Onwards and Upwards

We got ourselves another wonky week on the board, boys and girls. Just how wonky the week turns out remains to be seen. The Ukrainians and who knows who else bombed the Crimean bridge last night, so Putin says there will be no extension of the grain deal. I don't know what that means exactly other than it leads me to believe that someone somewhere will be paying more for a loaf of bread in the coming months. Some people may go without bread. Apparently, the bombing campaign was carried out by a couple of surface drones. I gather they were launched from an offshore vessel somewhere which explains why they were probably next to impossible to detect by the Russian forces. I'm guessing that the Ukrainians are thinking that if they can never regain control of Crimea, then they want to make life a living hell for the Russians now occupying the territory.


I thought Trump wanted US troops out of Syria during his presidency. If I recall, he pulled out all but a handful of troops that he left behind to control an oilfield somewhere in Syria. Now I hear that Biden is sending American troops to Syria. I can understand our interests in the oil fields, but quite honestly, that oil doesn't belong to us, so why do we have troops on the ground protecting the fields? Is it to deprive the State of Syria of profiting from the oil produced in the fields? And now, I guess we're also over there to make sure that the Russians don't gain air superiority over the skies of Syria. I have to believe that the Syrians want the lot of us, and that includes the Russians, to get the hell out of their country. The sooner, the better, I'm also guessing. Is it me, or does it seem like both Victoria Nuland and Jake Sullivan have their fingerprints all over these overseas fiascos we find ourselves in? The soy boy and the warmonger.

Turning Point USA had a big shindig over the past few days where Republican candidates spoke and rallied the base until all hours of the night. I don't know much about the Turning Point organization other than it's run by Charlie Kirk, and they hold any number of engagements on campuses across the country to get young people more involved in the political process. Their presidential poll, when all was said and done, had Trump at something like 89%, with everyone else trailing badly behind. That is consistent with recent polls nationwide where Trump is consistently 50-60 percentage points ahead of his closest rival, DeSantis. So far, so good, is what I say. If you need a straw poll to see how young people are feeling about the prospects of the current crop of candidates, or maybe how they feel about the candidates in general, Trump has to feel good about having as much widespread support as he does, considering the fact that he is the oldest candidate in the group currently running.

I'm bothered a bit about some comments that Trump made in an interview with Maira Bartiromo on FOX. His position on the war in Ukraine has, until now, always been, "I'll end the war on day one when I become President." If I'm not mistaken, he's now pivoting from that position. He told Maria that if both parties in the conflict failed to come to an agreement to end the hostilities that, he would, and I paraphrase, "give Ukraine all the weapons in the world to accomplish their task of beating the Russians." Is Trump just another fucking neocon, or is he playing three-dimensional chess here? Just to state the obvious, the Military Industrial Complex is doubling and tripling down on its warmongering, and the whole of the establishment is in with both feet when it comes to waging war with Russia, whatever the hell that means, and whatever the hell that looks like. When they're finished killing every last Ukrainian soldier on the battlefield, who knows who they will then toss into the meat grinder that is the Russian killing machine? Anyway, I have questions.

Maybe the US government offered Trump a get-out-of-jail-free card knowing what they do about his prospects for winning in the upcoming 2024 election. That is to say, it is more likely than not that Trump will beat Biden or whomever the Democrats put up as their candidate, and they know it. Here's the offer, take it or leave it: You give us (Military Industrial Complex) the support we need to continue to wage our war, and we'll cease and desist with the indictments and the harassment by our praetorian guard, the US media. Not only that, we'll grease the skids so you don't have to go into Election Night with a sizeable lead only to lose it all when the absentee ballots are counted in the days and weeks following the election. In other words, they made Trump an offer that he can't refuse. How else do you account for the complete reversal of Trump's "I'll end the war on day one" banter? Is it also possible that that position of his ending the war on day one will become, over time, more and more difficult to defend, so he's taking the heat now while his numbers are as strong as they are?

Thank God for social media. Were it not for social media exposing the lies of the mainstream media, we'd be fucked and fucked good. Take, for example, what the mainstream media is doing now to Robert F. Kennedy Jr's campaign for the presidency. They actually edited a tape of Kennedy making comments at a private fundraiser to suggest that Kennedy was blaming the Jews for unleashing COVID-19 on the public. Kennedy said no such thing. The next thing you know, Kennedy's extended family is making public statements about his comments being deplorable and his being unfit for office. They know full well what this is all about. Of course, most of them work in the Biden White House, so this makes their comments seem that much more vicious and, more to the point, political in nature. This is right out of the Debbie Wasserman playbook. Do what it takes to take your opponent off the field, even if it means lying through your teeth. The ends always justify the means when it comes to politics and the Democrats.

Kennedy must be kicking Biden's ass in the polls, but I'll be damned if I can find any evidence of it. Why else would they be going after him, hammer and tong? You even had the hideous lesbian Haitian Jeane Pierre, Biden's spokesperson, stand at the podium and decry Kennedy's comments as being despicable and not who we are as an American people. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you get my point. I thought she wasn't supposed to be chiming in on political matters at the podium. Isn't that what the Hatch Act says? Just like her demented boss, she lies like a drunken sailor at the podium, and she's completely out of her element when it comes to addressing the reporters in the room on any issues that are considered even remotely sophisticated or controversial. I'm thinking it's going to take more than an edited tape to get rid of Kennedy. He's a fighter, and he knows these clowns and what they're up to inside and out. He'll be the first to tell you that the government killed his father and his uncle and has promised to release the documents on same if elected. If I can scrape together a few sheckles, I'll be happy to send him a donation if it means getting rid of that demented and corrupt old fuck in the White House, Bumbles Biden.

What is this I'm hearing about our Pentagon sending a nuclear sub to South Korea? Apparently, the message they want to send to the North Koreans is that if the North Koreans want to threaten our allies with a nuclear holocaust, that two can play that game. Maybe it puts the Hermit Kingdom on notice, and maybe it doesn't. Kim, along with his sister, who seems even crazier than him, has been rattling cages lately with threats to do this and that, so maybe a deterrent or two can't hurt. Trump visited the Hermit Kingdom when the two were exchanging insults back in 2019 or so. Biden sends a submarine capable of turning North Korea into a charcoal briquet. It's also important to note that Biden is physically and mentally incapable of engaging in any sort of rapprochement, so you need to throw that into the mix. Biden has always been more of a bully than a diplomat, so none of this should surprise anyone. Anyway, we'll see what Kim has to say about any of this if anything. There are a lot of things that he could do short of unleashing nuclear weapons, so that might be worth watching. Were I a South Korean, I'd be careful not to take too much solace in the fact that there's an American nuclear sub on standby. That, in an of itself, is a form of escalation.

It looks like Trump is going to get indicted again. This time, the veritable turd in the punchbowl, Jack Smith, is coming after Trump for his crimes associated with January 6th. I don't know how many times I have to say it. Biden can't beat Trump at the polls, so he's unleashing his dogs in his Department of Justice to put Trump in jail so he can no longer pose a threat to him come the presidential election in 2024. It's brazen, it's ruthless, it's downright criminal. It's what people in power in banana republics do. They jail their political opponents to keep them off the field of play come election time. It's encouraging to see Trump's poll numbers go up every time he gets indicted. It tells me that the American people see this for what it is, and they are both sickened by what Biden and his minions have done to our country, and they want to take our country back. I'd like to see a little more support for Trump coming out of our Congress in terms of what they can do to push back against the weaponization and politicization of our justice department, but I'll put my hopes on hold while they do whatever it is they are doing behind the scenes to bring the Biden Crime Family to justice.

We had the Ev man over for BLTs last night. He asked why we hadn't previously added BLTs to our summer cookout menu. Yes, the BLTs were that good. Ev has been without his car for a few days now since it is in the garage for repairs, so we picked him up and brought him back to the house here for a much-needed change of scenery. He's actually still here this morning, so we'll see how today goes. Maybe he stays another night, and maybe he doesn't. He lent me a hand yesterday to bring an old air conditioner and a microwave to the recycling center, so that was good. That damn air conditioner weighed a ton, if it weighed anything. I couldn't have done it without him. I'm all about getting rid of things that have lost their usefulness. The missus, not so much. I think the Ev man got my Marie Condo genes. I like the way they do things now down at the recycling center. You roll up in your car, they assess what you have in your trunk, and they present you with a bill, and you are good to go. None of this standing at the big bin for trash, wondering how much you need to put in the little box hanging near the bin for the items you're depositing in the bin. That's just old school. Welcome to the twenty-first century.

Where is the Dersh? I'm talking about Alan Dershowitz. He defended Trump in Trump's second impeachment, and he has been an ongoing and outspoken critic of the Democrats and their weaponization of our Justice Department. I used to see him on FOX quite a bit, but I don't watch FOX anymore since Tucker's departure from the network. I've seen him on Newsmax from time to time but not recently. I wonder if they got to him. He's a died-in-the-wool Democrat but an ardent defender of our beloved Constitution, so his voice is a critical voice at a time like this. He has a podcast, so I'll see if I can't find that and give it a listen. If even that has gone silent, then I'll know someone or other read him the riot act. I wouldn't surprised to hear that someone actually threatened him, although I would imagine someone would have to think twice before trying to threaten him with the long arm of the law. No one knows the law better than the Dersh. The lunatic left has threatened everyone and anyone in the legal profession about mounting a defense for Trump. They do it at their very peril. To assist Trump is to put your very livelihood at risk. I'd like to think none of this applies to the Dersh, but these are different times we live in.

There is something fishy about the story about the black American serviceman, Travis King, ending up in North Korea. Nobody in their right mind defects to North Korea. Right? I've seen the picture of him, and if I'm right about what I'm seeing, he looks a little light in the loafers, if you get my drift. I know nothing about the cultural sensitivities of the North Koreans, but if I had to guess, I'd say they probably don't do gay. Is this just a serviceman who had had enough of the torment by his fellow serviceman where he thought he might have a chance at a better life if he crossed into North Korea? I also don't know how easy or difficult it is to cross into North Korea from South Korea. It didn't take long after the initial story appeared before the American media started spewing this and that story about the soldier to make him out to be a kook not worthy of the uniform he wore. This is what they do, this is who they are. They celebrate President's like Obama when he trades five Taliban terrorists for American deserters like serviceman Bo Bergdahl, but they excoriate soldiers and their extended families when they make unilateral decisions, if that is what it was, to cross the border into North Korea. It's not something that I would have advised him to do, but everyone dances to the beat of their own drummer.


Jesus. I watched the two IRS whistleblowers on CSpan yesterday as they told tale after tale in a Congressional hearing on Capitol Hill about how Biden's Justice Department ran interference to prevent the IRS from getting to the bottom of any number of global pay-for-play arrangements that the Biden's engaged in and have been profiting from going back to Joe Biden's days as Vice President. I applaud these two men who had the courage of their convictions to step forward and tell the truth about the Biden's at the risk of losing everything they had worked years to accomplish. The whining and the gnashing of teeth on the part of the Democrats on the Committee sounded something akin to a last gasp when one gets tired of hearing their own voice and the end is near. You could hear, if you listened carefully, the fat lady starting to sing. They fell back on the usual tropes about Trump, a two-tiered legal system, and racism, but to no avail. All of the testimony ended up in the same place. None of it would have happened were it not for those in the Administration who made every effort to keep all of this from the doorstep of the Big Guy. They did so at the behest of the Big Guy. That much was clear. Everyone now understands, if they didn't before, that we are now dealing with a criminal conspiracy that goes right to the very top of our government. So, Mr. Speaker, the ball is in your court. Where do we go from here? If this isn't impeachable, what is?

Can you imagine? The sitting Governor or Massachusetts is asking, imploring even, that the good citizens of her state open their doors and their hearts to the illegal aliens who have found their way to the Bay State from God only knows where. If you have a room, or an apartment, or something along those lines, you have a moral imperative to provide for these people in need. The state is blue as blue can be when it comes to their politics, so the illegal aliens should be good to go. Right? I have to believe that people already living on the edge in Massachusetts, financially speaking, are not going to be at the front of the parade welcoming these so-called world travelers to their neighborhoods. They are an existential threat to their very existence. There are only so many food stamps, free cell phones, and free educational and free health care goodies to go around. Just a word of caution to those magnanimous enough to think that they can offer a hand to folks without risk to themselves and their own personal financial well-being. Judges presiding over eviction cases may well take a dim view of homeowners looking to oust these border-jumping freeloaders for non-payment of rent, destruction of said property, and violation of codes having to do with capacity. It is a veritable recipe for disaster.

I listened as much as I could yesterday to a Congressional hearing on the Weaponization of Government chaired by the Republicans. One of the four witnesses appearing before Congress was Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I believe he was there to speak to the Government's role in limiting free speech during the Pandemic. It was very interesting. The Democrat congressmen and women on the Committee were, to a person, there to vilify and denigrate Kennedy. Kennedy is, of course, running for President, and the faithful agents of the totalitarian regime of the Biden Administration were there to silence his voice and to cast him as a conspiracy theorist and worse. With his polling numbers getting stronger by the day, he now represents an existential threat to the candidacy of the demented and criminal cabal of the Biden Administration. I don't believe I've ever seen anything as vile as what I watched yesterday coming from the Democratic Congressmen and women in that televised meeting. I hope Americans coast to coast were tuning into what I can only describe as a vicious hit job by the Democrats. Maybe the good news for Kennedy is that were it not for his burgeoning popularity in the polls, nobody would have given a shit about his testimony or his presence in Congress for yesterday's hearing.

I think Kennedy represents the wing of the Democrat party that was left behind when the Marxists took over. I have to believe that there are millions of disaffected democrats who wonder to this very day how their party left them without a whimper. The last thing the Bidenistas need now in the months leading up to the 2024 presidential election is an intraparty squabble that will divide the party and hand it over to the Trump wing of the Republican party on Election Day. Kennedy represents that one hope for the old Democrat party. One thing Kennedy talked about during the hearing had to do with the Government silencing alternative medical views in the middle of a pandemic which, according to Kennedy, was just the opposite of what they should have been doing. He cited some sobering statistics about our country's COVID death rates which were substantially higher than other countries with much lower vaccination rates. Can you say Ivermectin? Somebody got big bucks from Big Pharma to quash alternative medicines. I would go so far as to say that our entire governmental complex was bought off by Big Pharma. It didn't matter that more Americans were doomed to die. Then again, maybe it was all about money, and maybe it wasn't. Here we go again with the grassy knoll shit.

We didn't win the Powerball thing, so life goes on as usual in the hood. Somebody won a billion dollars in this week's drawing. There was a single winner in Los Angeles. I'm guessing that he or she will end up with $500 million or so after taxes, which is still a pretty hefty haul. I hope it doesn't turn their life to shit when the dust finally settles. We've all heard the horror stories. After all was said and done, they want their lives back the way it was before they won. That's not the way it works, unfortunately. You made a deal with the Devil, and the Devil will get his due come hell or high water. The odds of winning are so infinitesimal that you have to believe that someone somewhere has their hand on the scale. Be it the Devil or the baby Jesus, one never knows. I had plans for the money had I won, but I was certainly tempered in my expectations as one should be when rolling the dice. I never got to the point where I had to factor the brothers and sisters into the equation. I'm guessing they were equally circumspect about my potential cut had they won. Would there be a point in time, assuming that I won, when they thought that my charity on their behalf had perhaps come up short? Would I care? Anyway, I want nothing but good things for those lucky enough to win such a prize. Keep your feet on the ground and get the best attorney that money can buy.

I'm still on the intro part in getting up to speed on the song "Killing Me Softly with his song." I don't know if I'm just dumb as a bag of rocks or just plain stupid, but it seems to be taking me forever to learn how to play this song on my guitar. I'm in it to win it now, so there's no turning back. It's helpful, encouraging even, that I'm getting better and better at playing the parts of the song I've learned so far by practicing every day. I add a few notes at a time once I feel comfortable with where I am, and that's always a good feeling. You can teach an old dog new tricks. I'm living proof of it. It's what gets me out of bed every morning, and I think not a night goes by when I don't visualize the progress that I've made during that particular day. I think I like learning this song as well because it's an unmistakable tune. Unlike other songs I've taught myself, which are not always recognizable as the popular tunes that they are because of my poor playing, even the missus knows this one when she hears it. I'm still fairly inhibited when I play within earshot of the missus, so I tend to practice when she's not around. The fewer distractions, the better.

I was reading a few tweets this morning by a woman whose name I recognize, but I couldn't tell you who she is or what she does. Anyway, she was going on and on about the US sending troops to the Middle East. I've caught a bit about that here and there but never put two and two together. I've read stories about troop deployments to the Middle East and other stories about our country dispatching naval assets to the Straits of Hormuz to support and defend commercial shipping interests. I've just assumed that it was more bullshit from the feckless Biden Administration and the neocons who drive our foreign policy these days. You know, the same old clowns that pop up in every administration who never met a war they didn't like or want. The tweeter went on to say something about our troops taking over the oil fields in Iran, much the same as we've done in Syria. I don't know if she came right out and said that we were going to war with Iran, but she did say something about Biden needing a win after his embarrassing forays in and out of countries like Afghanistan and Ukraine. I think she said that Kissinger's recent trip to China was an effort to get China to stay on the sidelines if we invade Iran. I think Iran is part of the BRICS coalition so that includes both Iran and China. That's a lot to chew on.

Now that the Russians have deemed the Black Sea as theirs for the taking and everyone and anyone else is fair game in love and war, watch for the mining or outright destruction of seagoing vessels by Russian assets. I think they said that any and all vessels traveling in and out of the Black Sea, especially those within proximity of Ukraine, will be regarded as carriers of arms or other and will be considered hostile in nature. Does this remind anyone of the Gulf of Tonkin situation back in the sixties? It sounds like Russia is expanding its militaristic domination on the ground and the air to the high seas. So much for Ukraine's counter-offensive. Or, should I say NATO's counter-offensive? If NATO really had the upper hand here, you wouldn't see Russia doing what they're doing in the Black Sea. I know some of what they're doing in the Black Sea has to do with the grain deal that Russia nixed, but that may just be one more sleight of hand by Putin and his planners. What do I know? All I know is what I read, and we all know there's a lot of disinformation and misinformation out there these days about just about everything. Is this going to war with Iran thing meant to distract us from NATO's disastrous failure on the ground in Ukraine? Just thinking out loud here.

Mark Levin is kinda my go-to guy for everything legal. He says that Judge Canon should have never scheduled Trump's trial on the classified documents case for May of 2024. It's months ahead of the November Election, where Trump is likely to be the Republican Party's candidate. Levin says that there would be no harm in waiting until after the election, so why muddy things up by having it prior to the election? In fact, he goes on to say that it not only screws up Trump's chances at winning, knowing full well that if they convict him on even one of the 37 or so charges, that they will look to remove him from the ballot in some states, but it also imperils many downstream races in Congress which are vital to keeping Republicans in power in at least one of the two houses of Congress. I thought Canon was a Trump appointee. She is, of course, but she is not above being pressured to do all the wrong things by a venal media who will descend upon her like a pack of jackals until she relents. Trump faces a damn minefield of lawfare cases between now and Election Day in 2024. It will be a damn miracle if he comes out of this unscathed. If there is a God, make Trump president and let him pardon himself if that's even possible.

We finally got everything squared away with Mrs. G. She sold her car, and she will not be renewing her driver's license when it comes up for renewal. It's all good. She's happy with the decisions that she's made, and that's all that matters. Now, she wants a telephone with a bigger screen. Who doesn't? Months ago, we ramped up the magnification on the phone that she's had for the better part of two years now, and that's been working pretty well, aside from the fact that it looks wonky. Well, to me anyway. I have a sneaky suspicion that one of her buds with whom she dines here and there has a screen on her phone that is bigger and maybe more appealing to Mrs. G. That's fine. Where do we go from here? If you know anything about the various versions of the Apple iPhone, you know they did away with the home button when they introduced the iPhone X in 2017. Her iPhone still has a home button, so it was pre-iPhone X. Once the X came along, navigation was a whole new ball of wax. All I'm saying is that learning how to use a new iPhone could be a challenge. Can we find a suitable iPhone pre-X that will fill the bill? Maybe. Are there alternatives to the iPhone that might do the trick? Maybe. Let's find out what she really wants.

I think I solved the iPhone issue. I saw a used iPhone 8 Plus online, and I pulled the trigger. It has a 5.5-inch screen instead of her 4.7-inch screen. That's what we're talking about. It will be delivered this coming Thursday. We'll throw a little wrapping paper on it, and we'll give it to Mrs. G next Friday. I'm thinking bee's knees. I can't imagine she'll not be interested. Has one of her peeps been talking to her about one or more of the newer iPhones that come with a few more whistles and bells? God, I hope not. The missus agrees with me, so it's onwards and upwards. Meanwhile, Bumbles Biden and his corrupt administration are plowing ahead to regulate our water heaters now. They weren't satisfied with trying to put us all behind the wheel of an electric vehicle and to ditch our gas-guzzling cars in order to meet their radical climate change goals. Will someone please get on the fucking stick and throw these criminals out of office? What the hell are they waiting for?