I'll be Damned

It's 2014, is it? Damn! I told myself that I would go back and have my journals from the last 5 years put into a binder of sorts for posterity's sake. That would include thoughts and such going back to when Evan was in high school so it may be worth keeping. I guess habits good and bad die hard. It may be worthwhile commenting on a few things going on this world that may or may not help to put things into perspective somewhere down the road. For example, the government has approved the testing of drones in several states in 2014. The government has been successful in deploying these unmanned aircraft in areas around the world to search out and destroy Al Quaida operatives and others who would do harm to American citizens. And now, with a track record of kills under their belt, the government wants to deploy these very same machines on American soil. They would tell you that it is for our own protection but we know better. One only needs to listen to the likes of Edward Snowden to know that they do not have our best interests in mind. It smacks of the worse kind of government intrusiveness and I can assure you that it is not what our founding fathers had in mind when they crafted our constitution. And another recent revelation from Snowden, as told in the German daily Der Speigel, is that the NSA actually intercepts laptop deliveries to US citizens in order to install spyware in order to spy on Americans. Enough already. We need to take our country back.


And these very same dogs in Government would use a tragedy where children were slaughtered by a drug induced schizoid in their very classroom in a place call Newtown, CT in order to rally the liberal establishment to restrict, reduce, and eliminate the availability of guns. What better way to emasculate the gun toting Americans who want no more than to use their firearms as intended and as protected under the second amendment to our constitution. They tried in vain to implement a ban on assault weapons in the wake of the disaster and Obama administration embraced the movement as their own. It failed miserably at the federal level although various liberal states found ways to pass their own laws which made gun ownership more difficult and more restrictive than ever.

And then there is Obamacare. It is the ill conceived program passed by the liberal establishment without so much as one republican vote which promises healthcare for all American citizens. It was clearly designed as yet another mechanism in the Marxist movement under the leadership and tutelage of the Obama administration in order to redistribute wealth amongst its citizens. Since when do we need the Government involved in the delivery of health care in our country? Is that not an ill conceived idea from the start? Were those unable to afford health care services before the program became law unable to find care when the need arose? They most certainly were. And now, just as the law is implemented and effective on January 1, 2014, there are 5 million Americans who have lost their insurance because their existing plans did not include those coverages mandated by the law. They were forced into signing up online for less in the way of coverage and more in the way of cost. The penalties for not signing up get progressively worse with the passing of time. But, god bless those who were previously unable to get insurance. They now have coverage and the rest of the population be damned. It is all about satisfying constituencies of the liberal establishment. A liberal establishment which promises even greater power to the liberal elite with the resurrection of the amnesty movement. Yes, another government program which promises to turn red states blue and blue forever more. God help us.