Bit the Bullet

Not sure why but I got a very high-and-tight haircut that just didn't turn out well. I think the styist thought she was doing me a favor by getting rid of the last few wispy tufts still on top of my head. Little did she know that the entirety of my self image flowed magnificently through those few remaining strands. It was so shocking , in fact, that she went easy once the top was down to the skin and left just enough on the sides to give me that "friar John" look. If I had to characterize it in today's vernacular, I might say that it looks like a reverse mohawk. I have a good mind now to get me a pair of clippers and just buzz my hair every once in a while so that everything is even-steven. Yes, that is what I'll do. One last testament to the pain inflicted is that I can't bare to look at myself in the mirror after a hot shower. I clear just enough fog off the mirror so I can see what I need to see to shave. Oh, the pain.

Speaking of pain, the Mrs had her implant done today so she is resting peacefully in the bedroom while I slave away on our new version of Rapidweaver. All I can say is that the publishing facility better well work. Cyberduck was fun to use while it lasted but you need your apps to work as advertised. No fuss, no muss. You get the picture. It is otherwise a beautiful pre-fall day here on the seacoast and it is currently 63 degrees with a nice breeze and dry air all around. I'm listening to internet radio on my iPhone and I wrapped up just a little painting around the house in an hours worth of work. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking about what Evan might have for dinner and what I might be able to make him since his mom is otherwise out of commission. Some pasta dish might be nice. Maybe a tuna macaroni salad to go with his burgers. We'll see.