Vivek Ramaswamy today since he did a pretty good job in the debate and might even get the biggest bounce when all is said and done. You know he's doing well because we're starting to see a lot of stories about his not being a registered Republican, being an Obama clone, etc., and lots of questions about the companies he's started. I'm guessing DeSanctimonious is behind most of those stories. Certainly, DeSantis's supporters are out in force on social media these days, shilling for their boy.

Lastly, maybe it's true what they say about everybody in Washington being on the dole. I think that damn place is awash with politicians who have been taking money from China, and every other rogue nation on the planet, for this and that favor just about forever. They are bought and sold, as they say. It sounds a bit like the slave trade, doesn't it? Anyway, nobody can drop a dime on anyone else without exposing themselves as hypocrites once they get outed for doing the same thing. So, nobody goes there aside from a veiled reference from time to time so they can join the chorus of their constituents who know only too well that their communities can't come close to donating the millions of dollars required to run a congressional or senatorial campaign these days. So, it seems a little ludicrous to hold Joe Biden to account for getting his slice of the pie even though his path to personal enrichment involves crimes laid out in our Constitution as crimes worthy of and demanding impeachment. He's been on the take for the last fifty years, and everyone knows it. That makes them all complicit, and that also explains why he's corrupted so many of our once venerable institutions, which are now loathe to call a spade a spade when it comes to the criminal sitting in the Oval Office. I don't know how we fix this.