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Winter is not going into the abyss without a struggle. Any hint of warmer days and sunny afternoons have been sporadic at best. I'm waking up to a day off with rain in the forecast and temperatures that may or may not reach 40 degrees. I'm also hugging my coffee cup a little more closely and sipping it a little more slowly than I might otherwise do on a sunny Spring morning. I've come to expect as much living here in New England so adjust my schedule and plans accordingly. I'm not against pushing the envelope and getting out on my bike if the temperatures are moderate enough and the rain is not heavy enough to blur my vision while riding. Not sure how the day is going to go as I sit here at 7:23 a.m. but it sure looks dismal just looking out the window. Maybe I will fill my day with tasks just to keep busy. Maybe I'll work in the garage for a while tidying up. I suppose I could run the gas out of the snow blower and maybe even run the generator for a while since I've not done that recently. When do you suppose Bluebirds, or any birds for that matter, might take up residence in the Bluebird house I gave to Nancy for her birthday? Day after day I peer out of various windows in the back of the house to see if I can catch a glimpse of any activity but have seen nothing. It is a fine birdhouse and would make a good home if only they were willing to give it a try. Perhaps they too are not convinced that Spring is willing or wanting to arrive in any meaningful way so have turned their attention to other things. Procreation can wait. We'll see. Mother Nature may have other plans.

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I'm a little late to the social media scene but am now in with both feet. Listen to me. I'm quite full of myself after sending a couple of tweets. How funny is that? I should want to consider for a moment why I am so late to the scene that other generations have embraced so thoroughly. You can't turn a webpage or listen to a radio station without hearing a reference to certain social media applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. As for me, I've turned a deaf ear to all of them and perhaps to my detriment. As for Twitter, it appears to offer something that might very well be of interest to me. That is to say, a more immediate access to news from around the world and even in my backyard. An unfiltered and nearly spontaneous glimpse of reality that you will never find in the scrubbed versions of what they refer to as news in the local or national media. They have become distrusted, untimely, and just so yesterday. Now, they will become dismantled one by one and replaced with social media of one kind or another. For those who have something to say, and I am not without a voice, Twitter works well. It is a platform for a shout out, a criticism, an observation astute or otherwise, and a place to go when I want to hear all the news that is fit to post. My biggest challenge is finding and following the right hashtags. The good news is that it is fun to play in the Twitter sandbox since there are no sharp objects with which to hurt oneself. That said, I am cautious in my rants as the continuums on both sides of that equation run afoul of the acceptable sooner or later. And, as we all know now that Snowden has been outed, there is no such thing as privacy or anonymity.

You know I have to say something about politics. My morning would be incomplete were I to say nothing. So, today Hillary Clinton plans to announce her candidacy for the Presidency of the United States. God help us all. Has our country descended that far into lunacy that we have to even consider her as a candidate? The very prospect is on its face just too much to even contemplate. You'd like to think that our candidates have some higher moral or civil cause on which to base their desire to lead our country. You'd also like to think that their personal history is comprised of one conquest after another each building on the last in order to support an aspirational run for the highest office in the land. You'd like to think as well that that the candidate's moral compass is beyond reproach and that our great country might well flourish under their inspirational leadership. None of these building blocks are in place for Hillary Clinton. In fact, the very absence of these building blocks is and should be of great concern for any god fearing american. She has an abysmal record historically and quite possibly an indictable one given her checkered past. It her lust for power that fuels her ambitions in this regard and we as a country would be well advised to steer clear of her candidacy and send her packing at the earliest possible opportunity. Of even greater concern is the fact that candidates the likes of Hillary Clinton even get a second look by the voters of this country. Let's hope the process is unkind to her from the outset.