It's Mueller Time

The Mueller Report is finally out and the two-plus year investigation of Trump and everyone in his orbit is finally over. It was a sham to begin with since there was no crime worthy of investigation to trigger the Special Counsel at the outset. It was designed by and large by the Clinton's and the DNC to drive him out of office or at the very least cripple Trump and his agenda in his first term in office.

The liberal media has pushed every Mueller related negative narrative under the sun since the investigation began and their comeuppance is long overdue. The investigation has now ended with a whimper and not a bang much to the chagrin of the media and their cohorts in crime, the democrat party. The report concluded that there will be no indictments in the wake of it all and that has many in liberal media both fit to be tied and frustrated beyond belief. If there is anything more delicious than what we're seeing on shows like Chris Mathews and Rachel Madcow, I really can't imagine what that would look like.


This travesty of justice must not be allowed to drift off into history without a proper reckoning. It is without a doubt the most insidious and far reaching political criminal event in the history of our country. The opposition party, the Democrats, tried to unseat a newly elected president of our great country using every lever of government available to them and there were many. Let that sink in.

Corrupt officials across the span of government ranging from the FBI to ambassadors abroad coalesced and conspired to deny the presidency to one Donald J Trump. In the event that that failed they would invoke their so called "insurance policy" which was designed to drive him from office through the impeachment process. Now that Mueller has found no collusion or obstruction of justice, any efforts on behalf of the democratic house of Representatives to impeach the president are likely to met with resistance from the American public.

What is remarkable to me is just how far reaching this cancer was and one can only wonder if this would have been at all possible were it not sanctioned with perhaps more than a wink and a nod by the president who preceded Donald Trump, one Barrack Hussein Obama. With the 2020 elections in the offing and with the democrats in charge of the House of Representatives, investigations of Trump and his family will continue in an effort to weaken his chances for re-election. It is all a charade and one that is not lost on right-minded Americans coast to coast.

But I digress. Evan and I were sitting in the living room the other day talking about his upcoming move and all the things he needs to start paying attention to in the days leading up to his move. I was looking something up on my iPad and it all of a sudden went offline. That's odd, I thought. Did someone forget to pay a bill? Was there a power outage? I put my trouble shooting hat on and went to work. Once I confirmed that our account was in good stead I turned my attention to the myriad of peripherals that make it all work and, to make a long story short, discovered that I needed to buy a new router.


I don't know how routers die as a rule but one would think that you might notice a few red flags along the way before it just stops working. I recent days I have noticed that my connection to the server on my computer has been glitchy while watching certain shows on the television. I would see the equivalent of a bouncing beach ball on the screen that would in time resolve but this was something new. Was it a harbinger of things to come or just, as I said, something of a glitch?

Here is where it gets weird. Once I determined that it wasn't router related, I traced the cable on the outside of the house and found that it had been severed seemingly with a sharp instrument. The cable laid on the ground directly beneath a bird feeder that spilled seeds over time attracting squirrels and other animals equipped wth incissors just sharp enough to inflict the kind of damage that rendered my cable DOA. Great. Now, in addition to having to replace the router I had to rewire the cable.

Did I mention that we also had to replace a printer? I like Canon printers but they don't last forever. Once things get out of whack there is simply no way to fix it. You can run alignment tools until the cows come home and it may or may not hang in there for a day or two but there is very little light at end of that proverbial tunnel so replacement is the only option. This new printer has the option of printing in black and white and that has been a very prickly shortcoming with printers past. There are times when you just don't want to waste color ink and there were no options to avoid that but now there are.

Of course, getting all these things done means ripping rooms apart to get at hidden wires and outlets, disconnecting and re-connecting peripherals that you connected long ago and now rightly worry that you won't remember how to put it all back together, and then there is the issue of having to reboot devices either separately or in unison in order to reestablish connections so that the right lights start to flicker on and off again. After all was said and done I needed to make sure that I had a dial tone. Good thing I have a knack for all this shit.

That Jussie Smolette case burns my ass. He was indicted on 16 felony counts and then, in a ridiculous and some might say underhanded way, the prosecutor decided to drop the charges. This is the Chicago way they say. It's not what you know it's who you know. This leftist piece of shit actor has connections so he walks away a free man while anyone else in his position would be going to jail. I'm glad the DOJ and FBI are getting involved. That is not how our justice system is supposed to work. Lock him up!


I'm looking forward to watching Trump's rally in Michigan tonight. I think it's his first of the 2020 election season. The man is going to be unrestrained in his contempt for everyone and everybody who had anything to do with the Russian collusion campaign against him beginning in 2016. The fake media will no doubt be squarely in his sights.

Let's be clear. He has very right now to take as many victory laps as he damn well pleases after all he and his family and supporters have endured for the past 2-3 years. When I think of all the things our country might have accomplished were it not for the Mueller Witch Hunt, I'm ashamed and embarrassed for those so-called institutions of ours that colluded and conspired to bring us the Mueller matter. Damn them all. I couldn't be happier that the very networks that acted in unison with the corrupt institutions are now seeing their viewers dropping off precipitously in the wake of Mueller's findings. I hope they fucking wither on the vine.

As for the 2020 democrats in the running to beat Trump, all I can say is what a bunch of losers. To a person, they are running on one thing and one thing only. That is, to beat Trump. Those with a semblance of anything else on their wish lists include reparations, medicare for all, giving teachers more money, taxing the bejesus out of high income individuals and corporations, and god only knows what else. You would think they were running for the president of Cuba for chrissakes.

Did I mention that Joe Biden is disparaging white people in order to curry favor with the minorities he will need to get his sorry ass across the finish line? Right, Joe. It's all about white privilege. And what about the gay mayor from the MidWest? I'm not sure the Christians of this country are ready to concede that marriage is between anything but a man and a woman so here is my advice: You may want to hold off scheduling that move to the White house come January 2021. Just saying.