Birthday Boy

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to…cry if I want to. But, I don't. I'm too busy to shed tears about anything. What about that boondoggle in Boston? I'm talking about the bombing on Patriots Day where those Chechen bozo's with backpacks detonated a couple of bombs near the finish line separating people from their limbs. What followed in the ensuing days can only be described as a series of scenes right out of the Keystone Cops in a classic terrorist hunt. All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't track down this ragged 19-year old whose alleged activities put him at the epicenter of the crime. Yes, the big bad boys in fatigues from every agency from miles around gathered to participate in this exercise in lunacy as they found him, then they didn't, then they did, then they didn't, and on it went. It was laughable. The City of Watertown was locked down for two days while these good squads went house to house searching basements, attics, closets, under beds, and in places any self-respecting terrorist wouldn't even think about hiding. They were as tough as they needed to be as they evicted grandmothers, invalids, and families who would rather be watching their favorite sitcom than be moved from their spots in front of the tv by weekend warriors carrying muzzle loaders and bayonets. "No, we ain't seen no terrorists round here" was the most likely refrain heard round the hood and the keystone cops went door to door.


It wasn't the combined forces of the FBI, the local and state police, or even the technologists with all their gadgetry employed in every conceivable fashion who finally located the kid. It was the careful eye of a local who saw blood on and around his boat that sat shrink wrapped in his driveway who made the discovery. And then, the emboldened forces who stood with their weapons at the ready, opened fire on the boat thinking that each and every gunshot coming from their peers was one aimed at their very hearts by the terrorist in the boat. They were morons all. Not only did they not realize that not a single shot had been fired from the boat but when the smoke cleared they realized that their barrage of fire failed to find their target time and time and time again. The cops towed the boat away some days later having realized their idiocy and not wanting the press to realize that the boat was riddled beyond repair and yet another example of their idiocy in action. And then to see the politicians far and wide in the state of Massachusetts push the commercialization of the event where people died and many others were maimed as an example of "Boston Strong." What the fuck were they thinking? Just so you know, and as every aspiring politician knows all too well, you never let a good crisis go to waste. And they surely have not. It was purposely crafted as a platform from which the mealy mouthed Deval Patrick, the esteemed governor of Massachusetts, will launch his bid for the presidency in 2016. And, if you have any thoughts about vengeance or retribution in the wake of this attack, you can forget about it. He will get room and board and 3 squares a day until yet another liberal on the bench in the great state of Massachusetts sees fit to release him. This is the Democratic way. This is Massachusetts.

We as parents are betwixt and between when it comes to our son, Evan. More specifically, we are in the cusp of making a decision about where he is going to go to college and it has not been easy. We are of the mind that he is better suited based on his experience to date to a specific occupation of sorts than a liberal education that gives him 4 years of college and very little in the way of prospects beyond that. How about a radiation technologist? An X-Ray guy? A nurse? And then there is the drinking. The bottles here, there, and everywhere. Where does the wayward drinking of teenage boys start end and the binge drinking of the long term alcoholic begin? What business do we have sending a child with such propensities away for months at a time where he is forced to face his demons in a place where he may be destined to fail for these very reasons. And then we will think that he was not particularly well suited to that environment when all the while the real issue at hand is the alcohol. It just seems like such an inauspicious beginning to say the least. God help us. And him.