Jesus Christ is a What?

Whaddup with this weather? It's cold! Brrrr! It's in the friggin mid 30's this morning. Too cold for mid September. What are we going to do when Fall arrives? Maybe we'll throw an extra blanket or two on the bed and call it a night. So much for global warming or whatever they are calling it these days. Al Gore, where are you? Whatever happened to those dire predictions about polar caps melting and sea levels rising across the globe. I think the latest reports show an ever expanding ice cap across vast sections of the Antarctic. At least we won't have to endure any more photos of polar bears swimming for lack of something more substantial underfoot. At least not for the time being. Maybe we can get back to seeing them in their element as the apex carnivores that they are. You now, sneaking up on walruses and seals as they rest atop ice floes and catching them if they can. They say that seal blubber is a true delicacy and a source of sustenance for animals and humans alike that live in the remotest of outposts on the planet. Don't mean to go all animal kingdom on you here but the seemingly premature frigid temperatures has me thinking about Al Gore and all things polar. Isn't that the same guy who took credit for inventing the internet?

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But my coffee is hot and I have an extra sweater on this morning to ward off the chill. The cold will also certainly will not stop me from going on my bike ride or mowing the lawn here before the day is out. Thank god for mindless tasks. I have a few things that I would rather not think about since obsessing about them will do me no good and may even do me harm. So, best to keep busy and that is what I intend to do. Did I tell you that I even brought in one of our plants this morning? I swear to god that the leaves on this schefflera plant that I brought into the house were about as vivacious as I've ever seen them. It was almost as though they were girding themselves against the cold and wanting to put on a brave and solidified front in the face of adversity. It is a little like the fall colors that creep across the landscape late in the year where with each passing day and with every day another drop in the temperatures the leaves find yet another reason and another way to reinvent themselves in the hopes of eking out yet another day of life. This is getting very sappy so I probably ought to change the subject. Speaking of trying to eek out another moment of meaning in the wasteland of what we affectionally refer to as "life."

"What are we going to do with my mother today?", my darling implored. "Well, we will go collect her and go to her favorite restaurant for a bite to eat", I responded. Sometimes we know where we're going and sometimes we don't. Sometimes it matters because we're hungry and we have just the place in mind the minute we arrive on her door step. Yesterday, we didn't know at the outset but ended up at Olive Garden after a short ride through the back roads of Portsmouth where I stopped by work briefly to ice up my glasses which I had left behind earlier in the day. I think this was the first time we've ever gone there with Mrs G but Nancy and I had been there at least once before. It was benign an experience as I remembered it once was all said and done. It didn't help that when we first entered the restaurant and were waiting to be seated Mrs G and I noticed someone wearing a black tee shirt with large white lettering which read, "Jesus Christ is a cunt." Really? It was astoundingly in bad taste but captured well the essence of just how far the average American has fallen when it comes to culture and moral depravity. It reminded me a little of one of the old Goodfella's films that I watched where the Godfather arrived at a restaurant and took considerable umbrage with some pissant at an adjoining table who was wearing his hat while dining. Let's just say that he wasn't wearing it for long. I can just imagine what the Godfather might have done had he seen what we saw. No wonder the Jihadists have it in for us. We are godless and despicable at our worst. Well, some of us anyway.