What About The Fingerprints?

Well, I guess it's time. Our refrigerator has been acting up lately and we've come to the conclusion that it needs to be replaced. So we went here and there looking for this deal or that deal and finally settled on one that I think we can live with. It certainly helped that the price kept coming down as we went along and when we finally reached the right price point we pulled the trigger. They will deliver the unit this coming Thursday.


Let me just say that I did not going down this path without a fight this time around. When the frost built up in the rear of the unit inside the refrigerator I pulled everything apart and defrosted the unit with the help of a hair dryer and a space heater before putting it all together again. Using YouTube to assist, I found the appropriate tutorials and got down to business. I was worried a little bit about the seal when I put it all back together again and that may have been my downfall. I gave it the old college try so I have no regrets. It's time to move on.

Ev called yesterday and said that he was coming home for a bit. I wonder sometimes if he just gets bored and looking for a change of scenery decides that spending time in his bedroom here at home does the trick for him. Then again, sometimes I think he just likes to get the hell out of Dodge as the saying goes. I've been doubling up on my purchases at the local grocery store so he doesn't have to go shopping and that may be part of the allure of coming home. We ordered out for dinner and topped it all off with a nice piece of key lime pie from Trader Joes before he left for home in the early evening.

Nancy and I both agreed that Evan looked good. That isn't always the case just so you know. Nobody knows better than his mother and I when he is doing well and when he isn't. Eating right is part of it and staying on top of his duties as a single man out and about on the town is another part of it. We wish he would bring his clothes home for his mom to wash but he never does. Maybe he is trying to impress us with just how independent he is but when he shows up looking occasionally disheveled or worse we are on to him. There is always something to work on when it comes to your children. Ain't that the truth?

I'm liking this red state blue state thing when it comes to states opening up or not opening up as we flatten the curve and get on with our lives. Red states are opening up left and right at a rate that allows their citizenry to get back to a semblance of what they left behind before this all began. Blue states have delayed opening up and in many cases have pushed their opening beyond what most people feel is reasonable or sane.

Most people, realizing that this coronavirus thing is not the 2020 version of the Bubonic plague despite the number of casualties to date and the number of "news" networks forecasting doom and gloom, want now to get on with their lives and that means opening up again and getting back to business. Governors of the blue states seem to be taking their marching orders from Nancy Pelosi and gang and seem to believe that the longer they stay shut down the better the chances are that President Trump will lose to Joe Biden in the Fall.

Trump has been very vocal about getting back to business to the point of sending out tweets with the admonishment to the blue state governors to "listen to the people and get back to business." The red states that have opened up have not seen spikes in deaths, hospitalizations, etc., as forecast by the Main Street Media. People are waking up to the contrast between the two visions being offered by our politicians and they are coming down on the side of staying safe while protecting those who need protection and letting everyone else get on with their lives. "Vaccine or no vaccine," according to Trump, "we're reopening."

That is to say, the virus hasn't turned out to be nearly as deadly as what the models all predicted and we simply can't shut down what was arguably the best economy in the world given what we now know about this so-called pandemic. Trump's case has been bolstered here and there with stories of Americans across our country who have opened up their shops in contravention of existing edicts by blue state governors that their businesses stay closed. Some have even been jailed which has effectively elevated them to the status of "folk hero" in the eyes of their countrymen.

For those not paying attention this is precisely what people voted against when they voted to support Donald Trump in 2016. It is precisely what they will be voting for in November 2020 when they go to the polls to elect a president for the next four years.

They want someone like Trump, someone who will stand up to the radical leftists when they do the things that radical leftists do. They want someone like Trump who isn't afraid to call out the radical leftists and their enablers in the Main Street Media. They need someone who will be a firewall against the craziness on the left and there is only one person on the face of the planet who fills that bill as I sit here today.


But I digress. I love Peet's coffee and have ordered it here and there through the years. In the last year or so I've been ordering a nice dark roast a pound at a time online and when selecting a grind I have been choosing "espresso." It is, as a matter of fact, my beverage of choice when having coffee these days so that's what I do. Imagine my surprise when I went to their website to order more coffee only to discover that they have the coffee that I like but they no longer offer the espresso grind as an option. When I called asking if it was an oversight of sorts on their website they assured me that it was not.

They are no longer offering the espresso grind due to the coronavirus pandemic and blah blah blah. I hung up before they finished their sentence. I know, I know. That's not very nice and Nancy hates it when she sees me doing it. I've had it up to here (Johnny holding his hand palm down just above his forehead) with excuses that people come up with because of this damn pandemic. I don't care if it is true. That doesn't mean that I have to like it. It doesn't mean that I can't express my anger and irritation when I'm feeling annoyed. I think I'm done with Peet's now. Fuck em. They made their beds, let them sleep in it.

It's not like there aren't a million other places to buy coffee, is it. And my coffee stocks are lasting longer these days because I'm making espresso day in and day out. That means I'm having to buy it less often which gives me more time between purchases to contemplate my next purchase and where it might it come from. We've sampled a lot of blends over the years by ordering online but none have really grabbed me if you know what I mean. So it really comes down to Starbucks and Peet's if I'm wanting a nice dark roast. Maybe I'll come around some day where Peet's is concerned. Until then, I guess I'm stuck with Starbucks. Life could be worse.

Nancy asked that I get the back deck squared away so she can get her seedlings out there and situated. More specifically, she needed a table on which to put all of her things and that task was squarely in my wheelhouse and my wheelhouse alone. But it's never that easy. It's always more than meets the eye.

It's the blue patio umbrella that needs to come out of the garage and inserted up through the middle of the table; it's the outdoor rug that needs to be taken out of the garage, inspected, cleaned if necessary, and laid down beneath the table; it's the four metal/fabric deck chairs that accompany the table that need to come out of the shed and placed at equally spaced intervals around the circular table; and it's the repositioning of the bird feeders on the deck so they are more aesthetically pleasing to the eye while still functioning as originally intended. Yes, darling. Whatever you want. You really think the deck needs staining?

It looks like rain this morning but it's not supposed to rain for a few days yet. I bought a couple of bags of compost for the garden so want to get that down before the next rain. Maybe I'll do that today in addition to the other things that I need to catch up on around the house. Our garden was largely unproductive last year and I attribute that to the absence of a good fertilizer. It's not a big garden but it's big enough to support a few of Nancy's favorite flowering plants and a handful of tomato plants. Let's see if that compost makes a difference.

Nancy wants to tidy up a little bit before the new refrigerator arrives this coming Thursday. I'm thinking that we need a game plan around moving the food that we now have in the refrigerator out of the old refrigerator and into the new refrigerator. The timing has to be just right. We can't start it when they get here with the new unit. That will be too late. They won't stand around while we're shuffling things in and out. If we know precisely when they plan to arrive then we can time everything to make sure that the cold things stay cold and the frozen things stay frozen. What did we do that last time around? Who remembers?

I assured Nancy that the delivery men will more than likely be wearing masks when they arrive as a precautionary measure in order to protect themselves from contracting the dreaded coronavirus. We should be wearing our masks as well when they arrive. We'll be sure to tip them handsomely while thanking them for their prompt and professional service. There shouldn't be any issues with getting the unit through the door since they are replacing a unit that may be fractionally larger than the one they are delivering.

Now that I think of it, I don't think Nancy has any plans to be here when they arrive. She does, however, have plans to wipe down everything in sight with Lysol or some similar disinfectant after they depart. I think that is a tad over the top but if it makes her feel better than I'm down with it. We'll never use all the disinfectant we purchased at the outset of this pandemic so use it liberally is what I say. Did I mention that our new refrigerator is stainless steel? It's basically the same manufacturer but a newer model and a new look. It didn't make any sense to replace a white refrigerator with another white refrigerator. But what about the fingerprints? What about the fingerprints?