Grist For The Mill

There is more Hillary Clinton bullshit in the news. You know how the deep state loves to coordinate the release of bad news with weekends or other big stories in order to dilute and distract. Well, it seems like they've hit the mother load here with not only a weekend but a so-called imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine to boot. It sounds like they've finally got the goods on Clinton and her wiretapping of the Trump White House. Will we see charges filed? Will we see the Hildabeast hogtied and hauled before the courts in chains? How soon before this wet dream of ours to lock her up becomes a reality?


I didn't watch the Superbowl but I did stay at the Holiday Inn Express last night. Only kidding. I'm just not that into football so giving it a pass wasn't a big deal. The missus bought into a pool of sorts with her co-workers so she half watched the game while doing other things. You know how that works. You put down a few dollars and you get a handful of squares on a grid. Depending on what the score looks like at the end of any given quarter, you win or you don't. He or she who gets the final score wins the most. The missus won two quarters and the final. Who's your daddy?

That reminds me. The missus and I have always agreed, at least in theory, that if and when either of us ever plays the lottery and wins that the first thing we would do is go to see an attorney. It's hard to win the lottery when you don't play but that's a story for another day. Seeing the attorney is more about making sure that we have something in writing to rely on should something go south when and where it comes to splitting the pot. Not that she doesn't trust me, or I her, but money has a funny way of muddying the waters in relationships that have lost their center so to speak.

Just so we understand each other, wining a football pool or a few quarters in said pool, is not the same as winning the lottery. That is not to say that I'm not thinking, as any better half should or would, about collecting my half of the proceeds won by the missus. I've not discussed this with her, of course, since I want her to experience the fullness of her win before reminding her of her familial obligations. Left to her own devices, I'm not sure that I'd be party to any plans she might otherwise have for her windfall. Well, windfall might be a bit of a stretch. You know what I mean.

I guess we'll see. I'm prepared to watch her stash all of her winnings away in her purse without offering me so much as a pittance. Even though we have nothing in writing, nor should we have given the value of her winnings, it only seems right that she should offer me something. It's not about the money. Right? It's about doing the right thing. Maybe I have this all wrong. Maybe what's mine is hers and what's hers is hers. If she says nothing then I'll have my answer. I may not like the answer but it will be an answer. What then?

Do I say something to her and risk her thinking less of me for it? I don't think she'd turn on me like a rabid dog but we're not talking about a lot of money here so maybe it's not at all worth even bringing it up. Now that I think of it, taking even one dollar of her winnings would likely detract from the thrill that she's feeling about her win. I wouldn't want to do that. She very seldom wins anything so letting her wallow in her win seems to be about as selfless a thing that I can do under the circumstances. That's the ticket. I'll suck it up.

I got to thinking about this Ukraine thing a little bit. Russia has all 100k+ troops lined up up and down the eastern border of Ukraine and the democracies around the world are asking, begging really, that Putin and his forces not invade Ukraine. I'm sitting here in one of those so-called bastions of democracy thinking to myself, what if Ukraine isn't really a democracy in the truest sense of the word? I know the current president had the opposition party put in jail so there's that. That alone doesn't make a government a dictatorship but I think there's more to it including violations of basic human rights according to organizations that track such things.

It's funny how the media portrays places like Ukraine. Is it a corrupt cesspool the likes of which Joey Biden and his son, Hunter, have enjoyed doing "business" with all these past years? Or, is it a bastion of democracy the likes of which our founding fathers would heartily endorse? If the former, should we really care whether or not Putin and his thugs invade the damn place? Is Ukraine the kind of country that we should expend any effort in protecting or maybe even propping up? Is it worth the blood and treasure of our young men should their blood be spilled in the process of resisting Putin's forces?

I should say at the outset that the invasion, or the alleged invasion, has been largely the creation of the western media. Putin would tell you that he's exercising his forces as he always does at this time of the year and that he has no intention of invading Ukraine. By western accounts, the invasion is scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday) so I guess we'll know soon enough. I have to say though, I'm caring less about losing Ukraine to Russia knowing what I now know about Ukraine. It's also important to keep in mind that our U.S. forces are not supposed to be fighting in Ukraine so there should be little to no risk of an all out escalation between U.S, forces and Russian forces.

If the invasion that the western media has been pushing and maybe even wishing for does not come to pass, who wins and who loses? Putin may be praised for his exercising restraint and good judgement but he is likely to remind everyone that he never had any intention to invade Ukraine and now the proof is in the pudding. Biden and certain allies in the West are likely to be praised for their willingness to marshal forces to resist this so-called alleged invasion. I'm guessing that the media would take one on the chin were this war not come to fruition but that alone, in my mind, is reason for celebration.

Is it possible that this was nothing more than a dry run to see how NATO forces might react in an emergency? Does any of this have anything to do with China and their desire to invade Taiwan? Is it an understatement to say that the West fell for this hook, line, and sinker? It's Wednesday now and it looks as though this invasion is not as imminent as the White House wanted it to be. It's kind of hard to wag the dog when the dog won't cooperate. Or, as they say down south, this dog won't hunt. It's looking like the president of Ukraine was right all along. He wasn't worried about an invasion but he was worried about Biden and his allies hyping up an invasion. Bastards.

The financial markets took a particularly dim view of the impending invasion and it didn't help the stock market to have Biden and his minions out there creating an invasion out of whole cloth day in and day out. Biden gave a speech yesterday and slurred his way through a speech where, at least in one portion of the speech, he directed his comments to the Russian people. He went on babbling something to the effect that nobody wants war with the Russian people or some such diddly squat. He was clearly still holding out hope that his "the invasion is imminent" mantra would come to fruition. Not sure what he was thinking since it's likely that not a word of his tired rant got to his intended audience inside Russia.

There was a rumor out in the ether yesterday about some pullback of forces by the Russians although it was nothing that anyone could verify. Let me see if I have this right. We have satellites that can read license plates from the surface of the moon but we can't confirm that one or more Russian vehicles has moved away from the border of Ukraine? It was enough to trigger a relief rally on Wall Street so that was a good thing. Biden's speech was scheduled for 3:30 pm and all I could think of was that he was going to say something stupid that would derail the rally in the remaining minutes leading up to the market close at 4 pm. Thankfully, he didn't. With no invasion as yet, we'll see what today brings.

I do wish that this Durham investigation would pick up the pace a little bit. It seems like we see one court filing or maybe an indictment of a low level government type every two to three years. This latest filing by Durham was vague enough such that both sides of the aisle could make the case that it was either the most serious case of corruption on the part of the Clintons since Watergate or, conversely, it was a nothing burger. What are the chances that we can get Durham to step up to the microphone to disabuse those who would dare mischaracterize his work product just once? Instead, he says nothing and the dueling narratives persist until they drift off into nothingness. It's tiring.

Biden did say something in his speech about our country experiencing pain at the pump should Russia invade Ukraine. Explain to me why we should have skin in this game again? Don't we already have enough pain "at the pump" thanks to Biden's shutting down our oil pipelines the minute he took office? Not a fucking word out of his mouth about jump starting domestic energy related projects that he has shut down or perhaps those that never got started because of his preferences and those on the left for so-called green projects. The answer to our energy problems is staring us in the fucking face. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

I'm getting a little tired of the ever widening net that the January 6th committee investigating the "insurrection" at our country's capitol on January 6th, 2021 seems to want to throw out there. Now, they want the visitor logs from the time that Trump was in office. Is nothing fucking sacred anymore? You know that every damn thing they get they leak out to the media. Anything and everything is fair game when it comes to destroying Trump and anyone associated with either him or his movement. Oh, I can't wait until we conservatives take back the House this coming November. You ain't seen nothing yet, baby cakes. We're going to haul every last one of the Bidenista's in front of a committee and then we'll put the lot of them behind bars. It's a process. Let's get this damn party started!


Temperatures are going to be in the sixties today so that will be nice. I'll have to seriously dress down when I take my bike ride. Will I put on some shorts? Maybe. Will I put away the winter gloves? Probably. The days are getting longer hereabouts this time of the year and the sun is noticeably higher in the sky day in and day out. It has a coming-out-of-hibernation feel to it and that is to be celebrated. I'm reminded that we are still in the month of February so I'll need to temper whatever it is that seems to be bubbling up beneath the surface. I'm the surfer who has caught a wave just right but I also know that it won't last so I gird myself appropriately. Baby steps, Johnny Boy.

Maybe we'll stop by Trader Joe's today when the missus and I are out and about. We visited the store last week and I think I commented on how some of the shelves looked noticeably less well stocked than on previous visits. It reminded us that all of those supply chain issues that we'd been hearing so much about were maybe finally coming to the stores in our neighborhood. Funny thing is, I've not noticed it in other stores hereabouts. Is it the proverbial canary in the coal mine or does it have something to do specifically with Trader Joe's? Does it have anything to do with the Canadian trucker thing up Canada way? Is Trader Joe's a Canadian company?

Every time I see depleted stocks on grocery store shelves, all I can think about is how I can go about stocking up so we'll have what we need if things go south. I'm not to the point where I'm willing to consider buying survival kits with dried foodstuffs but it's certainly not out of the question. Truth be told, I'm always behind the eight ball when these kinds of things happen. I'm just a day late and a dollar short. The damage has been done, the orders have been placed, my order is one of ten thousand which may or may not get filled, and I'm left holding the fucking bag. I don't think that will ever change. You know, the leopard and the spots thing.

The missus and I did agree that we'll stop in to Trader Joe's from time to time to see what, if anything, changes for the better. If things go from bad to worse, then we can start to think about stocking up on some things. Today, we'll be looking for walnuts. They were on my list the last time I was at Trader Joe's. They usually have quite a good assortment of nuts so when they had few to none that got my attention. It will be one of many errands we run today. It wouldn't hurt to see if there isn't something there for Mrs G. Maybe a nice potted plant. They usually have a nice selection of flowers so anything that might brighten up Mrs G's day will suffice.

Did I mention that the state to the south of us, Massachusetts, is working on making it possible for illegal aliens to get driver's license? We know those mother fuckers are already out and about on our roads and highways driving with either no license or maybe a fake license. Making it all legal ain't the answer. If you were an illegal alien swimming across the Rio Grande in an attempt to get into the United States, where would you head when you reached our shores? Would you go to a state that puts illegal aliens in jail? Or, would you head for a state that gives you a drivers license, free housing, food stamps, free health care and education for your bambino's, and encourages you to send for your extended family still mired in abject poverty back in the barrios? It's a no-brainer.

You have to ask yourself, what the hell is some politician thinking putting a bill like this on the damn roster? What benefit to the state and their constituencies does a bill like this serve? Who in their fucking right mind thinks that increasing or encouraging the increase in the number of illegal aliens in their state is a good thing? I understand that the insurance companies like it. It means more customers and a larger pool of monies from which to pay claims. Like everything else in our country today, the devil is in the details. It helps to cement the democrat's hold on power in the state when you also pass laws enabling "citizens" with driver's licenses to vote. What gringo or gring-ess is going to vote for a Republican when the Democrats are bending over backwards giving them everything for free? It's the very definition of a welfare state and, yes, the democrats have figured that out.

I'm still trying to get in a bit of a groove here some four days into this upcoming Sunday's blog post. It looks like this trucker thing in Canada is coming to a head. Trudeau is moving ahead with his martial law nonsense and arrests and confiscations are in the news. He's a real Castro boy, don't you think? A soy boy that you never thought had the intestinal fortitude to go ahead with his marital law thing. The picture that stands out in my mind when it comes to this thug is his taking a knee with the Black Lives Matter rioters and protestors a couple of years back. So, when he agrees with the protestors, he's joining their ranks in the streets. When he doesn't, he's going full totalitarian. Is there a Tiananmen Square in Ottawa? Siri, how can I contribute to the truckers?

Trudeau is confiscating bank accounts, intimidating anyone and everyone who contributed so much as a dime to the truckers, rounding up and arresting the so-called leaders of this protect movement, and doing all of it without the consent of what might be their parliament for lack of a better term. I'm not a Canadian so forgive me if I get some of these labels and terms wrong. He's going fucking rogue. There's no other way to say it. The part that is gnawing away at me, forgetting for a moment that protesting this and that in the public square used to be acceptable in a civilized society, is that bumbling Joey Biden put him up to all of this. That makes Joey complicit. Just add it to the growing list of grievances that we the American people have against this illegitimate president.

If I understand what's really happening up there in Canada, a number of provinces are removing, or have removed, any and all restrictions when it comes to Covid-19. None of that matters to the Trudeau government. He's doubling and tripling down. You need to understand. These are tactics that you might see in China where the Chinese Communists roll over any and all protestors. If the Canadian people don't rise up and push back against this tyranny being imposed by Trudeau then it's all over. The truckers are protesting the mandates that have already been lifted in many provinces so it shouldn't be a heavy lift for the soy boy to do the right thing. Maybe he enjoys welding power too much. When that happens, it's high time for he and his minions to be shown the door. Right this way, sir.

Maybe I should be more concerned with the fact that there are people in Canada who agree with Trudeau. The ends justify the means. They want government to be the final arbitor. The government can do no wrong. The pissants protesting in the public square deserve to be rounded up and flogged or maybe sent away to a reeducation camp until they come around to the government's way of thinking. It's a special form of despotism that has no place in a modern day democracy. These very same people fail to understand that giving over their rights to a tyrant has an erosive effect on the very democracy that they purport to support and encourage. Sorry, don't mean to go all founding fathers on you here. It's just me being me again.

"I don't think I'll be cooking liver and onions for you any time soon, but I certainly could", I was telling Mrs G during our visit yesterday. She was telling us that her facility never serves liver and onions and the next time she gets a chance to put in a request for same she will be doing so. I'm paraphrasing, of course. She also lamented the fact that they only served lobster twice a year during the summer months and that too didn't seem to be often enough for her tastes. I was astounded to hear Mrs G say that in her five years, going on six years now, at her facility she never once cooked a meal in her kitchen. You know, using the oven and not the microwave. Her microwave gets plenty of use.

"Oh, and Johnny Boy, would you be good enough to pick me up another case of root beer", Mrs G asked. "Of course, Mrs G", I responded. "I'd be happy to." "Will you remind me again, am I looking for caffeine free or is it the sugar free variety?" I can never remember. Honestly. I need to write this stuff down. Taking pictures helps too. I mentioned to the missus after our visit that it wouldn't kill us to stop by now and then with maybe a lobster roll in tow. The liver and onions thing would be more complicated. We could take her out to a restaurant if we could find one that serves liver and onions but that too could be a challenge. Who goes out to dinner these days anyway with Covid still just a sneeze away? Quite frankly, it's asking for trouble.

We got on to the subject somehow of one of her neighbors at her facility who has trouble reading the names on the meals delivered to the main area right down the hall from her apartment. With the scarcity of help being what it is these days, the facility prepares the pre-ordered meals and bags them up before delivering them to the pick-up spot where the residents can stop by starting around the hour of five in the afternoon. This particular friend of Mrs G's has trouble reading the names on the bags so, consequently, runs the risk of walking off with someone else's meal. Well, as you can imagine, we kicked around a few ideas on how to solve that problem. More grist for the mill as they say.