Is it Something I Said?

I'm guessing I've become a casualty of the Twitter purge where they are looking to banish conservative voices like mine and thousands of others like me. I think they define "conservative" as non-woke and anti-Biden and maybe a few other things that don't pass the smell test in the year of our Lord 2020. Just retweeting something can get you in hot water with the fascists that work behind the curtains on social media platforms like Twitter and maybe even Facebook. I will admit that some of my tweets have been edgy and maybe even distasteful but is that any reason to suspend me for life?


I do like the news feed aspect of Twitter and being the news junkie that I am I think it's a hard pill to swallow to no longer have access to that feed. Where there's a will, there's a way is what I say. I just signed up using another name and now tread lightly with my comments so as to stay under the radar. I was following close to 5,000 people on Twitter before they gave me the boot so re-following the lot of them will be a tedious task indeed. I also signed on to Parler which is Twitter-like but it doesn't have the following that Twitter does although that is changing for the better.

One thing I've noticed about using Twitter is that after using the platform for a while I'm less likely to take the time to sit down and read a book, maybe read a lengthy article, or do anything that requires an attention span of a two-year old. Ordinarily, I would say that moving on was just a natural and logical next step in the scheme of things but I like to read so there is a sense of loss when I give it up for however long or for whatever reason. And I'm not crazy about the fact that Twitter has turned me into this new fangled kind of reader or maybe, more appropriately, a consumer of headlines and not much more.

When it comes to Twitter, most of the people I follow are conservatives. There aren't too many people occupying the middle these days so you are either a conservative or a liberal. I think conservatives are still conservatives but the liberals have become something else altogether so I'm not even sure what to call them anymore. Knowing how batshit crazy they've become, I'm just not wanting to listen to their voices for any reason. The vitriol coming out of their mouths is just nonsense and more often than not it's anti-American.

You can tell when Trump is on the right track when the "liberals" start foaming at the mouth or show other signs of sheer lunacy in response to something he's done or said. I think the libs felt that Hillary was going to carry on the Obama legacy when she became president and when that didn't happen they just lost their collective minds. And when Trump started undoing everything that Obama put in place with his pen and his phone the libs and their deep state counterparts decided that resisting Trump simply wasn't enough.

They were going to go to war and the war continues today. Trump is having a rally here in Portsmouth over the weekend and the libs are signing up behind the scenes for tickets to the rally but have no plans to show up. They want the headline "Trump Rally Draws Fewer and Fewer Followers During Covid-19 Scourge" splashed here, there, and everywhere the day after the rally.

The BLM crazies are looking to threaten and intimidate Trump supporters on their way into the venue as another strategy to suppress turnout. As for their man, Biden, there will be no rallies, no questions by the press, nothing that would expose his weaknesses and there are many. The more time Sleepy Joe spends in the basement, the better.

Oh, well. The rally got postponed due to weather concerns and the number of people who might end up waiting in the rain or worse. On a brighter note, Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence last night. Roger was scheduled to go to jail for some four years starting next Tuesday and it was rumored that Trump might step in and do a commute thing on humanistic grounds.

The politicians are emptying the jails of rapists and murderers these days because of covid and, maybe to a lesser extent, to curry favor with the BLM crowd who want the jails closed for good. Trump supporters the likes of Roger Stone are a different story. They'e hoping at a minimum that Stone dies in prison. That would be a just sentence in their sick minds. That, they would relish and even celebrate.

I would say that to know Roger Stone is to love Roger Stone. The feds tried to get him to rat on Trump and telling lies to frame Trump would have been just fine if Stone were to "turn" on Trump. They underestimated the moral backbone of the man at the center of their plot and Stone would go to jail before he would fabricate this or that just to please the feds.


And Stone is a character, make no mistake about it. As a friend to the president, he's as loyal as they come. He'll continue his appeal to get his conviction overturned since the basis for everything they used to convict him, according to Stone himself, was found to be nonsensical and not worthy of leveling a charge much less having a jury of his peers convict him of same.

I tuned in to watch Anderson Cooper on CNN a little more than an hour after the commutation was announced and purposely turned off the sound. I wanted to see the anger splashing across his face as he pursed his lips, narrowed his glare, and clenched his teeth in reporting out that Roger Stone would not be going to prison thanks to the Presidents commutation. It was marvelous! If I could have only put it in a bottle and saved it for a time when I might savor it all over again I would have. I then turned to other stations like MSNBC that I never watch either and did the same with their nightly anchors. It was, in a word, delicious!

Am I triggered by the fact that DeBlasio and his cadre of far left losers, lunatics, and communists painted a BLM mural in front of Trump Towers in New York City? You bet I am. At the same time he has a call into the President requesting some $5 billion in aid to restore the city of New York that has been ripped apart over the last three months by the very same people that are now pushing those mops up and down the BLM letters while trying to stay inside the dotted lines so they can get it just right. Are they out of their fucking minds? That, of course, is a rhetorical question. Here's my assessment: No monies exchange hands while the BLM logo remains splashed across the road in front of Trump Towers.

Better yet, let's see how creative the Trump supporters can get while sorting out their options to remove the logo. A middle-of-the-night replacement by Trump supporters that turns the BLM logo into a MAGA logo would be nice. How hard would that be? It's about time we start to fight back. Let's take back our streets! Let's take back our government! Let's unleash the hounds of hell on these leftists bastards that make a mockery of our Republic.

If our founding fathers could only see that which is on open display coast to coast in these trying times. They might well have added a little P.S. to the Constitution to address those who would intentionally sully our Republic and have in hand any number of consequences so as to deter the forces at hand from ever wanting to go down that road in the first place. Pitchforks and platitudes will not get the job done when that day arrives. Maybe the ballot box is the place to settle these differences of ours as a nation. Maybe it's one of those elections where we get to vote on what we don't want rather than what we do want. Pick your poison!

Lastly, it didn't help with this whole Twitter thing that my iPad died just prior to my expulsion. I lost a lot of stuff I never backed up including contacts, screenshots, etc. Some of my peeps are probably wondering, what up? Where he be? As for my special peeps, fear not. I'm back in the saddle as of this morning and riding into the sunset with a smile. Yes, a bigly smile.