Planting the Future

It would seem that Ev has a girlfriend. Not that he would admit to, mind you, but reading between the lines it would appear so. And maybe not in the traditional sense either. That is to say, he was invited to spend time with her on Memorial Day weekend at the lake and has since posted pictures of the two of them on his Facebook page. He doesn't talk to us about her. He doesn't speak her name or sing her praises. She could just be a good bud. I was telling the Nan that maybe, just maybe, this is a positive development. Babes can distract you from your wild and wanton ways like nobody's business. Maybe, just maybe, she can turn his attention away from the negative influences in his life just long enough to get him to see the light. Maybe these influences are not nearly as negative as we may suspect. You know how parents can be. If your kids aren't talking about it, it must be bad. But, I digress. Ms. Jones may be here today and gone tomorrow. That is just the way it is. Everyone moves on sooner or later. Especially at this age. If Ev were more forthcoming, he might even admit as much. But he isn't so he won't.

Waiting for my seeds to pop up in the garden is just painful. Can't say I care for going that route but I have the seeds in so there is no looking back. I even planted some lettuce-like seeds in our flower boxes after getting some advice from a friend at work. There where the soil is warmer and away from the cool temperatures that coat the evening soil like a wet blanket. Come on you little bastards. Show yourselves! Reach for the sun and get out of the darkness. Isn't that what you do? Isn't that your nature? The onion tubers I put in a couple of weeks back are doing wonderfully and I want the same for my lovely lettuce, beets, and pole beans. If only they would cooperate. What is a weekend gardeners to do? I am planning to add some tomatoes to the garden before the weekend is out and maybe a couple of other items since I seem to have the room. I don't think gardening is my cup of tea but it has a certain allure that I find hard to resist. That said, I'm not sure if the allure for me is in the planting, the nurturing, or the harvesting. Were I a man of considerable wealth, I would seriously consider hiring a person to do all of this for me. I am not so I am left to waiting and watching. All in good time.

I know he prefers to study with his mom and I'm okay with that. In fact, it takes me off the hook and for that I should be grateful. It's not that I couldn't help him study. It's not that I haven't offered over the years. Can't remember the last time I offered because his momma has always been there for him. She has been rock-solid in her support. She doesn't hold it against me that I don't help him study because she knows that he has very specific preferences in this regard. He has never voiced those preferences and I don't know to this day if he would prefer no help to my help. I'd rather not know truth be told. So I find something else to do when they hunker down and hunker down they do and on a regular basis. The only time I may feel any remorse or regret is when I find myself sitting in front of the tv or doing something else that can be even loosely construed as having downtime to myself when she is otherwise working the late shift with the Ev man. The late shift reference refers to the time she spends with him after putting in a long day at the office herself. I can see the exhaustion in her eyes; I can hear it in her voice; I can see her feet dragging; and I know the last thing in the world she wants to do is spend time helping Ev study. But she does and she does it without complaining. She will not begrudge her son even one minute of time if that is what he needs to succeed. She is saint.
