Shot Across The Bow

We're waking up today here in America to yet another stolen election. Gavin Newsom has apparently won a recall election in California. We'll see the usual crowing in the leftist media across the country about his "blowout" performance. Those of us who know better will simply say, "I told ya so." We saw this one coming from a mile away.


The leftists were not going to let a republican get control of their state and if stealing an election was required then that is what they were going to do. Never mind that the republican running for Governor was a black man. Larry Elder would have been California's first governor "of color." Yet, not a word about his historic run as a black man. When Obama was running for President, you never heard the end of his being the first black president. It's enough to make you puke.

I don't know about you but when any political party lays claim to anything much less the largest state in the union, it's time for the people pulling the levers in those voting booths to do the right thing and vote the party hacks out of office. It's hard to do that when it involves voting against your interests and the interests of your family and the politicians know this only too well. It's all about consolidating power and welding power in order to further their socialist wet dreams.

I'm not sure that we've crossed the rubicon as yet but it certainly seems that way knowing what we know this morning about the outcome of the California election. Turning states from red to blue is the path to political supremacy and the democrats wake up every day and continue to work towards that end. If it takes opening our southern border to hordes of illegal aliens who will help turn our red states like Texas from red to blue, then it's a small price to pay.

We're now two days removed from the California recall election. The AP reports that some 350k ballots cannot be found due to "staff error." I don't know about you but I smell a fucking rat. This is how they do it, folks. This is how they get away with their thieving ways. What's it going to take to get to the bottom of this? How are we ever going to get our country back with these criminals running the show?

Just when you think you've heard it all, there's this. Florida and other red states have been experiencing elevated levels of covid infections these last few months. One therapeutic drug regimen that has been very effective in managing the number of deaths and hospitalizations involves the use of a drug called Ivermectin. Increased use of therapeutics like Ivermectin has served as viable alternative for those not wanting, for whatever reason, to get the jab.

A red state doing well with therapeutics when the Biden Administration is trying desperately to mandate jabs for everyone across the country just doesn't sit well with Joey Biden and his cabal of criminals working out of the White House. They're simply not happy if people in these red states aren't dying and being stacked up outside hospitals like cordwood. They need that visual to support their narrative that without the jab people are going to die and, even better, those deaths will be at the hands of red state governors who are resisting mandates on behalf of their beleaguered citizens.

So what does Joey and his cabal of criminals do in response to this alarming report of people actually surviving the virus? That mother fucker decides to limit the amount of Ivermectin being delivered to Florida and other red states. Joey simply can't abide by the fact that conservative red state governors are resisting his mandate bullshit and, quite frankly, making him look like the addled old fuck that he is. I guess this is what Joey meant when he said that he was going to "run over" governors who resisted his mandates. I'm paraphrasing, but that is in essence what he said. Maybe there is something to be said for keeping one's word.

Speaking of Biden's disasters, what the hell is going on down on the Texas border with the hordes of Haitians? Last I looked, the crowd had swelled from 5k to 10k overnight and it's growing larger by the minute. Who can blame these people for wanting a better life? Fox News dispatched a drone team down to the border to monitor the mass gathering and report back to the American people as news organizations are prone to do. The aerial shots of swarming black bodies huddled beneath the overpass, row after row of tent like structures constructed of god only knows what, and all of this brought to living rooms and cell phones across the country was seemingly more than the Biden Administration could take.

God forbid that the American people should know what the Biden Administration is doing or not doing when it comes to managing our borders. Their plan all along has been to increase the number of democratic voters by swamping red states with illegal aliens who will then be given amnesty and ballots with which to vote for the democrats. It seems that the Haitian hordes, in all their glory, were simply a bridge too far (pun intended) for viewers across the nation. So much so, in fact, that the Biden Administration ordered an immediate no-go zone for all aerial flights of any kind over the area. That included the drones that FOX had in the air.

File this under "more than one way to skin a cat." Next thing you know, we have even better images and video brought to us by local television stations and police helicopters who have long since stopped caring about the concerns of the Biden Administration especially as it relates to Biden's open border policy. Going along to get along is so yesterday. Biden's blatant attempts to conceal their open borders shenanigans was even more infuriating to those Americans who bought into Biden's "we'll be the most transparent administration in history" bullshit. Enough is enough.


Again, if this is what the liberals are willing to subject our country to in the name of maintaining and perpetuating their political power, what will our country look like after they've achieved their unstated goals? Venezuela? Cuba? Russia? China? I'm not sure I want any part of an America the likes of which the Biden-ista's have teed up for us. In the interest of keeping out of the gulag, I'll temper my delivery as much as I can but it may not be enough to save me when the storm troopers come around looking for naysayers and wayward republicans with an attitude.

What is this I'm hearing now about Biden Administration wanting the nations banks to report out on accounts with balances greater than $600? Who are these Stasi mother fuckers? It isn't enough that that they hire an extra 80,000 IRS agents to muscle the American public into having to explain why they took an expense that they shouldn't have on their taxes? We're all criminals now? When does the flight of capital from the banks begin? When will we see customers lining up around the block looking to withdraw their monies from banks who have long since moved those funds to an offshore facility. I can hardly spell "cryptocurrency" but you can bet your bottom dollar I'm going to give a try.

And then they came for the owners of cryptocurrency. Isn't this some form of illegal search and seizure when it comes to sizing up my bank account without my consent. Whatever happened to my account, my money? Are they going to just help themselves and it will be my responsibility to prove that what I have in my account is legitimate? What if I'm trying to pay bills with the dollars they have "on hold"? Is this what the democrats voted for when they voted for this clown? Eighty-million people voted for Biden because they were hoping that he would deliver this kind of government? Will somebody on the Supreme Court get off their ass and do something before it's too late?

I was telling the missus that she ought to give Mrs G a bit of a hand when it comes to some of her accounts. It never fails that when we're over for a visit we spend an inordinate amount of time looking over Mrs G's shoulder while she tries to navigate this or that account. She has the navigation and the hand-eye coordination down pretty good but there are built-in pitfalls that are generally there for security reasons or other that leave Mrs G scratching her head. This is typically not unfamiliar territory to the missus so she may be able to pick up some of the more technical aspects of the task while leaving the sheer pleasure of the shopping experience, as it is, to Mrs G. Just a thought.

The Ev-man was over for his birthday the other day. He liked his presents enough and was pretty happy to have the things that we bought for him. We told him that he should check his mailbox for cards and such from other relatives but he doesn't much care to do that on any regular basis so there's that. I filled his tank with gas and returned something that his mom had confiscated from him maybe a week ago. I could tell that he was happy to have it back even though he didn't outright admit as much. We ordered our favorite dish from a local restaurant and Ev and I split that dish while his mom had a side salad and maybe a bite or two of what I had sitting in front of me.

I don't think there's much hope for the Ev man when it comes to keeping his car clean. It never fails. Every time I take it to put gas in it I end up doing a thorough cleaning which means at least four to five good handfuls of trash comes out. He makes more of an effort at home so I'm a little surprised that his car gets as messy as it does. Was I that bad when I was his age? He does a lot of take-out so that doesn't help. He also doesn't have anyone to impress at the moment so maybe he just couldn't care less. You know, someone to whip him into shape and teach him some of life's lessons as hard as they can be to learn sometimes. Maybe we should be satisfied that he keeps most of his appointments. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Occasionally, the Ev man will tell me not to clean out his car. He knows I do it out of whatever and that's fine. He knows that I do what I have to do because that's just me. I think there are times when he's asking me not to clean up his car because maybe I'll find something that he doesn't want me to find? There are other times when he'll go out to his car and maybe even remove whatever it is that he doesn't want me to find because he knows I'll be doing a deep dive when I start throwing away things that need to be thrown away. We're talking about half eaten sandwiches, leftover McDonalds cups half filled with cigarette butts (slight exaggeration), and empty Red Bull cans in maybe three out of the four cup holders in his car. I'll even do a little dusting to remove ash residue from god-only-knows-what that has fallen like snow across the dashboard and steering wheel column.

I have the ingredients to make chili so I think I'll put that on my agenda for today. I thought about making it yesterday but I had spent a fair amount of time cleaning the kitchen and I couldn't bring myself to make yet another mess that I had to clean up. The missus asked that I make a portion of the chili without meat for her and I reluctantly agreed. It just never works well when I have to tease out enough ingredients to make what I consider to be another dish that is unrelated in many ways to what I'm in the middle of making. I hope that doesn't sound too selfish.