Guardian Angels

I saw this byline this morning while perusing the web: Trial Trump Vultures. Is that a headline or a byline? I don't know. What I do know is that it perfectly captures the mindset of the leftist clowns in the media and elsewhere who are endlessly and hopelessly clutching their pearls these days over the endless delays of the many conjured-up Trump trials. They are desperate to get a court, any court, to convict Trump thinking that there are just enough voters out there who would never vote for a convicted felon for president. They likely impeached him twice while in office, thinking that nobody would vote again for a twice-impeached president. When that failed, they changed the laws in New York to allow women like Jean Carrol to sue Trump for rape, thinking that women would find any candidate found guilty of rape or sexual misconduct unfit for office. I could go on and on with this lawfare nonsense, but we all know why we are where we are today when it comes to Trump. He's winning, and when he's winning, we're winning. He warned us that we'd get tired of winning. He wasn't wrong.


I don't get this ridiculous immigration bill that the bipartisan Senate just came out with. Can you believe that Mayorkis, the guy largely responsible for the 8-10 million illegal aliens that have come into our country in the last three years, will be responsible (if the bill is passed into law) for deciding how many illegals are too many illegals on any given day at the border? Congress is voting this week on impeaching Mayorkis, so that tells you all you need to know about his reliability as an impartial arbiter. As Bumbles would tell you, here's the deal. If the Republicans don't go along with this piece of shit, the Democrats will throw up their hands and blame the entire immigration nightmare on Trump and the Republicans. You can hear them now: We tried to solve this immigration issue, but Trump and his party wanted to have it as an issue to run on so they wouldn't cooperate with the Democrats. They wouldn't give Bumbles the power to solve the crisis so they (Republicans) have nobody to blame but themselves for the invasion on our Southern border. It's all nonsense, of course. The problem is, it may just work for the Democrats.

What the heck is Tucker Carlson up to? Is it true that he's in Moscow with plans to interview Putin? I thought I read about a snippet of the interview where Putin commented on the fact that Biden isn't really running the country. He probably knows more than we Americans do about the smoke-and-mirror campaign that Biden and his handlers have constructed to keep the truth about Biden's feeblemindedness out of the news cycle. While Biden's praetorian guard, the Main Street media, would never air the interview in a million years in order to protect Biden, the same can not be said for other more conservative outlets and social media sites. There is no doubt in my mind that Elon Musk would air the interview on Twitter in a New York minute. The sniping by the leftists in a bid to preempt any negative political fallout from the interview has taken on a life of its own. Tucker has been called everything from a Putin apologist to the son of Satan by Biden's protectorates in the media. Why don't we just let the interview speak for itself, and God-loving Americans can decide for themselves what they want or don't want to believe? Isn't that the beauty of living in America?

What is this I'm seeing in the news about people leaving Israel in droves? What is that all about? Does it have anything to do with the persistent rumors that Iran is getting closer by the day to having a workable nuclear bomb? Are the citizens of Israel not assured one way or another by the overwhelming presence of American military personnel and hardware sitting but a stone's throw off their coast? Does it have anything to do with the fact that despite Israel's best efforts at taking down Hamas, Hamas militants continue to take the lives of Israeli soldiers in the rubble and backstreets that were once a thriving place called Gaza? Israel declared this war after the deadly assault by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, so one can't fault Israel for going all in to save their country. Are the citizens of Israel concerned about the fact that the United States Congress seems to have twisted itself into a pretzel when it comes to supplying Israel with funding to help with their war efforts? It's not like Israel's enemies haven't noticed. Maybe this is just the inevitable ebb and flow that one experiences in wartime. An ebb and flow that, fortunately, or unfortunately, includes the departure of weak-kneed patriots and pissants who would rather save their own skin than take up arms to save their country. Good riddance is what I say.

I told the missus that I won't be joining her this coming Thursday when she goes off to sign a few papers at a law office in Portsmouth. I've got bigger fish to fry. The Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments on Thursday from attorneys representing Colorado in their effort to remove Donald Trump from their state's ballot. CSPAN will be airing the oral arguments as I understand it. The effort by Colorado and other states to remove Trump from the ballot due to his alleged insurrectionist activities on January 6th, 2020, is so specious that I can't wait to hear the questioning by the justices and the likely insane and ridiculous responses by the moonbat attorneys from Colorado. I have to believe that this is going to be one of the more farcical hearings that the High Court has had to endure in the history of its institution. I also don't think anyone knows what the final decision is going to look like or on what basis they overturn the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court, so we may get a sense of where it's all going by the questions that are posed by the justices. Will they say that the law does apply but Trump hasn't been found guilty of insurrection? Will they say that the law was never intended to apply to presidents? Will they say that Congress and not the courts should be the final arbiter? Will they agree with the Colorado Supreme Court? Will they vote unanimously to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court?

For the second year in a row, Bumbles Biden is passing on the televised pre-Superbowl interview that has been a hallmark of the event in the last several years. We all know why he's not doing the interview. He's so far gone down the dementia path that he probably won't even know that his handlers have put the kibosh on the event. He was filmed recently at an event where he reminisced about sitting down at a G-7 meeting with President Francois Mitterand shortly after taking the presidency. There's only one problem with the statement. Mitterand has been dead for 30 years. In a nutshell, that's what we're talking about. I don't think he even knows who he is on any given day. I'm sure that Jill is constantly in his ear reminding him that he's the president of the United States. How many dementia patients do you know who wake up on any given day thinking that they're the president of the United States? That's a rhetorical question. Not one to miss an opportunity, Trump chimed in and offered to do the interview. Good for him. He said something about it being great for ratings. He's not wrong, of course. The networks would rather poke themselves in the eye with a sharp stick than give Trump an opportunity to upstage their candidate, Joey Bumbles Biden. He has an election to win, don't you know.

Trump is arguing that he has presidential immunity for the things he did while president. I tend to agree with that notion. This is an untested theory since no president has ever been charged with a crime after leaving the presidency. That means that the courts are going to have to decide the issue. The case brought by Biden's henchman, Jack Smith in DC against Trump for Trump's involvement in events on January 6th, 2020, and Trump's defense that he has immunity, is currently awaiting a decision by Trump's counsel as to whether or not they plan to appeal the Appeals court decision to the Supreme Court. The best case scenario is that the Supremes take the case and put it on the docket for after the general election in November. They have the opportunity to remove the case and associated ongoing and related cases from the courts so that we have an election in November that is unencumbered by potential convictions and the eventual overturning of said cases against Trump. It should be abundantly clear to the high court what Biden's corrupt DOJ is trying to accomplish by trying Trump in every venue under the sun and then some. They want a conviction prior to the election, pure and simple.

Were the Supremes to punt this case and send it back to the lower courts, we all know that DC is a Democratic stronghold when it comes to judges and juries. I think Biden won the district by some 95% in 2020. It also puts jurists in the position to decide the case in the days and weeks leading up to Election Day, assuming the case goes to trial before the election, not based on facts in the case but rather on which candidate they prefer in the general election. In other words, twelve liberal moonbats sitting on a jury in Washington, DC, will decide the outcome of the election. That's not exactly what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they put it all down on parchment paper. Margins in presidential elections being what they are, a few thousand votes either way in key swing states can put one or the other candidate in office. Having a convicted felon on the ballot and with a compliant media reminding the citizenry of the same on a 24-7 loop is the sort of thing that can make a difference. Don't think for a moment that the CNNs "s and MSNBCs don't already have those chyrons written and the narratives ready to go once the convictions are announced. And yes, I readily admit that I want nine Justices on the Supreme Court to also vote on the upcoming election. It's a vote to ensure fairness, not to sway an election.

I've lost sight of Curtis Sliwa over the years. He's the leader of the Guardian Angels, a non-profit crime-fighting and prevention organization in New York City. He and his organization were in the news on a regular basis a few decades ago when they were walking the streets and riding the subways of NYC while offering their services to protect the general public from criminals. Sliwa ran for mayor at one point or another, and as far as I know, he may still be on air with his weekly radio show. Fast forward to 2024, and he and his Guardian Angels are back on the streets protecting the public from the criminals that have come across our Southern border. They are busy collaring pickpockets, thieves, rapists, gangbangers, and other lowlife scum from shithole countries like Venezuela and Columbia. The Guardian Angels are not vigilantes in the truest sense of the word, but, were I mayor, I might well give them the tools they need to ensure that we have no repeat offenders when they dole out their own unique form of justice. These foreigners are not your garden-variety criminals. They think nothing of killing you for your pocketbook or iPhone, and they typically work in gangs. The more I think about this, the more I think we might need to resurrect the mafia to instill some real justice. Hell, where is Charles Bronson when we need him?


Today's the day we hear the arguments on the Supreme Court regarding the 14th amendment of the Constitution and the State's rights to take a candidate (Trump) off the ballot based on his alleged involvement in the January 6th insurrection in our nation's capital. It should be a humdinger of a hearing. I would go so far as to say that it should be required listening by these far-left loons who look to extra-constitutional measures to achieve their ends. That has got to stop. Sorry, not sorry. If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise, we'll see the lot of blue-state leftist loons clutching their pearls following the hearing if all goes according to Hoyle. Having gleaned that their prospects for a win in the high court are getting dimmer with each additional question posed by both conservative and liberal jurists alike, the mainstream media will more than likely not even mention the hearings after the fact. I have to believe that the Court will decide within a day or two so that's good, but we'll already have some sense of where it's all going by listening to the hearings today. Oh, and before I forget, Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin drops at 6 pm Eastern Standard Time. Suck on that, Deep State.

I heard someone suggest that it would be terrific if Carlson returned to the United States from Russia with that jailed Wall Street journalist in tow (He didn't). I think his name is Evan something. Can you imagine? And all the hysterics around Carlson's interviewing Putin are just nutty, to say the least. I think the EU wants to sanction Carlson. What the hell are they thinking? Piers Morgan agreed with Carlson's interview with Putin. He says that he would do it himself if he hadn't been banished from Russia. And you can bet your bottom dollar that any self-respecting journalist who calls himself or herself a journalist would give just about anything to sit down with Putin for an interview. You might say that something like that would qualify as a lifetime achievement or, at a minimum, a journalist's dream come true. Putin, despite his many failings and faults, is an enigmatic leader and a long-time head of State. Never mind that he poisons or jails his political opponents. And, you have to admit, hearing from the man himself is far superior to settling for the malevolent caricature created out of whole cloth by our left-wing media and pushed by the Military Industrial Complex. That's just a fact.

Holy jumping Jesus, Batman! Did you listen to the arguments before the Supreme Court yesterday on Colorado's removing Trump's name from the ballot? I've never done that before so I have to say that it was enlightening, to say the least. You really can get a sense of where the Court is going by listening to the questions they ask and the comments they make. To say that the lawyer representing Colorado before the Court wasn't ready for prime time would be an understatement. The Court literally ripped this clown a new one. It's a ridiculous assertion to begin with that you can think that you can remove someone from the ballot simply because you think they led an insurrection. The pro-Colorado contingent was so convinced that they had the goods on Trump that they were willing to take their case all the way to the Supreme Court. They made a mockery of the justice system in the process and the jurists sitting on the Court were having none of it. There was a lot less discussion about insurrection than expected and more talk about what constitutes an "officer" as it relates to the specific amendment the leftists were relying on to make their case. The consensus now is that the Court will return a 9-0 decision in Trump's favor.

I figured that I'd listen to the oral arguments and then get on Twitter to get a sense of what was and what wasn't blowing up. What I didn't have on my Bingo card was the release of the 300+ page report from the Special Counsel looking into Biden's handling of classified material which dropped mid-afternoon. The bottom line was not unexpected. The Special Counsel had no intention of indicting Biden, but not for the reasons you might think. The gist of it all was that they thought that by the time Biden finished his second term, he'd be eighty-eight years old, and no jury would be willing to indict him based on his obvious cognitive impairment. The report was quite clear about Biden being "willful" in his mishandling of classified materials. The report made several very critical remarks about Biden's mental state during certain interviews as it relates to memory of when his son died, when he was Vice President, etc. I even heard that Biden approved of releasing the Special Counsel's report, which seems crazy on its face, knowing what we now know about the contents of the report. Yes, the very same guy who took to the podium later that night to "set the record straight" about what was and what wasn't in the report. It was Clintonesque from the start. Some went so far as to suggest that the Special Counsel simply repurposed James Comey's report on Hillary Clinton from 2016.

The Joe Biden who stood at a podium in the White House before the American public last night lambasting the Special Counsel while referring to the president of Mexico as Sisi (Sisi is the president of Egypt), amongst other gaffes, is the same guy who in the last two weeks said that he'd had discussions with certain world leaders. Those very same world leaders just happened to have died some 30 years ago. In fact, Biden simply confirmed what the Special Counsel had written in his report by taking to the podium and looking lost, confused, and not really someone anyone wants anywhere near the nuclear codes. He lost his place several times and couldn't recall certain facts when making references to this and that. It was about as surreal as it gets. Even more surreal was the tag team of sycophants in the mainstream media who tried desperately to prop up the old fool after the fact. I even heard one clown suggest that this was the Biden that people wanted to see more of and that Biden should do more appearances. Can you imagine? Needless to say, yesterday was a boon to the Trump campaign starting with the Supreme Court and ending with both Biden's insane press conference and Trump's dominating the caucuses in Nevada.

It really is hard to imagine that Biden survives this latest volley of bad news. He's his own worst enemy at this point. One person said that were Biden in the military that, given his obvious cognitive impairments, he would be summarily dismissed from duty. The fact of the matter is, he's not going to get any better with time. This isn't something that you can fix. Were the Democrats somehow able to steal the election in November, the steal itself would be utterly incredulous knowing as the entire world does by now about Biden's failing faculties. More to the point, nobody would believe the results were Biden somehow able to come out on top. I think it was the Governor of South Dakota who suggested that she thought the Democrats were scheming to come up with a ruse that would force states to have people vote by mail-in ballot come November. Yes, she actually said that she thought the Democrats were scheming to steal the election. That is where we are in the United States of America in the year of the Lord, 2024. It's a sad fucking state of affairs. Did I mention that the world is watching?

I know it's hard to believe, but the White House actually sent out Kamala Harris to defend Bumbles the day after his disastrous speech. Yes, Kamala "word salad" Harris. She actually has lower ratings than Bumbles if you can believe that. Everything coming out of her mouth was nothing that wasn't already out there in the leftist ether. She slammed the Special Counsel for the gratuitous nature of his comments in the report they released. When you consider the number of lies that Bumbles told when giving his speech, I wouldn't be surprised to hear the Special Counsel come out and lay the facts of the case one more time just for clarification's sake. You can't let the lies take on a life of their own. Americans deserve to know the truth about who we have sitting in the White House, warts and all. As for Kamala, you have to believe that she's probably as close as she's ever going to be at this very moment in time to be the first black woman president. Or, should I be referring to her as a "person of color"? If they can get Bumbles across the finish line by hook or crook come Election Day in November, he can pass the baton to her in short order. As for her chances against Trump were she to be inaugurated now before the election, here's my advice to Kamala: Don't measure the drapes. Just sayin'.

The missus asked me why Trump hasn't had anything to say about Biden's disastrous 8 pm speech on Thursday night. Or was it Wednesday night? Can't remember. Anyway, I told her that Trump kicking Biden while he's self-destructing on the world stage probably isn't a good look. Certainly, the suburban moms wouldn't much care for it, and Trump needs suburban moms if he's going to take Biden and the Deep State out with the trash in November. I watched a bit of the Trump rally in South Carolina today, and Trump made plenty of references, and even mimicked a few, of Biden looking all confused when trying to exit the stage following one or more of his gibberish-packed "speeches." One thing that I was surprised to hear Trump talk about was Obama's role in the current nightmare being brought to us daily by the Biden Administration. Does he know something that we don't? Would that be considered piling on or maybe more to the point, over the top? The crowd loved it, of course. It's almost like trying to put out a candle with a firehose, but that's just me. No, that's Trump. All day long. Trump.

Did you hear Biden say that he was the most qualified person in our country to be president during his speech? Is that the craziest fucking thing you've ever heard? Houston, we have a problem! He also said something about finishing the job he started. What the hell is he talking about? Has anyone told him that his approval ratings are the lowest of any president in the history of our country at this point in his presidency? Hey, Joey! Nobody's buying what you're selling. We don't want your world wars that are killing our young men and women; we don't want your offshore wind farms that are killing the whales that we see washing up on our shores; We don't want your ten million illegal aliens and God only knows how many terrorists you've welcomed into our country; We don't want your rules dictating that men get to shower with our young women and compete with them in sports; We don't want a president that ignores our Supreme Court when they tell you that you can't forgive student loans; and we sure as shit don't want a president who rubs up on Chinese dictators and Iranian Mullahs in order to ingratiate and enrich himself and his extended crime family.

As I conclude this week's blog I can't but wonder what one or more terrorist groups that have come across our southern border at the invitation of Joe Biden and his fellow globalists in the White House might have in store for those attending one of America's premier sporting events this evening, the Super Bowl. I don't think it's an unreasonable question to ask. You don't think that the attendees might be thinking the same thing? I'd love to know how much more money they're spending on security compared to previous years. You know, before Biden let tens of thousands of terrorists walk into our country without asking about their intentions. Please, sir, I'm here to wreak havoc so I'd like to come in with my fellow terrorists if it isn't too much to ask. And, he continues, if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like one of those iPhones and debit cards you're handing out. This is what I'm talking about. Today, it could be the Super Bowl. Tomorrow, it could be some other venue. Let's hope security at the Super Bowl is staying one step ahead of each and every group they have on their list of terrorists likely to strike.

The problem with writing a weeklong blog is that I sometimes lose track of what I've said earlier in the week, and I end up repeating myself. I hate it when that happens. Have I mentioned that I think this whole Taylor Swift thing is over the fucking top? I'm probably dating myself, but I could give two fucks about Taylor Swift. And, what is this juvenile nonsense about the "swifties"? Both she and her football player boyfriend have literally sucked the air out of the room with all of their boyfriend/girlfriend antics. I'm just tired of it all. The more I see these two clowns, the more I buy into the conspiracy theories about the Democrats setting her up to be the best thing since sliced bread so they can ride her coattails all the way to the White House in January 2025. Maybe she's out there pushing the abortion bullshit around the clock. Maybe she comes out with a full-throated endorsement of Dementia Joe. I mean, who can resist that? Right? As an aside, every time I see this woman anywhere she looks and acts like she's dosed out on amphetamines. Maybe she's just a bit too full of herself, and she thinks the world wants more and not less of her, and she's more than happy to oblige her sycophantic fans. I just want her to go away. Get the hell off the stage and take that idiot boyfriend of yours with you. There, I said it.