Streaming Heaven

I am going to die before you. What you talking about, Willis? I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and that would be that. Stop with all this self-loathing and pity or whatever it is. And yes, it is typically for you to be feeling this way after reading all that garbage on the web and having to endure another injection which leaves no taste whatsoever in your mouth unlike so many other people who have to take that drug. It's the 6-month thing which, with any luck, may become a 1-year thing and then down the road perhaps even a 5-year thing. And what, pray tell, is all this hand-holding that I have to do? Is it really necessary? There are limits to what a man should have to do under the circumstances. Yes, I know, to death do us part. I do wish, that said, that you would get on with your life. I'm here for you, sweetness. I've been here all along. I hope you feel the love. I know I do. And the next time, you should take the day off too. Just like me. We'll skip the light fantastic. Maybe I'll break down and have one of those lovely eclairs at Popover's in Portsmouth. Care for a bite?


What kind of a mother reads a book so she can discuss with her son? This is the level of commitment Nancy offers to her son. That is some tough stuff he has to read. I was looking at a few of the worksheets he had from school and I could barely answer the questions myself. Makes me wonder what kind of education I received at the hands of those teachers in the Falls. But he is three days away from finishing his sophomore year and STA and we're proud of what he has accomplished. He is not the best student but he is not the worst student either. He has always participated in sports and has enjoyed the camaraderie of his teammates in each of the sports that he has played, i.e., basketball. soccer, and baseball. We'd like to see him get a spot on the varsity team in one or more of the sports that he enjoys but worry that he may not make the cut. Then again, he may.

I am just really mesmerized by all this wireless stuff. Networking this and networking that. I used to think that I was just the cats meow when I had my ipad and I could load it all up with everything under the sun and I was ready to go. Loaded for bear as it were. My challenge was to get the movies, books, and apps all up and running with the least amount of fuss. I did not buy into the iPad 2 hype when it came out and now await ipad 3 to see if that offers anything of substance. Knowing Apple as I do, chances are it will. So I was happy loading the movies and watching them at my leisure. Now, with the assistance of the Air Video app, I stream those puppies to my Pad and life is good. No more worrying whether or not I have the room on the pad to accommodate the movies I want to add. The quality is superb and the streaming works like a charm. I even bought a wireless extender to boost the signal into the far reaches of our house. So far, so good. I even found a very decent DLNA server called TVMobili on the web which allows me to stream movies from my computer to the TV. Very tasty! Of course, you need an internet ready device to intercept and covert the signals but those too are easy to find these days. If you have a PS3, that will work. Stream away, my friends! Make sure you have the security settings squared away if you're partial to porn or you'll be getting the hairy eyeball from the mums in the hood.