Soccer Season

The rain blew in here last night and it was relentless. So much so that it woke me up a couple of times during the night. It was wicked. What I heard was merely the remnants of the hurricane that hit the Carolinas earlier this weekend. Lucky them. All I could think about was the car widows that I may have left open or the bikes left outside or the windows I might have left open in the house. I’ve been pretty good about not leaving things open lately for whatever reason so it was nothing more than a passing thought and then I went back to sleep. I might have considered the impact of the rain on my morning bike ride but that too was an idle thought since I have been known to ride in the rain. As I sit here now, the sun is shining so all is well with the world. In my world, at least.

I made a very nice avacado salsa last weekend which we enjoyed very much. I plan to make a double this weekend so we can keep it on hand for a while longer. You haven’t lived until you’ve had it on a turkey and cheese wrap smothered with onions and tomatoes. I’m trying hard to have whole grains and lots of vegetables while the little buggers are in season. I’ve even migrated to pomegranate juice which some might consider extreme. It sits in our fridge right next to the V8 juice. And how about that homemade hummus? God, you can just eat spoonful after spoonful of that stuff without ever tiring of it. The spicier the better. We can’t keep it in the fridge long enough. I will say that it makes a delightful substitute for mayonnaise. Got to keep away from that fructose corn syrup as well. It’s in everything! It’s no wonder we’re a population of fat fucks.

I plan to put together a slide show of our summer vacation at the lake soon so be sure to pay a visit to the Slideshow section of the site in the near future. Evan is playing both school soccer and travel soccer so I will have some soccer pics for you as well. We may do a dvd for the travel team since they have played together for many years now and this is the last year since it ends when the boys go to high school. I thought about taking some footage yesterday but I was glad I didn’t in retrospect since there was a lot of background noise of parents prattling away about this and that which wouldn’t have contributed to the video in any meaningful way. There are times when I wish I had a bullshit filter. I would selectively slice that crap like a bushido master practicing his swing on a blade of grass. Swooosh! It would make so little noise that even that (Swoosh) is a bit of an exaggeration. You get my drift.