A Day In The Life

It's going to cost us a fortune to figure out what is wrong with Nancy's car. We have one more stop and one more chance before donating the stupid thing to a half way decent charity like Vehicles for Vets or other. It has a lot of miles so it may be prudent to give some thought to just scuttling the damn thing without spending another penny. And isn't there something to be said for the thought process that says that if you can't diagnose the problem then you shouldn't be charging me a dime for a repair that didn't do a damn thing to fix the problem? How much is too much to pay for a repair at this stage in the vehicle's life cycle?

File Dec 13, 6 38 54 PM

The larger picture is important to look at as well. Now that Nancy isn't traveling into Boston every day we really don't need two higher end vehicles so maybe a used car as a second car would do the trick. Nancy's car has served her well over the last eight years and it has survived eight long years of commuting into Boston and back and that is saying a lot. In laymen's terms, the car owes us nothing. I'm still trying to gauge Nancy's sentiment towards the car in light of the service that it has provided so that I can determine next steps.

I'm sitting here at 5:30 in the afternoon and it has been a nasty day weather-wise. It has been sleety, rainy, and icky the entire day and it continues unabated under the darkness of night. The roads are likely semi treacherous with temperatures hovering around 32 degrees and I'm happy that Nancy is now home after running errands the better part of the afternoon. Evan is out with friends so that will be a concern if he stays out too late and, as usual on a night where she has to get up for work the following morning, Nancy will sleep with one eye open until he arrives home safely. She might well ask the question: why does he always do this when I have to work the following day? I suppose if weather conditions weren't what they are she might be less concerned but that is speculation on my part. He is not out in one of our cars so our worries lie more with the designated driver than with Ev himself but as we know passengers are often at just as much risk as the driver when accidents occur.

I also have one eye on the senatorial race in Alabama today between Judge Roy Moore and Doug Jones. There is this psycho sexual sickness thing going round where the democrats think that if they can muck up allegations of sexual impropriety against the republican (Moore) then they can sway just enough voters to vote democrat or not vote at all thereby reducing the advantage the republicans have in the Senate to one seat instead of two. The good voters of Alabama are having none of it. You have to be careful about calling the women making the allegations liars in this highly politicized climate but when 6 or 7 of the women level these charges after nary a peep from them after 40-50 years then you have to wonder.

File Dec 13, 6 38 19 PM

It goes beyond skullduggery and the democrats, as is their nature, think nothing of it and probably look forward to framing the entire republican party should Moore win as complicit in their harboring of the "child molester" Roy Moore in the upcoming 2018 house and senate elections. The liberals are literally licking their chops at the prospects of regaining control of the senate and the house and have thrown one or two of their own overboard just to regain the moral high ground ahead of the upcoming races.

It certainly helped that Senator Al Franken and Congressman John Conyers had either pictures or settled lawsuits to cement their expulsion but nothing was really lost since both are likely to be replaced by democrats and not republicans. We need to start by getting the judge elected and that will hopefully be the end result later this evening. I'd like to think that Trump's robocalls for Roy Moore over the weekend were not for naught. I'll be sure to tune into CNN (Fake News) after the polls close so I can watch the liberals spilling their tears and spewing their hatred of all things republican, and by extension, Trump.

Well, so much for the Republicans winning the senatorial seat in Alabama last night. I had my hopes up just a bit too high and I'm sad to say Moore did not prevail. The wave of external liberal forces in the deep south state of Alabama in this race were just too great. It didn't help that the sitting senior senator in the great state of Alabama went on television the Sunday before the election stating in no uncertain terms that he would not vote for Moore and had already written in a candidate ahead of the election.

File Dec 13, 6 38 40 PM

Perhaps Moore's loss is a good thing in retrospect. The Dems will not be able to make that an issue in the months leading up to the 2018 elections and the republican party will not have Moore hanging around their neck like an albatross. We will give the devil his due this time around but this seat in Alabama is up again in a couple of years and it is unlikely that it will be retained by a democrat. In other words, the majority of Alabamians are not for open borders, late term abortions, anyone who is weak on the military and weak on crime. No sir. Now now. Not ever.

Uncle Wally has put out any number of documents on his server related to our family history. He is the keeper of the flame when and where it comes to historical matters and I think it a good thing that he has taken on that responsibility. Somebody has to. Right? There is seemingly no shortage of documents to work with but there are considerable lapses in time and somewhat thin threads of continuity that are not helpful when trying to construct a linear view of what has transpired over the last several decades. If you are looking for texture then there any number of handwritten letters that offer that and more. There are plenty of pictures dating back in some cases to the mid to late 19th century. There are references to businesses run in the mid 50's including balance sheets and income statements which seem to suggest that some but not all were reasonably successful. A family tree would be helpful to gain a better understanding of just how extensive the network is and was but that would surely be a herculean effort. For now, Uncle Wally done good.