The Laptop From Hell

This Hunter Biden laptop thing could get interesting. Seems like the old man (Joe) was running a pay-for-play scheme facilitated by his son, Hunter, which involved countries like China, Ukraine, etc. These are countries that Joe was in "charge" of during his tenure as Vice President under one Barack Hussein Obama. It reminds me a lot of why people steered clear of voting for Hillary Clinton in 2016 aside from the fact that she was widely despised in and out of Washington. The stench of corruption was there then and it's back in spades with the Bidens.

It's odd to think that some people don't give a damn about this sort of thing when going into the polls to cast their vote. I don't know when integrity got thrown on to the trash heap of history when it comes to voting for our public officials but it should matter. I suppose it's possible that the Chinese or the Russians have a copy of the very same hard drive that is now in the possession of Rudy Giuliani. While Rudy is unlikely to share the porn portion of the hard drive with the greater public, I suspect that the Chinese have no such compunction should Biden spurn them one way or another if and when he is elected.

Word has it that there is evidence of criminality here, there, and everywhere on the hard drive. There may be underage stuff, photographic evidence of crack pipes and other illicit drugs, and e-mails and texts that support what is now believed to be an extensive web of corruption leading directly to Biden and maybe even Obama himself. As the evidence mounts as we sit here two weeks out from a general election, most of the main street media is ignoring this bombshell of a story or passing it off as a Russian disinformation campaign. The latter it is clearly not.

The media's panning of this story tells us one thing. That is, journalism as we know it, is dead. They are so in the tank for their candidate that there isn't anything, including shredding what little journalistic integrity they may have left, that they won't do. I've never understood this. What's in it for them? Will they be the first to get the scoops from the Biden people? I suppose this unholy alliance isn't anything new knowing what we know about the history of politics and the press.

Having an obvious bias for a candidate, as many networks do, who may be the most corrupt presidential candidate in the history of presidential runs, well at least since Hillary Clinton, does little to dissuade the rest of us of the notion that there isn't anything the media won't do or anything they won't overlook to get their candidate across the finish line. I'm proud of the people who didn't vote for Hillary in 2016 precisely because of her criminal ways and I'll be even more proud this time around if the American people can keep one Joseph Biden from winning the 2020 presidential election for the very same reason.

What are we to believe when it comes to the FBI's handling of this fiasco? I'm hearing that they've had possession of Biden's hard drive since last December. That was ten months ago! Let me see if I have this right. The FBI works hand-in-hand with Clinton and the DNC using a fabricated dossier written by a Russian spy to try to impeach a president (Trump) over the course of three years and, now with real evidence in hand that could and should result in indictments, the FBI looks the other way in a wink and a nod to Joe Biden and the Democrat party. Houston, I think we have a problem.

One solution, should Biden win and the republicans get back the House, is to file articles of impeachment. As tantalizing as that sounds, my preference would be to keep Biden out of the White House in the beginning. Mark Levine was on last night and he was sounding the alarm about certain constituencies that are on the wane for President Trump. He's reportedly losing support from seniors and suburban housewives according to Mr Levine. Do you suppose that's any coincidence knowing what we know about how much exposure that these groups have to the barrage of bullshit dished up daily by the main street media?

I hope I'm not being too myopic about all of this stuff. I have a tendency to see what I want to see, hear what I want to hear, and just ignore all the rest. That is to say, I turn off television stations that I know have a vitriolic hatred for everything Trump. I don't read articles that are critical of Trump in ways that I know are dishonest and meant to mislead. I do listen to progressive radio stations on occasion if only because I need to hear firsthand what they're thinking and doing to oppose everything Trump.

Just to be clear, I don't want to wake up on November 4th to see that Biden had won in a late night tallying of the results. I don't want to be that guy on my knees crying "noooooooooo!" I want this to be 2016 all over again. Our Republic is on the line. That is both worth protecting and worth celebrating. I want to hear about the lack of enthusiasm on the part of blacks and other minorities for the Biden/Harris ticket as a possible reason for the Trump win. Or, conversely, the over-the-top enthusiasm for the Trump ticket which all the pollsters missed save for one or two.

I want to see those rust belt states falling one by one into the Trump column with each passing hour on election night. I want to see the long faces of the CNN analysts as they proclaim Trump's "surprising" victory at the end of a long night. They've had four years to do their job (get rid of Trump) and it has come down to this one night in November 2020.

Their abject failure will be worn like veils at a funeral. I would like to be able to say that at the end of the day that it was Joe Biden himself who, failing to come clean on several issues, who was responsible for his loss. Not all the King's horses (media) or all the King's men could put this seriously flawed candidate back together again.

Certainly not after all we've come to learn about Joe since he won the nomination. As I mentioned before, this is not unlike 2016 when the democrats put an equally flawed candidate by the name of Hillary Clinton up for consideration. The American people decided then and there that she was a bridge too far and they may well do it again in 2020.

If Trump does not win then I guess I would say that it was not for a lack of trying. He's the guy out there on the stump talking to the American people sometimes holding more than one rally a day asking for their votes and telling the people what they need to know about Sleepy Joe before casting their votes.

We'll see how many of the networks on the Sunday talking head shows later this morning touch on the laptop issue. I don't know how they can avoid it but they tend to talk about the things they want to talk about to the exclusion of everything else. What is it going to take to get them to start reporting the news?


There can't possibly be a bigger story than Joe Biden selling America's foreign policy to China, Russia, etc., in order to enrich his family. He's referred to as the "big guy" in many of the texts and e-mails that have been released so far but everyone knows who the "big guy" is. We're also learning that the FBI had the laptop during the Trump impeachment hearings. Hearings that would have been deemed unnecessary since the Burisma hijinks in Ukraine had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the Bidens. Holy jumping Jesus!

I think I have this espresso thing figured out. I paid close attention to the spigot on my machine the other morning when making my espresso. I noticed that the coffee that flowed from the spigot began as a syrupy stream but quickly turned to a seemingly off-color watery mixture in the space of some 45 seconds. You may recall that I started to pay attention to the process since I was getting just a little curious as to why I wasn't getting what coffee aficionados lovingly refer to as the "crema" when brewing my espresso. Not only wasn't I getting the crema but I thought my espresso was tasting watered down and diluted.

So, I'm thinking that if I can leave the cup in place until the stream starts to turn watery and then remove it, I will have a more concentrated brew with the desired crema and taste that every espresso lover from the beginning of time has always sought. I'm ending up with something that looks and tastes more like a cuban coffee than an espresso but I'l leave the definitions to the baristas. My cup of brew now has a sludge-like consistency which is just fine with me. You can see the droplets of coffee literally coagulating as they fall grudgingly but lovingly into the cup. And the crema, well, that is just to die for.

I need to keep better track of the timeline for my tomato plants. It just seems astonishing to me that here we are in the latter part of October and I still have at least one tomato ripening on our kitchen table. Does that mean I can expect a harvest that lasts from maybe mid August to mid October? One reason I've never invested much time in growing things is because of, 1) how long it takes to grow the fruit or vegetables, and 2) how you're inundated with produce one minute and it's all gone the next. If anything, I'm more rather than less interested in repeating what has worked so well for me this year when it comes to growing tomatoes.

I haven't decided what I'll be using as a strategy this year when going to vote on November 3rd. Then again, I think I just gave it away. I'll be voting in person at the local elementary school. What I don't know is what time I'll want to make my way over there. I'm not interested in spending an inordinate time standing in line so there's that.

Then again, I'm thinking that Biden voters may well be voting by mail so if lines are long then I may be in good company. That is to say, I'll be bookended by MAGA minded citizens from the time I arrive until the time I go into the booth to cast my ballot. Will I give a thumbs up to the Trump sign holders or a thumbs down to the Biden sign holders? Maybe a wink? A tip of the hat? A nod?

Not sure if I've mentioned this but there are a lot more Biden signs around town this year than I ever recall for Hillary some four years ago. The dirty little secret is that all of Biden signs went up practically overnight. What I'm saying is that the signage was part and part of the democrat's strategy to demonstrate enthusiasm for their candidate when, in fact, the enthusiasm for their candidate is clearly in the doldrums. This is especially true when compared to the enthusiasm for Trump which is some 30 points higher conservatively speaking.

By comparison, the number of Trump signs are significantly less than four years ago. Here's the dirty little secret about the Trump signs or lack thereof. The God fearing Trump supporters are flying the American flags rather than putting signs on their lawns. Trump supporters just don't have to the time or the patience to endure the nonsense that comes along with being a Trump supporter. The leftists have shown time and time again that they will stop at nothing to destroy anything and anybody who supports the white supremacist loving President, Donald J. Trump.

Nancy and Evan will be voting via absentee ballot this year. Nancy has no interest in being exposed to the Coronavirus so she'll not be joining me in line at the school. That's fine. Evan has his own reasons for not wanting to vote in person so we'll respect his wishes. Mrs G mentioned that she planned to drop her ballot off at the front desk of her facility.

I suggested that she bring it to the ballot box herself. With everything we're hearing about ballot harvesting and the like, better to not tempt someone to dispose of her ballot if they know she is casting it for one or more republican candidates. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is real. If we republicans had to put up with eight years of the Jihadist-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, then the leftists can surely put up with another four years of Donald Trump.