Out With The Old

You knew it was just a matter of time before US soldiers were killed in the Middle East. The only question was, when, where, and how many? Biden's responses to attacks against American forces thus far have been performative at best. That is to say, they've blown up a few tool sheds and unoccupied tents in Yemen and other shithole countries but, beyond that, not much. God forbid that Biden anger his paymasters in Iran, to whom he's been trying to give the means to build a nuclear bomb since getting in office in 2021. Everyone knows the culprits targetting Americans are Iranian proxies, yet they receive assurances from the Biden Administration daily that we are not looking to engage them or otherwise go to war with them over overt acts committed by their proxies against American forces. So, now we have three Americans dead, and there are reports of refueling tankers heading to the Middle East. I thought we had 10,000 men and countless aircraft carriers off the coast of Israel. Did we not have a plan all along in the event that Americans were targeted or killed? Is this just more smoke and mirrors? More flatulence than competence? You be the judge.


The way things are going in Congress, I'm not sure that Ukraine is going to see another penny of American money. The latest rallying cry by those pushing Congress to do the right thing is, "no border protection, no money for Ukraine or Israel." I saw another headline just yesterday about the theft of US funds by Ukrainian criminals looking to siphon off funds that Congress had otherwise approved for the purchase of military equipment and armaments. There are a lot of Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs living high off the hog with stolen monies, while other headlines reveal that the conscription of Ukrainian forces is at an all-time low. In other words, even if they had the proper means to fight a war against Russia, no right-minded Ukrainian parent wants to send their child into the meat grinder on the Russian front. Ukraine has also, at least thus far, been unsuccessful in dragging the lot of NATO into its war with Russia. The only question left to be answered is, how much of Ukraine will remain in Russia's hands after the conflict has run its course.

Is there anyone out there in their right mind who doesn't think that we have a day of reckoning coming down the pike? I'm talking about our porous borders and the infiltration of our country by bad-ass actors who would wish us harm. Don't tell me that you thought Joe Biden was welcoming them into our country so they could enjoy an upgrade in their lifestyle. How are we supposed to parse out the various terrorists and the myriad of shithole countries that they've come from and what they may or may not have in common when it comes to their dastardly plans? The Chinese waltzing into our country across the southern border, all military-aged men, I might add, might have one thing in mind for us, and the so-called refugees from Syria and Somalia might have something entirely different in mind. Is this simply a case where any number of organizations, from Soros to the World Economic Forum, are effectively lining the pockets of Joe Biden and his extended crime family to grease the skids for illegal aliens regardless of their intentions once they arrive? And then you have the Mexican Cartels. Don't tell me that Joe Biden isn't getting a piece of that action.

A reporter asked John Kirby, Biden's National Security spokesperson, whether or not the President was going to be on hand when they fly the remains of the three reservists into Delaware. Not surprisingly, Kirby's response was noncommittal. Just when you think we have a Commander-in-Chief who has enough common sense to know an opportunity when he sees one, especially in an election year, his spokesperson lets us know otherwise. I don't want to drag race into the equation, but are blacks an important voting block for Biden or not? That's a rhetorical question. Did I mention that all three of the victims are black? Did I also mention that these heroes who gave their lives for our country, never mind that they were blown to smithereens while asleep in their barracks, hail from the great state of Georgia? Georgia, a state that Biden needs to win in November. That tells us a lot about what Biden's handlers think he can and cannot manage. I'm guessing that what that means is that his handlers think that they can't trust Bumbles to act or say the appropriate things, so they are better off not having him attend together. Never mind that the event is a stone's throw away from his vacation home in Delaware where he's spent 39% of his presidency.

Then you have Biden's clown of a press secretary on television saying something to the effect that these "folks" died while fighting on behalf of Biden's "Administration." I'm thinking to myself while listening to this complete idiot, you have got to be kidding. Since when are our soldiers fighting on behalf of an "administration"? Never mind that she referred to our soldiers as "folks." She couldn't even bring herself to mention their names. She couldn't bring herself to honor their deaths on behalf of a grateful nation by giving voice to these fallen heroes and saying their names aloud for all to hear. She has one fucking job as a spokesperson for the President of the United States. Is doing your damn job too much to ask. Maybe the leftists running the White House think that they have this thing in November all sewn up with Taylor Swift swaying any undecideds their way with her endorsements of this and that uber-leftist cause like abortion, etc., but I'm telling you here and now that right-minded "folks" see what the hell is going on in our country and are planning, to a person, to take the lot of them out with the trash on Election Day. From my lips to God's ears. Right?

I think Congress, or maybe a committee in Congress, is voting today on whether or not to impeach Secretary Mayorkis. He's the cunt in charge of everything immigration-related for the Biden Administration. I think it's been a hundred years or more since someone in his position has been impeached so this is a big deal. The Senate is unlikely to remove him from office, but that's almost immaterial at this point. Biden would just replace him with another globalist, and he or she would likely arrange for even more illegal aliens to enter our country if that's even possible. We need to send a message that what Mayorkis has done to our country with the explicit approval of Joe Biden's White House cannot stand. Greasing the skids to allow 8-10 million illegals into our country since Biden's inauguration is beyond comprehension and will likely not end well for either the illegal aliens or the citizens of our great country. I'll just say this one more time because it bears repeating: If you don't have a border, you don't have a country. For illustration purposes, Denver, Colorado, has a population of 713,000 citizens. They also now have 40,000 illegal aliens in addition to the 713,000 thanks to Joe Biden's immigration policies. We should be impeaching Biden for his gross malfeasance on the immigration issue, but Mayorkis seems to have taken center stage instead. Let's get this party started.

You know what else pisses me off? I've seen a couple of photos on Twitter these last two days of Biden sitting at the head of a table in a room surrounded by his National Security people where they are presumably discussing strategies on how to respond to the killings of three of our soldiers by Iran or their proxies. Biden looks all pensive and presidential, which is the first clue you have that this thing is an AI-generated fake. Biden's bib is nowhere to be seen, and there is no oatmeal dripping from his chin - another clue that this photo they're circulating is about as fake as Dolly Parton's tits. His crib sheets, or his cue cards, are nowhere to be seen and you know he doesn't go anywhere with his cue cards. His handlers were tickled that it projected Biden in just the right light. They weren't done. Not even a day later, they put out a photo of Bumbles sitting in a similar room, but he's no longer at the head of the table. Rather, he's sitting aside his security people wearing fatigues. He looks about ten to twenty years younger, and there's a hint of innate intelligence on his creaseless face. The lengths his handlers will go to to make Biden something he's not is, in a word, disturbing. How fucking stupid do they think we are?

The Fed guy, Jerome Powell, comes out today around 2 PM and does what Fed heads do every other month. They bob and weave, and they weave and bob, and then they bob and weave some more. Stop with the bobbing, mother fucker. Are you cutting rates? Are you raising rates? Are you leaving rates unchanged? What's the plan? Or, in Fed-Speak, what's the guidance? This is an election year, so Powell probably needs to be a little more accommodative than he might otherwise want to be. Does that mean he talks more and not less about rate cuts and their inevitability? Maybe he thinks he can take this opportunity to take the stock market down a few notches to let off a little steam after three straight months or so of gains. That might have investors clamoring for a return of Donald Trump to the Oval Office, so I think that's unlikely. I'm of the opinion that everything coming out of our government, including Powell's mouth even though the Fed is not a government entity, between now and the election in November is designed to further the narrative that everything is just fucking ducky. Put on your rose-colored glasses and come on in. The water's fine.

A video circulating on social media yesterday showed a group of about five or six illegal aliens getting the best of two of New York City's finest on the streets of New York. I think the illegals gave the cops a good thrashing by the looks of things. They could have killed the cops. None of that surprises me. We all know that Trump was right when he said that they're not sending their best. He was right when he said that these so-called shithole countries around the world are emptying out their prisons and their mental institutions and sending them to our country. The part of the story that gets me is that they collared these ne'er do wells and then promptly released them. Had these cretins been American citizens, they would have been dragged before a judge, adjudicated as a threat or a menace to the public, and then summarily put behind bars. Releasing these thugs sends altogether the wrong message. Rob, pillage, and kill at your pleasure. You'll not spend a day in jail. I'm quite sure that every city in our country has been instructed by Biden's Department of Justice that these illegals are not to be detained or arrested and that no records are to be kept if and when they run afoul of the law. Don't expect the media to look into any of it.

This Neuralink stuff is interesting. Implanting a chip in someone's brain as a brain-computer interface doesn't get any more futuristic. Leave it to Musk to come up with this shit. I saw someone liken it to Musk's production of the Tesla where the car is a useful prototype but not quite there yet. So, you implant a chip into the brain of a person who is physically compromised in one way or another, and you let the chip do its thing. Maybe it allows him or her to do things that they couldn't before they implanted the chip. That would be a good thing. Will it allow a man or woman to walk who otherwise can't? Will it allow them the luxury of thinking that they are mobile when they're not? Will it allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear? I'm punching well above my weight here so I should stop while I'm ahead. For people and their loved ones who have nothing to lose, maybe this is what the world needs. A little hopium goes a long way. God bless the person who stepped up to the plate and gave Musk and his team the approval they needed to move forward with the project/implant. To quote Neil Armstrong, "One step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Roxbury, Massachusetts, is a largely black municipality located in Boston proper. There was a story circulating yesterday about a Walgreens store in Roxbury that is closing its doors. Everyone is up in arms from the people who live in Roxbury to the politicians who represent that district and spend their waking hours elsewhere. The closure of Walgreens means that people who rely on the drugstore for their medications and foodstuffs will have to take their business elsewhere. There is probably no question that this will represent a hardship for many of their elderly customers. According to the article, "Walgreens has cited changes in the market and buying habits of customers as factors in their decision." That's a nice way of saying that they are sick and tired of getting robbed every time they open their doors. The law-abiding citizens of Roxbury can thank the miscreants of their community for screwing the pooch if that's the appropriate euphemism. Before I paint the citizens of that community with too broad a brush, it probably bears mentioning that the recent and ongoing influx of illegal aliens into Roxbury likely played a not-insignificant part in Walgreens' decision to close its doors. You reap what you sew, motherfuckers.


Bumbles Biden was in Florida the other day raising money for his campaign. Florida is a pretty red state these days so not sure where he found a friendly venue to try and sell his bullshit. He was actually quoted as saying that they (Democrats) plan to win Florida this coming November. That's some serious stage-5 dementia shit right there. His comments might have been more believable had he said that they planned to steal the Florida election. That would surprise no one. Bumbles is now heading down to East Palestine, Ohio. You may recall that he snubbed the residents of East Palestine after a train derailment in that town that turned into an ecological disaster. Trump went to the town and did what every good politician does when that sort of thing happens. Honestly, no one was surprised that Biden didn't pay a visit because East Palestine is in the heart of Trump country. Biden didn't even bother to send his half-wit Vice President, Kamala Harris. I'm just not sure what Bumbles thinks he's accomplishing by going into these Trump strongholds.

And what the hell is up with the polls? One reputable pollster had Trump winning six of the seven swing states and all seven when the third-party candidates were on the ballot. The very next day, Quinnipiac came out with a poll that has Biden winning with an impressive six-point lead over Trump. They can't both be right. Is there anyone out there with half a brain that thinks that Biden is beating Trump by six points? Our world is on fire, and we have an invasion of illegal aliens, and those are just two of many nightmares brought to us by the enfeebled and demented Joe Biden and his clown car of an administration. Speaking of clown cars, will the media please stop giving interviews to that neocon piece of shit, John Bolton. He's on a tear going from network to network ripping Trump on behalf of the deep state and neocon Nikki, or should I call her by her real name, Nimrata, Haley. I have the give the guy on News Nation credit for reminding Bolton of the progress made in the Middle East while Trump was president. I'm not talking about Chris Cuomo.

Speaking of those 40,000 illegal aliens descending on Denver, Colorado, I watched CNN cover that story on television last night. The CNN guy walked from tent to tent asking how the illegal aliens were making out in the cold weather. I was thinking to myself, let's see how many of these illegals choose to remain in Denver when the really nasty winter weather arrives. Maybe a winter in Denver is just what they need to make them rethink their coming to the United States. Instead of asking Denver residents to take these illegals into their homes, Denver would be smart to offer them free transport back to the shithole countries from which they came. By the way, where did these itinerant illegals get these thousand-dollar tents and five-hundred-dollar sleeping bags? I don't know how anyone can be sympathetic to the plight of these criminals when we already have an underclass of homeless and less advantaged Americans who rely on the largesse of these communities and whose lives are now at risk because illegals are sucking up all the resources. Nobody seems to give a shit about Americans who are down on their luck and living desperate lives. It's all about the illegal aliens now. That is not the America I know.

Another shocking number I saw yesterday was the 26,000 people coming across our southern border from China. Wut? Are you fucking kidding me? You know no one gets out of China without the express consent of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). Right? Just out of curiosity, why would the CCP want to send 26,000 men of fighting age to a country halfway around the world? Not just any country, mind you. We're the United States of America. Yes, they want freedom and all that bullshit, but I'm guessing that the CCP isn't all that interested in what they want. It's all about what the CCP wants. In the words of the inimitable Joe Bumbles Biden, let me be clear. The CCP wants to destroy the United States. They want to be top dog and they'll never be top dog with the United States occupying that rarified air. What if, you ask, the CCP has the sign-off from their man in the White House thanks to payments to him and his criminal spawn over the last few decades to do as they please? Imagine the weaknesses they could exploit. Today, it's 26,000. By the end of Bumble's first term, it could be fifty thousand. How many battalions is that? And all this time I'm thinking I need to brush up on my Spanish to prepare for what I thought would be a seasonal surge of fruit and vegetable pickers from Mexico and points south. Wrong.

I'm also hearing warnings about the Chinese targeting our water supply. If the Chinese already on our soil hadn't considered this possibility, they're all over it now. The FBI ought to keep these paranoid fantasies of theirs to themselves. While they're at it, try to track down a few of these people and put them on the first flight back to Beijing. How would they target our water supply exactly? And, why bother when we know they have all of these so-called bio-weapons at their disposal? Flip the lid on a test tube and let the chips fall where they may. Besides, who needs to try and break into a city's reservoir carrying a hundred-pound satchel of fentanyl? Did I just do what I'm accusing the FBI of doing? Do I need to keep my paranoid fantasies to myself? And, what would be the point of targeting our water supply? What would be the point of killing Americans in such large numbers? Is it all about creating chaos and unleashing terror in our citizenry? Does this have anything to do with one political party or the other trying to gain an unfair advantage in the upcoming presidential election in November? Just thinking out loud here.

I was chatting with my brother from another mother last night about the headsets recently released by Apple. I don't know what they do exactly and I really don't much care. I think the suckers retail for something like $3,500. What on God's good earth is worth that kind of money? I'm a big Apple fan, but I'd also be the first to admit that Apple is not the Apple it was back in the day when Steve Jobs ran the joint. Surely, they have first-rate iPhones and a nice slate of computing devices that go a long way to supporting their $3 trillion market cap. The problem and my bro agrees, is that Apple hasn't come out with anything new in ages. I'm still waiting for Apple to update their watches with the functionality that allows the user to test his or her blood sugar. That's just one example. I don't know, and I didn't ask if my brother, who owns a few shares of Apple stock, might be thinking that he might want to sell his Apple holdings while they're at an all-time high. He just sounded skittish, if you get my drift. Even more interesting is the fact that he hasn't upgraded his iPhone 13 pro max to the Titanium 15. He's always upgraded to the latest model, until now. "There's just nothing new", he said. That's what I'm talking about.

I thought that hair-brained judge in New York was going to decide Trump's fate by January 31st. This is the case brought by the nutjob District Attorney who accused Trump of conducting his business affairs in such a way that disadvantaged his fellow real estate developers. It was all about his providing financials to lenders that led them to believe that the properties he held as collateral were worth more than they were. I probably don't have that down exactly, but that's the jist of it. The proposed penalties for doing what every other real estate developer does and continues to do today are the loss of his license to do business in New York and a fine in excess of $300 million. I'm thinking the judge in this case hasn't ruled by his self-imposed deadline because the powers that be in New York City are probably warning him that this precedent could have every Tom, Dick, and Harry who owns a two-story building or greater selling their properties and getting the hell out of the State before the District Attorney comes for their businesses. Marxism is their goal, but they have to be careful not to kill the golden goose in the process. They simply are not going to let some two-bit fool in a black robe decide the fate of the city in his desire to humiliate and bankrupt the man most likely to be the next president of the United States. The dog has caught up with the car. Now what?

Is it true that Volvo is cutting the funding for their affiliate that produces electric cars? Man, that is great news. That is great news for the consumer and a bitch slap for the climate change cultists. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a trend in the automobile industry. I also think I hear that either Ford or GM are taking heavy losses on electric cars and trucks. They're just not selling. Nobody wants the fucking things. It's a damn battery on wheels if you must know the truth. You can't charge them fast enough in the Winter, and they are exponentially more expensive to fix when you break something. They sure are pretty to look at, and I'm talking about the Tesla here. Tesla owners will wax on and on until the cows come home about their cars, but I see enough Teslas on the secondary market at discount prices to know that not everything is unicorns and rainbows, even when it comes to Teslas. Sorry, Elon, not sorry. Also, keep in mind that these cars and trucks have been foisted on us by the Biden regime and their endless quest to achieve their zero-carbon wet dreams. How the automobile industry bought into the craze is beyond me, but they may not have had a choice. What they can't and won't do, for long anyway, is operate at a loss just to meet some sicko standards set by a demented old fool in the White House.

So, Bumbles Biden decides to be on-site in Delaware when the plane comes in carrying the bodies of three soldiers killed recently in a drone attack in Jordan. You figure that everything is political between now and the election in November so it would behoove Joey not to show up and pay his respects as Commander-in-Chief. He was there with his wife, Jill "fishnet stockings" Biden, and Austin, his Secretary of Defense. So far, so good. I watched none of the coverage, so I don't know what lengths the networks may have gone to in order to conceal his dementia-related behaviors. One curious observation that I learned about after the fact was that none of the families of the deceased who were also at the airport that day were allowed to be anywhere near the President and his entourage. There were no photos of Bumbles embracing the weeping parents or sniffing the hair of their children in ways we are all too familiar with. No parents were comforted by the president or his creepy wife, and they were clearly out of sight in the coverage provided by the networks. Were they afraid that the President might say or do something that might prove unsightly or unorthodox? If I recall, the last time Biden had occasion to do this sort of thing, he was caught several times looking at his watch. What's the hurry, Mr. President?

We finally got Mrs. G up and running with her new Apple TV. I think she likes it just fine, although she needs more practice with the remote in order to get the navigation piece down. You just can't predict how someone not familiar with how these things work will take to the task as it were. I think the missus and I were probably more frustrated than she was when we all sat down to walk her through how to use the remote. We probably made more out of things than we should have. Mrs. G just sat back patiently and even had a laugh here and there when she ended up navigating to places she had no intention of visiting. I might even go so far as to say she having a bit of fun trying it all out. She sent me two e-mails after the fact asking about things like passwords and subtitles so it's all good. She even said that she'd been watching the movie that she wanted to watch. It was "Flowers of the Killer Moon" or something like that. Mrs. G was having problems prior to getting the Apple TV in getting her Prime movies to show up on the screen on her Samsung television. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. Sometimes, she ended up clicking on the Prime icon, and it would just swirl and whirl a bit before telling her that it couldn't make the connection. That all goes away with the Apple TV. Good stuff.

Looks like Bumbles Biden won the South Carolina Democrat primary. I hear the numbers are down from 2020, which should tell us something about the fact that nobody wants to put a demented buffoon, and a corrupt one at that, back into the White House for another four-year term. I'm not quite sure why his opponents in the primary did so poorly, but I'm calling foul even if they won't. It's no longer fashionable to question election outcomes don't you know. Is there any question in anyone's mind that the South Carolina primary was rigged for Dementia Joe? The Democrats are so desperate to put that old fool back in the Oval Office that there is nothing they won't do, including keeping his opponents off the ballot in states like Florida. No, really. It's true. The DNC saw to it. Bumbles was also not on the ballot in the New Hampshire primary, but he won the write-in vote by a pretty good margin. How does that work exactly? They are going to keep pushing the narrative that Bumbles is the best thing since sliced bread and our country needs his leadership for another four years. The fact of the matter is, the world can't afford to have this old fool anywhere near the levers of power for another day, much less another four years.

The missus and I finally bought a new television set. It's one of those smart TV's that's smarter than a fifth grader. I've had it up and running for a day or so, and I have yet to learn how to turn the damn thing off. User ineptitude aside, she's a thing of beauty. Everybody and their brother have one of these new wrangled OLED sets, but the missus and I are new to the ball game. The timing couldn't have worked out better. Our old TV was getting seriously long in the tooth. Just recently, we've started to see vertical lines appearing on the 40-inch screen, and yesterday, the entire screen had a pinkish tint to it, which only went away when I turned the telly on and off. The good news is that I had already placed my order for the new set and it arrived on the scene just in time to take out the old and bring in the new. The missus is happy with the picture but says that it sits too low on the stand we have it on. I ordered an adjustable stand from Amazon just last night, so I think we're going to be good to go once it arrives. I won't deny that the learning curve seems steep, but I think I'm up to the task.