Purple Haze

On September 16th here in NH the law concerning the decriminalization of marijuana takes effect. That also happens to be Ev's birthday so I'll throw that out there for good measure. I think the law is a good one and long overdue for sure. No longer will young men and women be arrested for possession of small amounts of the weed. Using it in public or driving under the influence is not legal so you could be arrested if caught and prosecuted. Otherwise, possession will get you a fine and that's reasonable. We will not have to worry about getting a call from the county jail in the middle of the night requesting that we come down and bail out our son. We won't have to worry that he may not get hired because of a conviction on his record although that is what you typically hire attorneys to avoid. The expense associated with these matters is not insignificant either. All in all, just a hassle and one no parents would ever want to experience.

File Sep 04, 8 00 55 AM

So I applaud the state for seeing the merit in pursuing decriminalization and it eliminates one more thing to worry about when it comes to our children. Using the drug is another story and while I would not recommend it to my child I might prefer that he use marijuana instead of alcohol or other. Personally, I have no particular desire one way or another to light up but I come from a time and place where such a thing was not altogether uncommon so cannot rule it out. Recreational marijuana is legal in two adjoining states but retail sales have yet to begin. When they do I might like to do a little shopping just to see what that looks like. I would prefer that government not be involved in the regulation and sale of the substance but understand their desire to further fatten their coffers with tax proceeds. There is also the matter of putting a lid on the toxicity by keeping THC levels within reason much in the same way you cannot buy 100% proof alcohol. If every toke produced an unwanted psychotic episode requiring hospitalization then that would be a bad thing from the governments point of view. Maybe not so much from the end users point of view but it is nonetheless variable and unpredictable so why take the chance. And no, I will not be lighting up with the Ev man anytime soon. It would just be too weird.

Nancy is positively possessed when it comes to rugs, the odors new rugs emit, and the health risks associated with the prolonged inhalation of the chemical in question,
40phenylcyclohexene. I've written before that the prospects of replacing our carpet has not been an easy thought process for Nancy. Not because it is a difficult thing to do but rather because Nancy has such strong feelings about the smell and potential health risks associated with new rugs. Now that we're on the precipice of getting a new rug, Nancy's concerns have been elevated to Defcon-5 status. The questions are endless. Can we leave it in the garage for a few weeks before putting it in? Can the manufacturer unroll it and let it air out before shipping it? Can we somehow seal off that room so the odor doesn't permeate the rest of the house?

File Sep 04, 8 01 18 AM

The plan at present is to have it installed the day before the bathroom renovations begin. That will give it time to air out before we move back into our home in four weeks time. We've selected the carpet and have requested that the merchant place the order. The carpet is to be installed tomorrow and we've heard nothing from the merchant. Not a word. Not a confirmation, not a word of a delay, not a word about when they might want to begin the job, nothing. We've also paid nothing. I'm thinking now that since the carpet is coming from down in the Carolina's that any and all carpet production and sales have been diverted to satisfy the needs of the Texans who have lost everything due to the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. I can't explain the absence of communication by the merchant but if there an opportunity to pass on the carpet and install hardwood flooring instead now is the time to communicate that message. If it's too late I guess we'll find out in short order. I've rejected the installation of hardwood floors in the past since we have more than enough hardwood floors here and there in our house already. It is a pacifying alternative and one that Nancy should embrace. I'll leave a message with the merchant today and we'll see how it goes. If nothing else it should get the merchant's attention.

All of this handwringing may be for naught if we find ourselves on the losing end of some kind of thermonuclear confrontation with the pinhead dictator in North Korea. No one knows for sure what he can and cannot do or even what he does or does not have in the way of nuclear weaponry. If he can only reach the west coast of our country with his devices then I would say we here on the east coast can order bulbs for planting this Fall without fear of total destruction before we have a chance to put them in the ground. That is the best case scenario. One thing is for sure if the pinhead lobs one our way. His country will be reduced to carbon in short order. The Korean Peninsula will be radioactive for the next ten thousand years. It will be a good and just end for the tin pot dictator with an affinity for American basketball and all things Samsung. Ironically, everyone who feared the likes of Donald J Trump having access to the nuclear codes will find themselves soiling their drawers in a rush to have his little hands on the codes for an immediate launching of our nuclear missiles. Knowing Trump as I do, I'm guessing he will take the opportunity to negotiate yet another something or other which will benefit the American people before pulling the trigger. That is what he does. That is who he is.