Go with the Flow

As the story goes, Ev got up the other morning and told his momma straight out, “I’m in a good mood today. Don’t ruin it”. That’s Mr. Metabolic himself. Mr. usually wake up grumpy and Mister piss-and-moan all rolled into one. Maybe he got enough sleep for a change. Not sure but one thing Nancy knew for sure. The hours ahead would not be nearly as testy as they usually were. He would be more maleable by a New York mile. So much so, in fact, that you might as well get your list together because if you needed something done this was the time to do it. It would be a good morning to ask him to brush his teeth; a good morning to to ask him to make his bed; a good morning to get him to vacuum a couple of rooms before lunch. If you’re lucky, he may even agree to go to the beach. Keep on rolling till the party stops and see if he doesn’t think that acting like a human being for a change is a better way to go. It’s unlikely, but one can dream. Maybe it’s just a matter of waiting out the teen years. I wished that someone had warned us before we got in too deep. I hope it’s worth waiting for.

Wally called about the storm the other day and I was pleased to report that everyone was alive and accounted for including yours truly. In fact, things couldn’t be better. Our Hummingbird feeder was still upright; my broccoli was cooked just right and I was chowing down after a long day at work; and we never lost our electricity. Not even for a moment. That isn’t to say that there weren’t some funnel clouds hanging around. Some areas took a beating and I think there may have been a couple of casualties in the Lakes Region up north. That’s tough. Someone won’t be coming down for breakfast in the morning. Then again, who cares? It’s one more obituary in an already crowded section of the newspaper. The cemetary is full of headliners all getting their 6 seconds of fame but not staying around long enough for any of the resulting adulation or criticism. Just passing through, as they say in the movies. Don’t bother leaving the porch light on.

I took Ev to an aikido demonstration today. It was an introductory class. He took his place on the mat and went through the motions like the rest of the beginnners. He fit right in. He doesn’t have much of a stretch and it showed. He complained after the fact that his knees hurt. Not sure if anyone noticed or not but he was the only new guy working out while still wearing his socks. The other new guys and girls and the more experienced types knew better. I’m surprised the instructor didn’t say anything. They are such sticklers for etiquette always bowing to this and bowing to that and not able to leave the mat until the bowing is out of the way. He would look my way from time to time looking for god knows what and after a while I avoiding looking in his direction. It’s all about paying attention and the yoot of today are just so scattered. Ev is no exception. You are on your own, my friend. If you want it, go get it. Do it for you and not me. As we rode home I indulged him in conversation but not about the class. It was hard to tell what he wants to do. I hope he figures it out someday. His life may depend on it.