Going with the flow

I kind of like McCain’s VP choice of Sarah Palin, Gov from Alaska. She’s a babe. Fiesty, intelligent, and as independent a thinker as you might see come out of a state as isolated as Alaska. McCain is such an old windbag that I doubt she’ll see the halls of Congress if he gets in. She will serve her purpose as a politically expedient stooge and that will be that. Once in, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that she has packed her bags and gone back to Alaska. As is often said about the position of VP, it amounts to little more than a bucket of warm spit. I’m just a little surprised that she has agreed to do what she has for McCain. And for what? If he thought he could have gotten away with it, he would have had Joe Lieberman the democrat on the ticket. What a loser.

I wanted to add something to my blog about Nancy and her miserable sense of refrigerator feng shui. I know that because every time I open the door I can’t make sense of the order of things. Your eyes should drift from shelf to shelf and item to item as though you were tracking inventory at the local grocery store. Rather, there is clutter everywhere. There are small morsels in large containers; vegetables where they don’t belong; cans along the rear of the shelves that have no business being in the refrigerator; jars of jam long emptied but not empty enough to throw away; side drawers piled high with baggies, plastic lemons, cheese sticks, and god only knows what lies at the bottom of those shelves. My eating is more orderly these days and I need the refrigerator to reflect that same passion. I have already insisted that she use the counter space in the kitchen not for her mail and magazines but rather as it was intended to be used. As a space to prepare and even, on occasion, store food. I should have been tipped off long ago when Nancy marked the dates on everything she placed in the fridge. It all makes sense now.

Hurricane Gustav is bearing down on the Gulf Coast as a level four storm and it may well eclipse the planned and unplanned hoopla of Republican National Convention on schedule for early next week. Can you spell K-A-T-R-I-N-A? All the major networks are showing the cities residents with bags packed lining the streets. I guess the white folks have already left in their cars because I don’t see any of those good folks waiting in line at the bus stations. It’s all voluntary at this point and that may splain why things look so orderly. When people who haven’t left voluntarily have to fight over available spots in armories and gymnasiums it will really start to get ugly. Since I am not a big fan of McCain’s, I say let the storm begin.