Hat Tip

I listened to the nitwit Hugh Hewitt for a few minutes this morning until he started playing clips of his interview with Brett Baier (FOX) about something he calls "candidate casino." First of all, understand that Huey is in the tank for DeSantis. I think he can't wrap his head around the fact that Trump is going to run away with the nomination fight. He said something about Trump potentially losing the nomination because he wasn't actively doing interviews. I do think there's a danger to not being out and about in the media when the rest of the Keebler Elves are sucking up all the oxygen in the room. Trump used the media like the rock star that he was in 2015, and it paid off handsomely. I don't care how many surrogates Trump has running around the streets of America in pickup trucks flying American flags. He needs to be out there making his case to the American people. Labor Day is right around the corner. Let's get this party started!


Hewitt said something about DeSantis saying all the right things about this psycho who walked into a Dollar Store in Florida over the weekend and shot three people dead. What was DeSantis supposed to say, you damned fool? You want to sing his praises so badly that you have to have to wait until we see a tragedy unfold in a local retailer before you can get out your pom poms? What governor in his right mind, and running for president no less, wouldn't have a few solemn words to say on behalf of the people who lost their lives on that fateful day? You also sang the praises of Nikki Haley, that intolerable twat and the only woman amongst the Keebler Elves. Did I mention that she's never lost a race for political office? I've got news for her. That, my dear, is about to change. If any good comes out of this race, it will be that she gets her ass handed to her, and we won't have to listen to her insufferable claims about never losing a race again.

Something strikes me a bit odd about these murders in Florida. I'm not even sure that the bodies were cold before they announced that they had the killer's manifesto in hand. He was, of course, an avowed White Supremacist or racist if I'm to believe everything the mainstream media are telling me. I have no reason to believe otherwise. He also allegedly had serious mental health issues, although that aspect of the tragedy was played down by CNN and their brethren in the Leftist media. It just didn't fit their narrative. I'm surprised they haven't commented on his political affiliation yet. That suggests to me that he probably had a long history of voting for Democrats. I give credit to Vivek Ramaswamy for pushing back when Dana Bash (CNN) tried to suggest that the killer's manifesto was somehow a boilerplate plan for White Supremacists at large. Where is the manifesto of the tranny killer in New Orleans that they have never released, he asked. We all know why it wasn't released. My guess has always been that she went on a tear that day due to some past grievances quite possibly having to do with her being molested as a child in that very same institution where she gunned down those children. We'll probably never know.

What the hell is going on with all of these random fires or fire storms igniting all over the globe? Every other day, we seem to hear about a fire that has engulfed a refinery, a food processing plant, or complete neighborhoods like we saw in Maui. For a while there, it was non-stop train derailments and releases of toxins into the surrounding environs. I thought we'd start to see a similar pattern with airlines, God forbid, due to stories in the media about shortages of this and that and, even more worrisome, pilots keeling over mid-flight due to blood clots brought on by one too many jabs. That has not happened, but I'm not sure we're out of the woods just yet. I've heard some suggest that Bumbles Biden will use the fires as a pretense to declare a climate emergency. How orgasmic would that be for the radical left? I can't be sure what kind of hell that would unleash on the American public, but, knowing the radical left as I do, it wouldn't be good. That fool already tells us he has plans to mandate COVID-19 shots for everyone. What does he know that we don't?

I asked the Ev man if he might be interested in helping me fix our clothesline today. We'll probably need to pop over to Home Depot to get a section of material that needs to be replaced. I may have made a mistake when I put it together a few years back by using a piece of wood for one of the cross bars when I probably should have used some composite material that is practically indestructible. I do appreciate the Ev man lending a hand when he's available. You know what they say: two heads are better than one. He may not be in the mood, so we'll have to see. I may or may not go ahead without him. We need to put the line up because we have a few loads of wash to do, and the weather couldn't be nicer for hanging clothes outside. It's one of many jobs I could probably do around the house between now and the onset of Fall. There are windows to wash, snow-clearing machines that need an oil change or other, and spaces here and there inside and outside the house that could stand with a bit of decluttering. I'm thinking of the garage more specifically. Marie Condo, if you're listening.

We asked the Ev man to think a bit about what he might like to have for his upcoming birthday. He was at the house yesterday playing around with his mom's iPad and having a bit of fun with it, to be sure. I think he surprised himself at just how much fun he was having. I don't think of iPads as something young men his age take a fancy to, but he found that one of his games plays pretty well on the device, so he was off and running. I think he had some other gaming device in mind for his birthday, but that gaming device is probably in the rearview mirror due to his time on the iPad yesterday. He said something about taking his mom's device and her getting a new one, but I talked him out of that in no time flat. If it's your birthday, you deserve nothing but the best. That means getting a new device based on your specifications and preferences. The only outstanding question now is, when is the next scheduled update for the specific iPad he's interested in? The last thing you want to do is buy something outdated or nearly outdated the day you make the purchase.

The media is coming down hard on Vivek Ramaswamy for outing Nikki Haley's maiden name, one of Vivek's Republican opponents, in the race for the Republican nomination. According to Vivek's web page, her maiden name is Namrata Randhawa. Who knew? I have to guess that Vivek put her maiden name out there because it might work against her in some way, shape, or form. Is it safe to say that the two of them are battling for the Indian votes? Is what we know about the Indian culture being a male-dominated society a thing? Maybe he feels that if he can't win because of his Indian surname, he's going to take her down with him. Or, maybe he's just working at winnowing the field and figures that she's the political equivalent of low-hanging fruit. I'm also guessing that he's not crazy about how her poll numbers are improving in the wake of their recent debate, and he sees an opportunity to take her down a peg or two. She's probably toast if it ever comes down to the two of them, but we're not there yet. Vivek doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who takes prisoners. Just sayin'.

I've seen a few videos lately of climate change nutjobs lying down in front of traffic in various places across the globe. The ones I've enjoyed the most are the ones where the traffic doesn't stop, and, in some cases, never even slows down, before either running over the protesters or otherwise pushing them out of the way with their vehicles. Does that make me a bad person? I find myself not even caring much whether or not they lose their lives in the process. Do stupid things, win stupid prizes, is what I say. Does it have anything to do with the fact that I see these people and their cause as an existential threat to our well-being as an industrialized society? Maybe. Is it also true that I harbor these same feelings for the radical leftists who have infiltrated our government and institutions because I see them as an existential threat to our Republic? They are probably more deserving in a just world of spending the rest of their lives behind bars rather than meeting their fate beneath the wheels of a car, but we'll leave their sentences to the courts, who will, in time, decide how they will spend the remaining days of their lives.

I've got to give the Ev man a hat-tip this morning. He graciously offered his time to lend a hand yesterday to help me repair a failing clothesline. Never mind that we didn't have the requisite tools or the collective talent to do the job. I think we made a lot of good decisions along the way and maybe a few missteps. We found the right piece of wood we needed at Home Depot without their employees' help. They might have steered us away from purchasing the pressure-treated wood we purchased, but we had no such conversation. As such, we found just the right length (4 feet) that we needed, and buying pressure-treated wood would ensure that we had wood that wasn't going to rot away after a couple of seasons. Had I had my wits about me before we left the house for Home Depot, I might have looked around to see which screws I was going to need for the job. That was probably our biggest issue in trying to put it all back together again. I reused the existing eyelets, which was probably not the smartest thing to do since they were a bit rusted. Is that even what they're called? Eyelets?


I'm not sure I would have gotten it done had I not had the Ev man's assistance. He's a steady hand, I'll give him that. I think he actually enjoys doing that sort of stuff. He doesn't do it in the normal course, so that may explain why he's game when these opportunities present themselves. If he's learning anything from me, it probably has more to do with my mistakes. At one point, I handed him the drill to drill a hole or two in the cross beam we were working on. That was a bridge too far, so maybe the next time. He was handy with the ratchet in applying an extra turn of a screw or two when I had done the best I could, so I appreciated that. This was the second go-round for Ev and me on this particular section of the clothesline, so that may have given Ev a certain comfort level in the job we had to do. I think the pressure-treated wood was a more difficult material with which to work, which may explain why it took us more time than I thought it would. We got it done, and that's all that matters.

Mrs. G sent an e-mail about her personal information being hacked after an information breach in a local hospital where she previously received services. It seems the hackers made off with some personal information after a failed attempt to extort money from the hospital. I don't think it's the sort of stuff that's going to keep her up at night, but I searched for the article to get a better sense of what it all means. I didn't read too much into her once-sentence proclamation that her information had been hacked, so maybe she read what I read and drew the same conclusions. So what if they have her e-mail and telephone number? She's about as astute about these sorts of things as I am when it comes to this stuff. I'm not sure where she gets her spidey sense about this stuff since people from her generation are not typically computer savvy. I told the missus the other day that I think Mrs. G does her own troubleshooting on computer issues and is not afraid to pick up the phone to solve problems she can't solve. So that you know, I'm usually not the guy on the other end of the phone.

I watched a video of Glenn Greenwald this morning on Twitter (X). He was going off on Nikki Haley. What's that all about? Is he a Ramaswamy fan? He's always spoken highly of Trump for various of his policies despite his not being a Republican. Glenn's politics lean left, but he was a regular on the Tucker Carlson show before Tucker got the boot, so there's that. I think that gives the guy some credibility in my my opinion. He rightly pegged Haley as the neocon that she is and taking money, as she has and probably continues to do, from donors who want nothing more than to fund every war they can and for as long as they can. Glenn reminded me in the video that she left the Trump administration prematurely in order to cash in on her bona fides as a neocon. It tells us everything we need to know about where she is when it comes to funding the Ukraine fiasco should she become president. It also tells us something about who's rigging the polls that gave her a seemingly odd bump after the Republican debate a couple of weeks back. It's the big-bucks defense contractors and their ilk who never met a war they didn't want to fund. Haley is part of the swamp in Washington that people like Trump and Ramaswamy are running for president to drain. Good for Greenwald in calling her out.

I have to laugh when I see these stories about Bumbles Biden meeting with the heads of various countries to discuss things. This demented old fool is still looking for the men's room in the Oval Office, and he's been the sole occupant of the Oval Office for the last two to three years. He doesn't even know what damn day of the week it is at any given moment. Imagine the shell game his handlers have to put on to convince anyone that Bumbles, as president, is in charge of anything, much less his own faculties. And, I swear to God, if he tells that stupid story about almost losing his prized Corvette in a kitchen fire at his residence in Delaware back in the day, I'm going to kill myself. How do you think that stupid story went over with the people in Maui who lost everything in the fire that engulfed and destroyed 2,000 homes and countless lives a month ago or so? The damned fool even snickered when it came time to add the comment about his Corvette. Speaking of putting lipstick on a pig, NewsMax had a plastic surgeon on last evening talking about the extensive work they've likely done behind the scenes to stretch his stupid face into something less demented, less inept, and more presidential. Spoiler alert: It isn't working.

I've got this pesky little problem with our internet that I can't figure out. I lose the internet every so often, maybe a handful of times a day. I think this is a somewhat new-ish problem since I can't recall whining about it in the past. I've Googled it a few times but without success. The funny thing is that all the lights that are supposed to be on on my various and sundry devices when the internet is up and running like a charm are still up and twinkling away even when I lose the internet signal. I don't even know how to begin troubleshooting that issue. There is no issue if I'm to believe my eyes. I even have an application on my phone that gives me real-time feedback on what's going on with my router. It tells me in no uncertain terms that my internet is "offline" when I lose the signal. I'd like it better if it gave me a little guidance on how to get the signal back or fix the problem. And, here's the kicker: When it does go out, it goes out for a good minute and a half. That, at least, is predictable. It doesn't make me feel any better, but it gives me some satisfaction in knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am going to figure this out. I am going to figure this out. I am going to figure this out.

I wonder how many pieces have to fall into place before we're back in the throes of a full-fledged COVID pandemic/psychosis. I see that Bumbles has requested billions of dollars to be added to the next budget for pandemic-related expenses. You can bet your sweet ass that a few billion dollars of the monies requested will end up in the coffers of major democratic strongholds in "blue" cities across our fruited plains before all is said and done. You can say all you want about how nasty the Democrats are, but you can be assured of one thing: They take care of their own. Of course, the Republicans in the uni-party will sign off on these bills like the losers they are. And don't think Big Pharma isn't going to get their slice of the pie. Not to worry. There are plenty of American taxpayer dollars to go around.

With Bumbles getting his 10% cut from Big Pharma, pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer will write it off as an expense and move on to develop the next "miracle" MRNA drug for the masses no matter how many people die during the clinical trials. We've seen this movie before, and we know how it ends. There will be mask mandates, lockdowns, absentee ballots, media-induced mass hysteria, and a senile president sitting down before the nation on national television while rolling up his sleeve for the latest and greatest booster. What he'll not tell you, but you damn well know from looking at the old fool, is that he's not getting a booster but rather a jab containing saline solution. It's nothing but smoke and mirrors.

The missus and I watched the final episode of "The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart" on Prime last night. We really enjoyed the series. I think it got eight out of ten stars on Rotten Tomatoes, so it came highly recommended. I pegged the show as a drama depicting the cycle of violence in a family over the course of several generations as seen through the eyes of a young girl. I read one review that said the show didn't handle the protagonist's (Alice) transition from childhood to young woman very well. That was an understatement. The cycle of violence follows Alice into adulthood when she gets involved with a man who is physically abusive to her and, in some ways, is no different than her abusive father. Her abuser was never brought to justice, and worse than that, Alice continued corresponding with her abuser well after she had escaped his clutches. Maybe that says more about Australia's male-dominated culture than anything else, but I was left wondering when anyone was going to bring this guy (Dylan) to justice. Lulu could do it. Twig didn't have it in her. Sigourney Weaver was too sick to help, and it didn't help that Alice was unwilling to file a police report. And you had to be crazy not to fall in love with Candy Blue.

I'm hoping against hope, but I think I may have fixed the problem with my internet that I referenced just a couple of paragraphs back. I don't want to get too far out over my skis, but I feel good about not seeing any disruptions in the last twenty-four hours. It wasn't anything I read, but I had a hunch about what might be causing the problem. Tell me if this sounds plausible. I bought a new router recently when all of this began. It came with a security application embedded in the router software that notified me of any and all suspicious activity on my network. I think the software effectively shut down any violations and attacks or perceived violations and attacks by blocking any and all network traffic until such a time it could be determined that the activity was not malicious or that the attack was no longer viable. It probably wasn't a coincidence that every outage lasted approximately one to two minutes. I disabled the software yesterday and have seen no further intrusions or network outages since. That was fine because I did not intend to pay for the security software beyond the trial period anyway. It almost feels too easy. Stay tuned.

Speaking of too good to be true, is it true that we have someone from inside our government leaking copies of e-mails that Joe Biden (using a pseudonym) used to use when he was Vice President to communicate with government officials in various countries while shaking them down for bribes, etc.? Did I mention that Joe Biden cc'd his crackhead of a son, Hunter, on every last one of those e-mails? Wait a minute. Didn't Joe Biden tell us time and time again that he was never in business with his son? And, why would Joe Biden cc his son on every e-mail? It's simple. Hunter was the bagman. The guy who picked up the duffle bags of cash or whatever in exchange for whatever it was that Joe Biden was selling, be they highly classified documents for the Chinese or policy changes for people or governments looking for assistance from our country. It's all so treasonous, wouldn't you say? They say our government has some 5400 of these e-mails. And, they aren't turning over the 5400 e-mails without a fight. Yep, the same government department that ratted out Trump to the FBI when he didn't return his classified documents. That makes them complicit in Biden's crimes, wouldn't you say? Ready the fucking gallows is what I say.

I was one busy bee yesterday. It's funny how some days I'm all piss and vinegar, and other days it's all about finding a spot in the shade where I can wile away the day. Did I mention that it was a beautiful, cloudless day with nearly zero humidity? I started putting a few things away in the garage in the morning, and by midday, I was well on my way to having a load of things to take to the local Recycling Center. I was so meticulous and granular in my efforts that I had, at long last, I'd say, a box of assorted nails and other metal items to get rid of. That only took me fifteen years. I had one large garbage bag chock full of miscellaneous stuff that I tucked away in the car's back seat and out of sight of the missus. Had she seen it before I had a chance to bring it to the Center, she would have gone through the bag with a fine-toothed comb, looking for things she'd say I had no right getting rid of. I mowed the lawn, took care of a load of dishes, and visited Mrs. G in the late afternoon. I didn't get in as much guitar practice as I might have liked, but I got in a little practice, so that was good. Hopefully, I can get around to cleaning the windows (inside and out) in our car today. I am kicking butt and taking names. Make no mistake about it.