No Time For Pussies

This jab mandate thing is getting a little crazy. How is it that the nurses of hospitals across the nation who were on the front pages of every magazine coast to coast thanks to their heroic and selfless actions during the height of the pandemic now face an employment firing squad if they don't get the jab?


In New York, the governor is threatening to bring in foreign workers to fill the spots of fired workers. I'm not sure that went over very well because just a day later she is now threatening to have the National Guard fill backfill spots vacated by the fired workers. This is the thanks they get?

In case you're wondering just how complicit the media is in this craziness, there was a freedom rally in Boston yesterday with thousands of attendees and I can't find anything anywhere about the gathering. I'm hearing one newspaper did a piece with the headline that characterized the attendees as anti-vaxers. They are not anti-vaxers. They want what all freedom loving people want pandemic or no pandemic. The freedom to choose, and in this case, the freedom to choose what goes into their body.

It's just complete madness and you have to wonder when the hell is everyone going to wake up from this nightmare. I'm also reading stories about large container ships amassing in great numbers just offshore on both coasts of our country. Does this portend shortages or supply chain issues that we the public should know about? Whatever it is that we're looking down the barrel at it seems to be metasticizing.

You have to believe that the pandemic, the push to get everyone vaccinated, the supply chain issues, and now the threat to fire everyone who resists the jab is all part and parcel of a bigger picture that we just can't see yet. Having bumbling Biden not only at the helm of our country but steering this madness with a zeal you only see in the most maniacal of leaders should give us all pause.

It's almost as though Biden and his minions, after stealing an election by using the pandemic to change and pervert voting laws which gave them the election, now have the chance to take our country to a place that our Founders may have warned us about. "It's a Republic, if you can keep it."

The constant push by the media, and you can't forget for a minute that they are the propaganda arm of the democrat party, to tear at the fabric of our society by constantly harping on issues that divide we as Americans is corrosive and debilitating. I'm old enough to remember when it was something that everyone could understand like the difference between the haves and the have nots. Fast forward to 2021 and it's all about race and inequality. In just the last couple of months, they've added the vaccinated and unvaccinated to the mix. It's a witches brew of bewilderment and discontent.

The people in power have always had the power but it's been ephemeral at best bouncing back and forth as it does between the party's every election cycle. Have the democrats figured out how to never lose an election and we are now in the middle of the transformation that Obama promised just a few short years ago? Maybe we're heading down the road into a decade of darkness where the ruling class continues to consolidate power and the rest of us fight for whatever remaining scraps of our democracy we can find in the societal rubble that grows deeper by the day.

That might explain why you see so many companies and institutions taking sides in this left versus right struggle. No one, and I mean no one, wants to be on the losing side of the battle at the end of the day. The unimaginable riches accruing to the winners are not something that can be left to chance. There is simply too much at stake. Those who sign on with the leftists, knowingly or not, have sworn an allegiance to something other than our Constitution. The devil is in the details but isn't that always the case. Caveat emptor.

The deadline to get the jab is closing in and large swaths of professionals from nurses to police officers across the country are now facing the loss of their jobs because they've chosen not to take the jab. Biden mandated that all companies with greater than 100 employees would need to have their employees vaccinated or be fined some ridiculous amount.

There are any number of lawsuits asking the courts to rule that these mandates are unconstitutional but with little success to date. So, the firings will commence and the epicenter of this madness will likely expand exponentially to include other groups until Biden has way in getting a jab in the arm of every American man, woman, and child. Yes, even in the children who have a survival rate, if infected, of greater than 99.999%. It's madness.

With his tyrannical dictates in place, Biden and his minions may well be looking to nationalize many of our private industries. How better to achieve that than to fire every last worker who won't get the jab and replace those fired workers with government employees (National Guard, etc.) With everyone relying on Government for their sustenance and support, the tyrannical liberals will have the new world order they desire. There will no end to their dictatorial redistribution schemes. It will be Robin Hood on steroids.

So far, so good. The frogs are in the water and the water is on a slow simmer. There is a bit of steam here and there but nothing more. No reason for concern. What will it mean for the little guy? What will it mean for the Johnny's of the world? I, for one, wouldn't much care for being greeted at the doors of my local emergency room by a Haitian doctor who doesn't speak English.

If I'm the victim of a crime, I don't want to be sitting on a curb somewhere for and extended period of time with a gunshot or knife wound wondering who, if anyone, is going to respond to my call to 911. I also don't fancy the idea of having to scramble for early deliveries of paper products at my local Walmart so we can have access to toilet tissue with the ply of our choice. I don't even want to think about shortages when it comes to other necessities like food.

It's bizarre to think that were it not for Trump's mean tweets we might not have a total loser like Sleepy Joe Biden in the White House. We wouldn't be looking down the barrel of an authoritarian regime looking to impose socialism on our great country. And this pandemic thing? Well, the overall trend is down and moving in a direction that does not justify these tyrannical dictates coming out of Biden's White House.

It's all wrong and people know it's all wrong. There was a recent poll of Independent voters in Iowa that showed Biden's approval ratings in the high twenties. It's going to get worse before it gets better but you can bet your bottom dollar that Biden's shelf life is growing shorter by the day. Look no further than the boondoggle of a $3.5 trillion dollar bill that is currently under consideration in the Congress.

It will ostensibly launch the left's wet dream better known as the Green New Deal which, among other atrocities, is designed to cover student tuition, give amnesty to millions of illegals, etc. It is destined to be the hallmark achievement of the Biden Administration not unlike what Obamacare was to Obama. It is floundering on the fucking rocks as we speak and rightly so. The Republicans need to kill this bill in the crib and kill it now. Put a bow on the bastard and never look back. This is no time for pussies. Get in there and get the job done.

I hate going all political in my blog but sometimes you do what you have to do. I'll keep an eye out for silver linings so you don't have to. I was reading an article this morning about Covid cases in a York, Maine hospital. You might think that being in a pandemic as we are that they would have bodies stacking up outside their ICU like cordwood.

They have a measly 5-bed ICU so it wouldn't take much to fill that sucker up with Covid cases. But, no, there are currently just two cases of Covid in their ICU. Their average number of cases of Covid in the ICU over the course of the summer, according to the article, has been one case. One or two cases a pandemic do not make. I'm sorry, they just don't.

The missus wonders out loud from time to time why I listen to or watch the talking heads on the left if I'm so up-in-arms when it comes to wanting them out of power and out of politics. I do enjoy the gnashing of teeth and the pigtail twisting on the left when they cry like a bunch of sissies when they don't get what they want.

The name calling and the Trump bashing tells you all you need to know about just how warped they are and what they're capable of doing when backed into a corner. They do stick together so the messaging is consistent if one is to trying to tease out who to listen to or whom to watch. It's just not time well spent unless you're into that sort of thing.

You can tell when they are going balls-to-the-walls on an issue because everything you watch or listen to is not unlike a synchronized swimming exercise. Whatever station you turn to you can expect to hear the same thing. The faces and personalities are different but the storyline is scripted and presented with gusto but nothing over the top. It's all-hands-on-deck and steady as she goes.


Maybe it's me but the talking heads I see on the telly, especially when they bring on politicians like Maxine Waters, look every bit like the moonbats you might expect to see if you took one hundred liberals and put them in the same room. I mean, we're talking looney tunes. They all want two kill babies and pay restitution to people who have never been slaves. That's just for starters.

And then, when their wet dreams begin to fade because the political winds have shifted, the messaging grinds to a halt. You'll never hear them after the fact lamenting that they've lost this or that battle to the opposition. They'll move on to the next battle and the next battle after that. Their progressive counterparts on the radio will continue to wage war and threaten to go nuclear on members of their own party for not towing the line and getting on board with the latest and greatest. The script remains the same and only the players change from day to day.

It's probably a little premature to be taking a victory lap on the taking down of Biden's signature $3.5 trillion dollar boondoggle of a bill. It's down but not out as I sit here this morning. It looks like they're going to have to settle for something less and that is not what the progressives put Biden in office to do. If his party can't get the job done, it could mean less support at the polls come Election Day in 2022. With support from his own party already on the wane because of Biden's long list of abject failures, less support from the progressives means a defeat of epic proportions for the democrats in the House in 2022. There is light, albeit not much, at the end of the tunnel. Let's hope it's not a freight train.

Did I tell you that I bought a pair of Croc's? I've always thought Croc's on guys looked a little gay but I'm now willing to rethink that now that I own a pair. It's funny how that works. I had been slipping on a pair of the Ev man's sandals that were lying around the house when wanting to put something on my feet but they never fit quite right. I own a pair of slippers but they're lined and lined slippers don't cut the mustard in the middle of the summer. I was getting little tired of them anyway so there's that. Now that I have them in-house and on my feet, they are, in a word, the bees knees. Just what the doctor ordered!

And now, that POS Biden, has extended his jab mandate to the Border Patrol Agents. Like they don't have enough bullshit to deal with and now there's this. That mother fucker is looking to decimate their ranks so he can take down every last obstacle to every illegal alien who wants to come into our country. How is this not treason? Does our Constitution not task him, as demented a Commander-in-Chief as he is, with protecting our borders? What is it going to take for our nation to wake up? I mean we're talking about caravan after caravan of dirt poor and illiterate migrants coming from god only knows where crossing willy nilly into our nation and no one seems to care.

I got sucked (pun intended) into watching this show on Netflix called Midnight Mass. I don't even know how to describe it. It's that twisted. It's sort of a cross between "True Blood" and The "Exorcist." That should probably tell you how many flicks in this genre that I get around to watching. I'm watching the last episode now and it resembles something of a zombie apocolypse movie so, as you can see, it's all over the place. If I had to guess, I would say that the Catholic Church wouldn't be too happy with this show seeing as how it portrays their religion and it's practitioners as a facade of everything that is righteous and true while, behind the scenes, blood sucking pastors and winged vampires posing as angels concoct a scheme to ravage the communicants in an otherwise sleepy seaside community.

Needless to say, I'm watching this alone. You know how the missus has a hard time watching shows that are weird and gory. The first episode or two started off innocently enough but things started going sideways and she told me in no uncertain terms, as she is prone to do, that I was on my own. I like sideways so I was good to go. I'm all in favor of only watching shows together that we can agree on although she does have some shows that only she watches and vice versa. And then there are those shows that we think we're going to like but they veer off in one direction or another where one or both of us lose interest.

I make an effort to review the show or shows we're wanting to watch so that we know what to expect once the lights go down. I like a good whodunnit but you can't find one these days that doesn't involve a corpse. I'm not complaining but I'm just making the observation. I enjoy a good cold case flick as much as the next armchair detective and I may even prefer it to something more mundane like a documentary on the band, "The Who." They're going to run out of cold cases to solve sooner or later? Right? As long as our society continues to produce prolific killers like Ted Bundy and Charlie Manson, I think we'll not be out of the woods when it comes to having cold cases to solve.

This was supposed to be the week when the democrats in Washington passed either everything Biden wanted in his signature legislation or, conversely, when everything fell apart and collapsed on its own weight. As I sit here this morning, there are a couple of heroes on the left that seem to be stopping this boondoggle from crossing the finish line.

Thank you to Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema for keeping any hopes of killing this bill in the crib alive. These are two fearless senators who know that this leftist legislation is a budget buster and not in the best interests of the American people. If they can hold the line against the intense pressure they are likely to face from their peers and their leftist constituents, and have been facing right along, then Joe Biden's legislative wet dream will never see the light of day.

We'll need to bring the plants in soon. It's October 1 here on the Seacoast and we're seeing temperatures get down into the forties so it's time. God forbid we have any plants still out on the deck when the first frost arrives. I almost had the deck furniture put away a week or two ago but the missus was having none of it. Of course, we've not spent a moment sitting out there since she insisted that I leave everything up but that's neither here nor there. I even have some bird feeders that I need to move around before winter comes. It comes fast here in the Northeast so you can't let your guard down for a minute.

The missus ordered herself a nice Halloween wreath. I think I convinced her that the wreath would look better on her mum's door than ours. Living in one of those independent living facilities as she does, she has neighbors who have their doorways all gussied up with stuff that appears to be stuff that they just couldn't bear to throw away when they were in the process of downsizing.

Either that or it's indicative of the hoarding that is taking place behind closed doors and that's not a pleasant thought. Nonetheless, as you pass from doorway to doorway on your way to the main lobby or elsewhere you can't help but pause along the way to see what it is that people choose to put out for the world to see.

Mrs G has a few things of her own to share outside her doorway but it is minimalist at best. I'm not even sure that if I had to draw any conclusions about the woman behind the door based on what she has on display that I could do that with any sort of confidence. Knowing Mrs G as I do, I suspect that her minimalist approach is by design rather than happenstance.

So, I think the wreath with all of it's intricate artwork might have folks stopping by to admire it and, Mrs G, if she is so disposed, might surreptitiously tiptoe up to the peephole in her slippers just long enough to take as much pleasure as her little heart desires from seeing people eyeballing her new wreath. Shhhh.

The headline in the online newspaper the Huffington Post today reads, Kavanaugh Tests Positive For Covid." Is it me or are they really saying that they're hoping he will die a slow and painful death from the virus? Yes, I think I have the right take on this. Never mind that he's vaccinated and has no symptoms.

He is one of 6 conservative justices on the Supreme Court and wouldn't they relish the opportunity to have Biden replace him with a liberal justice. Biden has had no opportunity to put anyone up for a seat since there have been no vacancies. Thank the baby Jesus for that. The libs even tried to talk one or more of the older liberal justices on the court to retire so they could put up a younger justice. Anyway just a sick fucking headline from a sick leftist rag for their sicko fucking leftist readers. Don't get me going.