Cancelling the Pandemic

I'm listening to my usual few minutes of liberal twaddle this morning on Sirius radio and it's over the top nonsense as usual. Maybe a little more hyperbolic than usual but nothing has been the same since Trump came down the escalator in 2015 to announce his run for the presidency. But I listen because I want to hear for myself just how triggered the left is on any given day because of what Trump has done, what Trump has said, and what and who Trump is according to the naysayers on the left.


It's hard to tell sometimes whether the increasing chorus of leftist twaddle is due to Trump's failures or, more often than not, Trump's successes. The latest outrage is Trump's presser about pivoting back to the economy after a week or two of shutting down our economy over a virus that, as it turns out, has a mortality rate not much different than that of the garden variety flu.

Governor Cuomo of New York said much the same thing earlier in the day and he was largely praised by the Main Street Media for his acumen and soulful vocabulary in dealing with the crisis in the State of New York. Trump, of course, was vilified and lambasted by the Main Street Media for his insensitivity and focusing not on the lives of Americans but the checkbooks of Americans.

The Democrats have an election to win in a few months so there is no time to waste. As a mouthpiece and a more than occasional appendage of the Democrat party, the press does their part to fashion narratives and perpetuate fake news in order to destroy the opposition. When it comes to managing this coronavirus crisis and the economy simultaneously, Trump says we can do both. We can do two things at once. Damn straight we can. We're Americans.

Trump has a newfound platform from which to communicate to the American people now that he has been sidelined by this virus business. He no longer holds rallies since gatherings of six people or more is considered dangerous to all in attendance. The same is true for the democrats but they couldn't fill a standard sized gymnasium if their lives depended on it. But the Coronavirus Task Force takes to the television screen each day with Trump taking the lead and he is, much to the dismay of the dems, classic Trump.

So much so, in fact, that some networks cut away after his preliminary remarks and those of the people who have joined him onstage for the presentation. Some networks, like CNN, disregard his briefing altogether as some political stunt and they turn their attention to their usual leftist twaddle. There's that word again. Maybe I'm beginning to feel a little triggered by their collective twaddle.

But Trump is nothing if not honest and forthright with the American people when he takes to the stage each day. As such, his ratings have been on the increase since he began giving the briefings and the leftists, thinking they had Trump on the ropes now that he's no longer able to hold rallies, have become apoplectic over it all. Just when they thought they had a leg up going into the final stretch leading to the elections in November, Trump pulls one out of the hat and has once again proven how and why he is such a formidable "politician."


Trump presided over one of the best economies in the world before this pandemic came to our shores and shuttering that very same economy over the last two to three weeks has throttled everything from the stock market to the stores on Main Street in our great country. Trump rightly sees this as an overreaction to a virus that is perhaps overrated in the final analysis. There are hotbeds of activity for sure in places you might expect in major population centers like NYC and California. As to the heartland and other environs, not so much.

Trump's take, if I might paraphrase, is that we should get our businesses back up and running when and where we can, get people back to work when and where we can, and start to use a little more intelligence and a lot less panic when making decisions about what we do next. Just between you and me, if I hear one more story about someone who died after contracting the virus because they were over the age of eighty and had three or more underlying conditions I think I'm just going to yawn.

We're still in this fourteen day window where we're closing it all down so Trump will render a final verdict after we're effectively outside of that window and not a day sooner. But he tipped his hand in last night's presser so I think the handwriting is on the wall. Why not put the people who have recovered from the virus back to work? We can still avoid getting together in large groups, we can still wash our hands moment in and moment out, and we can still do our best to protect those in our population who are at greatest risk.

I think it's more interesting when you factor in the therapies that Trump has pushed through the FDA and one's that they are even today starting to give to the more serious patients lying in hospital beds across the great city of New York. If that malaria drug works, that will be a "game changer." Those are Trump's words, not mine. And does he know something we don't about just how effective that drug might prove in the bigger picture? Me thinks he does.

Just for context, it's important to note that in places across the globe where malaria is commonplace and this so-called-drug is in use by a large percentage of the population, this virus is almost non-existent. If this is true, and it works as advertised at the end of the day, they can cancel any and all outstanding orders and requests for ventilators, face masks, MASH hospitals, and every retired medical specialist that has been dragged out of retirement and off the sidelines to assist in emergency rooms across the nation.

Between now and then there are a lot of folks hurting and businesses that can't last much longer without a cash infusion of sorts. Congress has been promising a package to bail us all out but there is too much partisanship at the moment to get that done or so it seems. Maybe turning the spigot of Amercian ingenuity back on will prove to be the elixir that will get us back on the right path. It can't hurt.