Wasabi Dreams

That bike was easier to assemble that I thought it would be. You never quite know what to expect when they say, "assembly required." I could tell by the shape of the box when I first saw it sitting in my driveway that it was probably not a big job. Not a job that would require a lot of tools; not as job that would require a lot of muscle; not a job that would require more than a modest amount of intelligence or common sense; and certainly not a job beyond my abilities as currently assessed. You know when the tires come out of the box inflated you are more than likely good to go. You can also tell by the number of tools they give you as to just how big the job is. I recognized all the tools right away which is always a good sign. So Fischeryl was good enough to ask, and I will repeat here, just how I came to win this little bit of a bike. This little bit of a bike that looks to be just right. A Goldilocks bike if I've ever owned one. Not too heavy; not too light; not too fast; not too slow; just fucking right. Seems that I did something noteworthy at work and someone just happened to notice. It's one of those deals where you get to choose from a catalogue of items all within a price range. I've been complaining forever that my current bike has me bent over and almost gnarled from the experience and I'm just ready to put that behind me. So, this bike is just the trick. I am ready to rock and roll. Now I am just waiting for temperatures to get above freezing and the snow to disappear from the streets and I'll be good to go.

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I'm still interested in this so-called Net Neutrality bill that passed by a 3-2 vote at the FCC. It was one of those "you have to pass it to know what's in it" type of bills. Shades of Obamacare and Pelosi? All very hush-hush and influenced in no small way by the Obama administration. You can just guess the party affiliation of the three votes that pushed it over the top. So, the government runs our healthcare system; they now own and control the internet; The imperial leader of the democratic party sitting in the White House continues to disregard the Congress and the Constitution; and the Jihadists are infiltrating every country on the planet while Obama hosts the Muslim brotherhood at the White House. Did I mention that he and scary Kerry are working with Iran to ensure that they have the capacity to build a nuclear bomb in the near future. I would say to the Israeli's who are already flocking to Israel from many European countries to escape the antisemitic movement world wide that they should be scared. Very scared. This just cannot end well by any realistic measure. Netanyahu, the PM from Israel, will address our Congress in the coming weeks much to the chagrin and consternation of Obama and his sycophantic party members in the Congress on the dangers of arming Iran. The American people will hear the clarion call of a people on the brink of extermination. If they listen even more carefully, they will hear the echoes of their own freedoms becoming fainter and fainter until they disappear altogether.

Not sure why but I keep coming back to sushi. I seem to have acquired a taste for it somewhere along the line and every time I have it I just want more it. I really like the tuna sushi and I had some salmon sushi today which wasn't bad either. Not sure I would like it nearly as much without the wasabi and soy sauce but I'm willing and wanting to be surprised. One should be fickle and fearless when it comes to their cuisine. I do enjoy raw seafood and especially like raw oysters and clams when in season. They too are quite delicious with horseradish, lemon, and maybe a little cocktail sauce. Some people have trouble with the way oysters and clams go down. Not me. They can slither and slide but never dither until they are deep inside. Oh, Johnny, you are such a poet! And a lover of everything raw! Seafood, anyway. Maybe "dither" as a word doesn't work as precisely as it should but you get my drift. The sushi today came from a local high end supermarket where this little Japanese fellow peered out at me from behind the counter in a little kiosk designed to showcase his creations. He stopped doing what he was doing just long enough to acknowledge my presence and went back to his craft when I motioned that I was "just looking." I circled back after buying a few other items and when he wasn't looking I carted off one of those little plastic see through containers with four pieces of sushi and a few rice rolls tucked neatly from end to end. Not a steal at $8.95 but not a deal breaker either. It's good to live large once in a while.